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1 Chronicles 26 :: New English Translation (NET)

1Ch 26:1The divisions of the gatekeepers: From the Korahites: Meshelemiah, son of Kore, one of the sons of Asaph.
1Ch 26:2Meshelemiah's sons: The firstborn Zechariah, the second Jediael, the third Zebadiah, the fourth Jathniel,
1Ch 26:3the fifth Elam, the sixth Jehohanan, and the seventh Elihoenai.
1Ch 26:4Obed-Edom's sons: The firstborn Shemaiah, the second Jehozabad, the third Joah, the fourth Sakar, the fifth Nethanel,
1Ch 26:5the sixth Ammiel, the seventh Issachar, and the eighth Peullethai. (Indeed, God blessed Obed-Edom.)
1Ch 26:6His son Shemaiah also had sons, who were leaders of their families, for they were highly respected.
1Ch 26:7The sons of Shemaiah: Othni, Rephael, Obed, and Elzabad. His relatives Elihu and Semakiah were also respected.
1Ch 26:8All these were the descendants of Obed-Edom. They and their sons and relatives were respected men, capable of doing their responsibilities. There were sixty-two of them related to Obed-Edom.
1Ch 26:9Meshelemiah had sons and relatives who were respected - eighteen in all.
1Ch 26:10Hosah, one of the descendants of Merari, had sons: The firstborn Shimri (he was not actually the firstborn, but his father gave him that status),
1Ch 26:11the second Hilkiah, the third Tebaliah, and the fourth Zechariah. All of Hosah's sons and relatives numbered thirteen.
1Ch 26:12These divisions of the gatekeepers, corresponding to their leaders, had assigned responsibilities, like their relatives, as they served in the LORD's temple.
1Ch 26:13They cast lots, both young and old, according to their families, to determine which gate they would be responsible for.
1Ch 26:14The lot for the east gate went to Shelemiah. They then cast lots for his son Zechariah, a wise adviser, and the lot for the north gate went to him.
1Ch 26:15Obed-Edom was assigned the south gate, and his sons were assigned the storehouses.
1Ch 26:16Shuppim and Hosah were assigned the west gate, along with the Shalleketh gate on the upper road. One guard was adjacent to another.
1Ch 26:17Each day there were six Levites posted on the east, four on the north, and four on the south. At the storehouses they were posted in pairs.
1Ch 26:18At the court on the west there were four posted on the road and two at the court.
1Ch 26:19These were the divisions of the gatekeepers who were descendants of Korah and Merari.

Keepers of the Treasure

1Ch 26:20Their fellow Levites were in charge of the storehouses in God's temple and the storehouses containing consecrated items.
1Ch 26:21The descendants of Ladan, who were descended from Gershon through Ladan and were leaders of the families of Ladan the Gershonite, included Jehieli
1Ch 26:22and the sons of Jehieli, Zetham and his brother Joel. They were in charge of the storehouses in the LORD's temple.
1Ch 26:23As for the Amramites, Izharites, Hebronites, and Uzzielites:
1Ch 26:24Shebuel son of Gershom, the son of Moses, was the supervisor of the storehouses.
1Ch 26:25His relatives through Eliezer included: Rehabiah his son, Jeshaiah his son, Joram his son, Zikri his son, and Shelomith his son.
1Ch 26:26Shelomith and his relatives were in charge of all the storehouses containing the consecrated items dedicated by King David, the family leaders who led units of a thousand and a hundred, and the army officers.
1Ch 26:27They had dedicated some of the plunder taken in battles to be used for repairs on the LORD's temple.
1Ch 26:28They were also in charge of everything dedicated by Samuel the prophet, Saul son of Kish, Abner son of Ner, and Joab son of Zeruiah; Shelomith and his relatives were in charge of everything that had been dedicated.

Outside Duties

1Ch 26:29As for the Izharites: Kenaniah and his sons were given responsibilities outside the temple as officers and judges over Israel.
1Ch 26:30As for the Hebronites: Hashabiah and his relatives, 1,700 respected men, were assigned responsibilities in Israel west of the Jordan; they did the LORD's work and the king's service.
1Ch 26:31As for the Hebronites: Jeriah was the leader of the Hebronites according to the genealogical records. In the fortieth year of David's reign, they examined the records and discovered there were highly respected men in Jazer in Gilead.
1Ch 26:32Jeriah had 2,700 relatives who were respected family leaders. King David placed them in charge of the Reubenites, the Gadites, and the half-tribe of Manasseh; they took care of all matters pertaining to God and the king.
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1 Chronicles Chapter 26 — Additional Translations: