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Psalm 82 :: New English Translation (NET)

Psa 82:1God stands in the assembly of El; in the midst of the gods he renders judgment.
Psa 82:2He says, "How long will you make unjust legal decisions and show favoritism to the wicked? (Selah)
Psa 82:3Defend the cause of the poor and the fatherless! Vindicate the oppressed and suffering!
Psa 82:4Rescue the poor and needy! Deliver them from the power of the wicked!
Psa 82:5They neither know nor understand. They stumble around in the dark, while all the foundations of the earth crumble.
Psa 82:6I thought, 'You are gods; all of you are sons of the Most High.'
Psa 82:7Yet you will die like mortals; you will fall like all the other rulers."
Psa 82:8Rise up, O God, and execute judgment on the earth! For you own all the nations.
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Pericope taken from the NASB95 and has been graciously provided by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved.

New American Standard Bible
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