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Proverbs 7 :: Christian Standard Bible (CSB)

Pro 7:1

My son, obey my words,

and treasure my commands.

Pro 7:2

Keep my commands and live,

and guard my instructions

as you would the pupil of your eye.

Pro 7:3

Tie them to your fingers;

write them on the tablet of your heart.

Pro 7:4

Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,”

and call understanding your relative.

Pro 7:5

She will keep you from a forbidden woman,

a wayward woman with her flattering talk.

A Story of Seduction
Pro 7:6

At the window of my house

I looked through my lattice.

Pro 7:7

I saw among the inexperienced,[fn]

I noticed among the youths,

a young man lacking sense.

Pro 7:8

Crossing the street near her corner,

he strolled down the road to her house

Pro 7:9

at twilight, in the evening,

in the dark of the night.

Pro 7:10

A woman came to meet him

dressed like a prostitute,

having a hidden agenda.[fn]

Pro 7:11

She is loud and defiant;

her feet do not stay at home.

Pro 7:12

Now in the street, now in the squares,

she lurks at every corner.

Pro 7:13

She grabs him and kisses him;

she brazenly says[fn] to him,

Pro 7:14

“I’ve made fellowship offerings;

today I’ve fulfilled my vows.

Pro 7:15

“So I came out to meet you,

to search for you, and I’ve found you.

Pro 7:16

“I’ve spread coverings on my bed —

richly colored linen from Egypt.

Pro 7:17

“I’ve perfumed my bed

with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon.

Pro 7:18

“Come, let’s drink deeply of lovemaking until morning.

Let’s feast on each other’s love!

Pro 7:19

“My husband isn’t home;

he went on a long journey.

Pro 7:20

“He took a bag of silver with him

and will come home at the time of the full moon.”

Pro 7:21

She seduces him with her persistent pleading;

she lures with her flattering talk.

Pro 7:22

He follows her impulsively

like an ox going to the slaughter,

like a deer bounding toward a trap[fn]

Pro 7:23

until an arrow pierces its[fn] liver,

like a bird darting into a snare —

he doesn’t know it will cost him his life.

Pro 7:24

Now, sons, listen to me,

and pay attention to the words from my mouth.

Pro 7:25

Don’t let your heart turn aside to her ways;

don’t stray onto her paths.

Pro 7:26

For she has brought many down to death;

her victims are countless.[fn]

Pro 7:27

Her house is the road to Sheol,

descending to the chambers of death.

CSB Footnotes
Or simple, or gullible, or naive
Or prostitute with a guarded heart
Lit she makes her face strong and says
Text emended; MT reads like a shackle to the discipline of a fool ; Hb obscure
Or his
Or and powerful men are all her victims
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