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Job 7 :: New International Version (NIV)

Job 7:1“Do not mortals have hard service on earth? Are not their days like those of hired laborers?
Job 7:2Like a slave longing for the evening shadows, or a hired laborer waiting to be paid,
Job 7:3so I have been allotted months of futility, and nights of misery have been assigned to me.
Job 7:4When I lie down I think, ‘How long before I get up?’ The night drags on, and I toss and turn until dawn.
Job 7:5My body is clothed with worms and scabs, my skin is broken and festering.
Job 7:6“My days are swifter than a weaver’s shuttle, and they come to an end without hope.
Job 7:7Remember, O God, that my life is but a breath; my eyes will never see happiness again.
Job 7:8The eye that now sees me will see me no longer; you will look for me, but I will be no more.
Job 7:9As a cloud vanishes and is gone, so one who goes down to the grave does not return.
Job 7:10He will never come to his house again; his place will know him no more.
Job 7:11“Therefore I will not keep silent; I will speak out in the anguish of my spirit, I will complain in the bitterness of my soul.
Job 7:12Am I the sea, or the monster of the deep, that you put me under guard?
Job 7:13When I think my bed will comfort me and my couch will ease my complaint,
Job 7:14even then you frighten me with dreams and terrify me with visions,
Job 7:15so that I prefer strangling and death, rather than this body of mine.
Job 7:16I despise my life; I would not live forever. Let me alone; my days have no meaning.
Job 7:17“What is mankind that you make so much of them, that you give them so much attention,
Job 7:18that you examine them every morning and test them every moment?
Job 7:19Will you never look away from me, or let me alone even for an instant?
Job 7:20If I have sinned, what have I done to you, you who see everything we do? Why have you made me your target? Have I become a burden to you?[fn]
Job 7:21Why do you not pardon my offenses and forgive my sins? For I will soon lie down in the dust; you will search for me, but I will be no more.”
NIV Footnotes
A few manuscripts of the Masoretic Text, an ancient Hebrew scribal tradition and Septuagint; most manuscripts of the Masoretic Text I have become a burden to myself.
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