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1 Kings 11 :: New English Translation (NET)

1Ki 11:1King Solomon fell in love with many foreign women (besides Pharaoh's daughter), including Moabites, Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians, and Hittites.
1Ki 11:2They came from nations about which the LORD had warned the Israelites, "You must not establish friendly relations with them! If you do, they will surely shift your allegiance to their gods." But Solomon was irresistibly attracted to them.
1Ki 11:3He had 700 royal wives and 300 concubines; his wives had a powerful influence over him.
1Ki 11:4When Solomon became old, his wives shifted his allegiance to other gods; he was not wholeheartedly devoted to the LORD his God, as his father David had been.
1Ki 11:5Solomon worshiped the Sidonian goddess Astarte and the detestable Ammonite god Milcom.
1Ki 11:6Solomon did evil in the LORD's sight; he did not remain loyal to the LORD, like his father David had.
1Ki 11:7Furthermore, on the hill east of Jerusalem Solomon built a high place for the detestable Moabite god Chemosh and for the detestable Ammonite god Milcom.
1Ki 11:8He built high places for all his foreign wives so they could burn incense and make sacrifices to their gods.
1Ki 11:9The LORD was angry with Solomon because he had shifted his allegiance away from the LORD, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him on two occasions
1Ki 11:10and had warned him about this very thing, so that he would not follow other gods. But he did not obey the LORD's command.
1Ki 11:11So the LORD said to Solomon, "Because you insist on doing these things and have not kept the covenantal rules I gave you, I will surely tear the kingdom away from you and give it to your servant.
1Ki 11:12However, for your father David's sake I will not do this while you are alive. I will tear it away from your son's hand instead.
1Ki 11:13But I will not tear away the entire kingdom; I will leave your son one tribe for my servant David's sake and for the sake of my chosen city Jerusalem."

God Raises Adversaries

1Ki 11:14The LORD brought against Solomon an enemy, Hadad the Edomite, a descendant of the Edomite king.
1Ki 11:15During David's campaign against Edom, Joab, the commander of the army, while on a mission to bury the dead, killed every male in Edom.
1Ki 11:16For six months Joab and the entire Israelite army stayed there until they had exterminated every male in Edom.
1Ki 11:17Hadad, who was only a small boy at the time, escaped with some of his father's Edomite servants and headed for Egypt.
1Ki 11:18They went from Midian to Paran; they took some men from Paran and went to Egypt. Pharaoh, king of Egypt, supplied him with a house and food and even assigned him some land.
1Ki 11:19Pharaoh liked Hadad so well he gave him his sister-in-law (Queen Tahpenes' sister) as a wife.
1Ki 11:20Tahpenes' sister gave birth to his son, named Genubath. Tahpenes raised him in Pharaoh's palace; Genubath grew up in Pharaoh's palace among Pharaoh's sons.
1Ki 11:21While in Egypt Hadad heard that David had passed away and that Joab, the commander of the army, was dead. So Hadad asked Pharaoh, "Give me permission to leave so I can return to my homeland."
1Ki 11:22Pharaoh said to him, "What do you lack here that makes you want to go to your homeland?" Hadad replied, "Nothing, but please give me permission to leave."
1Ki 11:23God also brought against Solomon another enemy, Rezon son of Eliada who had run away from his master, King Hadadezer of Zobah.
1Ki 11:24He gathered some men and organized a raiding band. When David tried to kill them, they went to Damascus, where they settled down and gained control of the city.
1Ki 11:25He was Israel's enemy throughout Solomon's reign and, like Hadad, caused trouble. He loathed Israel and ruled over Syria.
1Ki 11:26Jeroboam son of Nebat, one of Solomon's servants, rebelled against the king. He was an Ephraimite from Zeredah whose mother was a widow named Zeruah.
1Ki 11:27This is what prompted him to rebel against the king: Solomon built a terrace and he closed up a gap in the wall of the city of his father David.
1Ki 11:28Jeroboam was a talented man; when Solomon saw that the young man was an accomplished worker, he made him the leader of the work crew from the tribe of Joseph.
1Ki 11:29At that time, when Jeroboam had left Jerusalem, the prophet Ahijah the Shilonite met him on the road; the two of them were alone in the open country. Ahijah was wearing a brand new robe,
1Ki 11:30and he grabbed the robe and tore it into twelve pieces.
1Ki 11:31Then he told Jeroboam, "Take ten pieces, for this is what the LORD God of Israel says: 'Look, I am about to tear the kingdom from Solomon's hand and I will give ten tribes to you.
1Ki 11:32He will retain one tribe, for my servant David's sake and for the sake of Jerusalem, the city I have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel.
1Ki 11:33I am taking the kingdom from him because they have abandoned me and worshiped the Sidonian goddess Astarte, the Moabite god Chemosh, and the Ammonite god Milcom. They have not followed my instructions by doing what I approve and obeying my rules and regulations, like Solomon's father David did.
1Ki 11:34I will not take the whole kingdom from his hand. I will allow him to be ruler for the rest of his life for the sake of my chosen servant David who kept my commandments and rules.
1Ki 11:35I will take the kingdom from the hand of his son and give ten tribes to you.
1Ki 11:36I will leave his son one tribe so my servant David's dynasty may continue to serve me in Jerusalem, the city I have chosen as my home.
1Ki 11:37I will select you; you will rule over all you desire to have and you will be king over Israel.
1Ki 11:38You must obey all I command you to do, follow my instructions, do what I approve, and keep my rules and commandments, like my servant David did. Then I will be with you and establish for you a lasting dynasty, as I did for David; I will give you Israel.
1Ki 11:39I will humiliate David's descendants because of this, but not forever."
1Ki 11:40Solomon tried to kill Jeroboam, but Jeroboam escaped to Egypt and found refuge with King Shishak of Egypt. He stayed in Egypt until Solomon died.

The Death of Solomon

1Ki 11:41The rest of the events of Solomon's reign, including all his accomplishments and his wise decisions, are recorded in the scroll called the Annals of Solomon.
1Ki 11:42Solomon ruled over all Israel from Jerusalem for forty years.
1Ki 11:43Then Solomon passed away and was buried in the city of his father David. His son Rehoboam replaced him as king.
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