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TWOT Reference: 1577a
Strong's Number H5771 matches the Hebrew עָוֹן (ʿāôn),
which occurs 25 times in 24 verses in 'Isa'
in the WLC Hebrew.
Oh sinful nation,
people weighed down with iniquity,
brood of evildoers,
depraved children!
They have abandoned the LORD;
they have despised the Holy One of Israel;
they have turned their backs on him.
Woe to those who drag iniquity
with cords of deceit
and pull sin along with cart ropes,
He touched my mouth with it and said:
Now that this has touched your lips,
your iniquity is removed
and your sin is atoned for.
I will punish the world for its evil,
and wicked people for their iniquities.
I will put an end to the pride of the arrogant
and humiliate the insolence of tyrants.
Prepare a place of slaughter for his sons,
because of the iniquity of their ancestors.
They will never rise up to possess a land
or fill the surface of the earth with cities.
The LORD of Armies has directly revealed to me:
“This iniquity will not be wiped out for you people as long as you live.”[fn]
The Lord GOD of Armies has spoken.
For look, the LORD is coming from his place
to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity.
The earth will reveal the blood shed on it
and will no longer conceal her slain.
Therefore Jacob’s iniquity will be atoned for in this way,
and the result of the removal of his sin will be this:
when he makes all the altar stones
like crushed bits of chalk,
no Asherah poles or incense altars will remain standing.
“this iniquity of yours will be
like a crumbling gap,
a bulge in a high wall
whose collapse will come in an instant — suddenly!
and none there will say, “I am sick.”
The people who dwell there
will be forgiven their iniquity.
“Speak tenderly to[fn] Jerusalem,
and announce to her
that her time of hard service is over,
her iniquity has been pardoned,
and she has received from the LORD’s hand
double for all her sins.”
“You have not bought me aromatic cane with silver,
or satisfied me with the fat of your sacrifices.
But you have burdened me with your sins;
you have wearied me with your iniquities.
This is what the LORD says:
Where is your mother’s divorce certificate
that I used to send her away?
Or to which of my creditors did I sell you?
Look, you were sold for your iniquities,
and your mother was sent away
because of your transgressions.
But he was pierced because of our rebellion,
crushed because of our iniquities;
punishment for our peace was on him,
and we are healed by his wounds.
We all went astray like sheep;
we all have turned to our own way;
and the LORD has punished him
for[fn] the iniquity of us all.
After his anguish,
he will see light[fn] and be satisfied.
By his knowledge,
my righteous servant will justify many,
and he will carry their iniquities.
“Because of his sinful greed I was angry,
so I struck him; I was angry and hid;
but he went on turning back to the desires of his heart.
But your iniquities are separating you
from your God,
and your sins have hidden his face from you
so that he does not listen.
For your hands are defiled with blood
and your fingers, with iniquity;
your lips have spoken lies,
and your tongues mutter injustice.
For our transgressions have multiplied before you,
and our sins testify against us.
For our transgressions are with us,
and we know our iniquities:
All of us have become like something unclean,
and all our righteous acts are like a polluted[fn] garment;
all of us wither like a leaf,
and our iniquities carry us away like the wind.
LORD, do not be terribly angry
or remember our iniquity forever.
Please look — all of us are your people!
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