Intro: A Christian should be marked by his thanksgiving, even as a non-Christian is marked by thanklessness "neither were they thankful."
A. The Grace of God.
1. Too often we think only in material realm.
a. Health...glory in infirmities.
b. Strength...glory in weakness God's strength.
c. Shelter..."The foxes have holes."
d. Food...
2. Deeper causes of thanksgiving
a. God loves me.
b. I have victory through Christ.
c. Forgiveness - peace - hope.
B. The case of the Lepers.
1. 10 men brought together by common misery.
2. "The lepers stood afar off and cried."
a. The method of Jesus with leper in Chap. 5.
1. Lesser things than this-have split the church.
3. Their faith is tested.
a. He told them to go show themselves to the priest.
2. First necessary step before returning to society.
b. Only way to test the truth was to obey.
1. First necessary step before returning to society.
c. Only way to test the truth was to obey.
1. Skin still covered with white blotches.
2. At this stage they had nothing to lose by obeying Christ word.
3. Christianity not subject to test tube experimentation.
A. Attitude that calls for action.
1. Attitude springs from realization of what has been done.
2. In this story only one took action.
a. He was a Samaritan-unorthodox.
b. He prostrated himself before Christ.
1. The person of Christ not the miracle became the most important.
3. "Where are the nine?"
a. Question shows the value Christ places on gratitude and misses it when not expressed.
b. Pure praise is almost a lost art.
1. Most hymns of praise merge into thanksgiving which is less.
c. Christ must still be asking same question.
Church membership in the U.S.
10% never attend church.
40% never give a dollar a year.
50% never attend Sunday School.
60% never attend Sunday night service.
70% never give to missions.
75% never engage in church activity.
80% never attend prayer-meetings.
90% never have family worship.
95% never win a soul to Christ.
A. "Arise go thy way thy faith hath made thee whole."
1. Implies far more-than mere physical healing.
2. Miracle of grace in soul as well.