Bookmarks iconYour Bookmarks

At the far-left of the bottom toolbar is a star with a plus-sign. This is the Bookmarks button, where you may store your bookmarks.

Managing Bookmarks

Any passages you've bookmarked will be stored here. You may organize passages into named folders according to subject or date or any other naming method you choose.

The first step is to bookmark a passage or two. To bookmark a chapter, tap on any Bible verse text to bring up the Verse Options menu. Tap Add Chapter to Bookmarks to... add the chapter to your bookmarks.

Organizing Bookmarks

Now, from any Bible page, tap the Bookmarks button in the lower-left corner. This will take you to a list of your bookmark folders and any yet-to-be-organized bookmarks. Tapping on a passage here will take you to that chapter.

Creating/Renamimg Bookmark Folders

The next step (if you care to take it) is organization. This involves the creation of folders. First, tap the New Folder button. The typepad will pop up, allowing you to name your new folder. Once, you've named your folder, you can begin moving chapters into it.

Manage Bookmarks

First, tap the Edit button in the top-right corner. Now, when you tap a verse reference, you wil be taken to a list of all your available folders (along with the default folder, Non-Organized). Tap the folder name you wish to drop your bookmark into and it will be placed there for future use.

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