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LXX Concordance for ὃς

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ὃς — 392x G3739 ὅς
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Occurrences: 391 times in 370 verses
Speech: Relative Pronoun
Parsing: Nominative Singular Masculine
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 7:22 - everything which had in its nostrils the breath of life, of all that was on the dry land, died.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 14:19 - And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of the Most High God, possessor of heavens and earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 14:20 - And blessed be the Most High God, who has delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him the tenth of all.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 14:22 - And Abram said to the king of Sodom, I have lifted up my hand to Jehovah, the Most High God, possessor of heavens and earth,
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 15:4 - And behold, the word of Jehovah came to him, saying, This shall not be thine heir, but he that will come forth out of thy body shall be thine heir.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 17:12 - And at eight days old shall every male in your generations be circumcised among you -- he who is born in the house, and he who is bought with money, any stranger who is not of thy seed.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 17:14 - And the uncircumcised male who hath not been circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that soul shall be cut off from his peoples: he hath broken my covenant.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 19:31 - And the first-born said to the younger, Our father is old, and there is not a man in the land to come in to us after the manner of all the earth:
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 21:6 - And Sarah said, God has made me laugh: all that hear will laugh with me.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 21:9 - And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, mocking.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 23:17 - So the field of Ephron, which was at Machpelah, which was before Mamre, the field, and the cave that was in it, and all the trees that were in the field, that were in all its borders round about,
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 24:7 - Jehovah the God of the heavens, who took me out of my father's house, and out of the land of my nativity, and who has spoken to me, and who has sworn to me, saying, Unto thy seed will I give this land -- he will send his angel before thee, that thou mayest take a wife for my son thence.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 24:27 - and said, Blessed be Jehovah, God of my master Abraham, who has not withdrawn his loving-kindness and his faithfulness from my master; I being in the way, Jehovah has led me to the house of my master's brethren.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 24:48 - And I stooped, and bowed down before Jehovah; and I blessed Jehovah, God of my master Abraham, who has led me the right way to take my master's brother's daughter for his son.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 26:1 - And there was a famine in the land, besides the former famine which had been in the days of Abraham. And Isaac went to Abimelech the king of the Philistines, to Gerar.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 30:2 - And Jacob's anger was kindled against Rachel, and he said, Am I in God's stead, who has withheld from thee the fruit of the womb?
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 34:14 - and said to them, We cannot do this, to give our sister to one that is uncircumcised; for that were a reproach to us.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 35:3 - and we will arise, and go up to Bethel; and I will make there an altar to the God that answered me in the day of my distress, and was with me in the way that I went.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 35:6 - And Jacob came to Luz, which is in the land of Canaan, that is, Bethel, he and all the people that were with him.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 36:24 - -- And these are the sons of Zibeon: both Ajah and Anah. This is the Anah that found the warm springs in the wilderness as he fed the asses of Zibeon his father.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 41:38 - And Pharaoh said to his bondmen, Shall we find one as this, a man in whom the Spirit of God is?
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 1:8 - And there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 2:1 - And a man of the house of Levi went and took a daughter of Levi.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 9:21 - But he that did not regard the word of Jehovah left his bondmen and his cattle in the field.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 10:15 - And they covered the face of the whole land, so that the land was darkened; and they ate every herb of the land, and all the fruit of the trees that the hail had left; and there remained not any green thing on the trees, and in the herbs of the field, throughout the land of Egypt.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 11:5 - And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sitteth on his throne, even unto the firstborn of the bondwoman that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of cattle.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 12:15 - Seven days shall ye eat unleavened bread: on the very first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses; for whoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day -- that soul shall be cut off from Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 12:19 - Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses; for whoever eateth what is leavened -- that soul shall be cut off from the assembly of Israel, whether he be a sojourner, or born in the land.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 21:15 - And he that striketh his father, or his mother, shall certainly be put to death.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 21:16 - And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall certainly be put to death.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 29:27 - And thou shalt hallow the breast of the wave-offering, and the shoulder of the heave-offering, that hath been waved and heaved up, of the ram of the consecration, of that which is for Aaron, and of that which is for his sons.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 29:30 - The son that is priest in his stead shall put them on seven days, when he cometh into the tent of meeting to serve in the sanctuary.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 30:33 - Whoever compoundeth any like it, or whoever putteth any of it upon any strange thing, shall be cut off from his peoples.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 30:38 - Whoever maketh like unto it, to smell it, shall be cut off from his peoples.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 31:14 - Keep the sabbath, therefore; for it is holy unto you; every one that profaneth it shall certainly be put to death: yea, whoever doeth work on it, that soul shall be cut off from among his peoples.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 31:15 - Six days shall work be done; but on the seventh day is the sabbath of rest, holy to Jehovah: whoever doeth work on the sabbath day shall certainly be put to death.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 32:1 - And when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, the people collected together to Aaron, and said to him, Up, make us a god, who will go before us; for this Moses, the man that has brought us up out of the land of Egypt, -- we do not know what is become of him!
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 32:23 - And they said to me, Make us a god, who will go before us; for this Moses, the man that has brought us up out of the land of Egypt, we do not know what is become of him!
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 38:23 - and with him Aholiab, son of Ahisamach, of the tribe of Dan, an engraver and artificer, and an embroiderer in blue, and in purple, and in scarlet, and in byssus.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 6:18 - All the males among the children of Aaron shall eat of it. It is an everlasting statute in your generations, their portion of Jehovah's offerings by fire: whatever toucheth these shall be holy.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 11:27 - And whatever goeth on its paws, among all manner of beasts that go upon all four, those are unclean unto you: whoever toucheth their carcase shall be unclean until the even.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 15:5 - And whoever toucheth his bed shall wash his garments, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the even.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 15:21 - And whoever toucheth her bed shall wash his garments, and bathe in water, and be unclean until the even.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 15:33 - and for a woman who is sick in her separation, and for him that hath his flux; for the man and for the woman, and for him that lieth with her that is unclean.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 17:3 - Every one of the house of Israel that slaughtereth an ox, or sheep, or goat, in the camp, or that slaughtereth it out of the camp,
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 17:4 - and doth not bring it to the entrance of the tent of meeting to present it as an offering to Jehovah, before the tabernacle of Jehovah, blood shall be reckoned unto that man: he hath shed blood; and that man shall be cut off from among his people,
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 17:8 - And thou shalt say unto them, Every one of the house of Israel, and of the strangers who sojourn among them, that offereth up a burnt-offering or sacrifice,
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 17:10 - And every one of the house of Israel, or of the strangers who sojourn among them, that eateth any manner of blood, -- I will set my face against the soul that hath eaten blood, and will cut him off from among his people;
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 17:13 - And every one of the children of Israel, and of the strangers who sojourn among them, that catcheth in the hunt a beast or fowl that may be eaten, he shall pour out the blood thereof, and cover it with earth;
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 18:29 - For whoever committeth any of these abominations, ... the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 20:2 - Thou shalt say also to the children of Israel, Every one of the children of Israel, or of the strangers who sojourn in Israel, that giveth of his seed unto Molech, shall certainly be put to death: the people of the land shall stone him with stones.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 20:9 - Whatever man revileth his father and his mother shall certainly be put to death: he hath reviled his father and his mother; his blood is upon him.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 20:10 - And a man that committeth adultery with a man's wife, who committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, -- the adulterer and the adulteress shall certainly be put to death.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 20:13 - And if a man lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall certainly be put to death; their blood is upon them.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 20:14 - And if a man take a wife and her mother, it is infamy: they shall burn him and them with fire, that there be no infamy among you.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 20:15 - And if a man lie with a beast for copulation, he shall certainly be put to death; and ye shall kill the beast.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 20:17 - And if a man take his sister, his father's daughter, or his mother's daughter, and see her nakedness, and she see his nakedness, that is a disgrace; and they shall be cut off before the eyes of the children of their people: he hath uncovered his sister's nakedness; he shall bear his iniquity.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 20:18 - And if a man shall lie with a woman in her infirmity, and uncover her nakedness, her flux doth he lay bare, and she hath uncovered the fountain of her blood; and both of them shall be cut off from among their people.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 20:20 - And if a man lie with his aunt, he hath uncovered his uncle's nakedness: their sin shall they bear: they shall die childless.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 20:21 - And if a man take his brother's wife, it is an unclean thing: he hath uncovered his brother's nakedness: they shall be childless.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 20:24 - And I have said unto you, Ye shall possess their land, and I will give it unto you for a possession; a land flowing with milk and honey: I am Jehovah your God, who have separated you from the peoples.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 20:27 - And if there be a man or a woman in whom is a spirit of Python or of divination, they shall certainly be put to death: they shall stone them with stones; their blood is upon them.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 22:3 - Say unto them, Every one of all your seed, throughout your generations, that approacheth the holy things, which the children of Israel hallow unto Jehovah, having his uncleanness upon him, that soul shall be cut off from before me: I am Jehovah.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 22:14 - And if a man eat of a holy thing through inadvertence, then he shall put the fifth part thereof unto it, and shall give it unto the priest with the holy thing.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 22:18 - Speak unto Aaron, and to his sons, and unto all the children of Israel, and say unto them, Whatever man of the house of Israel, or of the sojourners in Israel, that presenteth his offering for any of his vows, and for any of his voluntary offerings, which they present to Jehovah as a burnt-offering,
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 22:21 - And if any present a sacrifice of peace-offering to Jehovah to accomplish a vow, or a voluntary offering of oxen or small cattle, it shall be without blemish to be accepted: there shall be no defect therein.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 24:15 - And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying, Every one when he revileth his God shall bear his sin.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 24:17 - And if any one smiteth any man mortally, he shall certainly be put to death.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 24:18 - And he that smiteth a beast mortally shall make it good, life for life.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 24:21 - He that smiteth a beast mortally shall make it good; and he that smiteth a man mortally shall be put to death.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 25:33 - And if any one redeem from one of the Levites, then the house that was sold, in the city of his possession, shall go out in the jubilee; for the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession among the children of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 27:2 - Speak unto the children of Israel and say unto them, When any one devoteth anything by a vow, the persons shall be for Jehovah according to thy valuation.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 27:9 - And if it be a beast whereof men bring an offering unto Jehovah, all that they give of such unto Jehovah shall be holy.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 27:14 - And when any one halloweth his house, that it may be holy to Jehovah, the priest shall value it, judging between good and bad: as the priest shall value it, so shall it stand.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 27:22 - And if he hallow to Jehovah a field that he hath bought, which is not of the fields of his possession,
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 5:10 - And every man's hallowed things shall be his: whatever any man giveth the priest shall be his.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 6:2 - Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, If a man or a woman have vowed the special vow of a Nazarite, to consecrate themselves to Jehovah;
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 6:21 - This is the law of the Nazarite who hath vowed: his offering to Jehovah for his consecration, beside what his hand is able to get; according to the vow which he vowed, so shall he do, according to the law of his consecration.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 9:10 - Speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If any one of you or of your generations be unclean by reason of a dead body or be on a journey afar off, yet he shall hold the passover to Jehovah.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 9:13 - But a man that is clean, and is not on a journey, and forbeareth to hold the passover, that soul shall be cut off from among his peoples; because he presented not the offering of Jehovah at its set time: that man shall bear his sin.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 15:14 - And if a stranger sojourn with you, or whoever be among you throughout your generations, and will offer an offering by fire of a sweet odour to Jehovah, -- as ye do, so shall he do.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 15:29 - For him that is born in the land among the children of Israel, and for the stranger that sojourneth among them -- there shall be one law for you, for him who doeth anything through inadvertence.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 16:40 - as a memorial to the children of Israel, that no stranger who is not of the seed of Aaron come near to burn incense before Jehovah, that he be not as Korah, and as his band, -- as Jehovah had said to him through Moses.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 19:16 - And every one that toucheth one that is slain with a sword in the open fields, or a dead person, or the bone of a man, or a grave, shall be unclean seven days.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 19:20 - And the man that is unclean, and doth not purify himself, that soul shall be cut off from the midst of the congregation, for he hath defiled the sanctuary of Jehovah: the water of separation hath not been sprinkled on him: he is unclean.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 21:34 - And Jehovah said to Moses, Fear him not! for into thy hand have I given him, and all his people, and his land; and thou shalt do to him as thou didst unto Sihon the king of the Amorites, who dwelt at Heshbon.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 25:14 - And the name of the man of Israel that was slain, who was slain with the Midianitish woman, was Zimri, the son of Salu, the prince of a father's house of the Simeonites.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 27:18 - And Jehovah said to Moses, Take Joshua the son of Nun, a man in whom is the Spirit, and thou shalt lay thy hand upon him;
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 30:2 - If a man vow a vow to Jehovah, or swear an oath to bind his soul with a bond, he shall not break his word; according to all that hath gone out of his mouth shall he do.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 1:33 - who went in the way before you, to search you out a place for your encamping, in fire by night, to shew you by what way ye should go, and in the cloud by day.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 3:2 - And Jehovah said to me, Fear him not; for into thy hand have I given him, and all his people, and his land; and thou shalt do unto him as thou didst unto Sihon the king of the Amorites, who dwelt at Heshbon.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 4:42 - that the manslayer might flee thither, who should kill his neighbour unawares, and hated him not previously, that fleeing to one of these cities, he might live:
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 4:46 - on this side the Jordan, in the valley opposite to Beth-Peor, in the land of Sihon the king of the Amorites, who dwelt in Heshbon, whom Moses and the children of Israel smote when they came out of Egypt;
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 17:9 - And thou shalt come unto the priests, the Levites, and unto the judge that shall be in those days, and inquire; and they shall declare unto thee the sentence of judgment;
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 17:12 - And the man that shall act presumptuously, and not hearken unto the priest that standeth to serve there before Jehovah thy God, or unto the judge, that man shall die; and thou shalt put away evil from Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 18:19 - And it shall come to pass that the man who hearkeneth not unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 18:20 - But the prophet who shall presume to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 19:4 - And this is the case of the slayer who shall flee thither that he may live: he that smiteth his neighbour unwittingly, whom he hated not previously;
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 19:5 - as when he goeth into the wood with his neighbour to hew wood, and his hand fetcheth a stroke with the axe to cut down the tree, and the iron slippeth from the handle, and lighteth upon his neighbour, that he die; such an one shall flee unto one of these cities, and live;
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 23:10 - If there be with thee a man that is not clean from what hath happened in the night, then shall he go outside the camp; he shall not come inside the camp;
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 23:15 - Thou shalt not hand over to his master a bondman that hath escaped from his master unto thee:
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 24:3 - And if the latter husband hate her, and write her a letter of divorce, and give it into her hand, and send her out of his house; or if the latter husband die who took her as his wife;
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 25:9 - then shall his brother's wife come near to him before the eyes of the elders, and draw his sandal from his foot, and spit in his face, and shall answer and say, So shall it be done unto the man that will not build up his brother's house.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 26:3 - and thou shalt come unto the priest that shall be in those days, and say unto him, I profess this day unto Jehovah thy God, that I am come unto the land that Jehovah swore unto our fathers to give us.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 27:19 - Cursed be he that perverteth the judgment of the stranger, fatherless, and widow! And all the people shall say, Amen.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 27:25 - Cursed be he that taketh reward to smite mortally shedding innocent blood! And all the people shall say, Amen.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 27:26 - Cursed be he that confirmeth not the words of this law to do them! And all the people shall say, Amen.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 29:22 - And the generation to come, your children who shall rise up after you, and the foreigner that shall come from a far land, shall say, when they see the plagues of that land, and its sicknesses wherewith Jehovah hath visited it,
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 32:39 - See now that I, I am HE, And there is no god with me; I kill, and I make alive; I wound, and I heal, And there is none that delivereth out of my hand,
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 1:18 - Every one that is rebellious against thy commandment and hearkeneth not to thy words in everything that thou commandest us, shall be put to death. Only be strong and courageous.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 2:19 - and it shall be, that whoever shall go out of the doors of thy house into the street, -- his blood shall be upon his head, and we shall be innocent; but every one who shall be with thee in the house, his blood shall be upon our head, if any hand be upon him.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 6:26 - And Joshua swore at that time, saying, Cursed be the man before Jehovah who shall rise up and build this city Jericho! In his first-born shall he lay its foundation, and in his youngest son shall he set up its gates.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 7:15 - And it shall be, that he who is taken with the accursed thing shall be burned with fire, he and all that he hath, because he hath transgressed the covenant of Jehovah, and because he hath wrought wickedness in Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 8:17 - And not a man remained in Ai and Bethel that went not out after Israel; and they left the city open, and pursued after Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 9:10 - and all that he did to the two kings of the Amorites that were beyond Jordan, to Sihon the king of Heshbon, and to Og the king of Bashan, who was at Ashtaroth.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 12:2 - Sihon the king of the Amorites, who dwelt at Heshbon, and ruled from Aroer, which is upon the bank of the river Arnon, and from the middle of the ravine, and over half Gilead, as far as the river Jabbok, which is the border of the children of Ammon;
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 13:10 - and all the cities of Sihon the king of the Amorites, who reigned at Heshbon, to the border of the children of Ammon;
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 13:12 - all the kingdom of Og in Bashan, who reigned at Ashtaroth and at Edrei, who remained of the residue of the giants; and Moses smote them and dispossessed them.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 15:16 - And Caleb said, He that smites Kirjath-sepher and takes it, to him will I give Achsah my daughter as wife.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 1:12 - And Caleb said, He that smites Kirjath-sepher and takes it, to him will I give Achsah my daughter as wife.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 4:2 - And Jehovah sold them into the hand of Jabin king of Canaan, who reigned in Hazor; and the captain of his army was Sisera, who dwelt in Harosheth-Goim.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 6:31 - And Joash said to all that stood near him, Will *ye* contend for Baal? or will *ye* save him? he that contends for him, let him be put to death whilst it is yet morning. If he be a god, let him plead for himself, because they have broken down his altar.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 7:5 - And he brought down the people to the water; and Jehovah said to Gideon, Every one that lappeth of the water with his tongue, as a dog lappeth, him shalt thou set by himself; likewise every one that boweth down on his knees to drink.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 10:18 - And the people, the chief men of Gilead, said one to another, Who is the man that will begin to fight against the children of Ammon? he shall be head over all the inhabitants of Gilead.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 11:31 - then shall that which cometh forth from the door of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, be Jehovah's, and I will offer it up for a burnt-offering.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 14:20 - And Samson's wife was given to his companion, whom he had made his friend.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 18:27 - And they took that which Micah had made, and the priest that he had had, and came upon Laish, upon a people quiet and secure; and they smote them with the edge of the sword, and burned the city with fire.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 18:29 - And they called the name of the city Dan, after the name of Dan their father, who was born to Israel; howbeit Laish was the name of the city at the first.
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 2:21 - And Ruth the Moabitess said, He said to me also, Thou shalt keep with my young men until they have ended all my harvest.
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 4:14 - And the women said to Naomi, Blessed be Jehovah who hath not left thee this day without one that has the right of redemption, and may his name be famous in Israel!
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 2:35 - And I will raise up for myself a faithful priest, who shall do according to what is in my heart and in my mind; and I will build him a sure house; and he shall walk before mine anointed continually.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 8:9 - And now hearken unto their voice; only, testify solemnly unto them, and declare unto them the manner of the king that shall reign over them.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 8:11 - And he said, This will be the manner of the king that shall reign over you: he will take your sons, and appoint them for himself, on his chariot and among his horsemen, and they shall run before his chariots;
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 10:19 - but *ye* have this day rejected your God, who himself saved you out of all your adversities and your troubles, and have said unto him, Nay, but a king shalt thou set over us. Now therefore present yourselves before Jehovah by your tribes, and by your thousands.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 11:7 - And he took a yoke of oxen and cut them in pieces, and sent throughout the territory of Israel by the hand of messengers, saying, Whoever comes not forth after Saul and after Samuel, so shall it be done to his oxen! And the fear of Jehovah fell on the people, and they came out as one man.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 14:24 - But the men of Israel were distressed that day. Now Saul had adjured the people, saying, Cursed be the man that eateth food until evening, and until I am avenged on mine enemies. So none of the people tasted food.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 14:28 - Then answered one of the people and said, Thy father strictly adjured the people, saying, Cursed be the man that eateth food this day; and the people are faint.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 17:36 - Thy servant smote both the lion and the bear; and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 17:37 - And David said, Jehovah who delivered me out of the paw of the lion and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine. And Saul said to David, Go, and Jehovah be with thee.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 25:32 - And David said to Abigail, Blessed be Jehovah, the God of Israel, who sent thee this day to meet me.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 25:34 - But indeed, as Jehovah the God of Israel liveth, who has restrained me from hurting thee, except thou hadst hasted and come to meet me, there had not been left to Nabal by the morning light any male.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 25:39 - And when David heard that Nabal was dead, he said, Blessed be Jehovah, who has pleaded the cause of my reproach from the hand of Nabal, and has kept back his servant from evil; but Jehovah has returned Nabal's evil upon his own head. And David sent and communed with Abigail, to take her as his wife.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 4:8 - And they brought the head of Ishbosheth to David in Hebron, and said to the king, Behold the head of Ishbosheth the son of Saul, thine enemy who sought thy life; and Jehovah has given to my lord the king to be avenged this day of Saul and of his seed.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 4:9 - Then David answered Rechab and Baanah his brother, the sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, and said to them, As Jehovah liveth, who has redeemed my soul out of all distress,
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 6:20 - And David returned to bless his household. And Michal the daughter of Saul came out to meet David, and said, How honourable did the king of Israel make himself to-day, who uncovered himself to-day in the eyes of the handmaids of his servants, as one of the lewd fellows shamelessly uncovers himself!
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 6:21 - And David said to Michal, It was before Jehovah, who chose me rather than thy father, and than all his house, to appoint me ruler over the people of Jehovah, over Israel; and I played before Jehovah.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 7:12 - When thy days are fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 17:22 - Then David arose, and all the people that were with him, and they passed over the Jordan; by the morning light there was not one of them missing that had not gone over the Jordan.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 18:28 - And Ahimaaz called and said to the king, Peace! And he fell down to the earth on his face before the king, and said, Blessed be Jehovah thy God, who has delivered up the men that lifted up their hand against my lord the king.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 21:5 - And they said to the king, The man that consumed us, and that devised against us that we should be destroyed from remaining in all the borders of Israel,
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 21:16 - And Ishbibenob, who was of the children of Raphah -- the weight of his lance was three hundred shekels of bronze, and he was girded with new armour -- thought to smite David.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 1:9 - And Adonijah sacrificed sheep and oxen and fatted cattle by the stone of Zoheleth, which is by En-rogel, and invited all his brethren, the king's sons, and all the men of Judah, the king's servants;
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 1:29 - And the king swore, and said, As Jehovah liveth, who has redeemed my soul out of all distress,
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 1:48 - And also thus said the king: Blessed be Jehovah, the God of Israel, who has given one to sit on my throne this day, mine eyes even seeing it.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:24 - And now as Jehovah liveth, who has established me, and set me on the throne of David my father, and who has made me a house, as he promised, Adonijah shall be put to death this day.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 3:8 - And thy servant is in the midst of thy people which thou hast chosen, a great people, that cannot be numbered nor counted for multitude.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 5:7 - And it came to pass when Hiram heard the words of Solomon, that he rejoiced greatly, and said, Blessed be Jehovah this day, who has given to David a wise son over this great people.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:15 - And he said: Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, who spoke with his mouth unto David my father, and hath with his hand fulfilled it, saying,
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:41 - And as to the stranger also, who is not of thy people Israel, but cometh out of a far country for thy name's sake
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:46 - If they have sinned against thee, (for there is no man that sinneth not,) and thou be angry with them, and give them up to the enemy, and they have carried them away captives unto the enemy's land, far or near;
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:56 - Blessed be Jehovah, who has given rest to his people Israel, according to all that he promised: there has not failed one word of all his good promises which he spoke through Moses his servant!
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 9:9 - And they shall say, Because they forsook Jehovah their God, who brought forth their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and have attached themselves to other gods, and have worshipped them and served them; therefore has Jehovah brought upon them all this evil.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 10:9 - Blessed be Jehovah thy God, who delighted in thee, to set thee on the throne of Israel! Because Jehovah loves Israel for ever, therefore did he make thee king, to do judgment and justice.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 13:26 - And the prophet that brought him back from the way heard of it and said, It is the man of God who was disobedient to the word of Jehovah; therefore Jehovah has delivered him to the lion, which has torn him and slain him, according to the word of Jehovah which he spoke to him.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 18:24 - And call ye on the name of your gods, and I will call on the name of Jehovah; and the god that answers by fire, let him be God. And all the people answered and said, The word is good.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 21:15 - And it came to pass when Jezebel heard that Naboth was stoned and was dead, that Jezebel said to Ahab, Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth the Jizreelite, which he refused to give thee for money; for Naboth is not alive, but dead.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 22:52 - And he did evil in the sight of Jehovah, and walked in the way of his father, and in the way of his mother, and in the way of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 1:18 - And the rest of the acts of Ahaziah, what he did, are they not written in the book of the chronicles of the kings of Israel?
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 3:3 - Only, he clave to the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat who made Israel to sin: he did not depart therefrom.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 3:11 - And Jehoshaphat said, Is there not here a prophet of Jehovah that we may inquire of Jehovah by him? And one of the king of Israel's servants answered and said, Here is Elisha the son of Shaphat, who poured water on the hands of Elijah.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 3:27 - And he took his eldest son, that should have reigned in his stead, and offered him up for a burnt-offering upon the wall. And there was great wrath against Israel; and they departed from him, and returned to their own land.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 7:17 - And the king had appointed the captain on whose hand he leaned to have the charge of the gate; and the people trampled upon him in the gate, and he died, according to what the man of God had said, -- what he had said when the king came down to him.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 10:19 - And now call me all the prophets of Baal, all his servants, and all his priests: let none be wanting; for I have a great sacrifice to do to Baal; whoever shall be wanting shall not live. But Jehu did it in subtilty, in order that he might bring destruction upon the servants of Baal.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 10:21 - And Jehu sent into all Israel; and all the servants of Baal came, so that there was not a man left that came not: and they entered into the house of Baal; and the house of Baal was full from one end to the other.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 10:24 - And they entered in to offer sacrifices and burnt-offerings. Now Jehu appointed eighty men without, and said, He that allows any of the men to escape that I have brought into your hands, his life shall be for the life of him.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 10:29 - Only, the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin, from them Jehu departed not: from the golden calves that were in Bethel, and that were in Dan.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 10:31 - But Jehu took no heed to walk in the law of Jehovah the God of Israel with all his heart; he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam, who made Israel to sin.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 13:2 - And he did evil in the sight of Jehovah, and followed the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin; he departed not from them.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 13:6 - Nevertheless they departed not from the sins of the house of Jeroboam, who made Israel to sin: they walked therein; and there remained also the Asherah in Samaria.)
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 13:11 - And he did evil in the sight of Jehovah; he departed not from any of the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin: he walked therein.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 14:24 - And he did evil in the sight of Jehovah: he departed not from any of the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 15:9 - And he did evil in the sight of Jehovah, according as his fathers had done: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 15:18 - And he did evil in the sight of Jehovah: he departed not, all his days, from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 15:24 - And he did evil in the sight of Jehovah: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 15:28 - And he did evil in the sight of Jehovah: he departed not from the sins of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who made Israel to sin.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 17:36 - but Jehovah alone, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt with great power and a stretched-out arm, him shall ye fear, and him shall ye worship, and to him shall ye do sacrifice.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 18:21 - Now behold, thou reliest upon the staff of that broken reed, upon Egypt, on which if a man lean, it goes into his hand and pierces it: so is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all that rely upon him.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 23:15 - Moreover the altar that was at Bethel, the high place that Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who caused Israel to sin, had made, both that altar and the high place he broke down; and burned the high place, stamped it small to powder, and burned the Asherah.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 23:25 - And before him there had been no king like him that turned to Jehovah with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his might, according to all the law of Moses; neither after him arose there his like.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 25:19 - And out of the city he took a chamberlain that was set over the men of war, and five men of them that were in the king's presence, who were found in the city, and the scribe of the captain of the host, who enrolled the people of the land; and sixty men of the people of the land that were found in the city.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 2:7 - And the sons of Carmi: Achar, the troubler of Israel, who transgressed in the accursed thing.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 11:18 - And the three broke through the camp of the Philistines, and drew water out of the well of Bethlehem, which is in the gate, and took it, and brought it to David; David however would not drink of it, but poured it out to Jehovah.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 17:11 - And it shall come to pass, when thy days are fulfilled that thou must go to be with thy fathers, that I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall be of thy sons; and I will establish his kingdom.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 2:12 - And Huram said, Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, that made the heavens and the earth, who has given to David the king a wise son, endued with prudence and understanding, who will build a house for Jehovah and a house for his kingdom.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:4 - And he said: Blessed be Jehovah the God of Israel, who spoke with his mouth unto David my father, and hath with his hands fulfilled it, saying,
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:9 - nevertheless thou shalt not build the house; but thy son that shall come forth out of thy loins, he shall build the house unto my name.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:32 - And as to the stranger also, who is not of thy people Israel, but cometh out of a far country for thy great name's sake, and thy mighty hand and thy stretched-out arm; when they shall come and pray toward this house,
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:36 - If they have sinned against thee (for there is no man that sinneth not), and thou be angry with them, and give them up to the enemy, and they have carried them away captives unto a land far off or near;
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 9:8 - Blessed be Jehovah thy God, who delighted in thee, to set thee on his throne, to be king to Jehovah thy God! Because thy God loved Israel, to establish them for ever, therefore did he make thee king over them, to do judgment and justice.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 15:13 - and that whoever would not seek Jehovah the God of Israel should be put to death, whether small or great, whether man or woman.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 20:34 - And the rest of the acts of Jehoshaphat, first and last, behold, they are written in the words of Jehu the son of Hanani, which are inserted in the book of the kings of Israel.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 22:9 - And he sought Ahaziah; and they caught him (for he had hid himself in Samaria), and brought him to Jehu, and slew him; and they buried him, for they said, He is a son of Jehoshaphat, who sought Jehovah with all his heart. And in the house of Ahaziah there was no one who was able to hold the kingdom.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 32:12 - Has not the same Hezekiah removed his high places and his altars, and commanded Judah and Jerusalem saying, Ye shall worship before *one* altar, and burn incense upon it?
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 35:19 - In the eighteenth year of the reign of Josiah was this passover holden.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 2:61 - And of the children of the priests: the children of Habaiah, the children of Koz, the children of Barzillai; who took a wife of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite, and was called after their name.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 5:11 - And thus they returned us answer, saying, We are the servants of the God of the heavens and the earth, and build the house that was built these many years ago; and a great king of Israel built and completed it.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 6:11 - Also I have given order that whosoever shall alter this rescript, let timber be pulled down from his house, and being set up, let him be hanged thereon, and let his house be made a dunghill for this.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 6:12 - And the God that has caused his name to dwell there overthrow every king and people that shall put forth their hand to alter or to destroy this house of God which is at Jerusalem. I Darius have given this order; let it be done diligently.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 7:26 - And whosoever will not do the law of thy God and the law of the king, let judgment be executed diligently upon him, whether unto death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 7:27 - Blessed be Jehovah the God of our fathers, who has put such a thing as this in the king's heart, to beautify the house of Jehovah which is at Jerusalem;
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 10:8 - and that whosoever would not come within three days, according to the counsel of the princes and the elders, all his substance should be confiscated, and himself separated from the congregation of those that had been carried away.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 10:14 - Let now our princes, while this matter is going on, stand for all the congregation, and let all those that have taken foreign wives in our cities come at the appointed times, and with them the elders of every city, and the judges thereof, until the fierce anger of our God be turned from us.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 5:13 - Also I shook my lap, and said, So God shake out every man from his house and from his earnings, that performeth not this promise: even thus be he shaken out and emptied! And all the congregation said, Amen! And they praised Jehovah. And the people did according to this promise.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 6:11 - And I said, Should such a man as I flee? and who is there, that, being as I am, could go into the temple, and live? I will not go in.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 9:32 - And now, our God, the great, the mighty, and the terrible God, who keepest covenant and loving-kindness, let not all the trouble seem little before thee, that hath come upon us, on our kings, on our princes, and on our priests, and on our prophets, and on our fathers, and on all thy people, since the days of the kings of Assyria unto this day.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 10:29 - joined with their brethren, their nobles, and entered into a curse and into an oath, to walk in the law of God, which had been given by Moses the servant of God, and to keep and do all the commandments of Jehovah our Lord, and his ordinances and his statutes;
Unchecked Copy BoxEst 2:6 - who had been carried away from Jerusalem with the captives who had been carried away with Jeconiah king of Judah, whom Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon had carried away.
Unchecked Copy BoxEst 4:5 - Then Esther called for Hatach, one of the king's chamberlains, whom he had appointed to wait upon her, and gave him a commandment to Mordecai, to know what it was, and why it was.
Unchecked Copy BoxEst 4:11 - All the king's servants and the people of the king's provinces do know that whoever, whether man or woman, shall come to the king into the inner court, who is not called, there is *one* law, to put him to death, except such to whom the king shall hold out the golden sceptre, that he may live; and I have not been called to come in unto the king these thirty days.
Unchecked Copy BoxEst 9:22 - as the days on which the Jews rested from their enemies, and the month that was turned to them from sorrow to joy, and from mourning into a good day; that they should make them days of feasting and joy, and of sending portions one to another, and gifts to the poor.
Unchecked Copy BoxJob 22:18 - Yet he filled their houses with good. But the counsel of the wicked is far from me.
Unchecked Copy BoxJob 27:2 - As God liveth, who hath taken away my right, and the Almighty, who hath embittered my soul,
Unchecked Copy BoxJob 34:13 - Who hath entrusted to him the earth? and who hath disposed the whole world?
Unchecked Copy BoxJob 34:19 - How then to him that accepteth not the persons of princes, nor regardeth the rich man more than the poor? for they are all the work of his hands.
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 1:1 - Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the wicked, and standeth not in the way of sinners, and sitteth not in the seat of scorners;
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 15:3 - He that slandereth not with his tongue, doeth not evil to his companion, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour;
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 19:6 - His going forth is from the end of the heavens, and his circuit unto the ends of it; and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof.
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 24:4 - He that hath blameless hands and a pure heart; who lifteth not up his soul unto vanity, nor sweareth deceitfully:
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 34:8 - Taste and see that Jehovah is good: blessed is the man that trusteth in him!
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 52:7 - Behold the man that made not God his strength, but put confidence in the abundance of his riches, and strengthened himself in his avarice.
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 55:14 - We who held sweet intercourse together. To the house of God we walked amid the throng.
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 66:20 - Blessed be God, who hath not turned away my prayer, nor his loving-kindness from me!
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 89:48 - What man liveth, and shall not see death? Shall he deliver his soul from the power of Sheol? Selah.
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 124:6 - Blessed be Jehovah, who gave us not up a prey to their teeth!
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 127:5 - Happy is the man that hath filled his quiver with them. They shall not be ashamed when they speak with enemies in the gate.
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 129:6 - Let them be as the grass upon the house-tops, which withereth before it is plucked up,
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 135:8 - Who smote the firstborn of Egypt, both of man and beast;
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 135:10 - Who smote great nations, and slew mighty kings,
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 137:8 - Daughter of Babylon, who art to be laid waste, happy he that rendereth unto thee that which thou hast meted out to us.
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 137:9 - Happy he that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the rock.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 1:1 - Proverbs of Solomon, son of David, king of Israel:
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 3:13 - Blessed is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 8:34 - Blessed is the man that heareth me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at the posts of my doors.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 9:12 - If thou art wise, thou shalt be wise for thyself; and if thou scornest, thou alone shalt bear it.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 10:9 - He that walketh in integrity walketh securely; but he that perverteth his ways shall be known.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 10:13 - In the lips of an intelligent man wisdom is found; but a rod is for the back of him that is void of understanding.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 13:3 - He that guardeth his mouth keepeth his soul; destruction shall be to him that openeth wide his lips.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 13:13 - Whoso despiseth the word shall be held by it; but he that feareth the commandment shall be rewarded.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 13:24 - He that spareth his rod hateth his son; but he that loveth him chasteneth him betimes.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 15:32 - He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul; but he that heareth reproof getteth sense.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 16:17 - The highway of the upright is to depart from evil: he that taketh heed to his way keepeth his soul.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 16:19 - Better is it to be of a humble spirit with the meek, than to divide the spoil with the proud.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 17:9 - He that covereth transgression seeketh love; but he that bringeth a matter up again separateth very friends.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 17:13 - Whoso rewardeth evil for good, evil shall not depart from his house.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 17:15 - He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the righteous, even they both are abomination to Jehovah.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 17:16 - To what purpose is there a price in the hand of a fool to get wisdom, seeing he hath no sense?
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 17:27 - He that hath knowledge spareth his words; and a man of understanding is of a cool spirit.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 18:13 - He that giveth answer before he heareth, it is folly and shame unto him.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 18:22 - Whoso hath found a wife hath found a good thing, and hath obtained favour from Jehovah.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 19:7 - All the brethren of a poor man hate him; how much more do his friends go far from him: he pursueth them with words, -- they are not to be found.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 19:8 - He that getteth sense loveth his own soul; he that keepeth understanding shall find good.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 19:9 - A false witness shall not be held innocent, and he that uttereth lies shall perish.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 19:16 - He that keepeth the commandment keepeth his soul; he that is careless of his ways shall die.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 20:7 - The righteous walketh in his integrity: blessed are his children after him!
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 20:27 - Man's spirit is the lamp of Jehovah, searching all the inner parts of the belly.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 21:13 - Whoso stoppeth his ears at the cry of the poor, he also himself shall cry, and shall not be heard.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 21:23 - Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 21:24 - Proud, arrogant, scorner is his name who dealeth in proud wrath.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 24:12 - If thou sayest, Behold, we knew it not, will not he that weigheth the hearts consider it? And he that preserveth thy soul, he knoweth it; and he rendereth to man according to his work.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 24:22 - For their calamity shall rise suddenly; and who knoweth the ruin of them both?
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 25:28 - He that hath no rule over his own spirit is as a city broken down, without walls.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 26:8 - As a bag of gems in a stoneheap, so is he that giveth honour to a fool.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 27:14 - He that blesseth his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, it shall be reckoned a curse to him.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 27:18 - Whoso keepeth the fig-tree shall eat the fruit thereof; and he that guardeth his master shall be honoured.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 28:7 - Whoso observeth the law is a son that hath understanding; but he that is a companion of profligates bringeth shame to his father.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 28:10 - Whoso causeth the upright to go astray in an evil way, shall himself fall into his own pit; but the perfect shall inherit good.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 28:14 - Happy is the man that feareth always; but he that hardeneth his heart shall fall into evil.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 28:15 - A roaring lion, and a ranging bear, is a wicked ruler over a poor people.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 28:21 - To have respect of persons is not good; but for a piece of bread will a man transgress.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 28:24 - Whoso robbeth his father and his mother, and saith, It is no transgression, the same is the companion of a destroyer.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 28:25 - He that is puffed up in soul exciteth contention; but he that relieth upon Jehovah shall be made fat.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 28:26 - He that confideth in his own heart is a fool; but whoso walketh wisely, he shall be delivered.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 28:27 - He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack; but he that withdraweth his eyes shall have many a curse.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 29:3 - Whoso loveth wisdom rejoiceth his father; but he that is a companion of harlots destroyeth his substance.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 29:5 - A man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his steps.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 29:21 - He that delicately bringeth up his servant from a child, shall in the end have him as a son.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 29:24 - Whoso shareth with a thief hateth his own soul: he heareth the adjuration, and declareth not.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 29:25 - The fear of man bringeth a snare; but whoso putteth his confidence in Jehovah is protected.
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 30:30 - The lion, mighty among beasts, which turneth not away for any;
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 1:10 - Is there a thing whereof it may be said, See, this is new? It hath been already in the ages which were before us.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 2:12 - And I turned myself to behold wisdom, and madness, and folly; for what shall the man do that cometh after the king? -- that which hath already been done.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 2:21 - For there is a man whose labour hath been with wisdom, and with knowledge, and with skill, and who leaveth it to a man that hath not laboured therein, to be his portion. This also is vanity and a great evil.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 3:13 - yea also that every man should eat and drink, and enjoy good in all his labour, it is the gift of God.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 4:3 - and more fortunate than both is he who hath not yet been, who hath not seen the evil work that is done under the sun.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 4:13 - Better is a poor but wise youth than an old and foolish king, who knoweth no more how to be admonished.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 4:15 - I saw all the living that walk under the sun, with the child, the second, that should stand up in his stead.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 7:20 - Surely there is not a righteous man upon earth, that doeth good and sinneth not.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 8:12 - Though a sinner do evil a hundred times, and prolong his days, yet I know that it shall be well with them that fear God, because they fear before him;
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 8:13 - but it shall not be well with the wicked, neither shall he prolong his days as a shadow, because he feareth not before God.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 9:4 - For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope; for a living dog is better than a dead lion.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 10:15 - The labour of fools wearieth them, because they know not how to go to the city.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 12:7 - and the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit return unto God who gave it.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 8:8 - and he shall pass through Judah; he shall overflow it and go further, he shall reach even to the neck; and the stretching out of his wings shall fill the breadth of thy land, O Immanuel!
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 8:18 - Behold, I and the children that Jehovah hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel, from Jehovah of hosts, who dwelleth in mount Zion.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 10:14 - and my hand hath found as a nest the riches of the peoples, and as one gathereth forsaken eggs, have I gathered all the earth; and there was none that moved the wing, or opened the mouth, or chirped.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 13:15 - All that are found shall be thrust through; and every one that is in league with them shall fall by the sword.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 19:17 - And the land of Judah shall be a dismay unto Egypt: every one that thinketh of it shall be afraid for himself, because of the counsel of Jehovah of hosts, which he hath purposed against it.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 19:20 - and it shall be for a sign and for a witness to Jehovah of hosts in the land of Egypt; for they shall cry unto Jehovah because of the oppressors, and he will send them a saviour and defender, who shall deliver them.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 26:5 - For he bringeth down them that dwell on high; the lofty city, he layeth it low, he layeth it low to the ground, he bringeth it even to the dust.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 30:5 - They were all ashamed of a people that did not profit them, nor were a help or profit, but a shame, and also a reproach.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 31:9 - and for fear, he shall pass over to his rock, and his princes shall be afraid of the banner, saith Jehovah, whose fire is in Zion, and his furnace in Jerusalem.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 36:6 - Behold, thou reliest upon the staff of that broken reed, upon Egypt, on which if a man lean, it goes into his hand, and pierces it: so is Pharaoh king of Egypt to all that rely upon him.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 38:14 - Like a swallow or a crane, so did I chatter; I mourned as a dove; mine eyes failed with looking upward: Lord, I am oppressed; undertake for me.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 40:13 - Who hath directed the Spirit of Jehovah, and, as his counsellor, hath taught him?
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 42:23 - Who among you will give ear to this, who will hearken and hear what is to come?
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 46:7 - They bear him on the shoulder, they carry him, and set him in his place; there he standeth, he doth not remove from his place: yea, one crieth unto him, and he answereth not; he saveth him not out of his trouble.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 65:20 - There shall be no more thenceforth an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not completed his days; for the youth shall die a hundred years old, and the sinner being a hundred years old shall be accursed.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 1:1 - The words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkijah, of the priests that were in Anathoth in the land of Benjamin:
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 1:2 - to whom the word of Jehovah came in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah, in the thirteenth year of his reign;
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 11:3 - And thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith Jehovah, the God of Israel: Cursed be the man that obeyeth not the words of this covenant
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 16:15 - but, As Jehovah liveth, who brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them. For I will bring them again into their land, which I gave unto their fathers.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 17:5 - Thus saith Jehovah: Cursed is the man that confideth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from Jehovah.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 17:7 - Blessed is the man that confideth in Jehovah, and whose confidence Jehovah is.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 20:2 - And Pashur smote Jeremiah the prophet, and put him in the stocks that were in the upper gate of Benjamin, which was in the house of Jehovah.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 22:11 - For thus saith Jehovah concerning Shallum the son of Josiah, the king of Judah, who reigned instead of Josiah his father, who went forth out of this place: He shall not return thither any more;
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 23:7 - Therefore behold, days are coming, saith Jehovah, that they shall no more say, As Jehovah liveth, who brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 23:8 - but, As Jehovah liveth, who brought up and who led back the seed of the house of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries whither I had driven them. And they shall dwell in their own land.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 30:21 - And their prince shall be of themselves, and their ruler shall proceed from the midst of them; and I will cause him to approach, and he shall draw near unto me. For who is this that engageth his heart to draw near unto me? saith Jehovah.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 32:20 - who hast displayed signs and wonders unto this day, in the land of Egypt and in Israel and among other men; and hast made thee a name, as at this day.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 34:14 - At the end of seven years ye shall let go every man his brother, a Hebrew, who hath sold himself unto thee; when he hath served thee six years, thou shalt let him go free from thee. But your fathers hearkened not unto me, neither inclined their ear.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 38:6 - Then they took Jeremiah, and cast him into the dungeon of Malchijah the son of Hammelech, which was in the court of the guard, and they let down Jeremiah with cords. And in the dungeon there was no water, but mire; and Jeremiah sank in the mire.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 38:16 - And king Zedekiah swore secretly unto Jeremiah, saying, As Jehovah liveth, that made us this soul, I will not put thee to death, neither will I give thee into the hand of these men that seek thy life.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 44:17 - but we will certainly do every word that is gone forth out of our mouth, to burn incense to the queen of the heavens, and to pour out drink-offerings to her, as we have done, we and our fathers, our kings and our princes, in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem; and we had plenty of bread, and were well, and saw no evil.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 46:2 - Of Egypt: concerning the army of Pharaoh-Necho king of Egypt, which was by the river Euphrates at Carchemish, which Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon smote in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, the king of Judah.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 49:19 - Behold, he shall come up like a lion from the swelling of the Jordan against the strong habitation; for I will make them suddenly run away from it; and who is a chosen man whom I shall appoint over her? For who is like me? and who will assign me a time? and who is that shepherd that will stand before me?
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:44 - Behold, he shall come up like a lion from the swelling of the Jordan against the strong habitation; for I will make him suddenly run away from it; and who is a chosen man whom I may appoint over her? For who is like me? and who will assign me a time? and who is that shepherd that will stand before me?
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 52:25 - And out of the city he took a eunuch that was set over the men of war, and seven men of them that were in the king's presence, who were found in the city, and the scribe of the captain of the host, who enrolled the people of the land. And sixty men of the people of the land that were found in the midst of the city.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 9:3 - And the glory of the God of Israel was gone up from the cherub, whereupon it was, to the threshold of the house; and he called to the man clothed with linen, who had the writer's ink-horn by his side;
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 14:4 - Therefore speak to them, and say unto them, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: Every man of the house of Israel that setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumbling-block of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to the prophet, I Jehovah will answer him according to this, according to the multitude of his idols:
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 14:7 - For every one of the house of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel, who separateth himself from me, and setteth up his idols in his heart, and putteth the stumbling-block of his iniquity before his face, and cometh to the prophet to inquire of me by him, I Jehovah will answer him by myself;
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 17:3 - and say, Thus saith the Lord Jehovah: A great eagle with great wings, long-pinioned, full of feathers, which was of divers colours, came unto Lebanon, and took the highest branch of the cedar.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 17:16 - As I live, saith the Lord Jehovah, verily in the place of the king that made him king, whose oath he despised, and whose covenant he broke, even with him, in the midst of Babylon, shall he die.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 18:5 - And if a man be righteous, and do judgment and justice:
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 2:11 - For the thing that the king demandeth is extraordinary, and there is none other that can shew it before the king, except the gods, whose dwelling is not with flesh.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 2:14 - Then Daniel answered with counsel and prudence to Arioch the chief of the king's bodyguard, who had gone forth to slay the wise men of Babylon:
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 3:6 - and whosoever doth not fall down and worship shall that same hour be cast into the midst of a burning fiery furnace.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 3:10 - Thou, O king, hast made a decree, that every man that shall hear the sound of the cornet, pipe, lute, sambuca, psaltery, and bagpipe, and all kinds of music, shall fall down and worship the golden image;
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 3:15 - Now if ye be ready at the time that ye hear the sound of the cornet, pipe, lute, sambuca, psaltery, and bagpipe, and all kinds of music, to fall down and worship the image that I have made, well: but if ye worship not, ye shall be cast that same hour into the midst of a burning fiery furnace: and who is the God that shall deliver you out of my hands?
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 3:28 - Nebuchadnezzar spoke and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants who trusted in him, and who changed the king's word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God!
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 4:8 - But at the last Daniel came in before me, whose name is Belteshazzar, according to the name of my god, and in whom is the spirit of the holy gods; and before him I told the dream:
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 4:35 - And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing; and he doeth according to his will in the army of the heavens, and among the inhabitants of the earth; and none can stay his hand, or say unto him, What doest thou?
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 5:7 - The king cried aloud to bring in the magicians, the Chaldeans, and the astrologers. The king spoke and said to the wise men of Babylon, Whosoever shall read this writing, and shew me the interpretation thereof, shall be clothed with purple, and have a chain of gold about his neck, and shall be the third ruler in the kingdom.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 6:7 - All the presidents of the kingdom, the prefects, and the satraps, the counsellors, and the governors have consulted together to establish a royal statute, and to make a firm decree, that whosoever shall ask a petition of any god or man for thirty days, except of thee, O king, he shall be cast into the den of lions.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 6:12 - Then they came near, and spoke before the king concerning the king's decree: Hast thou not signed a decree, that every man that shall ask anything of any god or man within thirty days, except of thee, O king, shall be cast into the den of lions? The king answered and said, The thing is true, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which may not be revoked.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 7:24 - And as to the ten horns, out of this kingdom shall arise ten kings; and another shall arise after them; and he shall be different from the former, and he shall subdue three kings.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 9:1 - In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the seed of the Medes, who was made king over the realm of the Chaldeans,
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 9:2 - in the first year of his reign, I Daniel understood by the books that the number of the years, whereof the word of Jehovah came to Jeremiah the prophet, for the accomplishment of the desolations of Jerusalem, was seventy years.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 9:15 - -- And now, O Lord our God, who broughtest thy people forth out of the land of Egypt with a strong hand, and hast made thee a name, as it is this day, -- we have sinned, we have done wickedly.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 12:6 - And he said to the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river, How long is it to the end of these wonders?
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 12:7 - And I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river; and he held up his right hand and his left hand unto the heavens, and swore by him that liveth for ever that it is for a time, times, and a half; and when the scattering of the power of the holy people shall be accomplished, all these things shall be finished.
Unchecked Copy BoxHos 1:1 - The word of Jehovah that came unto Hosea, the son of Beeri, in the days of Uzziah, Jotham, Ahaz, Hezekiah, kings of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash, king of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 1:1 - The word of Jehovah that came to Joel the son of Pethuel.
Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 2:32 - And it shall be that whosoever shall call upon the name of Jehovah shall be saved: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as Jehovah hath said, and for the residue whom Jehovah shall call.
Unchecked Copy BoxJon 1:9 - And he said unto them, I am a Hebrew, and I fear Jehovah, the God of the heavens, who hath made the sea and the dry land.
Unchecked Copy BoxHab 2:5 - And moreover, the wine is treacherous: he is a proud man, and keepeth not at rest, he enlargeth his desire as Sheol, and he is like death and cannot be satisfied; and he assembleth unto him all nations, and gathereth unto him all peoples.
Unchecked Copy BoxZep 1:1 - The word of Jehovah that came unto Zephaniah the son of Cushi, the son of Gedaliah, the son of Amariah, the son of Hezekiah, in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah.
Unchecked Copy BoxHag 2:3 - Who is left among you that saw this house in its former glory? and how do ye see it now? Is it not as nothing in your eyes?
Unchecked Copy BoxHag 2:14 - Then answered Haggai and said, So is this people, and so is this nation before me, saith Jehovah, and so is every work of their hands; and that which they offer there is unclean.
Unchecked Copy BoxMal 1:14 - Yea, cursed be the deceiver, who hath in his flock a male, and voweth and sacrificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing; for I am a great King, saith Jehovah of hosts, and my name is terrible among the nations.
Unchecked Copy BoxMal 4:6 - And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.
Occurrences: 1 time in 1 verse
Speech: Relative Pronoun
Parsing: Nominative Singular Neuter
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 20:2 - And Pashur smote Jeremiah the prophet, and put him in the stocks that were in the upper gate of Benjamin, which was in the house of Jehovah.
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