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LXX Concordance for ἐναντίον

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ἐναντίον — 380x G1726 ἐναντίον
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Occurrences: 372 times in 351 verses
Speech: Preposition
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 6:8 - But Noah found favor in the eyes of Yahweh.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 6:11 -

Now the earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 6:13 -

Then God said to Noah, “The end of all flesh has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence because of them; and behold, I am about to destroy them with the earth.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 7:1 -

Then Yahweh said to Noah, “Enter the ark, you and all your household, for you alone I have seen to be righteous before Me in this generation.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 10:9 - He was a mighty hunter before Yahweh; therefore it is said, “Like Nimrod a mighty hunter before Yahweh.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 12:19 - “Why did you say, ‘She is my sister,' so that I took her for myself as a wife? So now, [fn]here is your wife, take her and go.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 13:9 - “Is not the whole land before you? Please separate from me; if to the left, then I will go to the right; or if to the right, then I will go to the left.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 13:13 - Now the men of Sodom were evil and sinners, exceedingly so, against Yahweh.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 16:4 - So he went in to Hagar, and she conceived. Then she saw that she had conceived, so her mistress became [fn]contemptible in her sight.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 16:5 - And Sarai said to Abram, “May the violence done to me be upon you. I gave my servant-woman into your [fn]embrace, but she saw that she had conceived, so I became [fn]contemptible in her [fn]sight. May Yahweh judge between [fn]you and me.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 17:1 -

Now it happened that when Abram was ninety-nine years old, Yahweh appeared to Abram and said to him,

“I am [fn]God Almighty;

Walk before Me and be [fn]blameless,

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 17:18 - And Abraham said to God, “Oh that Ishmael might live before You!”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 18:3 - and he said, “[fn]My Lord, if now I have found favor in Your sight, please do not [fn]pass Your servant by.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 18:22 -

Then the men turned away from there and went toward Sodom, while Abraham was still standing before Yahweh.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 19:13 - for we are about to destroy this place because their outcry has become great before Yahweh, so Yahweh has sent us to destroy it.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 19:14 - And Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who [fn]were to marry his daughters, and said, “Get up, get out of this place, for Yahweh will destroy the city.” But he appeared to his sons-in-law [fn]to be jesting.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 19:19 - “Now behold, your servant has found favor in your sight, and you have magnified your lovingkindness, which you have shown me by preserving my life; but I cannot escape to the [fn]mountains, lest calamity overtake me and I die;
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 19:27 -

Now Abraham arose early in the morning and went to the place where he had stood before Yahweh;

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 20:15 - And Abimelech said, “Behold, my land is before you; [fn]settle wherever it is good in your sight.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 21:11 - And the matter [fn]distressed Abraham greatly because of his son.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 21:12 - So God said to Abraham, “[fn]Do not be distressed because of the boy and your maidservant; whatever Sarah tells you, listen to her voice, for through Isaac your seed shall be named.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 23:11 - “No, my lord, hear me; I give you the field, and I give you the cave that is in it. In the sight of the sons of my people I give it to you; bury your dead.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 23:12 - And Abraham bowed before the people of the land.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 23:18 - to Abraham as purchased in the sight of the sons of Heth, before all who came in at the gate of his city.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 24:12 - And he said, “O Yahweh, the God of my master Abraham, please cause this to happen before me today, and show lovingkindness to my master Abraham.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 24:40 - “And he said to me, ‘Yahweh, before whom I have walked, will send His angel with you and will make your journey successful, and you will take a wife for my son from my family and from my father's house.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 27:7 - ‘Bring me some game and prepare a savory dish for me, that I may eat and bless you in the presence of Yahweh before my death.'
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 27:12 - “Perhaps my father will feel me, then I will be as a mocker in his sight, and I will bring upon myself a curse and not a blessing.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 27:20 - Then Isaac said to his son, “How is it that you have found it so quickly, my son?” And he said, “Because Yahweh your God caused it to happen to me.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 28:8 - So Esau saw that the daughters of Canaan were displeasing in the [fn]sight of his father Isaac;
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 29:20 - So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they were in his sight but a few days because of his love for her.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 30:27 - But Laban said to him, “If now I have found favor in your sight, stay with me; I have interpreted an omen that Yahweh has blessed me on your account.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 30:30 - “For you had little before [fn]I came, but it has spread out to a multitude, and Yahweh has blessed you [fn]at every step of mine. But now, when shall I provide for my own household also?”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 30:40 - And Jacob separated the lambs, and he [fn]made the flocks face toward the striped and all the black in the flock of Laban; and he set his own herds apart and did not set them with Laban's flock.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 30:41 - Now it would be that, whenever the [fn]stronger of the flock [fn]were mating, Jacob would place the rods in the sight of the flock in the trough, so that they might [fn]mate by the rods;
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 31:32 - “The one with whom you find your gods shall not live; in the presence of our [fn]relatives recognize what is yours [fn]among my belongings and take it for yourself.” But Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen them.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 31:37 - “Though you have felt through all my goods, what have you found of all your household goods? Place it here before my [fn]relatives and your [fn]relatives, that they may decide between us two.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 32:5 - and I have oxen and donkeys and flocks and male and female slaves; and I have sent to tell my lord, that I may find favor in your sight.”'”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 33:8 - And he said, “What do you mean by all [fn]these camps which I have met?” And he said, “To find favor in the sight of my lord.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 33:10 - And Jacob said, “No, please, if now I have found favor in your sight, then take my present from my hand, [fn]for I see your face as one sees the face of God, and you have received me favorably.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 33:14 - “Please let my lord pass on before his servant, and I will lead on slowly, according to the pace of the cattle that are before me and according to the pace of the children, until I come to my lord at Seir.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 33:15 -

Then Esau said, “Please let me leave with you some of the people who are with me.” But he said, “Why do this? Let me find favor in the sight of my lord.”

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 34:10 - “Thus you shall [fn]live with us, and the land shall be open before you; [fn]live and trade in it and take possession of property in it.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 34:11 - And Shechem also said to her father and to her brothers, “If I find favor in your sight, then I will give whatever you say to me.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 34:18 -

Now their words seemed good in the sight of Hamor and Shechem, Hamor's son.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 34:21 - “These men are peaceful with us; therefore let them [fn]live in the land and trade in it, for behold, the land is [fn]large enough for them. Let us take their daughters for us as wives and give our daughters to them.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 35:22 -

Now it happened while Israel was dwelling in that land, that Reuben went and lay with Bilhah his father's concubine, and Israel heard of it.

And there were twelve sons of Jacob

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 38:7 - But Er, Judah's firstborn, was evil in the sight of Yahweh, so Yahweh put him to death.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 38:10 - But what he did was displeasing in the sight of Yahweh; so He put him to death also.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 39:4 - So Joseph found favor in his sight and [fn]attended on him; and he appointed him overseer over his house, and all that he owned he gave in his hand.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 39:9 - [fn]There is no one greater in this house than I, and he has withheld nothing from me except you, because you are his wife. How then could I do this great evil and sin against God?”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 39:21 - But Yahweh was with Joseph and [fn]extended lovingkindness to him and gave him favor in the sight of the chief jailer.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 40:9 -

So the chief cupbearer recounted his dream to Joseph and said to him, “In my dream, [fn]behold, there was a vine in front of me;

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 41:37 - And the [fn]proposal seemed good [fn]to Pharaoh and [fn]to all his servants.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 41:46 -

Now Joseph was thirty years old when he [fn]stood before Pharaoh, king of Egypt. And Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh and passed through all the land of Egypt.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 42:24 - And he turned away from them and wept. Then he returned to them and spoke to them. And he took Simeon from them and bound him before their eyes.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 43:9 - “I myself will be the guarantee for him; from my hand you may require him. If I do not bring him back to you and set him before you, then [fn]I shall bear the sin before you all my days.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 43:14 - and may [fn]God Almighty grant you compassion before the man, so that he will release to you your other brother and Benjamin. And as for me, if I am bereaved of my children, I am bereaved.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 43:15 - So the men took this present, and they took double the money in their hand, and Benjamin; and they arose and went down to Egypt and stood before Joseph.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 43:33 - And they [fn]were seated before him, the firstborn according to his birthright and the youngest according to his youth, and the men looked at one another in astonishment.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 44:14 -

Then Judah and his brothers came to Joseph's house, and he was still there. So they fell to the ground before him.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 44:18 -

Then Judah came near to him and said, “O my lord, may your servant please speak a word in my lord's ears, and [fn]do not be angry with your servant; for you are equal to Pharaoh.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 44:32 - “For your servant became a guarantee for the boy to my father, saying, ‘If I do not bring him back to you, [fn]then I shall bear the sin before my father all my days.'
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 47:2 - And he took five men from among his brothers and set them before Pharaoh.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 47:6 - “The land of Egypt is [fn]at your disposal; have your father and your brothers settle in the best of the land, let them settle in the land of Goshen; and if you know any excellent men among them, then [fn]put them in charge of my livestock.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 47:7 -

Then Joseph brought his father Jacob and stood him before Pharaoh; and Jacob blessed Pharaoh.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 47:15 - Then the money came to an end in the land of Egypt and in the land of Canaan. So all the Egyptians came to Joseph [fn]and said, “Give us [fn]food, for why should we die in your presence? For our money [fn]is gone.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 47:18 - Then that year came to an end. And they came to him the [fn]next year and said to him, “We will not hide from my lord that our money has come to an end, and the [fn]livestock are my lord's. There is nothing left [fn]for my lord except our bodies and our land.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 47:19 - “Why should we die before your eyes, both we and our land? Buy us and our land for [fn]food, and we and our land will be slaves to Pharaoh. So give us seed, that we may live and not die, and that the land may not be desolate.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 47:25 - So they said, “You have kept us alive! Let us find favor in the sight of my lord, and we will be Pharaoh's slaves.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 47:29 -

Then the days for Israel to die drew near, and he called his son Joseph and said to him, “Please, if I have found favor in your sight, place now your hand under my thigh and deal with me in lovingkindness and truth. Please do not bury me in Egypt.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 48:15 - And he blessed Joseph and said,

“May the God before whom my fathers Abraham and Isaac walked,

The God who has been my shepherd [fn]throughout my life to this day,

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 50:4 -

Then the days of weeping for him were past, and Joseph spoke to the household of Pharaoh, saying, “If now I have found favor in your sight, please speak in the ears of Pharaoh, saying,

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 3:21 - “And I will give this people favor in the sight of the Egyptians; and it shall be that when you go, you will not go empty.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 4:21 -

And Yahweh said to Moses, “When you go to return to Egypt, see to it that all the miraculous wonders which I have put in your hand, that you do them before Pharaoh; but as for Me, I will [fn]harden his heart with strength so that he will not let the people go.

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 4:30 - and Aaron spoke all the words which Yahweh had spoken to Moses. He then did the signs in the sight of the people.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 5:21 - And they said to them, “May Yahweh look upon you and judge, for you have made [fn]us a foul smell in Pharaoh's sight and in the sight of his servants, to put a sword in their hand to kill us.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 6:30 - But Moses said before Yahweh, “Behold, I am of uncircumcised lips; how then will Pharaoh listen to me?”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 7:9 - “When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, ‘[fn]Work a miraculous wonder,' then you shall say to Aaron, ‘Take your staff and throw it down before Pharaoh, that it may become a [fn]serpent.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 7:10 - So Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh, and thus they did just as Yahweh had commanded; and Aaron threw his staff down before Pharaoh and [fn]his [fn]servants, and it became a [fn]serpent.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 7:20 -

So Moses and Aaron did thus, as Yahweh had commanded. And he raised up [fn]the staff and struck the water that was in the Nile, in the sight of Pharaoh and in the sight of his servants, and all the water that was in the Nile was turned to blood.

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 8:20 -

And Yahweh said to Moses, “Rise early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh [fn]as he comes out to the water, and you shall say to him, ‘Thus says Yahweh, “Let My people go, that they may serve Me.

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 8:26 - But Moses said, “It is not right to do so, for we will sacrifice to Yahweh our God [fn]what is an abomination to the Egyptians. If we sacrifice [fn]what is an abomination to the Egyptians before their eyes, will they not then stone us?
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 9:8 -

Then Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron, “Take for yourselves handfuls of soot from a kiln, and let Moses toss it toward the sky in the sight of Pharaoh.

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 9:10 - So they took the soot from the kiln and stood before Pharaoh; and Moses tossed it toward the sky, and it became boils breaking out with sores on man and beast.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 9:11 - And the [fn]magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils, for the boils were on the magicians [fn]as well as on all the Egyptians.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 9:13 -

And Yahweh said to Moses, “Rise up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh, and you shall say to him, ‘Thus says Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews, “Let My people go, that they may serve Me.

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 10:3 -

Then Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh and said to him, “Thus says Yahweh, the God of the Hebrews, ‘How long will you refuse to humble yourself before Me? Let My people go, that they may serve Me.

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 10:16 - Then Pharaoh hurriedly called for Moses and Aaron, and he said, “I have sinned against Yahweh your God and against you.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 11:3 - (And Yahweh gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians. Moreover, the man Moses himself was very great in the land of Egypt, both in the sight of Pharaoh's servants and in the sight of the people.)
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 11:10 - Now Moses and Aaron did all these miraculous wonders before Pharaoh; yet Yahweh [fn]hardened Pharaoh's heart with strength, and he did not let the sons of Israel go out of his land.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 12:36 - and Yahweh had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they let them have what they asked. Thus they plundered the Egyptians.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 13:22 - [fn]He did not take away the pillar of cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, from before the people.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 15:26 - And He said, “If you will earnestly listen to the voice of Yahweh your God, and do what is right in His sight, and give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have put on the Egyptians; for I, Yahweh, am your healer.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 16:9 -

Then Moses said to Aaron, “Say to all the congregation of the sons of Israel, ‘Come near before Yahweh, for He has heard your grumblings.'”

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 16:33 - And Moses said to Aaron, “Take a jar and put an omerful of manna in it, and place it before Yahweh to be kept throughout your generations.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 16:34 - As Yahweh commanded Moses, so Aaron placed it before the Testimony to be kept.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 17:6 - “Behold, I will stand before you there on the rock at Horeb; and you shall strike the rock, and water will come out of it, that the people may drink.” And Moses did so in the sight of the elders of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 18:12 - Then Jethro, Moses' father-in-law, took a burnt offering and sacrifices for God, and Aaron came with all the elders of Israel to eat [fn]a meal with Moses' father-in-law before God.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 19:11 - and let them be ready for the third day, for on the third day Yahweh will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 24:17 - And the appearance of the glory of Yahweh was like a consuming fire on the mountain top, in the eyes of the sons of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 25:30 - “You shall set the bread of the [fn]Presence on the table before Me [fn]at all times.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 27:21 - “In the tent of meeting, outside the veil which is before the testimony, Aaron and his sons shall keep it in order from evening to morning before Yahweh; it shall be a perpetual statute throughout their generations [fn]for the sons of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 28:30 - “You shall put in the breastpiece of judgment the [fn]Urim and the Thummim, and they shall be over Aaron's heart when he comes in before Yahweh; and Aaron shall carry the judgment of the sons of Israel over his heart before Yahweh continually.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 28:35 - “It shall be on Aaron [fn]when he ministers; and its sound shall be heard when he comes into the holy place before Yahweh and when he goes out, so that he will not die.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 33:13 - “So now, I pray You, if I have found favor in Your sight, let me know Your ways that I may know You, so that I may find favor in Your sight. See also, that this nation is Your people.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 33:19 - And He said, “I Myself will make all My goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of Yahweh before you; and I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will show compassion on whom I will show compassion.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 34:24 - “For I will dispossess nations before you and enlarge your borders, and no man shall covet your land when you go up three times a year to appear before Yahweh your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 34:28 - So he was there with Yahweh forty days and forty nights; he did not eat bread or drink water. And [fn]he wrote on the tablets the words of the covenant, the Ten [fn]Commandments.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 40:5 - “Moreover, you shall set the gold altar of incense before the ark of the testimony and set up the veil for the doorway to the tabernacle.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 40:38 - For throughout all their journeys, the cloud of Yahweh was on the tabernacle by day, and there was fire in it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 1:3 - ‘If his offering is a burnt offering from the herd, he shall bring it near, a male without blemish; he shall bring it near to the doorway of the tent of meeting, that he may be accepted before Yahweh.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 3:1 -

‘Now if his offering is a sacrifice of peace offerings, if he is going to bring near one from the herd, whether male or female, he shall bring it near without blemish before Yahweh.

Unchecked Copy BoxLev 4:7 - ‘The priest shall also put some of the blood on the horns of the altar of fragrant incense which is before Yahweh in the tent of meeting; and all the blood of the bull he shall pour out at the base of the altar of burnt offering which is at the doorway of the tent of meeting.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 13:5 - “Then the priest shall look at him on the seventh day, and if in his eyes the infection [fn]has not changed and the infection has not spread on the skin, then the priest shall [fn]isolate him for seven more days.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 25:23 -

‘The land, moreover, shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine; for you are but sojourners and foreign residents with Me.

Unchecked Copy BoxLev 26:7 - ‘But you will pursue your enemies, and they will fall before you by the sword;
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 26:8 - and five of you will pursue one hundred, and one hundred of you will pursue ten thousand, and your enemies will fall before you by the sword.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 26:17 - ‘And I will [fn]set My face against you so that you will be [fn]defeated before your enemies; and those who hate you will have dominion over you, and you will flee when no one is pursuing you.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 26:40 -

‘If they confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers, in their unfaithfulness which they committed against Me, and also how they walked in hostility against Me—

Unchecked Copy BoxLev 27:8 - ‘But if he is poorer than your valuation, then he shall be [fn]presented before the priest, and the priest shall value him; according to [fn]the means of the one who vowed, the priest shall value him.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 1:53 - “But the Levites shall camp around the tabernacle of the testimony so that there will be no wrath on the congregation of the sons of Israel. So the Levites shall keep charge of the tabernacle of the testimony.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 3:6 - “Bring the tribe of Levi near and have them stand before Aaron the priest, that they may minister to him.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 7:3 - And they brought their offering before Yahweh, six covered carts and twelve oxen, a cart for every two of the leaders and an ox for each one, and they brought them near before the tabernacle.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 9:6 - But there were some men who were unclean because of a [fn]dead person, so that they could not celebrate Passover on that day; so they came near before Moses and Aaron on that day.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 11:11 - So Moses said to Yahweh, “Why have You [fn]allowed this evil toward Your slave? And why have I not found favor in Your sight, that You have laid the burden of all this people on me?
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 11:20 - [fn]but a whole month, until it comes out of your nostrils and becomes loathsome to you; because you have rejected Yahweh who is among you and have wept before Him, saying, “Why did we ever go out from Egypt?”'”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 14:5 -

Then Moses and Aaron fell on their faces in the presence of all the assembly of the congregation of the sons of Israel.

Unchecked Copy BoxNum 14:27 - “How long shall I bear with this evil congregation who are grumbling against Me? I have heard the complaints of the sons of Israel, which they are [fn]making against Me.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 19:5 - ‘Then the heifer shall be burned in his sight; its hide and its flesh and its blood, with its refuse, shall be burned.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 20:12 - But Yahweh said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not believe Me, to treat Me as holy in the sight of the sons of Israel, therefore you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 20:27 - So Moses did just as Yahweh had commanded, and they went up to Mount Hor in the sight of all the congregation.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 22:32 - And the angel of Yahweh said to him, “Why have you struck your donkey these three times? Behold, I have come out as an adversary because your way was [fn]contrary to me.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 25:6 -

Then behold, one of the sons of Israel came and brought near to his brothers a Midianite woman, in the sight of Moses and in the sight of all the congregation of the sons of Israel, while they were weeping at the doorway of the tent of meeting.

Unchecked Copy BoxNum 27:19 - and have him stand before Eleazar the priest and before all the congregation, and commission him in their sight.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 27:22 - So Moses did just as Yahweh commanded him; and he took Joshua and had him stand before Eleazar the priest and before all the congregation.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 33:3 -

They journeyed from Rameses in the first month, on the fifteenth day of the first month; on the [fn]next day after the Passover the sons of Israel started out [fn]with a high hand in the sight of all the Egyptians,

Unchecked Copy BoxNum 36:6 - “This is [fn]what Yahweh has commanded concerning the daughters of Zelophehad, saying, ‘Let them marry whoever is good in their sight; only they must marry within the family of the tribe of their father.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 1:23 - “And the thing was good in my sight, and I took twelve of your men, one man for each tribe.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 4:6 - “You shall keep and do them, for that is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 4:10 - Remember the day you stood before Yahweh your God at Horeb, when Yahweh said to me, ‘Assemble the people to Me, that I may cause them to hear My words so they may learn to [fn]fear Me all the days they live on the earth, and that they may teach their children.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 4:25 -

“When you [fn]become the father of children and children's children and remain long in the land and act corruptly and make [fn]a graven image in the form of anything and do that which is evil in the sight of Yahweh your God so as to provoke Him to anger,

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 6:18 - “And you shall do what is right and good in the sight of Yahweh, that it may be well with you and that you may go in and possess the good land which Yahweh swore to give your fathers,
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 6:25 - “And it will be righteousness for us if we [fn]are careful to do all this commandment before Yahweh our God, just as He commanded us.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 9:16 - “And I saw that you had indeed sinned against Yahweh your God. You had made for yourselves a molten calf; you had turned aside quickly from the way which Yahweh had commanded you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 9:17 - “And I took hold of the two tablets and threw them from my hands and shattered them before your eyes.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 9:18 - “And I fell down before Yahweh, as at the first, forty days and nights; I neither ate bread nor drank water because of all your sin which you had committed in doing what was evil in the sight of Yahweh to provoke Him to anger.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 9:25 -

“So I fell down before Yahweh the forty days and the forty nights, which I [fn]did because Yahweh had said He would destroy you.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 10:11 - “Then Yahweh said to me, ‘Arise, go on your journey ahead of the people, that they may go in and possess the land which I swore to their fathers to give them.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 12:7 - “There also you and your households shall eat before Yahweh your God, and be glad in all that you send forth your hand to do, in which Yahweh your God has blessed you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 12:12 - “And you shall be glad before Yahweh your God, you and your sons and daughters, your male and female slaves, and the Levite who is within your gates, since he has no portion or inheritance with you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 12:18 - “But you shall eat them before Yahweh your God in the place which Yahweh your God will choose, you and your son and daughter, and your male and female slaves, and the Levite who is within your gates; and you shall be glad before Yahweh your God in all that you send forth your hand to do.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 12:25 - “You shall not eat it, so that it may be well with you and your sons after you, for you will be doing what is right in the sight of Yahweh.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 12:28 -

“Be careful to listen to all these words which I command you, so that it may be well with you and your sons after you forever, for you will be doing what is good and right in the sight of Yahweh your God.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 13:16 - “Then you shall gather all its spoil into the middle of its open square and burn the city and all its spoil with fire as a whole burnt offering to Yahweh your God; and it shall be a [fn]ruin forever. It shall never be rebuilt.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 13:18 - [fn]if you will listen to the voice of Yahweh your God, [fn]keeping all His commandments which I am commanding you today, [fn]and doing what is right in the sight of Yahweh your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 14:26 - “And you may spend the money for whatever your [fn]heart desires: for oxen or sheep or wine or strong drink or whatever your [fn]heart [fn]desires; and there you shall eat in the presence of Yahweh your God and be glad, you and your household.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 15:18 -

“It shall not seem hard in your sight when you [fn]let him go to be free from you, for he has given you six years with [fn]double the service of a hired man; so Yahweh your God will bless you in whatever you do.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 16:11 - and you shall be glad before Yahweh your God, you and your son and your daughter and your male and female slaves and the Levite who is within your gates and the sojourner and the [fn]orphan and the widow who are in your midst, in the place where Yahweh your God chooses for His name to dwell.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 16:16 -

“Three times in a year all your males shall appear before Yahweh your God in the place which He chooses, at the Feast of Unleavened Bread and at the Feast of Weeks and at the Feast of Booths, and they shall not appear before Yahweh empty-handed.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 17:2 -

“If there is found in your midst, in any of your gates of the towns which Yahweh your God is giving you, a man or a woman who does what is evil in the sight of Yahweh your God, by trespassing against His covenant,

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 18:13 - “You shall be [fn]blameless before Yahweh your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 20:18 - so that they may not teach you to do according to all their abominations which they have done for their gods, so that you would sin against Yahweh your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 22:17 - and behold, he has charged her with shameful deeds, saying, “I did not find your daughter a virgin.” But [fn]this is the evidence of my daughter's virginity.' And they shall spread the garment before the elders of the city.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 24:1 -

“If a man takes a wife and marries her, and it happens [fn]that she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some indecency in her, and he writes her a certificate of divorce and puts it in her hand and sends her out from his house,

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 24:4 - then her former husband who sent her away is not allowed to take her again to be his wife, since she has been defiled; for that is an abomination before Yahweh, and you shall not bring sin on the land which Yahweh your God gives you as an inheritance.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 24:13 - “When the sun goes down you shall surely return the deposit to him, that he may sleep in his cloak and bless you; and it will be righteousness for you before Yahweh your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 25:2 - then it shall be if the wicked man [fn]deserves to be struck, the judge shall then make him lie down and be struck in his presence with the number of stripes according to his [fn]guilt.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 25:3 - “He may strike him forty times but no more, lest he strike him with many more stripes than these and your brother be dishonored in your eyes.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 26:13 - “Then you shall say before Yahweh your God, ‘I have purged the sacred portion from my house, and I also have given it to the Levite and the sojourner, the [fn]orphan and the widow, according to all Your commandments which You have commanded me; I have not trespassed against or forgotten any of Your commandments.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 27:7 - and you shall sacrifice peace offerings and eat there and be glad before Yahweh your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 28:25 -

“Yahweh shall cause you to be [fn]defeated before your enemies; you will go out one way against them, but you will flee seven ways before them, and you will become an example of terror to all the kingdoms of the earth.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 28:31 - “Your ox shall be slaughtered before your eyes, but you will not eat of it; your donkey shall be torn away from you and will not be returned to you; your sheep shall be given to your enemies, and you will have none to save you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 29:10 -

“You stand today, all of you, before Yahweh your God: your heads, your tribes, your elders, and your officers, even all the men of Israel,

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 29:15 - but both with those who stand here with us today in the presence of Yahweh our God and with those who are not with us here today
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 31:11 - when all Israel comes to appear before Yahweh your God at the place which He will choose, you shall read this law in front of all Israel in their hearing.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 31:29 - “For I know that after my death you will act corruptly and turn away from the way which I have commanded you; and evil will befall you in the last days, for you will do that which is evil in the sight of Yahweh, provoking Him to anger with the work of your hands.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 4:13 - about 40,000 equipped for war crossed for battle before Yahweh to the desert plains of Jericho.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 4:14 -

On that day, Yahweh magnified Joshua in the sight of all Israel, so that they [fn]feared him, just as they had [fn]feared Moses all the days of his life.

Unchecked Copy BoxJos 5:13 -

Now it happened when Joshua was by Jericho, that he lifted up his eyes and looked, and behold, a man was standing opposite him with his sword drawn in his hand, and Joshua went to him and said to him, “Are you for us or for our adversaries?”

Unchecked Copy BoxJos 6:7 - Then [fn]he said to the people, “Go forward, and march around the city, and let the armed men go on before the ark of Yahweh.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 6:8 - And so it happened that, when Joshua had spoken to the people, the seven priests carrying the seven trumpets of rams' horns before Yahweh passed on forward and blew the trumpets; and the ark of the covenant of Yahweh came after them.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 6:13 - And the seven priests carrying the seven trumpets of rams' horns before the ark of Yahweh went on continually and blew the trumpets; and the armed men went before them, and the rear guard came after the ark of Yahweh, and they continued to blow the trumpets.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 6:26 -

Then Joshua made them swear an oath at that time, saying, “Cursed before Yahweh is the man who rises up and builds this city Jericho; with the loss of his firstborn he shall lay its foundation, and with the loss of his youngest son he shall set up its gates.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJos 7:6 -

Then Joshua tore his clothes and fell to the earth on his face before the ark of Yahweh until the evening, both he and the elders of Israel; and they put dust on their heads.

Unchecked Copy BoxJos 7:20 - So Achan answered Joshua and said, “Truly, I have sinned against Yahweh, the God of Israel, and [fn]this is what I did:
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 11:6 -

Then Yahweh said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid because of them, for tomorrow at this time I will give all of them over, slain, before Israel; you shall hamstring their horses and burn their chariots with fire.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJos 13:4 - [fn]to the south, all the land of the Canaanite, and Mearah that belongs to the Sidonians, as far as Aphek, to the border of the Amorite;
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 17:4 - And they came near before Eleazar the priest and before Joshua the son of Nun and before the leaders, saying, “Yahweh commanded Moses to give us an inheritance among our brothers.” So according to the [fn]word of Yahweh he gave them an inheritance among their father's brothers.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 18:4 - “Provide for yourselves three men from [fn]each tribe that I may send them, and that they may arise and walk through the land and write a description of it according to their inheritance; then they shall [fn]return to me.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 19:51 -

These are the inheritances which Eleazar the priest and Joshua the son of Nun and the heads of the [fn]households of the tribes of the sons of Israel distributed by lot in Shiloh before Yahweh at the doorway of the tent of meeting. So they finished dividing the land.

Unchecked Copy BoxJos 20:3 - that the manslayer who strikes down any person unintentionally, without premeditation, may flee there, and they shall become for you as a refuge from the avenger of blood.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 22:16 - “Thus says the whole congregation of Yahweh, ‘What is this unfaithful act which you have committed against the God of Israel, turning away from following Yahweh this day, by building yourselves an altar, to rebel against Yahweh this day?
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 22:27 - rather it shall be a witness between us and you and between our generations after us, that we are to perform the service of Yahweh before Him with our burnt offerings and with our sacrifices and with our peace offerings, so that your sons will not say to our sons in time to come, “You have no portion in Yahweh.”'
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 22:29 - “Far be it from us to rebel against Yahweh and turn away from following Yahweh this day, by building an altar for burnt offering, for grain offering or for sacrifice, besides the altar of Yahweh our God which is before His [fn]tabernacle.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 22:31 - And Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest said to the sons of Reuben and to the sons of Gad and to the sons of Manasseh, “Today we know that Yahweh is in our midst because you have not committed this unfaithful act against Yahweh; so then you have delivered the sons of Israel from the hand of Yahweh.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 13:1 -

Then the sons of Israel again did what was evil in the eyes of Yahweh, so that Yahweh gave them into the hand of the Philistines forty years.

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 20:39 - So the men of Israel had turned around in the battle, and Benjamin had begun to strike [fn]and slay about thirty men of Israel, for they said, “Surely they are [fn]defeated before us, as in the first battle.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 11:19 - And Hadad found great favor in the sight of Pharaoh. So he gave him as a wife the sister of his own wife, the sister of Tahpenes the queen.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 22:52 - And he did what was evil in the sight of Yahweh and walked in the way of his father and in the way of his mother and in the way of Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who caused Israel to sin.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 15:25 - Then Pekah son of Remaliah, his officer, conspired against him and struck him in Samaria, in the castle of the king's house with Argob and Arieh; and with him were fifty men of the Gileadites, and he put him to death and became king in his place.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 19:14 -

Then Hezekiah took the [fn]letter from the hand of the messengers and read it, and he went up to the house of Yahweh and [fn]spread it out before Yahweh.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 2:3 -

The sons of Judah were Er, Onan, and Shelah; these three were born to him by Bath-shua the Canaanitess. And Er, Judah's firstborn, was evil in the sight of [fn]Yahweh, so He put him to death.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 4:40 - They found rich and good pasture, and the land was broad and quiet and peaceful; for those who lived there formerly were Hamites.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 6:32 - And they ministered with song before the tabernacle of the tent of meeting, until Solomon had built the house of Yahweh in Jerusalem; and they stood for their service according to their custom.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 11:3 - So all the elders of Israel came to the king at Hebron, and David cut a covenant with them in Hebron before Yahweh; then they anointed David king over Israel, according to the word of Yahweh through Samuel.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 13:8 - Now David and all Israel were celebrating before God with all their strength, even with songs and with lyres, harps, tambourines, cymbals, and with trumpets.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 16:1 -

And they brought in the ark of God and placed it inside the tent which David had pitched for it, and they brought burnt offerings and peace offerings near before God.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 16:6 - and Benaiah and Jahaziel the priests blew trumpets continually before the ark of the covenant of God.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 16:37 -

So he left behind Asaph and his [fn]relatives there before the ark of the covenant of Yahweh to minister before the ark continually, as every day's work required;

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 16:39 - Now he left behind Zadok the priest and his [fn]relatives the priests before the [fn]tabernacle of Yahweh in the high place, which was at Gibeon,
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 17:24 - that Your name [fn]endure and be magnified forever, by saying, ‘Yahweh of hosts is the God of Israel, even a God to Israel; and the house of David Your [fn]servant is established before You.'
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 17:27 - “So now, You have been pleased to bless the house of Your slave, that it may be forever before You. For You, O Yahweh, have blessed, and it is blessed forever.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 19:3 - But the princes of the sons of Ammon said to Hanun, “In your eyes, is David honoring your father because he has sent comforters to you? Have not his servants come to you to search and to overthrow and to spy out the land?”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 19:10 -

Then Joab saw that the [fn]battle was set against him in front and in the rear. So he chose from all the choice men of Israel and [fn]they arranged themselves to meet the Arameans.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 21:7 -

And this thing was displeasing in the sight of God, so He struck Israel.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 21:23 - And Ornan said to David, “Take it for yourself; and let my lord the king do what is good in his sight. See, I will give the oxen for the burnt offerings and the threshing sledges for the wood and the wheat for the grain offering; I will give everything.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 22:8 - “But the word of Yahweh came to me, saying, ‘You have shed much blood and have [fn]waged great wars; you shall not build a house for My name, because you have shed so much blood on the earth before Me.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 22:18 - “Is not Yahweh your God with you? And has He not given you rest on every side? For He has given the inhabitants of the land into my hand, and the land is subdued before Yahweh and before His people.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 23:13 -

The sons of Amram were Aaron and Moses. And Aaron was separated in order to sanctify him as most holy, he and his sons forever, to offer offerings up in smoke before Yahweh, to minister to Him and to bless in His name forever.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 24:2 - But Nadab and Abihu died before their father and had no [fn]sons. So Eleazar and Ithamar ministered as priests.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 24:31 -

These also cast lots alongside their [fn]relatives the sons of Aaron in the presence of David the king, Zadok, Ahimelech, and the heads of the fathers' households of the priests and of the Levites—the head of fathers' households alongside those of his younger brother.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 29:15 - “For we are sojourners before You, and foreign residents, like all our fathers were; our days on the earth are like a shadow, and there is no hope.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 29:22 - So they ate and drank that day before Yahweh with great gladness.

And they made Solomon the son of David king a second time, and they anointed him as ruler for Yahweh and Zadok as priest.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 29:25 - And Yahweh highly exalted Solomon in the sight of all Israel, and granted to him royal majesty which had not been on any king before him in Israel.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 1:2 -

And Solomon spoke to all Israel, to the commanders of thousands and of hundreds and to the judges and to every leader in all Israel, the heads of the fathers' households.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:14 - And he said, “O Yahweh, the God of Israel, there is no god like You in heaven or on earth, keeping covenant and lovingkindness to Your slaves who walk before You with all their heart;
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:16 - “So now, O Yahweh, the God of Israel, keep with Your servant David my father, that which You have promised him, saying, ‘You shall not have a man cut off from before Me who is to sit on the throne of Israel, if only your sons keep their way to walk in My law as you have walked before Me.'
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:19 - “Yet have regard to the prayer of Your slave and to his supplication, O Yahweh my God, to listen to the cry and to the prayer which Your slave prays before You;
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:24 -

“And if Your people Israel are [fn]defeated before an enemy because they have sinned against You, and they turn to You and confess Your name, and pray and make supplication before You in this house,

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 7:6 - And the priests stood at their posts, and the Levites also, with the instruments of music to Yahweh, which King David had made for giving thanks to Yahweh-“for His lovingkindness endures forever”—whenever [fn]he gave praise by their hand, while the priests on the other side blew trumpets; and all Israel was standing.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 7:17 - “As for you, if you will walk before Me as your father David walked, even to do according to all that I have commanded you, and will keep My statutes and My judgments,
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 7:19 -

“But if you turn away and forsake My statutes and My commandments which I have set before you, and go and serve other gods and worship them,

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 10:6 -

Then King Rehoboam took counsel with the elders who had [fn]stood before his father Solomon while he was still alive, saying, “How do you counsel me to respond to this people?”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 10:8 - But he forsook the counsel of the elders which they had counseled him, and took counsel with the young men who grew up with him and [fn]stood before him.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 12:2 - Now it happened in the fifth year of King Rehoboam, because they had been unfaithful to Yahweh, that Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 13:15 - Then the men of Judah raised a shout of war, and when the men of Judah raised the shout of war, then it was that God smote Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 14:13 - And Asa and the people who were with him pursued them as far as Gerar; and so many Ethiopians fell that [fn]they could not recover, for they were shattered before Yahweh and before His [fn]army. And they carried away very much spoil.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 18:9 - Now the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah were sitting each on his throne, clothed in their royal garments, and they were sitting at the threshing floor at the entrance of the gate of Samaria; and all the prophets were prophesying before them.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 20:9 - ‘Should evil come upon us, the sword, or judgment, or pestilence, or famine, we will stand before this house and before You (for Your name is in this house) and cry to You in our distress, and You will hear and save us.'
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 21:6 - And he walked in the way of the kings of Israel, just as the house of Ahab had done, for Ahab's daughter was his wife; and he did what was evil in the sight of Yahweh.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 22:4 - And he did what was evil in the sight of Yahweh like the house of Ahab, for they were his counselors after the death of his father, to his destruction.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 23:17 - And all the people came to the house of Baal and tore it down, and his altars and his images they broke in pieces, and they killed Mattan the priest of Baal before the altars.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 25:8 - “But if you do go, do it, be strong for the battle; yet God will cause you to stumble before the enemy, for God has power to help and to cause to stumble.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 25:14 -

Now it happened that after Amaziah came from striking down the Edomites, he brought the gods of the sons of Seir, set them up as his gods, worshiped them, and burned incense to them.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 26:19 - But Uzziah, with a censer in his hand for burning incense, was enraged; and while he was enraged with the priests, the leprosy broke out on his forehead before the priests in the house of Yahweh, beside the altar of incense.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 28:14 - So the armed men left the captives and the plunder before the commanders and all the assembly.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 29:6 - “For our fathers have been unfaithful and have done what is evil in the sight of Yahweh our God, and have forsaken Him and turned their faces away from the dwelling place of Yahweh, and have [fn]turned their backs.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 29:11 - “My sons, do not be at ease now, for Yahweh has chosen you to stand before Him, to minister to Him, and to be His ministers and offer offerings up in smoke.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 29:19 - “Moreover, all the utensils which King Ahaz had rejected during his reign in his unfaithfulness, we have prepared and set apart as holy; and behold, they are before the altar of Yahweh.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 29:23 - Then they had the male goats of the sin offering approach before the king and the assembly, and they laid their hands on them.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 30:4 - Thus the thing was right in the eyes of the king and in the eyes of all the assembly.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 31:20 -

Thus Hezekiah did throughout all Judah; and he did what was good, right, and true before Yahweh his God.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 33:2 - And he did what was evil in the sight of Yahweh, according to the abominations of the nations whom Yahweh dispossessed before the sons of Israel.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 33:6 - He even made his sons pass through the fire in the valley of Ben-hinnom; and he practiced soothsaying, interpreted omens, practiced sorcery, and dealt with mediums and spiritists. He did much that was evil in the sight of Yahweh, provoking Him to anger.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 33:23 - Moreover, he did not humble himself before Yahweh as his father Manasseh had humbled himself, but Amon multiplied guilt.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 34:2 - And he did what was right in the sight of Yahweh and walked in the ways of his father David and did not turn aside to the right or to the left.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 34:18 - Moreover, Shaphan the scribe told the king saying, “Hilkiah the priest gave me a book.” And Shaphan read from it in the presence of the king.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 34:24 - thus says Yahweh, “Behold, I am bringing evil on this place and on its inhabitants, even all the curses written in the book which they have read in the presence of the king of Judah.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 34:27 - because your heart was soft and you humbled yourself before God when you heard His words against this place and against its inhabitants, and because you humbled yourself before Me, tore your clothes and wept before Me, I truly have heard you,” declares Yahweh.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 34:31 - Then the king stood in his place and cut a covenant before Yahweh, to walk after Yahweh, and to keep His commandments and His testimonies and His statutes with all his heart and with all his soul, to do the words of the covenant that were written in this book.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 36:5 -

Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem; and he did what was evil in the sight of Yahweh his God.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 1:9 - And Satan answered Yahweh and said, “Does Job [fn]fear God without cause?
Unchecked Copy BoxJob 1:22 -

Through all this Job did not sin, nor did he give offense to God.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 2:1 -

Again it was the day that the sons of God came to stand before Yahweh, and Satan also came among them to stand himself before Yahweh.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 2:10 - But he said to her, “You speak as one of the wickedly foolish women speaks. Shall we indeed accept good from God and not accept calamity?” In all this Job did not sin with his lips.
Unchecked Copy BoxJob 4:17 -

‘Can mankind be right [fn]before God?

Can a man be pure [fn]before his Maker?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 8:4 -

“If your sons sinned against Him,

Then He sent them into the [fn]power of their transgression.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 9:4 -

“Wise in heart and mighty in power,

Who has stiffened his neck against Him and been at peace?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 11:4 -

“You have said, ‘My learning is pure,

And I am innocent in your eyes.'

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 13:3 -

“But I would speak to [fn]the Almighty,

And I desire to argue with God.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 13:15 -

[fn]Though He slay me,

I will hope in Him.

Nevertheless I will argue my ways [fn]before Him.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 13:16 -

“This also will be my salvation,

For a godless man may not come before His presence.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 15:15 -

“Behold, He puts no faith in His holy ones,

And the heavens are not pure in His sight;

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 15:25 -

Because he has stretched out his hand against God

And magnifies himself against [fn]the Almighty.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 15:26 -

“He rushes [fn]headlong at Him

With [fn]his massive shield.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 18:3 -

“Why are we regarded as beasts,

As dense in your eyes?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 19:15 -

“Those who sojourn in my house and my maidservants count me a stranger.

I am a foreigner in their sight.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 25:5 -

“Behold even the moon has no brightness,

And the stars are not pure in His sight;

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 31:28 -

That too would have been an iniquity calling for [fn]judgment,

For I would have denied God above.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 32:1 -

Then these three men ceased answering Job because he was righteous in his own eyes.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 32:2 - But the anger of Elihu the son of Barachel the Buzite, of the family of Ram, burned; against Job his anger burned because he was proving himself righteous [fn]before God.
Unchecked Copy BoxJob 34:26 -

“He strikes them like the wicked

[fn]In a public place,

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 34:37 -

‘For he adds transgression to his sin;

He strikes his hands together among us,

And multiplies his words against God.'”

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 35:14 -

“How much less when you say you do not perceive Him,

The case is before Him, and you must wait for Him!

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 31:19 -

How great is Your goodness,

Which You have stored up for those who fear You,

Which You have worked for those who take refuge in You,

Before the sons of men!

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 34:1 -

Of David. When he feigned madness before [fn]Abimelech, so that he drove him away and he departed.


I will bless Yahweh at all times;

His praise shall continually be in my mouth.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 38:9 -

Lord, all my desire is [fn]before You;

And my sighing is not hidden from You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 39:1 -

For the choir director. For [fn]Jeduthun. A Psalm of David.

I said, “I will keep watch over my ways

That I may not sin with my tongue;

I will keep watch over my mouth as with a muzzle

While the wicked are in my presence.”

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 50:3 -

May our God come and not be silent;

Fire devours before Him,

And a storm whirls around Him.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 52:9 -

I will give You thanks forever, because You have done it,

And I will hope on Your name, for it is good, in the presence of Your holy ones.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 69:19 -

You know my reproach and my shame and my dishonor;

All my adversaries are [fn]before You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 73:16 -

When I gave thought to know this,

It was trouble in my sight

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 77:2 -

In the day of my distress I sought the Lord;

In the night my hand was stretched out [fn]without weariness;

My soul refused to be comforted.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 78:12 -

He did wonders before their fathers

In the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 80:2 -

Before Ephraim and Benjamin and Manasseh, stir up Your might

And come to save us!

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 85:13 -

Righteousness will go before Him

And will establish the way of His steps.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 88:1 -

A Song. A Psalm of the sons of Korah. For the choir director. According to Mahalath Leannoth. A [fn]Maskil of Heman [fn]the Ezrahite.

O Yahweh, the God of my salvation,

I have cried out by day and throughout the night before You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 89:36 -

“His seed shall endure forever

And his throne as the sun before Me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 95:6 -

Come, let us worship and bow down,

Let us kneel before Yahweh our Maker.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 97:3 -

Fire goes before Him

And burns up His adversaries all around.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 98:2 -

Yahweh has made known His salvation;

He has revealed His righteousness in the eyes of the nations.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 101:7 -

He who practices deceit shall not dwell within my house;

He who speaks lies shall not be established before my eyes.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 102:1 -

A Prayer of the afflicted when he is faint and [fn]pours out his complaint before Yahweh.

O Yahweh, hear my prayer!

And let my cry for help come to You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 106:46 -

He also made them objects of compassion

In the presence of all their captors.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 116:9 -

I shall walk before Yahweh

In the [fn]land of the living.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 116:15 -

Precious in the sight of Yahweh

Is the death of His holy ones.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 116:18 -

I shall pay my vows to Yahweh,

Oh may it be in the presence of all His people,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:46 -

I will also speak of Your testimonies before kings

And I shall not be ashamed.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:168 -

I keep Your precepts and Your testimonies,

For all my ways are before You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 138:1 -

Of David.

I will give You thanks with all my heart;

I will sing praises to You before the gods.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 142:2 -

I pour out my complaint before Him;

I declare my distress before Him.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 37:14 -

Then Hezekiah took the [fn]letter from the hand of the messengers and read it, and he went up to the house of Yahweh and [fn]spread it out before Yahweh.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 49:4 -

But I said, “I have toiled in vain;

I have spent My might for [fn]nothing and vanity;

Yet surely the justice due to Me is with Yahweh,

And My reward with My God.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 49:5 -

So now says Yahweh, who formed Me from the womb to be His Servant,

To return Jacob back to Him, so that Israel might be gathered to Him

(For I am glorified in the sight of Yahweh,

And My God is My strength),

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 53:2 -

For He grew up before Him like a tender [fn]shoot,

And like a root out of parched ground;

He has no stately form or majesty

That we should look upon Him,

Nor appearance that we should desire Him.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 53:7 -

He was oppressed and He was afflicted,

Yet He did not open His mouth;

Like a lamb that is led to slaughter,

And like a sheep that is silent before its shearers,

So He did not open His mouth.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 59:12 -

For our transgressions are multiplied before You,

And our sins answer against us;

For our transgressions are with us,

And [fn]we know our iniquities:

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 61:11 -

For as the earth brings forth its branches,

And as a garden causes the things sown in it to branch out,

So Lord Yahweh will cause righteousness and praise

To branch out before all the nations.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 65:12 -

I will destine you for the sword,

And all of you will bow down to the slaughter,

Because I called, but you did not answer;

I spoke, but you did not hear.

And you did what was evil in My eyes

And chose that in which I was not pleased.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 1:17 - “Now, gird up your loins and arise and speak to them all which I command you. Do not be dismayed before them, lest I dismay you before them.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 2:22 -

“Although you wash yourself with lye

And [fn]use much soap,

The stain of your iniquity is before Me,” declares Lord Yahweh.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 7:30 -

“For the sons of Judah have done that which is evil in My sight,” declares Yahweh, “they have set their detestable things in the house, which is called by My name, to defile it.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 8:14 -

Why are we sitting still?

Gather yourselves, and let us go into the fortified cities

And let us be silent there

Because Yahweh our God has silenced us

And given us [fn]poisoned water to drink,

For we have sinned against Yahweh.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 12:3 -

But You, O Yahweh, You know me;

You see me;

And You test my heart's attitude toward You.

Drag them off like sheep for the slaughter

And [fn]set them apart for a day of carnage!

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 14:7 -

“Although our iniquities answer against us,

O Yahweh, act for Your name's sake!

Truly our acts of faithlessness have been many;

We have sinned against You.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 14:20 -

We know our wickedness, O Yahweh,

The iniquity of our fathers, for we have sinned against You.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 15:9 -

“She who bore seven sons languishes;

[fn]Her breathing is labored.

Her sun has set while it was yet day;

She has been shamed and humiliated.

So I will give over their survivors to the sword

Before their enemies,” declares Yahweh.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 18:10 - but if it does evil in My sight by not listening to My voice, then I will [fn]relent concerning the good which I promised, to do good to it.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 18:23 -

Yet You, O Yahweh, know

All their [fn]deadly counsel against me;

Do not atone for their iniquity

Or blot out their sin from before You.

But may they be [fn]overthrown before You;

Deal with them in the time of Your anger!

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 19:7 - “I will empty out the counsel of Judah and Jerusalem to the point of destruction in this place, and I will cause them to fall by the sword before their enemies and by the hand of those who seek their life; and I will give over their carcasses as food for the birds of the sky and the beasts of the earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 40:4 - “So now, behold, I am freeing you today from the chains which are on your hands. If it is good in your eyes to come with me to Babylon, come along, and I will set my eyes to look after you; but if it [fn]is displeasing in your eyes to come with me to Babylon, [fn]never mind. Look, the whole land is before you; go wherever it seems good and right in your eyes to go.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 40:10 - “Now as for me, behold, I am going to stay at Mizpah to stand for you before the Chaldeans who come to us; but as for you, gather in wine and summer fruit and oil and put them in your storage vessels and stay in your cities that you have seized.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 49:37 -

‘So I will [fn]shatter Elam before their enemies

And before those who seek their lives;

And I will bring calamity upon them,

Even My burning anger,' declares Yahweh,

‘And I will send out the sword after them

Until I have consumed them.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 28:17 -

“Your heart was lofty because of your beauty;

You corrupted your wisdom by reason of your splendor.

I cast you to the ground;

I put you before kings,

That they may see you.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 28:18 -

“By the abundance of your iniquities,

In the unrighteousness of your trade

You profaned your sanctuaries.

Therefore I have brought out fire from the midst of you;

It has consumed you,

And I have turned you to ashes on the earth

In the eyes of all who see you.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 33:31 - “They come to you as people come and sit before you as My people and hear your words, but they do not do them, for they do the lustful desires expressed by their mouth, and their heart goes after their greedy gain.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 38:23 - “And I will magnify Myself, I will manifest Myself as holy, and I will make Myself known in the sight of many nations; and they will know that I am Yahweh.”'
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 43:11 - “If they feel dishonor for all that they have done, make known to them the [fn]design of the house, its structure, its exits, its entrances, all its designs, all its statutes[fn], and all its laws. And write it in their sight so that they may keep its whole [fn]design and all its statutes and do them.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 43:24 - ‘And you shall bring them near before Yahweh, and the priests shall throw salt on them, and they shall offer them up as a burnt offering to Yahweh.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 44:3 - “As for the prince, he shall sit in it as prince to eat bread before Yahweh; he shall enter by way of the porch of the gate and shall go out [fn]by the same way.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 44:11 - “Yet they shall be ministers in My sanctuary, having oversight at the gates of the house and ministering in the house; they shall slaughter the burnt offering and the sacrifice for the people, and they shall stand before them to minister to them.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 46:3 - “And the people of the land shall also worship at the entrance of that gate before Yahweh on the sabbaths and on the new moons.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 46:9 - “But when the people of the land come before Yahweh at the appointed times, he who enters by way of the north gate to worship shall go out by way of the south gate. And he who enters by way of the south gate shall go out by way of the north gate. [fn]No one shall return by way of the gate by which he entered but shall go straight out.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 1:18 -

Then at the end of the days which the king had spoken of for bringing them in, the commander of the officials brought them in before Nebuchadnezzar.

Unchecked Copy BoxDan 4:2 - “It has seemed good to me to declare the signs and wonders which the Most High God has done for me.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 6:10 -

Now when Daniel knew that the written document was signed, he entered his house (now in his roof chamber he had windows open toward Jerusalem); and he continued kneeling on his knees three times a day, praying and giving thanks before his God, [fn]as he had been doing previously.

Unchecked Copy BoxDan 9:20 -

Now while I was speaking and praying, and confessing my sin and the sin of my people Israel, and [fn]presenting my supplication before Yahweh my God in behalf of the holy mountain of my God,

Unchecked Copy BoxDan 10:12 - Then he said to me, “Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you gave your heart to understand this and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 10:16 -

And behold, one [fn]in the likeness of the sons of men was touching my lips; then I opened my mouth and spoke and said to him who was standing before me, “O my lord, as a result of the vision that appeared, pains have come upon me, and I have retained no might.

Unchecked Copy BoxAmo 3:10 - “But they do not know how to do what is right,” declares Yahweh, “these who hoard up [fn]violence and devastation in their citadels.”
Occurrences: 8 times in 8 verses
Speech: Adverb
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 2:11 -

Then the sons of Israel did what was evil in the eyes of Yahweh and [fn]served the Baals,

Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 9:15 - “O Yahweh, the God of Israel, You are righteous, for we have been left an escaped remnant, as it is this day; behold, we are before You in our guilt, for no one can stand before You because of this.”
Unchecked Copy BoxPro 8:7 -

“For my mouth will utter truth;

And wickedness is an abomination to my lips.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 40:10 -

Behold, Lord Yahweh will come with strength,

With His arm ruling for Him.

Behold, His reward is with Him

And His recompense before Him.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 41:2 -

“Who has awakened one from the east

Whom He calls in righteousness to His [fn]feet?

He gives up nations before him

And [fn]has dominion over kings.

He makes them like dust with his sword,

As the wind-driven chaff with his bow.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 43:4 -

“Since you are precious in My sight,

Since you are honored and I love you,

I will give other men in your place and other peoples in exchange for your life.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 65:3 -

A people who continually provoke Me to My face,

Offering sacrifices in gardens and burning incense on bricks,

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 66:4 -

So I will choose their [fn]punishments

And will bring on them what they dread,

Because I called, but no one answered;

I spoke, but they did not listen.

And they did what was evil in My eyes

And chose that in which I did not take pleasure.”

LXX Occurrences
380x in 1 unique form(s)
ἐναντίον — 380x
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