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Psalm 105 :: Christian Standard Bible (CSB)

God’s Faithfulness to His People
Psa 105:1

Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name;

proclaim his deeds among the peoples.

Psa 105:2

Sing to him, sing praise to him;

tell about all his wondrous works!

Psa 105:3

Boast in his holy name;

let the hearts of those who seek the LORD rejoice.

Psa 105:4

Seek the LORD and his strength;

seek his face always.

Psa 105:5

Remember the wondrous works he has done,

his wonders, and the judgments he has pronounced,[fn]

Psa 105:6

you offspring of Abraham his servant,

Jacob’s descendants ​— ​his chosen ones.

Psa 105:7

He is the LORD our God;

his judgments govern the whole earth.

Psa 105:8

He remembers his covenant forever,

the promise he ordained

for a thousand generations —

Psa 105:9

the covenant he made with Abraham,

swore[fn] to Isaac,

Psa 105:10

and confirmed to Jacob as a decree

and to Israel as a permanent covenant:

Psa 105:11

“I will give the land of Canaan to you

as your inherited portion.”

Psa 105:12

When they were few in number,

very few indeed,

and resident aliens in Canaan,

Psa 105:13

wandering from nation to nation

and from one kingdom to another,

Psa 105:14

he allowed no one to oppress them;

he rebuked kings on their behalf:

Psa 105:15

“Do not touch my anointed ones,

or harm my prophets.”

Psa 105:16

He called down famine against the land

and destroyed the entire food supply.

Psa 105:17

He had sent a man ahead of them —

Joseph, who was sold as a slave.

Psa 105:18

They hurt his feet with shackles;

his neck was put in an iron collar.

Psa 105:19

Until the time his prediction came true,

the word of the LORD tested him.

Psa 105:20

The king sent for him and released him;

the ruler of peoples set him free.

Psa 105:21

He made him master of his household,

ruler over all his possessions —

Psa 105:22

binding[fn] his officials at will

and instructing his elders.

Psa 105:23

Then Israel went to Egypt;

Jacob lived as an alien in the land of Ham.[fn]

Psa 105:24

The LORD[fn] made his people very fruitful;

he made them more numerous than their foes,

Psa 105:25

whose hearts he turned to hate his people

and to deal deceptively with his servants.

Psa 105:26

He sent Moses his servant,

and Aaron, whom he had chosen.

Psa 105:27

They performed his miraculous signs among them

and wonders in the land of Ham.

Psa 105:28

He sent darkness, and it became dark —

for did they not defy his commands?

Psa 105:29

He turned their water into blood

and caused their fish to die.

Psa 105:30

Their land was overrun with frogs,

even in their royal chambers.

Psa 105:31

He spoke, and insects came —

gnats throughout their country.

Psa 105:32

He gave them hail for rain,

and lightning throughout their land.

Psa 105:33

He struck their vines and fig trees

and shattered the trees of their territory.

Psa 105:34

He spoke, and locusts came —

young locusts without number.

Psa 105:35

They devoured all the vegetation in their land

and consumed the produce of their land.

Psa 105:36

He struck all the firstborn in their land,

all their first progeny.

Psa 105:37

Then he brought Israel out with silver and gold,

and no one among his tribes stumbled.

Psa 105:38

Egypt was glad when they left,

for the dread of Israel[fn] had fallen on them.

Psa 105:39

He spread a cloud as a covering

and gave a fire to light up the night.

Psa 105:40

They asked, and he brought quail

and satisfied them with bread from heaven.

Psa 105:41

He opened a rock, and water gushed out;

it flowed like a stream in the desert.

Psa 105:42

For he remembered his holy promise

to Abraham his servant.

Psa 105:43

He brought his people out with rejoicing,

his chosen ones with shouts of joy.

Psa 105:44

He gave them the lands of the nations,

and they inherited

what other peoples had worked for.

Psa 105:45

All this happened

so that they might keep his statutes

and obey his instructions.


CSB Footnotes
Lit judgments of his mouth
Lit and his oath
LXX, Syr, Vg read teaching
= Egypt, also in v. 27
Lit He
Lit them
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