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Obadiah 1 :: Christian Standard Bible (CSB)

Oba 1:1

The vision of Obadiah.

This is what the Lord GOD has said about Edom:

We have heard a message from the LORD;

an envoy has been sent among the nations:

“Rise up, and let’s go to war against her.”[fn]

Edom’s Certain Judgment
Oba 1:2

Look, I will make you insignificant

among the nations;

you will be deeply despised.

Oba 1:3

Your arrogant heart has deceived you,

you who live in clefts of the rock[fn][fn]

in your home on the heights,

who say to yourself,

“Who can bring me down to the ground? ”

Oba 1:4

Though you seem to soar[fn] like an eagle

and make your nest among the stars,

even from there I will bring you down.

This is the LORD’s declaration.

Oba 1:5

If thieves came to you,

if marauders by night —

how ravaged you would be! —

wouldn’t they steal only what they wanted?

If grape harvesters came to you,

wouldn’t they leave a few grapes?

Oba 1:6

How Esau will be pillaged,

his hidden treasures searched out!

Oba 1:7

Everyone who has a treaty with you

will drive you to the border;

everyone at peace with you

will deceive and conquer you.

Those who eat your bread

will set[fn] a trap for you.

He will be unaware of it.

Oba 1:8

In that day —

this is the LORD’s declaration —

will I not eliminate the wise ones of Edom

and those who understand

from the hill country of Esau?

Oba 1:9

Teman,[fn] your warriors will be terrified

so that everyone from the hill country of Esau

will be destroyed by slaughter.

Edom’s Sins against Judah
Oba 1:10

You will be covered with shame

and destroyed forever

because of violence done to your brother Jacob.

Oba 1:11

On the day you stood aloof,

on the day strangers captured his wealth,[fn]

while foreigners entered his city gate

and cast lots for Jerusalem,

you were just like one of them.

Oba 1:12

Do not[fn] gloat over your brother

in the day of his calamity;

do not rejoice over the people of Judah

in the day of their destruction;

do not boastfully mock[fn]

in the day of distress.

Oba 1:13

Do not enter my people’s city gate

in the day of their disaster.

Yes, you ​— ​do not gloat over their misery

in the day of their disaster,

and do not appropriate their possessions

in the day of their disaster.

Oba 1:14

Do not stand at the crossroads[fn]

to cut off their fugitives,

and do not hand over their survivors

in the day of distress.

Judgment of the Nations
Oba 1:15

For the day of the LORD is near,

against all the nations.

As you have done, it will be done to you;

what you deserve will return on your own head.

Oba 1:16

As you have drunk on my holy mountain,

so all the nations will drink continually.

They will drink and gulp down

and be as though they had never been.

Oba 1:17

But there will be a deliverance on Mount Zion,

and it will be holy;

the house of Jacob will dispossess

those who dispossessed them.[fn]

Oba 1:18

Then the house of Jacob will be a blazing fire,

and the house of Joseph, a burning flame,

but the house of Esau will be stubble;

Jacob[fn] will set them on fire and consume Edom.[fn]

Therefore no survivor will remain

of the house of Esau,

for the LORD has spoken.

Future Blessing for Israel
Oba 1:19

People from the Negev will possess

the hill country of Esau;

those from the Judean foothills will possess

the land of the Philistines.

They[fn] will possess

the territories of Ephraim and Samaria,

while Benjamin will possess Gilead.

Oba 1:20

The exiles of the Israelites who are in Halah[fn]

and who are among the Canaanites as far as Zarephath

as well as the exiles of Jerusalem who are in Sepharad

will possess the cities of the Negev.

Oba 1:21

Saviors[fn] will ascend Mount Zion

to rule over the hill country of Esau,

and the kingdom will be the LORD’s.

CSB Footnotes
= Edom
Or in Sela ; probably = Petra
Probably Petra
Or to build high
Some LXX mss, Sym, Tg, Vg; MT reads They will set your bread as
= a region or city in Edom
Or forces
Or You should not throughout vv. 12–14
Lit not make your mouth big
Hb obscure
DSS, LXX, Syr, Vg, Tg; MT reads Jacob will possess its inheritance
Lit they
Lit them
= The house of Jacob
Or of this host of the Israelites ; Hb obscure
Or Those who have been delivered
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