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Proverbs 8 :: Christian Standard Bible (CSB)

Wisdom’s Appeal
Pro 8:1

Doesn’t wisdom call out?

Doesn’t understanding make her voice heard?

Pro 8:2

At the heights overlooking the road,

at the crossroads, she takes her stand.

Pro 8:3

Beside the gates leading into the city,

at the main entrance, she cries out:

Pro 8:4

“People, I call out to you;

my cry is to the children of Adam.

Pro 8:5

“Learn to be shrewd, you who are inexperienced;

develop common sense, you who are foolish.

Pro 8:6

“Listen, for I speak of noble things,

and what my lips say is right.

Pro 8:7

“For my mouth tells the truth,

and wickedness is detestable to my lips.

Pro 8:8

“All the words from my mouth are righteous;

none of them are deceptive or perverse.

Pro 8:9

“All of them are clear to the perceptive,

and right to those who discover knowledge.

Pro 8:10

“Accept my instruction instead of silver,

and knowledge rather than pure gold.

Pro 8:11

“For wisdom is better than jewels,

and nothing desirable can equal it.

Pro 8:12

“I, wisdom, share a home with shrewdness

and have knowledge and discretion.

Pro 8:13

“To fear the LORD is to hate evil.

I hate arrogant pride, evil conduct,

and perverse speech.

Pro 8:14

“I possess good advice and sound wisdom;[fn]

I have understanding and strength.

Pro 8:15

“It is by me that kings reign

and rulers enact just law;

Pro 8:16

“by me, princes lead,

as do nobles and all righteous judges.[fn]

Pro 8:17

“I love those who love me,

and those who search for me find me.

Pro 8:18

“With me are riches and honor,

lasting wealth and righteousness.

Pro 8:19

“My fruit is better than solid gold,

and my harvest than pure silver.

Pro 8:20

“I walk in the ways of righteousness,

along the paths of justice,

Pro 8:21

“giving wealth as an inheritance to those who love me,

and filling their treasuries.

Pro 8:22

“The LORD acquired[fn] me

at the beginning of his creation,[fn]

before his works of long ago.

Pro 8:23

“I was formed[fn] before ancient times,

from the beginning, before the earth began.

Pro 8:24

“I was born

when there were no watery depths

and no springs filled with water.

Pro 8:25

“Before the mountains were established,

prior to the hills, I was given birth ​—

Pro 8:26

“before he made the land, the fields,

or the first soil on earth.

Pro 8:27

“I was there when he established the heavens,

when he laid out the horizon on the surface of the ocean,

Pro 8:28

“when he placed the skies above,

when the fountains of the ocean gushed out,

Pro 8:29

“when he set a limit for the sea

so that the waters would not violate his command,

when he laid out the foundations of the earth.

Pro 8:30

“I was a skilled craftsman[fn] beside him.

I was his[fn] delight every day,

always rejoicing before him.

Pro 8:31

“I was rejoicing in his inhabited world,

delighting in the children of Adam.

Pro 8:32

“And now, sons, listen to me;

those who keep my ways are happy.

Pro 8:33

“Listen to instruction and be wise;

don’t ignore it.

Pro 8:34

“Anyone who listens to me is happy,

watching at my doors every day,

waiting by the posts of my doorway.

Pro 8:35

“For the one who finds me finds life

and obtains favor from the LORD,

Pro 8:36

“but the one who misses me[fn] harms himself;

all who hate me love death.”

CSB Footnotes
Or resourcefulness
Some Hb mss, LXX read nobles who judge the earth
Or possessed, or made
Lit way
Or consecrated
Or a confidant, or a child, or was constantly
LXX; MT omits his
Or who sins against me
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