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Job 16 :: Christian Standard Bible (CSB)

Job’s Reply to Eliphaz
Job 16:1

Then Job answered:

Job 16:2

I have heard many things like these.

You are all miserable comforters.

Job 16:3

Is there no end to your empty[fn] words?

What provokes you that you continue testifying?

Job 16:4

If you were in my place I could also talk like you.

I could string words together against you

and shake my head at you.

Job 16:5

Instead, I would encourage you with my mouth,

and the consolation from my lips would bring relief.

Job 16:6

If I speak, my suffering is not relieved,

and if I hold back, does any of it leave me?

Job 16:7

Surely he[fn] has now exhausted me.

You have devastated my entire family.

Job 16:8

You have shriveled me up[fn] ​— ​it has become a witness;

my frailty rises up against me and testifies to my face.

Job 16:9

His anger tears at me, and he harasses me.

He gnashes his teeth at me.

My enemy pierces me with his eyes.

Job 16:10

They open their mouths against me

and strike my cheeks with contempt;

they join themselves together against me.

Job 16:11

God hands me over to the unjust;[fn]

he throws me to the wicked.

Job 16:12

I was at ease, but he shattered me;

he seized me by the scruff of the neck

and smashed me to pieces.

He set me up as his target;

Job 16:13

his archers[fn] surround me.

He pierces my kidneys without mercy

and pours my bile on the ground.

Job 16:14

He breaks through my defenses again and again;[fn]

he charges at me like a warrior.

Job 16:15

I have sewn sackcloth over my skin;

I have buried my strength[fn] in the dust.

Job 16:16

My face has grown red with weeping,

and darkness covers my eyes,

Job 16:17

although my hands are free from violence

and my prayer is pure.

Job 16:18

Earth, do not cover my blood;

may my cry for help find no resting place.

Job 16:19

Even now my witness is in heaven,

and my advocate is in the heights!

Job 16:20

My friends scoff at me

as I weep before God.

Job 16:21

I wish that someone might argue for a man with God

just as anyone[fn] would for a friend.

Job 16:22

For only a few years will pass

before I go the way of no return.

CSB Footnotes
Lit windy ; Jb 15:2
Or it
Or have seized me ; Hb obscure
LXX, Vg; MT reads to a boy
Or arrows
Lit through me, breach on breach
Lit horn
Lit a son of man
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