A. Hezekiah's ascension and action "broke in pieces
B. History of brazen serpent.
1. Israel's complaining.
2. Snake pits.
3. Brazen serpent.
C. Preservation of brazen serpent.
1. Moses wilderness; Joshua conquest; judges David Solomon.
D. Development of worship.
1. Interest grew to veneration.
2. Began to worship symbol.
3. Defied serpent of brass.
E. Story not so old.
1. Church of St. Ambrose - Milan 971 Milanese envoy to Constantinople.
A. Sign of their loss of consciousness of God.
B. People hungering after that which they lost.
1. Idol always means this.
2. Sense of need - sense of lack.
C. Sign of confusion, misinterpretation.
1. As though serpent was healing agent of past.
A. Named the serpent "Nehushtan."
1. "A thing of brass."
2. He called it what it was.
3. It was a revelation and shame to the people.
a. they had left worshipping the 14-wing God and began worshipping "a thing of brass."
B. He broke it in pieces.
A. God's gifts may be so abused as to become injurious.
1. Some of the things people burn incense to:
a. A building, selling the church.
b. Form of worship.
c. Certain evangelists or ministers "I know if he would just pray for me."
d. Past experiences.
e. Creed or denomination.
f. Trust deed (terms of deed...)
2. Sign of loss of fellowship with God.
3. Proper attitude toward these things.
a. Call them what they are:
church - bricks and mortar
minister - a man, exercise of
worship - forms
creeds - human opinions, trust
deed - paper
experiences - past
b. If these things come between you and God, break it in pieces.
B. Paul to Phillipians:
"That which was gain to me I counted loss."
30 years later - "Ye, I count all things but loss."
"I counted yesterday no value unless still counting
C. Light that shone on Damascus Road no value unless still shining today.