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Proverbs 31 :: Bible in Basic English (BBE)

Pro 31:1The words of Lemuel, king of Massa: the teaching which he had from his mother.
Pro 31:2What am I to say to you, O Lemuel, my oldest son? and what, O son of my body? and what, O son of my oaths?
Pro 31:3Do not give your strength to women, or your ways to that which is the destruction of kings.
Pro 31:4It is not for kings, O Lemuel, it is not for kings to take wine, or for rulers to say, Where is strong drink?
Pro 31:5For fear that through drinking they may come to have no respect for the law, wrongly judging the cause of those who are in trouble.
Pro 31:6Give strong drink to him who is near to destruction, and wine to him whose soul is bitter:
Pro 31:7Let him have drink, and his need will go from his mind, and the memory of his trouble will be gone.
Pro 31:8Let your mouth be open for those who have no voice, in the cause of those who are ready for death.
Pro 31:9Let your mouth be open, judging rightly, and give right decisions in the cause of the poor and those in need.

Description of a Worthy Woman

Pro 31:10Who may make discovery of a woman of virtue? For her price is much higher than jewels.
Pro 31:11The heart of her husband has faith in her, and he will have profit in full measure.
Pro 31:12She does him good and not evil all the days of her life.
Pro 31:13She gets wool and linen, working at the business of her hands.
Pro 31:14She is like the trading-ships, getting food from far away.
Pro 31:15She gets up while it is still night, and gives meat to her family, and their food to her servant-girls.
Pro 31:16After looking at a field with care, she gets it for a price, planting a vine-garden with the profit of her work.
Pro 31:17She puts a band of strength round her, and makes her arms strong.
Pro 31:18She sees that her marketing is of profit to her: her light does not go out by night.
Pro 31:19She puts her hands to the cloth-working rod, and her fingers take the wheel.
Pro 31:20Her hands are stretched out to the poor; yes, she is open-handed to those who are in need.
Pro 31:21She has no fear of the snow for her family, for all those in her house are clothed in red.
Pro 31:22She makes for herself cushions of needlework; her clothing is fair linen and purple.
Pro 31:23Her husband is a man of note in the public place, when he takes his seat among the responsible men of the land.
Pro 31:24She makes linen robes and gets a price for them, and traders take her cloth bands for a price.
Pro 31:25Strength and self-respect are her clothing; she is facing the future with a smile.
Pro 31:26Her mouth is open to give out wisdom, and the law of mercy is on her tongue.
Pro 31:27She gives attention to the ways of her family, she does not take her food without working for it.
Pro 31:28Her children get up and give her honour, and her husband gives her praise, saying,
Pro 31:29Unnumbered women have done well, but you are better than all of them.
Pro 31:30Fair looks are a deceit, and a beautiful form is of no value; but a woman who has the fear of the Lord is to be praised.
Pro 31:31Give her credit for what her hands have made: let her be praised by her works in the public place.
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The Bible in Basic English was translated by Professor Samuel Henry Hooke (1874-1968)
This translation of the Bible is in the public domain.


Pericope taken from the NASB95 and has been graciously provided by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved.

New American Standard Bible
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995
by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif.
All rights reserved.