BLB ButtonsThe BLB Buttons

Those familiar with the BLB website and how our buttons work should have little difficulty understanding how to use them on our iPad app, but one thing should be said about their limitations. While the "K" and "V" buttons will work just fine without an internet connection, the other three will require the internet in order to communicate with our site. These are demarked on the screen by an asterisk.

Five Buttons

Tapping the "C" button displays our language tools, the interlinear, concordance, and lexicon. [Note: This tool is only available when your device is online.]


On first tapping the "C" button, you'll be taken to an interlinear presentation of the selected verse. First, you'll see a Greek or Hebrew (depending upon the Testament) representation of the verse followed by the passage in a word by word table, with the English on the left and the original language term on the right. Clicking on one of these rows, will take you to the concordance and lexicon.

Original Language

Once at the lexicon screen, you'll see the original language term along with a number of translation helps (transliteration, part of speech, usage, etc.). Scrolling past the lexicon results, you'll find search results for every time that term appears in Scripture—this can be especially helpful as you'll often encounter places in which the same word was translated in different ways depending on verse and context.


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