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2 Chronicles 24 :: Legacy Standard Bible (LSB)

Joash Reigns over Judah

2Ch 24:1

Joash was seven years old when he became king, and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem; and his mother’s name was Zibiah from Beersheba.

2Ch 24:2And Joash did what was right in the sight of Yahweh all the days of Jehoiada the priest.
2Ch 24:3And Jehoiada took up two wives for him, and he became the father of sons and daughters.

The Levites Did Not Act Quickly

2Ch 24:4

Now it happened afterwards, that Joash [fn]had in his heart to restore the house of Yahweh.

2Ch 24:5And he gathered the priests and Levites and said to them, “Go out to the cities of Judah and gather money from all Israel to [fn]repair the house of your God [fn]annually, and you shall do the matter quickly.” But the Levites did not act quickly.
2Ch 24:6So the king called for Jehoiada the chief priest and said to him, “Why have you not required the Levites to bring in from Judah and from Jerusalem the levy fixed by Moses the servant of Yahweh on the congregation of Israel for the tent of the testimony?”
2Ch 24:7For the sons of the wicked Athaliah had broken into the house of God and even [fn]used the holy things of the house of Yahweh for the Baals.

The House of Yahweh Restored

2Ch 24:8

So the king said the word, and they made a chest and put it outside by the gate of the house of Yahweh.

2Ch 24:9And they [fn]made a proclamation in Judah and Jerusalem to bring to Yahweh the levy fixed by Moses the servant of God on Israel in the wilderness.
2Ch 24:10And all the officials and all the people were glad and brought in their levies and [fn]dropped them into the chest until they had [fn]finished.
2Ch 24:11Now it happened that whenever the chest was brought in to the king’s officer by the hand of the Levites, and when they saw that there was much money, then the king’s scribe and the chief priest’s officer would come, empty the chest, take it, and return it to its place. Thus they did daily and collected much money.
2Ch 24:12And the king and Jehoiada gave it to those who did the work of the service of the house of Yahweh; and they hired masons and [fn]carpenters to restore the house of Yahweh, and also craftsmen in iron and bronze to [fn]repair the house of Yahweh.
2Ch 24:13So those who did the work labored, and the repair work progressed in their hands, and they [fn]restored the house of God [fn]according to its specifications and strengthened it.
2Ch 24:14When they had completed, they brought the rest of the money before the king and Jehoiada; and it was made into utensils for the house of Yahweh, utensils for the ministry and the burnt offering, and pans and utensils of gold and silver. And they were offering burnt offerings in the house of Yahweh continually all the days of Jehoiada.
2Ch 24:15

Then Jehoiada became old and full of days, and he died; he was 130 years old at his death.

2Ch 24:16They buried him in the city of David among the kings, because he had done what is good in Israel and [fn]to God and His house.
2Ch 24:17

But after the death of Jehoiada the officials of Judah came and bowed down to the king, and the king listened to them.

2Ch 24:18And they forsook the house of Yahweh, the God of their fathers, and served the [fn]Asherim and the idols; so wrath came upon Judah and Jerusalem for this their guilt.
2Ch 24:19Yet He sent prophets to them to bring them back to Yahweh; though they testified against them, they did not give ear.

People Conspire Against Zechariah

2Ch 24:20

Now the Spirit of God clothed Zechariah the son of Jehoiada the priest; and he stood above the people and said to them, “Thus says God, ‘Why do you trespass against the commandments of Yahweh and do not succeed? Because you have forsaken Yahweh, He has also forsaken you.’”

2Ch 24:21So they conspired against him and at the command of the king they stoned him [fn]to death in the court of the house of Yahweh.
2Ch 24:22Thus Joash the king did not remember the lovingkindness which his father Jehoiada had shown him, but he killed his son. And as he died he said, “May Yahweh see and [fn]avenge!”

Aram Comes Up Against Judah

2Ch 24:23

Now it happened at the turn of the year that the military force of the Arameans came up against him; and they came to Judah and Jerusalem, destroyed all the officials of the people from among the people, and sent all their spoil to the king of Damascus.

2Ch 24:24Indeed the military force of the Arameans came with a small number of men; yet Yahweh gave a very great military force into their hands, because they had forsaken Yahweh, the God of their fathers. Thus they executed judgment on Joash.
2Ch 24:25

When they had gone from him (for they left him very sick), his servants conspired against him because of the blood of the [fn]son of Jehoiada the priest, and killed him on his bed. So he died, and they buried him in the city of David, but they did not bury him in the tombs of the kings.

2Ch 24:26Now these are those who conspired against him: Zabad the son of Shimeath the Ammonitess, and Jehozabad the son of Shimrith the Moabitess.
2Ch 24:27Now as to his sons and the many [fn]oracles against him and the [fn]rebuilding of the house of God, behold, they are written in the [fn]treatise of the Book of the Kings. Then Amaziah his son became king in his place.
LSB Footnotes
Lit was with a heart
Lit to strengthen
Lit from year to year
Lit made
Lit gave a voice
Lit threw
Lit completed
Or craftsmen of wood, cf. 2 Sam 5:11; 2 Chr 24:12b
Lit strengthen
Lit caused to stand
Lit upon its proportion
Lit with
Wooden symbols of a female deity
Lit with stones
Or require; lit seek
As in some ancient versions; Heb sons
Or burdens upon
Lit founding
Heb midrash
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