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Hosea 4 :: Legacy Standard Bible (LSB)

Yahweh’s Contention with Israel

Hos 4:1

Listen to the word of Yahweh, O sons of Israel,

For Yahweh has a contention against the inhabitants of the land,

Because there is no truth or [fn]lovingkindness

Or knowledge of God in the land.

Hos 4:2

There is swearing of oaths, deception, murder, stealing, and adultery.

They break forth in violence so that bloodshed [fn]follows bloodshed.

Hos 4:3

Therefore the land mourns,

And everyone who inhabits it languishes

Along with the beasts of the field and the birds of the sky,

And also the fish of the sea [fn]disappear.

Hos 4:4

Yet let no man contend, and let no man offer reproof;

Indeed, your people are like those who contend with the priest.

Hos 4:5

So you will stumble by day,

And the prophet also will stumble with you by night;

And I will destroy your mother.

Hos 4:6

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Because you have rejected knowledge,

I also will reject you from ministering as My priest.

Since you have forgotten the law of your God,

I Myself also will forget your children.

Hos 4:7

The more they multiplied, the more they sinned against Me;

I will change their glory into disgrace.

Hos 4:8

They eat the [fn]sin of My people

And lift up [fn]their soul toward their iniquity.

Hos 4:9

And it will be like people, like priest;

So I will punish them for their ways

And cause their deeds to return to them.

Hos 4:10

They will eat, but not be satisfied;

They will play the harlot, but not break forth in number,

Because they have [fn]forsaken Yahweh to keep harlotry.

Hos 4:11

Harlotry, wine, and new wine take away a heart of wisdom.

Hos 4:12

My people ask their wooden idol, and their diviner’s wand declares to them;

For a spirit of harlotry has led them astray,

And they have played the harlot, departing [fn]from their God.

Hos 4:13

They offer sacrifices on the tops of the mountains

And [fn]burn incense on the hills,

Under oak, poplar, and terebinth

Because their shade is good.

Therefore your daughters play the harlot,

And your [fn]brides commit adultery.

Hos 4:14

I will not punish your daughters when they play the harlot

Or your [fn]brides when they commit adultery,

For the men themselves go apart with harlots

And offer sacrifices with cult prostitutes;

So the people without understanding are [fn]ruined.

Hos 4:15

Though you, Israel, play the harlot,

Do not let Judah become guilty;

Also do not go to Gilgal

Nor go up to Beth-aven

And swear the oath:

“As Yahweh lives!”

Hos 4:16

Since Israel is stubborn

Like a stubborn heifer,

[fn]Can Yahweh now feed them

Like a lamb in a large field?

Hos 4:17

Ephraim is joined to idols;

Let him alone.

Hos 4:18

Their drink gone;

They play the harlot continually;

Their [fn]rulers dearly love disgrace.

Hos 4:19

The wind binds them up in its wings,

And they will be ashamed because of their sacrifices.

LSB Footnotes
Or loyalty
Lit touches
Lit are gathered up
Or sin offering
Lit his
Or forsaken Yahweh to practice (v 11) harlotry; lit forsaken giving heed
Lit from under
Or offer sacrifices
Or daughters-in-law
Or daughters-in-law
Lit thrust down
Or Now Yahweh will pasture...field
Lit shields
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