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Job 15 :: Amplified Bible (AMP)

Eliphaz Says Job Presumes Much

Job 15:1

Then Eliphaz the Temanite answered [Job] and said,

Job 15:2

“Should a wise man [such as you] utter such windy and vain knowledge [as we have just heard]

And fill himself with the east wind [of withering, parching, and violent accusations]?

Job 15:3

“Should he rebuke and argue with useless talk?

Or with words in which there is no benefit?

Job 15:4

“Indeed, you are doing away with fear,

And you are diminishing meditation before God.

Job 15:5

“For your guilt teaches your mouth,

And you choose [to speak] the language of the crafty and cunning.

Job 15:6

“Your own mouth condemns you, and not I;

Yes, your own lips testify against you.

Job 15:7

“Were you the first man to be born [the original wise man],

Or were you created before the hills?

Job 15:8

“Do you hear the secret counsel of God,

And do you limit [the possession of] wisdom to yourself?

Job 15:9

“What do you know that we do not know?

What do you understand that is not equally clear to us?

Job 15:10

“Among us are both the gray-haired and the aged,

Older than your father.

Job 15:11

“Are the consolations of God [as we have interpreted them to you] too trivial for you,

[Or] were we too gentle toward you [in our first speech] to be effective?

Job 15:12

“Why does your heart carry you away [allowing you to be controlled by emotion]?

And why do your eyes flash [in anger or contempt],

Job 15:13

That you should turn your spirit against God

And let such words [as you have spoken] go out of your mouth?

Job 15:14

“What is man, that he should be pure and clean,

Or he who is born of a woman, that he should be righteous and just?

Job 15:15

“Behold, God puts no trust in His holy ones (angels);

Indeed, the heavens are not pure in His sight—

Job 15:16

How much less [pure and clean is] the one who is repulsive and corrupt,

Man, who drinks unrighteousness and injustice like water!

What Eliphaz Has Seen of Life

Job 15:17

“I will tell you, listen to me;

And what I have seen I will also declare;

Job 15:18

What wise men have [freely] told,

And have not hidden [anything passed on to them] from their fathers,

Job 15:19

To whom alone the land was given,

And no stranger passed among them [corrupting the truth].

Job 15:20

“The wicked man writhes with pain all his days,

And numbered are the years stored up for him, the ruthless one.

Job 15:21

“A [dreadful] sound of terrors is in his ears;

While at peace and in a time of prosperity the destroyer comes upon him [the tent of the robber is not at peace].

Job 15:22

“He does not believe that he will return out of the darkness [for fear of being murdered],

And he is destined for the sword [of God’s vengeance].

Job 15:23

“He wanders about for food, saying, ‘Where is it?’

He knows that the day of darkness and destruction is already at hand.

Job 15:24

“Distress and anxiety terrify him,

They overpower him like a king ready for battle.

Job 15:25

“Because he has stretched out his hand against God

And behaves arrogantly against [fn]the Almighty,

Job 15:26

Running and charging headlong against Him

With his ornamented and massive shield;

Job 15:27

For he has covered his face with his fat,

Adding layers of fat to his thighs [giving himself up to pleasures],

Job 15:28

And he has lived in desolate [God-forsaken] cities,

In houses which no one should inhabit,

Which were destined to become heaps [of ruins];

Job 15:29

He will not become rich, nor will his wealth endure;

And his grain will not bend to the earth nor his possessions be extended on the earth.

Job 15:30

“He will not escape from darkness [fleeing disaster];

The flame [of God’s wrath] will wither his branch,

And by the blast of His mouth he will go away.

Job 15:31

“Let him not trust in vanity (emptiness, futility) and be led astray;

For emptiness will be his [fn]reward [for such living].

Job 15:32

“It will be fulfilled while he still lives,

And his branch will not be green [but shall wither away].

Job 15:33

“He will fail to bring his grapes to maturity [leaving them to wither unnourished] on the vine,

And will cast off blossoms [and fail to bring forth fruit] like the olive tree.

Job 15:34

“For the company of the godless is barren,

And fire consumes the tents of bribery (wrong and injustice).

Job 15:35

“They conceive mischief and bring forth wickedness,

And their inmost soul prepares deceit and fraud.”

AMP Footnotes
Heb Shaddai.
Lit exchange.
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