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Proverbs 28 :: Bible in Basic English (BBE)

Pro 28:1The evil man goes running away when no man is after him, but the upright are without fear, like the lion.
Pro 28:2Because of the sin of the land, its troubles are increased; but by a man of wisdom and knowledge they will be put out like a fire.
Pro 28:3A man of wealth who is cruel to the poor is like a violent rain causing destruction of food.
Pro 28:4Those who have no respect for the law give praise to the evil-doer; but such as keep the law are against him.
Pro 28:5Evil men have no knowledge of what is right; but those who go after the Lord have knowledge of all things.
Pro 28:6Better is the poor man whose ways are upright, than the man of wealth whose ways are not straight.
Pro 28:7He who keeps the law is a wise son, but he who keeps company with feasters puts shame on his father.
Pro 28:8He who makes his wealth greater by taking interest, only gets it together for him who has pity on the poor.
Pro 28:9As for the man whose ear is turned away from hearing the law, even his prayer is disgusting.
Pro 28:10Anyone causing the upright to go wandering in an evil way, will himself go down into the hole he has made; but the upright will have good things for their heritage.
Pro 28:11The man of wealth seems to himself to be wise, but the poor man who has sense has a low opinion of him.
Pro 28:12When the upright do well, there is great glory; but when evil-doers are lifted up, men do not let themselves be seen.
Pro 28:13He who keeps his sins secret will not do well; but one who is open about them, and gives them up, will get mercy.
Pro 28:14Happy is the man in whom is the fear of the Lord at all times; but he whose heart is hard will come into trouble.
Pro 28:15Like a loud-voiced lion and a wandering bear, is an evil ruler over a poor people.
Pro 28:16The prince who has no sense is a cruel ruler; but he who has no desire to get profit for himself will have long life.
Pro 28:17One who has been the cause of a man's death will go in flight to the underworld: let no man give him help.
Pro 28:18He whose ways are upright will be safe, but sudden will be the fall of him whose ways are twisted.
Pro 28:19By ploughing his land a man will have bread in full measure; but he who goes after good-for-nothing persons will be poor enough.
Pro 28:20A man of good faith will have great blessing, but one attempting to get wealth quickly will not go free from punishment.
Pro 28:21It is not good to have respect for a man's position: for a man will do wrong for a bit of bread.
Pro 28:22He who is ever desiring wealth goes running after money, and does not see that need will come on him.
Pro 28:23He who says words of protest to a man will later have more approval than one who says smooth words with his tongue.
Pro 28:24He who takes from his father or his mother what is theirs by right, and says, It is no sin; is the same as a taker of life.
Pro 28:25He who is ever desiring profit is a cause of fighting; but he who puts his faith in the Lord will be made fat.
Pro 28:26He whose faith is in himself is foolish; but everyone walking wisely will be kept safe.
Pro 28:27He who gives to the poor will never be in need, but great curses will be on him who gives no attention to them.
Pro 28:28When evil-doers are lifted up, men take cover; but when destruction overtakes them, the upright are increased.
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The Bible in Basic English was translated by Professor Samuel Henry Hooke (1874-1968)
This translation of the Bible is in the public domain.


Pericope taken from the NASB95 and has been graciously provided by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif. All rights reserved.

New American Standard Bible
Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995
by The Lockman Foundation, La Habra, Calif.
All rights reserved.