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Psalm 104 :: Christian Standard Bible (CSB)

God the Creator
(cf. Gen 1:1–31 )
Psa 104:1

My soul, bless the LORD!

LORD my God, you are very great;

you are clothed with majesty and splendor.

Psa 104:2

He wraps himself in light as if it were a robe,

spreading out the sky like a canopy,

Psa 104:3

laying the beams of his palace

on the waters above,

making the clouds his chariot,

walking on the wings of the wind,

Psa 104:4

and making the winds his messengers,[fn]

flames of fire his servants.

Psa 104:5

He established the earth on its foundations;

it will never be shaken.

Psa 104:6

You covered it with the deep

as if it were a garment;

the water stood above the mountains.

Psa 104:7

At your rebuke the water fled;

at the sound of your thunder they hurried away —

Psa 104:8

mountains rose and valleys sank[fn] —

to the place you established for them.

Psa 104:9

You set a boundary they cannot cross;

they will never cover the earth again.

Psa 104:10

He causes the springs to gush into the valleys;

they flow between the mountains.

Psa 104:11

They supply water for every wild beast;

the wild donkeys quench their thirst.

Psa 104:12

The birds of the sky live beside the springs;

they make their voices heard among the foliage.

Psa 104:13

He waters the mountains from his palace;

the earth is satisfied by the fruit of your labor.

Psa 104:14

He causes grass to grow for the livestock

and provides crops for man to cultivate,

producing food from the earth,

Psa 104:15

wine that makes human hearts glad —

making his face shine with oil —

and bread that sustains human hearts.

Psa 104:16

The trees of the LORD flourish,[fn]

the cedars of Lebanon that he planted.

Psa 104:17

There the birds make their nests;

storks make their homes in the pine trees.

Psa 104:18

The high mountains are for the wild goats;

the cliffs are a refuge for hyraxes.

Psa 104:19

He made the moon to mark the[fn] festivals;[fn]

the sun knows when to set.

Psa 104:20

You bring darkness, and it becomes night,

when all the forest animals stir.

Psa 104:21

The young lions roar for their prey

and seek their food from God.

Psa 104:22

The sun rises; they go back

and lie down in their dens.

Psa 104:23

Man goes out to his work

and to his labor until evening.

Psa 104:24

How countless are your works, LORD!

In wisdom you have made them all;

the earth is full of your creatures.[fn]

Psa 104:25

Here is the sea, vast and wide,

teeming with creatures beyond number —

living things both large and small.

Psa 104:26

There the ships move about,

and Leviathan, which you formed to play there.

Psa 104:27

All of them wait for you

to give them their food at the right time.

Psa 104:28

When you give it to them,

they gather it;

when you open your hand,

they are satisfied with good things.

Psa 104:29

When you hide your face,

they are terrified;

when you take away their breath,

they die and return to the dust.

Psa 104:30

When you send your breath,[fn]

they are created,

and you renew the surface of the ground.

Psa 104:31

May the glory of the LORD endure forever;

may the LORD rejoice in his works.

Psa 104:32

He looks at the earth, and it trembles;

he touches the mountains,

and they pour out smoke.

Psa 104:33

I will sing to the LORD all my life;

I will sing praise to my God while I live.

Psa 104:34

May my meditation be pleasing to him;

I will rejoice in the LORD.

Psa 104:35

May sinners vanish from the earth

and wicked people be no more.

My soul, bless the LORD!


CSB Footnotes
Or angels
Or away. They flowed over the mountains and went down valleys
Lit are satisfied
Lit moon for
Or the appointed times
Lit possessions
Or Spirit
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