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LXX Concordance for ὅτι

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ὅτι — 3217x G3754 ὅτι
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Occurrences: 3217 times in 2868 verses
Speech: Conjunction
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 1:4 - God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 1:8 - God called the [fn]expanse “heaven.” And there was evening and there was morning, a second day.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 1:10 - And God called the dry land “earth,” and the gathering of the waters He called “seas”; and God saw that it was good.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 1:12 - The earth produced [fn]vegetation, [fn]plants yielding seed according to [fn]their kind, and trees bearing fruit [fn]with seed in them, according to [fn]their kind; and God saw that it was good.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 1:18 - and [fn]to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness; and God saw that it was good.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 1:21 - And God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarmed, according to their kind, and every winged bird according to its kind; and God saw that it was good.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 1:25 - God made the animals of the earth according to [fn]their kind, and the livestock according to [fn]their kind, and everything that crawls on the ground according to its kind; and God saw that it was good.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 2:3 - Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because on it He rested from all His work which God had created [fn]and made.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 2:23 - Then the man said,

“At last this is bone of my bones,

And flesh of my flesh;

[fn]She shall be called [fn]‘woman,'

Because [fn]she was taken out of [fn]man.”

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 3:1 -

Now the serpent was more cunning than any animal of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Has God really said, ‘You shall not eat from any tree of the garden'?”

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 3:5 - “For God knows that on the day you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will [fn]become like God, knowing good and evil.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 3:6 - When the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was a delight to the eyes, and that the tree was desirable to make one wise, she took some of its fruit and ate; and she also gave some to her husband with her, and he ate.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 3:7 - Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves waist coverings.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 3:10 - He said, “I heard the sound of You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 3:11 - And He said, “Who told you that you were naked? Have you eaten from the tree from which I commanded you not to eat?”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 3:14 - Then the LORD God said to the serpent,

“Because you have done this,

Cursed are you more than all the livestock,

And more than any animal of the field;

On your belly you shall go,

And dust you shall eat

All the days of your life;

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 3:17 -

Then to Adam He said, “Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat from it';

Cursed is the ground because of you;

With [fn]hard labor you shall eat from it

All the days of your life.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 3:19 -

By the sweat of your face

You shall eat bread,

Until you return to the ground,

Because from it you were taken;

For you are dust,

And to dust you shall return.”

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 3:20 -

Now the man named his wife [fn]Eve, because she was the mother of all the living.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 4:12 - “When you cultivate the ground, it will no longer yield its strength to you; you will be a wanderer and a drifter on the earth.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 4:23 -

Lamech said to his wives,

“Adah and Zillah,

Listen to my voice,

You wives of Lamech,

Pay attention to my words,

For I have killed a man for wounding me;

And a boy for striking me!

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 4:24 -

“If Cain is avenged seven times,

Then Lamech seventy-seven times!”

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 5:24 - Enoch walked with God; and he was [fn]not, for God took him.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 6:2 - that the sons of God saw that the daughters of mankind were [fn]beautiful; and they took wives for themselves, whomever they chose.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 6:5 -

Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of mankind was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of [fn]their hearts was only evil continually.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 6:6 - So the LORD was sorry that He had made mankind on the earth, and He was grieved [fn]in His heart.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 6:7 - Then the LORD said, “I will wipe out mankind whom I have created from the face of the land; mankind, and animals as well, and crawling things, and the birds of the sky. For I am sorry that I have made them.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 6:12 - And God looked on the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for [fn]humanity had corrupted its way upon the earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 6:13 -

Then God said to Noah, “The end of [fn]humanity has come before Me; for the earth is filled with violence because of [fn]people; and behold, I am about to destroy them with the earth.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 7:1 -

Then the LORD said to Noah, “Enter the ark, you and all your household, for you alone I have seen to be righteous before Me in this generation.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 8:9 - but the dove found no resting place for the sole of its foot, so it returned to him in the ark, for the water was on the [fn]surface of all the earth. Then he put out his hand and took it, and brought it into the ark to himself.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 8:11 - And the dove came to him in [fn]the evening, and behold, in its [fn]beak was a fresh olive leaf. So Noah knew that the water was low on the earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 8:13 -

Now it came about in the six hundred and first year, in the first month, on the first of the month, that the water was dried up [fn]from the earth. Then Noah removed the covering of the ark, and looked, and behold, the [fn]surface of the ground had dried up.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 8:21 - The LORD smelled the soothing aroma, and the LORD said [fn]to Himself, “I will never again curse the ground on account of man, for the [fn]intent of man's heart is evil from his youth; and I will never again [fn]destroy every living thing, as I have done.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 9:6 -

“Whoever sheds human blood,

By man his blood shall be shed,

For in the image of God

He made mankind.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 10:25 - Two sons were born to Eber; the name of the one was [fn]Peleg, for in his days the earth was divided; and his brother's name was Joktan.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 11:9 - Therefore it was named [fn]Babel, because there the LORD confused the [fn]language of all the earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 12:10 -

Now there was a famine in the land; so Abram went down to Egypt to live there for a time, because the famine was severe in the land.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 12:11 - It came about, when he [fn]was approaching Egypt, that he said to his wife Sarai, “See now, I know that you are a [fn]beautiful woman;
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 12:12 - and when the Egyptians see you, they will say, ‘This is his wife'; and they will kill me, but they will let you live.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 12:13 - “Please say that you are my sister so that it may go well for me because of you, and that [fn]I may live on account of you.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 12:14 - Now it came about, when Abram entered Egypt, that the Egyptians [fn]saw that the woman was very beautiful.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 12:18 - Then Pharaoh called Abram and said, “What is this that you have done to me? Why did you not tell me that she was your wife?
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 12:19 - “Why did you say, ‘She is my sister,' so that I took her for myself as a wife? Now then, [fn]here is your wife, take her and go!”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 13:6 - And the land could not [fn]support both of them [fn]while living together, for their possessions were so great that they were not able to remain together.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 13:8 -

So Abram said to Lot, “Please let there be no strife between you and me, nor between my herdsmen and your herdsmen, for we are relatives!

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 13:10 - Lot raised his eyes and saw all the [fn]vicinity of the Jordan, that it was well watered everywherethis was before the LORD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah—like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt [fn]going toward Zoar.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 13:15 - for all the land which you see I will give to you and to your [fn]descendants forever.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 13:17 - “Arise, walk about in the land through its length and width; for I will give it to you.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 14:14 - When Abram heard that his relative had been taken captive, he [fn]led out his trained men, born in his house, numbering 318, and went in pursuit as far as Dan.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 14:23 - that I will not take a thread or a sandal strap or anything that is yours, so that you do not say, ‘I have made Abram rich.'
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 15:8 - But he said, “Lord [fn]GOD, how may I know that I will [fn]possess it?”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 15:13 - Then God said to Abram, “Know for certain that your [fn]descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, [fn]where they will be enslaved and oppressed for four hundred years.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 16:4 - Then he had relations with Hagar, and she conceived; and when Hagar became aware that she had conceived, her mistress was insignificant in her sight.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 16:5 - So Sarai said to Abram, “May the wrong done to me be upon you! I put my slave woman into your [fn]arms, but when she saw that she had conceived, I was insignificant in her [fn]sight. May the LORD judge between [fn]you and me.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 16:11 - The angel of the LORD said to her further,

“Behold, you are pregnant,

And you will give birth to a son;

And you shall name him [fn]Ishmael,

Because the LORD has heard your affliction.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 16:13 -

Then she called the name of the LORD who spoke to her, “[fn]You are [fn]a God who sees me”; for she said, “Have I even seen Him here and lived after [fn]He saw me?”

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 17:5 -

“No longer shall you be named [fn]Abram,

But your name shall be [fn]Abraham;

For I have made you the father of a multitude of nations.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 17:14 - “But as for an uncircumcised male, one who is not circumcised in the flesh of his foreskin, that person shall be cut off from his people; he has broken My covenant.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 18:13 - But the LORD said to Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh, saying, ‘Shall I actually give birth to a child, when I am so old?'
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 18:19 - “For I have [fn]chosen him, so that he may command his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing righteousness and justice, so that the LORD may bring upon Abraham what He has spoken about him.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 19:13 - for we are about to destroy this place, because their outcry has become so great before the LORD that the LORD has sent us to destroy it.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 19:14 - So Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who [fn]were to marry his daughters, and said, “Up, get out of this place, for the LORD is destroying the city.” But he appeared to his sons-in-law [fn]to be joking.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 20:2 - And Abraham said of his wife Sarah, “She is my sister.” So Abimelech king of Gerar sent men and took Sarah.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 20:6 - Then God said to him in the dream, “Yes, I know that in the integrity of your heart you have done this, and I also [fn]kept you from sinning against Me; therefore I did not let you touch her.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 20:7 - “Now then, return the man's wife, for he is a prophet, and he will pray for you and you will live. But if you do not return her, know that you will certainly die, you and all who are yours.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 20:9 - Then Abimelech called Abraham and said to him, “What have you done to us? And [fn]how have I sinned against you, that you have brought on me and on my kingdom a great sin? You have done to me [fn]things that ought not to be done.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 20:13 - and it came about, when God caused me to wander from my father's house, that I said to her, ‘This is [fn]the kindness which you will show to me: [fn]everywhere we go, say of me, “He is my brother.”'”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 20:18 - For the LORD had completely closed all the wombs of the household of Abimelech because of Sarah, Abraham's wife.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 21:7 - And she said, “Who would have said to Abraham that Sarah would nurse children? Yet I have given birth to a son in his old age.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 21:12 - But God said to Abraham, “[fn]Do not be distressed because of the boy and your slave woman; whatever Sarah tells you, listen to her, for through Isaac [fn]your descendants shall be named.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 21:13 - “And of the son of the slave woman I will make a nation also, because he is your [fn]descendant.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 21:30 - He said, “You shall take these seven ewe lambs from my hand so that it may be a witness for me, that I dug this well.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 21:31 - Therefore he called that place [fn]Beersheba, because there the two of them took an oath.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 22:12 - He said, “Do not reach out your hand against the boy, and do not do anything to him; for now I know that you [fn]fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 24:14 - now may it be that the young woman to whom I say, ‘Please let down your jar so that I may drink,' and [fn]who answers, ‘Drink, and I will water your camels also'—may she be the one whom You have appointed for Your servant Isaac; and by this I will know that You have shown kindness to my master.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 24:44 - and she says to me, “You drink, and I will draw for your camels also”—let her be the woman whom the LORD has appointed for my master's son.'
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 25:21 - Isaac prayed to the LORD on behalf of his wife, because she was unable to have children; and the LORD [fn]answered him, and his wife Rebekah conceived.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 25:28 - Now Isaac loved Esau because [fn]he had a taste for game; but Rebekah loved Jacob.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 25:30 - and Esau said to Jacob, “Please let me have a mouthful of [fn]that red stuff there, for I am exhausted.” Therefore he was called [fn]Edom by name.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 26:7 - When the men of the place asked about his wife, he said, “She is my sister,” for he was afraid to say, “my wife,” thinking,[fn]the men of the place might kill me on account of Rebekah, since she is beautiful.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 26:9 - Then Abimelech called Isaac and said, “Behold, she certainly is your wife! So how is it that you said, ‘She is my sister'?” And Isaac said to him, “Because I thought, ‘otherwise I might be killed on account of her.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 26:16 - Then Abimelech said to Isaac, “Go away from us, for you are [fn]too powerful for us.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 26:28 - They said, “We have seen plainly that the LORD has been with you; so we said, ‘An oath must now be taken [fn]by us,' that is, [fn]by you and us. So let us make a covenant with you,
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 28:6 -

Now Esau saw that Isaac had blessed Jacob and sent him away to Paddan-aram to take to himself a wife from there, and that when he blessed him he commanded him, saying, “You shall not take a wife from the daughters of Canaan,”

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 28:8 - So Esau saw that the daughters of Canaan displeased [fn]his father Isaac;
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 28:15 - “Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have [fn]promised you.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 28:16 - Then Jacob awoke from his sleep and said, “The LORD is certainly in this place, and I did not know it!”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 29:12 - Jacob told Rachel that he was a relative of her father and that he was Rebekah's son, and she ran and told her father.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 29:15 -

Then Laban said to Jacob, “Because you are my relative, should you therefore serve me for nothing? Tell me, what shall your wages be?”

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 29:31 -

Now the LORD saw that Leah was [fn]unloved, and He opened her womb, but Rachel was unable to have children.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 29:33 - Then she conceived again and gave birth to a son, and said, “Because the LORD has [fn]heard that I am [fn]unloved, He has therefore given me this son also.” So she named him Simeon.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 30:1 -

Now when Rachel saw that she had not borne Jacob any children, [fn]she became jealous of her sister; and she said to Jacob, “Give me children, or else I am going to die.”

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 30:9 -

When Leah saw that she had stopped having children, she took her slave Zilpah and gave her to Jacob as a wife.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 30:13 - Then Leah said, “[fn]Happy am I! For women will call me happy.” So she named him [fn]Asher.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 30:15 - But she said to her, “Is it a small matter for you to take my husband? And would you take my son's mandrakes also?” So Rachel said, “Therefore he may sleep with you tonight in return for your son's mandrakes.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 30:33 - “So my [fn]honesty will answer for me later, when you come concerning my [fn]wages. Every one that is not speckled or spotted among the goats, or black among the lambs, if found with me, will be considered stolen.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 31:5 - and said to them, “I see your father's [fn]attitude, that it is not friendly toward me as it was before, but the God of my father has been with me.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 31:6 - “You know that I have served your father with all my strength.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 31:20 - And Jacob [fn]deceived Laban the Aramean by not telling him that he was fleeing.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 31:22 -

When Laban was informed on the third day that Jacob had fled,

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 31:32 - “The one with whom you find your gods shall not live; in the presence of our relatives [fn]point out what is yours [fn]among my belongings and take it for yourself.” Now Jacob did not know that Rachel had stolen them.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 31:35 - And she said to her father, “May my lord not be angry that I cannot stand in your presence, because the [fn]way of women is upon me.” So he searched but did not find the [fn]household idols.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 31:36 -

Then Jacob became angry and argued with Laban; and Jacob said to Laban, “What is my offense? What is my sin that you have hotly pursued me?

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 31:37 - “Though you have searched through all my property, what have you found of all your household property? Set it here in front of my relatives and your relatives, so that they may decide between the two of us.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 31:49 - and [fn]Mizpah, for he said, “May the LORD keep watch between [fn]you and me when we are [fn]absent one from the other.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 32:11 - “Save me, please, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau; for I fear him, that he will come and [fn]attack me and the mothers with the children.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 32:25 - When the man saw that he had not prevailed against him, he touched the socket of [fn]Jacob's hip; and the socket of Jacob's hip was dislocated while he wrestled with him.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 32:28 - Then he said, “Your name shall no longer be Jacob, but [fn]Israel; for you have contended with God and with men, and have prevailed.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 32:32 - Therefore, to this day the sons of Israel do not eat the tendon of the hip which is on the socket of the hip, because he touched the socket of Jacob's hip in the tendon of the hip.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 33:11 - “Please accept my [fn]gift which has been brought to you, because God has dealt graciously with me and because I have [fn]plenty.” So he urged him, and he accepted it.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 33:13 - But he said to him, “My lord knows that the children are frail and that the flocks and herds that are nursing are [fn]a matter of concern to me. And if they are driven hard just one day, all the flocks will die.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 33:15 -

Then Esau said, “Please let me leave with you some of the people who are with me.” But he said, “[fn]What need is there? Let me find favor in the sight of my lord.”

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 34:5 - Now Jacob heard that he had defiled his daughter Dinah; but his sons were with his livestock in the field, so Jacob said nothing until they came in.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 34:7 - Now the sons of Jacob came in from the field when they heard about it; and the men were grieved, and they were very angry because he had done a [fn]disgraceful thing in Israel by [fn]sleeping with Jacob's daughter, for such a thing ought not to be done.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 34:13 -

But Jacob's sons answered Shechem and his father Hamor with deceit, because he had defiled their sister Dinah.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 37:3 - Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his other sons, because he was the son of his old age; and he made him a [fn]multicolored tunic.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 37:4 - And his brothers saw that their father loved him more than all his brothers; and so they hated him and could not speak to him [fn]on friendly terms.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 37:27 - “Come, and let's sell him to the Ishmaelites and not lay our hands on him, for he is our brother, our own flesh.” And his brothers listened to him.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 37:35 - Then all his sons and all his daughters got up to comfort him, but he refused to be comforted. And he said, “Surely I will go down to Sheol in mourning for my son.” So his father wept for him.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 38:9 - Now Onan knew that the [fn]child would not be his; so when he had relations with his brother's wife, he [fn]wasted his seed on the ground so that he would not give [fn]a child to his brother.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 38:10 - But what he did was displeasing in the sight of the LORD; so He took his life also.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 38:14 - So she [fn]removed her widow's garments and covered herself with a [fn]veil, and wrapped herself, and sat in the gateway of [fn]Enaim, which is on the road to Timnah; for she saw that Shelah had grown up, and she had not been given to him as a wife.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 38:16 - So he turned aside to her by the road, and said, “[fn]Here now, let me have relations with you”; for he did not know that she was his daughter-in-law. And she said, “What will you give me, that you may have relations with me?”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 39:3 - Now his master saw that the LORD was with him and that the LORD made all that he did prosper in his hand.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 39:13 - [fn]When she saw that he had left his garment in her hand and had fled outside,
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 39:15 - “When he heard that I raised my voice and [fn]screamed, he left his garment beside me and fled and went outside.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 39:18 - but when I raised my voice and [fn]screamed, he left his garment beside me and fled outside.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 40:7 - So he asked Pharaoh's officials who were with him in confinement in his master's house, “[fn]Why are your faces so sad today?”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 40:15 - “For I was in fact kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews, and even here I have done nothing that they should have put me into the [fn]dungeon.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 40:16 -

When the chief baker saw that he had interpreted favorably, he said to Joseph, “I also saw in my dream, and behold, there were three baskets of white bread on my head;

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 41:21 - “Yet when they had [fn]devoured them, it could not be [fn]detected that they had [fn]devoured them, [fn]for they were just as ugly as [fn]before. Then I awoke.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 41:32 - “Now as for the repeating of the dream to Pharaoh twice, it means that the matter is confirmed by God, and God will quickly bring it about.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 41:51 - Joseph named the firstborn [fn]Manasseh; “For,” he said, “God has made me forget all my trouble and all of my father's household.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 41:52 - And he named the second [fn]Ephraim; “For,” he said, “God has made me fruitful in the land of my affliction.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 42:1 -

Now Jacob saw that there was grain in Egypt, and Jacob said to his sons, “Why are you staring at one another?”

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 42:2 - Then he said, “Look, I have heard that there is grain in Egypt; go down there and buy some for us from [fn]that place, so that we may live and not die.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 42:14 - Yet Joseph said to them, “It is as I said [fn]to you, you are spies;
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 42:21 - Then they said to one another, “Truly we are guilty concerning our brother, because we saw the distress of his soul when he pleaded with us, yet we would not listen; for that reason this distress has happened to us.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 42:23 - They did not know, however, that Joseph understood, for there was an interpreter between them.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 42:33 - “But the man, the lord of the land, said to us, ‘By this I will know that you are honest men: leave one of your brothers with me and take grain for the famine of your households, and go.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 42:34 - ‘But bring your youngest brother to me so that I may know that you are not spies, but [fn]honest men. I will give your brother to you, and you may trade in the land.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 42:38 - But [fn]Jacob said, “My son shall not go down with you; for his brother is dead, and he alone is left. If harm should happen to him on the journey [fn]you are taking, then you will bring my gray hair down to Sheol in sorrow.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 43:18 - Now the men were afraid, because they were brought to Joseph's house; and they said, “It is because of the money that was returned in our sacks the first time that we are being brought in, so that he may [fn]attack us and [fn]overpower us, and take us as slaves with our donkeys.”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 43:25 - So they prepared the gift [fn]for Joseph's arrival at noon; for they had heard that they were to eat [fn]a meal there.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 44:4 - They had just left the city, and were not far away, when Joseph said to his house steward, “Up, follow the men; and when you overtake them, say to them, ‘Why have you repaid evil for good?
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 44:15 - Joseph said to them, “What is this thing that you have done? Do you not know that a man who is like me can indeed practice divination?”
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 44:18 -

Then Judah approached him and said, “Oh my lord, may your servant please speak a word in my lord's ears, and [fn]do not be angry with your servant; for you are equal to Pharaoh.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 44:27 - “Then your servant my father said to us, ‘You know that my wife bore me two sons;
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 44:28 - and the one left me, and I said, “Surely he is torn to pieces,” and I have not seen him since.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 45:5 - “Now do not be grieved or angry [fn]with yourselves because you sold me here, for God sent me ahead of you [fn]to save lives.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 45:12 - “Behold, your eyes see, and the eyes of my brother Benjamin see, that it is my mouth which is speaking to you.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 45:26 - And they told him, saying, “Joseph is still alive, and indeed he is ruler over all the land of Egypt.” But [fn]he was stunned, for he did not believe them.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 47:5 - Then Pharaoh said to [fn]Joseph, “Your father and your brothers have come to you.
Unchecked Copy BoxGen 48:1 -

Now it came about after these things that [fn]Joseph was told, “Behold, your father is sick.” So he took his two sons Manasseh and Ephraim with him.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 48:17 -

When Joseph saw that his father placed his right hand on Ephraim's head, it displeased him; and he grasped his father's hand to move it from Ephraim's head to Manasseh's head.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 49:6 -

“May my soul not enter into their council;

May my glory not be united with their assembly;

For in their anger they killed [fn]men,

And in their self-will they lamed [fn]oxen.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 49:7 -

“Cursed be their anger, for it is fierce;

And their wrath, for it is cruel.

I will scatter them in Jacob,

And disperse them among Israel.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 49:15 -

“When he saw that a resting place was good

And that the land was pleasant,

He bowed his shoulder to carry burdens,

And became a slave at forced labor.

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 50:15 -

When Joseph's brothers had seen that their father was dead, they said, “What if Joseph holds a grudge against us and pays us back in full for all the wrong which we did to him!”

Unchecked Copy BoxGen 50:17 - ‘This is what you shall say to Joseph: “Please forgive, I beg you, the offense of your brothers and their sin, for they did you wrong.”' And now, please forgive the offense of the servants of the God of your father.” And Joseph wept when they spoke to him.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 1:18 - So the king of Egypt called for the midwives and said to them, “Why have you done this thing, and let the boys live?”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 2:18 - When they came to their father Reuel, he said, “Why have you come back so soon today?”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 2:22 - Then she gave birth to a son, and he named him [fn]Gershom, for he said, “I have been a stranger in a foreign land.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 3:2 - Then the angel of the LORD appeared to him in a blazing fire from the midst of [fn]a bush; and he looked, and behold, the bush was burning with fire, yet the bush was not being consumed.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 3:3 - So Moses said, “I must turn aside and see this [fn]marvelous sight, why the bush is not burning up!”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 3:4 - When the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 3:11 - But Moses said to God, “Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh, and that I should bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 3:12 - And He said, “Assuredly I will be with you, and this shall be the sign to you that it is I who have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall [fn]worship God at this mountain.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 3:19 - “But I know that the king of Egypt will not permit you to go, except [fn]under compulsion.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 4:1 -

Then Moses said, “What if they will not believe me or listen [fn]to what I say? For they may say, ‘The LORD has not appeared to you.'”

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 4:5 - “so that they may believe that the LORD, the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 4:14 - Then the anger of the LORD burned against Moses, and He said, “Is there not your brother Aaron the Levite? I know that [fn]he speaks fluently. And moreover, behold, he is coming out to meet you; when he sees you, he will be [fn]overjoyed.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 4:31 - So the people believed; and when they heard that the LORD [fn]was concerned about the sons of Israel and that He had seen their affliction, they bowed low and worshiped.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 5:21 - And they said to them, “May the LORD look upon you and judge you, because you have made [fn]us repulsive in Pharaoh's sight and in the sight of his servants, to put a sword in their hand to kill us!”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 6:7 - ‘Then I will take you [fn]as My people, and I will be [fn]your God; and you shall know that I am the LORD your God, who brought you out from under the labors of the Egyptians.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 7:5 - “Then the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I extend My hand over Egypt and bring out the sons of Israel from their midst.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 7:17 - ‘This is what the LORD says: “By this you shall know that I am the LORD: behold, I am going to strike [fn]the water that is in the Nile with the staff that is in my hand, and it will be turned into blood.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 8:10 -

Then he said, “Tomorrow.” So he said, “May it be according to your word, so that you may know that there is no one like the LORD our God.

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 8:15 - But when Pharaoh saw that there was relief, he [fn]hardened his heart and did not listen to them, just as the LORD had said.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 8:22 - “But on that day I will set apart the land of Goshen, where My people are [fn]living, so that no swarms of flies will be there, in order that you may know that [fn]I, the LORD, am in the midst of the land.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 9:7 - And Pharaoh sent men, and they learned that, behold, not even one of the livestock of Israel was dead. But the heart of Pharaoh was [fn]hardened, and he did not let the people go.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 9:14 - “For this time I am going to send all My plagues [fn]on you and your servants and your people, so that you may know that there is no one like Me in all the earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 9:29 - Moses said to him, “As soon as I go out of the city, I will spread out my [fn]hands to the LORD; the [fn]thunder will cease and there will no longer be hail, so that you may know that the earth is the LORD'S.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 9:30 - “But as for you and your servants, I know that you do not yet [fn]fear [fn]the LORD God.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 9:34 - But when Pharaoh saw that the rain and the hail and the [fn]thunder had stopped, he sinned again and [fn]hardened his heart, he and his servants.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 10:2 - and that you may tell in the [fn]presence of your son, and of your grandson, how I made a mockery of the Egyptians and how I [fn]performed My signs among them, so that you may know that I am the LORD.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 10:7 - Then Pharaoh's servants said to him, “How long shall this man be a snare to us? Let the [fn]people go, so that they may serve the LORD their God. Do you not yet [fn]realize that Egypt is destroyed?”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 10:10 - Then he said to them, “So may the LORD be with you, when I let you and your little ones go! Watch out, for evil is [fn]on your mind!
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 12:33 - The Egyptians urged the people, to send them out of the land in a hurry, for they said, “We will all be dead.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 13:14 - “And it shall be when your son asks you in time to come, saying, ‘What is this?' then you shall say to him, ‘With [fn]a powerful hand the LORD brought us out of Egypt, from the house of [fn]slavery.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 13:17 -

Now when Pharaoh had let the people go, God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was near; for God said, “The people might change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt.”

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 14:4 - “And I will [fn]harden Pharaoh's heart, and he will chase after them; and I will be honored through Pharaoh and all his army, and the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD.” And they did so.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 14:5 -

When the king of Egypt was told that the people had fled, [fn]Pharaoh and his servants had a change of heart toward the people, and they said, “What is this that we have done, that we have let Israel go from serving us?”

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 14:18 - “Then the Egyptians will know that I am the LORD, when I am honored through Pharaoh, through his chariots, and through his horsemen.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 15:19 -

For the horses of Pharaoh with his chariots and his horsemen went into the sea, and the LORD brought back the waters of the sea on them, but the sons of Israel walked on dry land through the midst of the sea.

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 16:3 - The sons of Israel said to them, “If only we had died by the LORD'S hand in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the pots of meat, when we ate bread until we were full; for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this entire assembly with hunger!”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 16:6 - So Moses and Aaron said to all the sons of Israel, “At evening [fn]you will know that the LORD has brought you out of the land of Egypt;
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 16:7 - and in the morning [fn]you will see the glory of the LORD, for He hears your grumblings against the LORD; and what are we, that you grumble against us?”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 16:12 - “I have heard the grumblings of the sons of Israel; speak to them, saying, ‘[fn]At twilight you shall eat meat, and in the morning you shall be filled with bread; and you shall know that I am the LORD your God.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 16:26 - “Six days you shall gather it, but on the seventh day, the Sabbath, there will be [fn]none.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 17:14 -

Then the LORD said to Moses, “Write this in [fn]a book as a memorial and [fn]recite it to Joshua, [fn]that I will utterly wipe out the memory of Amalek from under heaven.”

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 17:16 - and he said, “[fn]Because the LORD has sworn, the LORD will have war against Amalek from generation to generation.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 18:8 - Moses told his father-in-law everything that the LORD had done to Pharaoh and to the Egyptians for Israel's sake, all the hardship that had confronted them on the journey, and how the LORD had rescued them.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 18:9 - And Jethro rejoiced over all the goodness which the LORD had done for Israel, [fn]in rescuing [fn]them from the hand of the Egyptians.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 18:10 - So Jethro said, “Blessed be the LORD who rescued you from the hand of the Egyptians and from the hand of Pharaoh, and who rescued the people from under the hand of the Egyptians.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 18:11 - “Now I know that the LORD is greater than all the gods; indeed, [fn]it was proven when they acted insolently against [fn]the people.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 18:15 - Moses said to his father-in-law, “Because the people come to me to inquire of God.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 20:22 -

Then the LORD said to Moses, “This is what you shall say to the sons of Israel: ‘You yourselves have seen that I have spoken [fn]to you from heaven.

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 21:8 - “If she is [fn]displeasing in the eyes of her master [fn]who designated her for himself, then he shall let her be redeemed. He does not have authority to sell her to a foreign people, because of his [fn]unfairness to her.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 21:36 - “Or if it is known that the ox was previously in the habit of goring, yet its owner has not confined it, he must make restitution of ox for ox, and the dead animal shall become his.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 29:46 - “And they shall know that I am the LORD their God who brought them out of the land of Egypt, so that I might dwell among them; I am the LORD their God.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 31:13 - “Now as for you, speak to the sons of Israel, saying, ‘You must keep My Sabbaths; for this is a sign between Me and you throughout your generations, so that you may know that I am the LORD who sanctifies you.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 31:14 - ‘Therefore you are to keep the Sabbath, for it is holy to you. Everyone who profanes it must be put to death; for whoever does any work on it, that person shall be cut off from among his people.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 31:17 - “It is a sign between Me and the sons of Israel forever; for in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, but on the seventh day He ceased from labor, and was refreshed.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 32:1 -

Now when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain, the people assembled around Aaron and said to him, “Come, make us [fn]a god who will go before us; for this Moses, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt—we do not know what happened to him.”

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 32:21 -

Then Moses said to Aaron, “What did this people do to you, that you have brought such a great sin upon them?”

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 32:25 -

Now when Moses saw that the people were [fn]out of control—for Aaron had let them [fn]get out of control to the point of being an object of ridicule among [fn]their enemies

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 33:13 - “Now then, if I have found favor in Your sight in any way, please let me know Your ways so that I may know You, in order that I may find favor in Your sight. Consider too, that this nation is Your people.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 33:16 - “For how then can it be known that I have found favor in Your sight, I and Your people? Is it not by Your going with us, so that we, I and Your people, may be distinguished from all the other people who are on the face of the [fn]earth?”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 34:10 -

Then [fn]God said, “Behold, I am going to make a covenant. Before all your people I will perform miracles which have not been [fn]produced in all the earth nor among any of the nations; and all the people [fn]among whom you live will see the working of the LORD, for it is a fearful thing that I am going to perform with you.

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 34:29 -

And it came about, when Moses was coming down from Mount Sinai (and the two tablets of the testimony were in Moses' hand as he was coming down from the mountain), that Moses did not know that the skin of his face shone because of his speaking with Him.

Unchecked Copy BoxExo 34:35 - the sons of Israel would see the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses' face shone. So Moses would put the veil back over his face until he went in to speak with Him.
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 36:5 - and they said to [fn]Moses, “The people are bringing much more than enough for the [fn]construction work which the LORD commanded us to [fn]perform.”
Unchecked Copy BoxExo 40:35 - And Moses was not able to enter the tent of meeting because the cloud had settled on it, and the glory of the LORD filled the tabernacle.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 5:11 -

‘But if his [fn]means are insufficient for two turtledoves or two young doves, then for his offering for that which he has sinned, he shall bring the tenth of an [fn]ephah of fine flour as a sin offering; he shall not put oil on it or place incense on it, for it is a sin offering.

Unchecked Copy BoxLev 9:4 - and an ox and a ram for peace offerings, to sacrifice before the LORD, and a grain offering mixed with oil; for today the LORD will appear to you.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 10:17 - “Why did you not eat the sin offering at the [fn]holy place? For it is most holy, and [fn]He gave it to you to take away the guilt of the congregation, to make atonement for them before the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 11:4 - ‘Nevertheless, you are not to eat of these, among those which chew the cud, or among those which have a divided hoof: the camel, for though it chews cud, it does not have a divided hoof; it is unclean to you.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 11:5 - ‘Likewise, the rock hyrax, for though it chews cud, it does not have a divided hoof; it is unclean to you.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 11:6 - The [fn]rabbit also, for though it chews cud, it does not have a divided hoof; it is unclean to you.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 11:7 - And the pig, for though it has a divided hoof, and so it shows a split hoof, it does not chew cud; it is unclean to you.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 11:42 - ‘Whatever crawls on its belly, and whatever walks on all fours, whatever has many feet, in regard to every swarming thing that swarms on the earth, you shall not eat them, because they are detestable.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 11:44 - ‘For I am the LORD your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, because I am holy. And you shall not make yourselves unclean with any of the swarming things that swarm on the earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 11:45 - ‘For I am the LORD who brought you up from the land of Egypt, to be your God; so you shall be holy, because I am holy.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 13:11 - it is [fn]a chronic leprosy on the skin of his [fn]body, and the priest shall pronounce him unclean; he shall not [fn]isolate him, for he is unclean.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 13:13 - then the priest shall look, and behold, if the leprosy has covered his entire [fn]body, he shall pronounce the one who has the infection clean; it has all turned white and he is clean.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 13:15 - “The priest shall look at the raw flesh, and he shall pronounce him unclean; the raw flesh is unclean, it is leprosy.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 13:36 - then the priest shall look at him, and if the scale has spread on the skin, the priest need not look for the yellowish hair; he is unclean.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 13:52 - “So he shall burn the garment, whether it is the [fn]warp or the woof, in wool or in linen, or any article of leather, in which the mark occurs; for it is a [fn]leprous malignancy. It shall be burned in the fire.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 14:48 -

“If, on the other hand, the priest comes in and [fn]makes an inspection and the spot has not indeed spread in the house after the house has been replastered, then the priest shall pronounce the house clean because the spot has [fn]not reappeared.

Unchecked Copy BoxLev 17:14 -

“For as for the [fn]life of all flesh, its blood is identified with its [fn]life. Therefore I said to the sons of Israel, ‘You are not to eat the blood of any flesh, for the [fn]life of all flesh is its blood; whoever eats it shall be cut off.'

Unchecked Copy BoxLev 18:10 - ‘The nakedness of your son's daughter or your daughter's daughter, their nakedness you shall not uncover; for [fn]their nakedness is yours.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 18:29 - ‘For whoever does any of these abominations, those persons who do so shall be cut off from among their people.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 18:30 - ‘So you are to keep your [fn]commitment to Me not to practice any of the abominable customs which have been practiced before you, so that you do not defile yourselves with them; I am the LORD your God.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 19:2 -

“Speak to all the congregation of the sons of Israel and say to them, ‘You shall be holy, for I the LORD your God am holy.

Unchecked Copy BoxLev 19:8 - ‘And everyone who eats it will bear the consequences for his guilt, because he has profaned the holy thing of the LORD; and that person shall be cut off from his people.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 19:20 -

‘Now if a man has sexual relations with a woman who is a slave acquired for another man, but who has in no way been redeemed nor given her freedom, there shall be punishment; they shall not, however, be put to death, because she was not free.

Unchecked Copy BoxLev 19:34 - ‘The stranger who resides with you shall be to you as the native among you, and you shall love him as yourself, for you were strangers in the land of Egypt; I am the LORD your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 20:3 - ‘I will also set My face against that man and will cut him off from among his people, because he has given some of his [fn]children to Molech, so as to defile My sanctuary and to profane My holy name.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 20:7 - ‘You shall consecrate yourselves therefore and be holy, for I am the LORD your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 20:23 - ‘Furthermore, you shall not [fn]follow the customs of the nation which I am going to drive out before you, because they did all these things; therefore I have felt disgust for them.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 20:26 - ‘So you are to be holy to Me, for I the LORD am holy; and I have singled you out from the peoples to be Mine.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 21:8 - ‘You shall consecrate him, therefore, because he offers the food of your God. He shall be holy to you; for I the LORD, who sanctifies you, am holy.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 21:12 - nor shall he leave the sanctuary nor profane the sanctuary of his God, for the consecration of the anointing oil of his God is on him; I am the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 21:21 - ‘No man among the [fn]descendants of Aaron the priest who has an impairment is to come forward to offer the LORD'S offerings by fire; since he has an impairment, he shall not come forward to offer the food of his God.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 21:23 - only he shall not come up to the veil or approach the altar, since he has an impairment, so that he does not profane My sanctuaries. For I am the LORD who sanctifies them.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 22:7 - ‘But when the sun sets, he will be clean, and afterward he may eat of the holy gifts, for it is his [fn]food.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 22:16 - and thereby bring upon them [fn]punishment for guilt by eating their holy gifts; for I am the LORD who sanctifies them.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 22:25 - nor shall you offer any of these animals taken from the hand of a [fn]foreigner as the [fn]food of your God; for their deformity is in them, they have an impairment. They will not be accepted for you.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 23:43 - so that your generations may know that I had the sons of Israel live in booths when I brought them out from the land of Egypt. I am the LORD your God.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 24:22 - ‘There shall be only one [fn]standard for you; it shall be for the stranger as well as the native, for I am the LORD your God.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 25:12 - ‘For it is a jubilee; it shall be holy to you. You shall eat its produce from the field.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 25:16 - ‘In proportion to [fn]a greater number of years you shall increase its price, and in proportion to [fn]fewer years you shall decrease its price, because it is the number of crops that he is selling to you.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 25:33 - ‘What, therefore, [fn]belongs to the Levites may be redeemed, and a house sale [fn]in the city of this possession [fn]reverts in the jubilee, because the houses of the cities of the Levites are their possession among the sons of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 25:34 - ‘But pasture fields of their cities shall not be sold, for that is their permanent possession.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 25:55 - ‘For the sons of Israel are My servants; they are My servants whom I brought out from the land of Egypt. I am the LORD your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxLev 26:40 -

‘But if they confess their wrongdoing and the wrongdoing of their forefathers, in their unfaithfulness which they committed against Me, and also in their acting with hostility against Me—

Unchecked Copy BoxLev 26:44 - ‘Yet in spite of this, when they are in the land of their enemies, I will not reject them, nor will I so loathe them as to destroy them, breaking My covenant with them; for I am the LORD their God.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 6:7 - ‘He shall not make himself unclean for his father or for his mother, for his brother or for his sister, when they die, because his consecration to God is [fn]on his head.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 6:12 - and shall live his days of consecration as a Nazirite for the LORD, and shall bring a male lamb a year old as a guilt offering; but the preceding days will [fn]not count, because his consecration was defiled.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 7:9 - But he did not give any to the sons of Kohath, because theirs was the service of the holy objects, which they carried on the shoulder.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 8:16 - for they are exclusively given to Me from among the sons of Israel. I have taken them for Myself instead of the firstborn of every womb, the firstborn of all the sons of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 8:17 - “For every firstborn among the sons of Israel is Mine, among the people and among the animals; on the day that I fatally struck all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, I sanctified them for Myself.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 9:13 - ‘But the person who is clean and is not on a journey, yet refrains from celebrating the Passover, that [fn]person shall then be cut off from his people, because he did not present the offering of the LORD at its appointed time. That person will bear the responsibility for his sin.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 9:23 - At the [fn]command of the LORD they camped, and at the [fn]command of the LORD they set out; they did what the LORD required, in accordance with the [fn]command of the LORD through Moses.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 10:29 -

Then Moses said to Hobab the son of Reuel the Midianite, Moses' father-in-law, “We are setting out to the place of which the LORD said, ‘I will give it to you.' Come with us and we will do you good, for the LORD has [fn]promised good concerning Israel.”

Unchecked Copy BoxNum 11:3 - So that place was named [fn]Taberah, because the fire of the LORD burned among them.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 11:12 - “Was it I who conceived all this people? Or did I give birth to them, that You should say to me, ‘Carry them [fn]in your arms, as a [fn]nurse carries a nursing infant, to the land which You swore to their fathers'?
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 11:13 - “Where am I to get meat to give to all this people? For they weep before me, saying, ‘Give us meat so that we may eat!'
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 11:14 - “I am not able to carry all this people by myself, because it is too [fn]burdensome for me.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 11:16 -

The LORD therefore said to Moses, “Gather for Me seventy men from the elders of Israel, whom you know to be the elders of the people and their officers, and bring them to the tent of meeting, and have them take their stand there with you.

Unchecked Copy BoxNum 11:18 - “And you shall say to the people, ‘Consecrate yourselves for tomorrow, and you shall eat meat; for you have wept in the ears of the LORD, saying, “[fn]Oh that someone would give us meat to eat! For we were well-off in Egypt.” Therefore the LORD will give you meat and you shall eat.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 11:20 - [fn]but for a whole month, until it comes out of your nose and [fn]makes you nauseated; because you have rejected the LORD who is among you and have wept before Him, saying, “Why did we ever leave Egypt?”'”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 11:34 - So that place was named [fn]Kibroth-hattaavah, because there they buried the people who had been greedy.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 12:1 -

Then Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses because of the Cushite woman whom he had married (for he had married a Cushite woman);

Unchecked Copy BoxNum 13:28 - “Nevertheless, the people who live in the land are strong, and the cities are fortified and very large. And indeed, we saw the [fn]descendants of Anak there!
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 13:30 -

Then Caleb quieted the people [fn]before Moses and said, “We should by all means go up and take possession of it, for we will certainly prevail over it.”

Unchecked Copy BoxNum 13:31 - But the men who had gone up with him said, “We are not able to go up against the people, because they are too strong for us.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 14:9 - “Only do not rebel against the LORD; and do not fear the people of the land, for they will be our [fn]prey. Their [fn]protection is gone from them, and the LORD is with us; do not fear them.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 14:13 -

But Moses said to the LORD, “Then the Egyptians will hear of it, for by Your strength You brought this people up from their midst,

Unchecked Copy BoxNum 14:14 - and they will tell it to the inhabitants of this land. They have heard that You, LORD, are in the midst of this people, because You, LORD, are seen eye to eye, while Your cloud stands over them; and You go before them in a pillar of cloud by day, and in a pillar of fire by night.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 14:22 - “Certainly all the people who have seen My glory and My signs which I performed in Egypt and in the wilderness, yet have put Me to the test these ten times and have not listened to My voice,
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 14:24 - “But as for My servant Caleb, because he has had a different spirit and has followed Me fully, I will bring him into the land which he [fn]entered, and his [fn]descendants shall take possession of it.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 14:40 - In the morning, however, they got up early and went up to the [fn]ridge of the hill country, saying, “Here we are; and we will go up to the place which the LORD has [fn]promised, for [fn]we have sinned.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 14:43 - “For the Amalekites and the Canaanites will be there [fn]to confront you, and you will fall by the sword, since you have turned back from following the LORD. And the LORD will not be with you.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 15:25 - ‘Then the priest shall make atonement for all the congregation of the sons of Israel, and they will be forgiven; for it was an unintentional wrong, and they have brought their offering, an offering by fire to the LORD, and their sin offering before the LORD, for their unintentional wrong.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 15:26 - ‘So all the congregation of the sons of Israel will be forgiven, as well as the stranger who resides among them, for guilt was attributed to all the people through an unintentional wrong.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 15:31 - ‘Since he has despised the word of the LORD and has broken His commandment, that person shall be completely cut off; his [fn]guilt will be on him.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 16:3 - They assembled together against Moses and Aaron, and said to them, “[fn]You have gone far enough! For all the congregation are holy, every one of them, and the LORD is in their midst; so why do you exalt yourselves above the assembly of the LORD?”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 16:9 - Is it too small an honor for you that the God of Israel has singled you out from the congregation of Israel, to bring you near to Himself, to perform the service of the tabernacle of the LORD, and to stand before the congregation to minister to them;
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 16:11 - “Therefore you and your whole group are the ones gathered together against the LORD; but as for Aaron, [fn]who is he, that you grumble against him?”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 16:13 - “Is it [fn]not enough that you have brought us up out of a land flowing with milk and honey to have us die in the wilderness, but you would also appoint yourself as master over us?
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 16:28 - Then Moses said, “By this you shall know that the LORD has sent me to do all these deeds; for it is not [fn]my doing.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 16:30 - “But if the LORD [fn]brings about an entirely new thing and the ground opens its mouth and swallows them with everything that is theirs, and they descend alive into [fn]Sheol, then you will know that these men have been disrespectful to the LORD.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 16:34 - Then all Israel who were around them fled at their [fn]outcry, for they said, “The earth might swallow us!”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 16:37 - “Tell Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, that he shall pick up the censers from the midst of the burned area, because they are holy; and you are to scatter the [fn]burning coals farther away.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 16:38 - “As for the censers of these [fn]men who have sinned at the cost of their own lives, have them made into hammered sheets as plating for the altar, since they did present them before the LORD and they are holy; and they shall [fn]serve as a sign to the sons of Israel.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 18:20 - Then the LORD said to Aaron, “You shall have no inheritance in their land nor own any portion among them; I am your portion and your inheritance among the sons of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 18:24 - “For the tithe of the sons of Israel, which they offer as an offering to the LORD, I have given to the Levites as an inheritance; therefore I have said concerning them, ‘They shall have no inheritance among the sons of Israel.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 18:31 - ‘You may eat it anywhere, you and your households, for it is your compensation in return for your service in the tent of meeting.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 18:32 - ‘And you will bring on yourselves no sin by reason of it when you have [fn]offered the [fn]best of it. But you shall not profane the sacred gifts of the sons of Israel, so that you do not die.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 19:13 - ‘Anyone who touches a dead body, the [fn]body of a person who has died, and does not purify himself, defiles the [fn]tabernacle of the LORD; and that person shall be cut off from Israel. Since the water for impurity was not sprinkled on him, he will be unclean; his uncleanness is still on him.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 19:20 -

‘But the person who is unclean and does not purify himself, that person shall be cut off from the midst of the assembly, because he has defiled the sanctuary of the LORD; the water for impurity has not been sprinkled on him, so he is unclean.

Unchecked Copy BoxNum 20:12 - But the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, “Since you did not trust in Me, to treat Me as holy in the sight of the sons of Israel, for that reason you shall not bring this assembly into the land which I have given them.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 20:13 - Those were called the waters of [fn]Meribah, [fn]because the sons of Israel argued with the LORD, and He proved Himself holy among them.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 20:24 - “Aaron will be gathered to his people; for he shall not enter the land which I have given to the sons of Israel, because you rebelled against My [fn]command at the waters of Meribah.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 20:29 - When all the congregation saw that Aaron had died, the whole house of Israel wept for Aaron for thirty days.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 21:5 - So the people spoke against God and Moses: “Why have you brought us up from Egypt to die in the wilderness? For there is no [fn]food and no water, and [fn]we are disgusted with [fn]this miserable food.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 21:7 - So the people came to Moses and said, “We have sinned, because we have spoken against the LORD and against you; intercede with the LORD, that He will remove the serpents from us.” And Moses interceded for the people.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 21:24 - Then Israel struck him with the edge of the sword, and took possession of his land from the Arnon to the Jabbok, as far as the sons of Ammon; for the border of the sons of Ammon was [fn]Jazer.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 21:28 -

“For a fire spread from Heshbon,

A flame from the town of Sihon;

It devoured Ar of Moab,

The [fn]dominant [fn]heights of the Arnon.

Unchecked Copy BoxNum 21:34 - But the LORD said to Moses, “Do not fear him, for I have handed him over to you, and all his people and his land; and you shall do to him as you did to Sihon, king of the Amorites, who lived in Heshbon.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 22:3 - So Moab was in great fear because of the people, for they were numerous; and Moab was in dread of the sons of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 22:6 - “Now, therefore, please come, curse this people for me since they are too [fn]mighty for me; perhaps I will be able to [fn]defeat them and drive them out of the land. For I know that he whom you bless is blessed, and he whom you curse is cursed.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 22:22 - But God was angry that he was going, and the angel of the LORD took his stand in the road as an adversary against him. Now he was riding on his donkey, and his two servants were with him.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 22:28 - Then the LORD opened the mouth of the donkey, and she said to Balaam, “What have I done to you, that you have struck me these three times?”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 22:29 - And Balaam said to the donkey, “It is because you have made a mockery of me! If only there had been a sword in my hand! For I would have killed you by now!”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 22:32 - Then the angel of the LORD said to him, “Why have you struck your donkey these three times? Behold, I have come out as an adversary, because your way was reckless and contrary to me.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 22:34 - So Balaam said to the angel of the LORD, “I have sinned, for I did not know that you were standing in the way against me. Now then, if it is displeasing to you, I will turn back.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 22:36 -

When Balak heard that Balaam was coming, he went out to meet him at the city of Moab, which is on the Arnon border, [fn]at the extreme end of the border.

Unchecked Copy BoxNum 23:9 -

“For I see him from the top of the rocks,

And I look at him from the hills;

Behold, a people that lives in isolation,

And does not consider itself to be among the nations.

Unchecked Copy BoxNum 24:1 -

When Balaam saw that it [fn]pleased the LORD to bless Israel, he did not go as at other times to [fn]seek omens, rather he turned his [fn]attention toward the wilderness.

Unchecked Copy BoxNum 25:18 - for they have been hostile to you with their tricks, with which they have deceived you in the matter of Peor and in the matter of Cozbi, the daughter of the leader of Midian, their sister who was killed on the day of the plague because of Peor.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 26:62 - Those who were numbered of them were twenty-three thousand, every male from a month old and upward, for they were not numbered among the sons of Israel since no inheritance was given to them among the sons of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 26:65 - For the LORD had said [fn]of them, “They shall certainly die in the wilderness.” And not a man was left of them, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 27:3 - “Our father died in the wilderness, yet he was not among the group of those who gathered together against the LORD, in the group of Korah; but he died in his own sin, and he had no sons.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 27:4 - “Why should the name of our father be withdrawn from among his family simply because he had no son? Give us property among our father's brothers.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 30:5 - “But if her father expresses disapproval to her on the day he hears of it, none of her vows or her obligations under which she has put herself shall remain valid; and the LORD will [fn]forgive her because her father has expressed disapproval to her.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 30:8 - “But if on the day her husband hears of it, he expresses disapproval to her, then he will annul her vow which [fn]she is under and the impulsive statement of her lips by which she has obligated herself; and the LORD will [fn]forgive her.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 30:14 - “But if her husband in fact says nothing to her from day to day, then he confirms all her vows or all her binding obligations which are on her; he has confirmed them, because he said nothing to her on the day he heard them.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 32:12 - except Caleb the son of Jephunneh the Kenizzite and Joshua the son of Nun; for they have followed the LORD fully.'
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 32:15 - “For if you turn away from following Him, He will once more leave them in the wilderness, and you will destroy all these people.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 32:19 - “But we will not have an inheritance with them on the other side of the Jordan and beyond, because our inheritance has come to us on this side of the Jordan toward the east.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 34:14 - “For the tribe of the sons of Reuben have received theirs according to their fathers' households, and the tribe of the sons of Gad according to their fathers' households, and the half-tribe of Manasseh have received their possession.
Unchecked Copy BoxNum 36:7 - “So no inheritance of the sons of Israel will [fn]be transferred from tribe to tribe, for the sons of Israel shall each [fn]retain possession of the inheritance of the tribe of his fathers.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 1:17 - ‘You are not to [fn]show partiality in judgment; you shall hear the small and the great alike. You are not to be afraid of any person, for the judgment is God's. The case that is too difficult for you, you shall bring to me, and I will hear it.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 1:38 - ‘Joshua the son of Nun, who stands before you, shall himself enter there; encourage him, for he will give it to Israel as an inheritance.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 2:5 - do not [fn]provoke them, for I will not give you any of their land, not even as much as a [fn]footprint, because I have given Mount Seir to Esau as a possession.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 2:19 - ‘When you come opposite the sons of Ammon, do not attack them nor provoke them, for I will not give you any of the land of the sons of Ammon as a possession, because I have given it to the sons of Lot as a possession.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 2:28 - ‘You will sell me food for money so that I may eat, and give me water for money so that I may drink, only let me pass through on [fn]foot,
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 2:30 - “But Sihon king of Heshbon was not willing for us to pass [fn]through his land; for the LORD your God hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate, in order to hand him over to you, as he is today.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 3:2 - “But the LORD said to me, ‘Do not fear him, for I have handed him and all his people and his land over to you; and you shall do to him just as you did to Sihon king of the Amorites, who lived in Heshbon.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 3:11 - (For only Og king of Bashan was left of the remnant of the Rephaim. Behold, his [fn]bed was a [fn]bed of iron; it is in Rabbah of the sons of Ammon. Its length was nine cubits, and its width four cubits by [fn]the usual cubit.)
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 3:19 - ‘However, your wives, your little ones, and your livestock (I know that you have much livestock) shall remain in your cities which I have given you,
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 3:22 - ‘Do not fear them, for the LORD your God is the One fighting for you.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 3:27 - ‘Go up to the top of Pisgah and raise your eyes to the west, the north, the south, and the east, and see it with your eyes; for you shall not cross over this Jordan.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 3:28 - ‘But commission Joshua and encourage him and strengthen him, for he shall go across [fn]leading this people, and he will give to them, as an inheritance, the land which you will see.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 4:3 - “Your eyes have seen what the LORD has done in the case of Baal-peor, for all the men who followed Baal-peor, the LORD your God has destroyed [fn]them from among you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 4:6 - “So keep and do them, for that is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the peoples who will hear all these statutes and say, ‘Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 4:7 - “For what great nation is there that has a god so near to it as is the LORD our God whenever we call on Him?
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 4:15 -

“So be very careful [fn]yourselves, since you did not see any form on the day the LORD spoke to you at Horeb from the midst of the fire,

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 4:24 - “For the LORD your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 4:26 - I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you today, that you will certainly perish quickly from the land where you are going over the Jordan to take possession of it. You will not [fn]live long on it, but will be utterly destroyed.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 4:31 - “For the LORD your God is a compassionate God; He will not abandon you nor destroy you, nor forget the covenant with your fathers which He swore to them.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 4:35 - “You were shown these things so that you might know that the LORD, He is God; there is no other besides Him.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 4:39 - “Therefore know today, and take it to your heart, that the LORD, He is God in heaven above and on the earth below; there is no other.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 5:5 - while I was standing between the LORD and you at that time, to declare to you the word of the LORD; for you were afraid because of the fire, and you did not go up on the mountain. [fn]He said,
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 5:9 - ‘You shall not worship them nor serve them; for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God, inflicting the [fn]punishment of the fathers on the children, [fn]even on the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me,
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 5:15 - ‘And you shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God brought you out of there by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm; therefore the LORD your God commanded you to [fn]celebrate the Sabbath day.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 5:24 - “You said, ‘Behold, the LORD our God has shown us His glory and His greatness, and we have heard His voice from the midst of the fire; we have seen today that God speaks with mankind, yet he lives.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 5:25 - ‘Now then, why should we die? For this great fire will consume us; if we hear the voice of the LORD our God any longer, then we will die!
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 6:15 - for the LORD your God who is in the midst of you is a jealous God; so follow Him, or else the anger of the LORD your God will be kindled against you, and He will [fn]wipe you off the face of the earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 7:6 - “For you are a holy people to the LORD your God; the LORD your God has chosen you to be a people for His personal possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the [fn]earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 7:7 -

“The LORD did not [fn]make you His beloved nor choose you because you were greater in number than any of the peoples, since you were the fewest of all peoples,

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 7:9 - “Know therefore that the LORD your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps [fn]His covenant and [fn]His faithfulness to a thousand generations for those who love Him and keep His commandments;
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 7:16 - “You shall consume all the peoples whom the LORD your God will turn over to you; your eye shall not pity them, nor shall you serve their gods, for that would be a snare to you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 7:17 -

“If you say in your heart, ‘These nations are greater than I; how can I dispossess them?'

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 7:21 - “You are not to be terrified of them, because the LORD your God is in your midst, a great and awesome God.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 7:25 - “The carved images of their gods you are to burn with fire; you shall not covet the silver or the gold that is on them, nor take it for yourselves, or you will be trapped by it; for it is an abomination to the LORD your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 7:26 - “And you shall not bring an abomination into your house and become designated for destruction, like it; you are to utterly detest it, and you are to utterly loathe it, for it is something designated for destruction.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 8:3 - “And He humbled you and let you go hungry, and fed you with the manna which you did not know, nor did your fathers know, in order to make you [fn]understand that man shall not live on bread alone, but man shall live on everything that comes out of the mouth of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 8:5 - “So you are to know in your heart that the LORD your God was disciplining you just as a man disciplines his son.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 8:18 - “But you are to remember the LORD your God, for it is He who is giving you power to make wealth, in order to confirm His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 8:19 - “And it shall come about, if you ever forget the LORD your God and follow other gods and serve and worship them, I testify against you today that you will certainly perish.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 9:3 - “So be aware today that it is the LORD your God who is crossing over ahead of you as a consuming fire. He will destroy them and He will subdue them before you, so that you may drive them out and eliminate them quickly, just as the LORD has spoken to you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 9:6 -

“Know, then, that it is not because of your righteousness that the LORD your God is giving you this good land to possess, for you are a [fn]stubborn people.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 9:12 - “Then the LORD said to me, ‘Arise, go down from here quickly, because your people, whom you brought out of Egypt, have behaved corruptly. They have quickly turned aside from the way that I commanded them; they have made a cast metal image for themselves.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 9:16 - “And I saw that you had indeed sinned against the LORD your God. You had made for yourselves a cast metal image of a calf; you had quickly turned aside from the way that the LORD had commanded you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 9:19 - “For I was afraid of the anger and the rage with which the LORD was angry with you so as to destroy you; but the LORD listened to me that time as well.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 11:2 - “Know this day that I am not speaking with your sons who have not known and who have not seen the [fn]discipline of the LORD your God—His greatness, His mighty hand, His outstretched arm,
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 11:7 - but your own eyes have seen all the great work of the LORD which He did.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 12:12 - “And you shall rejoice before the LORD your God, you and your sons and daughters, your male and female slaves, and the Levite who is within your gates, since he has no portion or inheritance with you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 12:23 - “Only be sure not to eat the blood, for the blood is the [fn]life, and you shall not eat the [fn]life with the flesh.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 12:31 - “You shall not behave this way toward the LORD your God, because every abominable act which the LORD hates, they have done for their gods; for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire for their gods.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 13:3 - you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or dreamer of dreams; for the LORD your God is testing you to find out whether you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 13:10 - “So you shall stone him [fn]to death, because he has attempted to drive you away from the LORD your God who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of [fn]slavery.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 14:2 - “For you are a holy people to the LORD your God, and the LORD has chosen you to be a people for His personal possession out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 14:7 - “However, you are not to eat these among the ones that [fn]chew the cud, or among those that have the hoof divided in [fn]two: the camel, the [fn]rabbit, and the rock hyrax, for though they [fn]chew the cud, they do not have a divided hoof; they are unclean to you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 14:8 - “And the pig, because it has a divided hoof but does not chew the cud, it is unclean for you. You shall not eat any of their flesh, nor touch their carcasses.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 14:21 -

“You shall not eat anything which dies of itself. You may give it to the stranger who is in your [fn]town, so that he may eat it, or you may sell it to a stranger; for you are a holy people to the LORD your God. You shall not boil a young goat in its mother's milk.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 14:24 - “But if the [fn]distance is so great for you that you are not able to [fn]bring the tithe, since the place where the LORD your God chooses to set His name is too far away from you when the LORD your God blesses you,
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 14:27 - “Also you shall not neglect the Levite who is in your [fn]town, for he has no portion or inheritance among you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 14:29 - “And the Levite, because he has no portion or inheritance among you, and the stranger, the [fn]orphan, and the widow who are in your [fn]town, shall come and eat and be satisfied, in order that the LORD your God may bless you in all the work of your hand which you do.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 15:2 - “And this is the regulation for the release of debts: every creditor is to forgive what he has loaned to his neighbor; he shall not require it of his neighbor and his brother, because the LORD'S release has been proclaimed.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 15:4 - “However, there will be no poor among you, since the LORD will certainly bless you in the land which the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance to possess,
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 15:6 - “For the LORD your God will have blessed you just as He has promised you, and you will lend to many nations, but you will not borrow; and you will rule over many nations, but they will not rule over you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 15:10 - “You shall generously give to him, and your heart shall not be [fn]grudging when you give to him, because for this thing the LORD your God will bless you in all your work, and in all [fn]your undertakings.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 15:15 - “And you are to remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt, and the LORD your God redeemed you; therefore I am commanding [fn]this of you today.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 15:16 - “But it shall come about, if he says to you, ‘I will not leave you,' because he loves you and your household, since he is doing well with you,
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 15:18 -

“It shall not seem difficult for you when you set him [fn]free, because he has given you six years with double the [fn]service of a hired worker; so the LORD your God will bless you in whatever you do.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 16:1 -

“Observe the month of Abib and [fn]celebrate the Passover to the LORD your God, for in the month of Abib the LORD your God brought you out of Egypt by night.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 16:3 - “You shall not eat leavened bread with it; for seven days you shall eat unleavened bread with it, the bread of affliction (for you came out of the land of Egypt in a hurry), so that you will remember the day when you came out of the land of Egypt all the days of your life.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 16:12 - “You shall also remember that you were a slave in Egypt, and you shall be careful and [fn]comply with these statutes.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 17:1 -

“You shall not sacrifice to the LORD your God an ox or a sheep which has a blemish or any [fn]defect, for that is a detestable thing to the LORD your God.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 17:15 - you shall in fact appoint a king over you whom the LORD your God chooses. One from among your countrymen you shall appoint as king over yourselves; you may not put a foreigner over yourselves, anyone who is not your countryman.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 18:5 - “For the LORD your God has chosen him and his sons from all your tribes, to stand to serve in the name of the LORD always.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 19:6 - “Otherwise, the avenger of blood might pursue [fn]him [fn]in the heat of his anger, and overtake him because the way is long, and [fn]take his life, though he was not sentenced to death since he had not hated him previously.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 20:1 -

“When you go out to battle against your enemies and see horses, chariots, and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, is with you.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 20:4 - for the LORD your God is the One who is going with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 20:20 - “Only the trees that you know [fn]are not fruit trees you shall destroy and cut down, so that you may construct siegeworks against the city that is making war against you until it falls.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 21:5 - “Then the priests, the sons of Levi, shall come forward, because the LORD your God has chosen them to serve Him and to bless in the name of the LORD; and every dispute and [fn]violent crime shall be [fn]settled by them.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 21:17 - “On the contrary, he shall acknowledge the firstborn, the son of the [fn]unloved wife, by giving him a double [fn]portion of everything that [fn]he owns, for he was the beginning of his [fn]strength; to him belongs the right of the firstborn.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 21:23 - his body is not to be left overnight on the [fn]tree, but you shall certainly bury him on the same day (for he who is hanged is cursed of God), so that you do not defile your land which the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 22:5 -

“A woman shall not wear a man's clothing, nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing; for whoever does these things is an abomination to the LORD your God.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 22:19 - and they shall fine him a hundred shekels of silver and give it to the girl's father, because he [fn]publicly defamed a virgin of Israel. And she shall remain his wife; he is not allowed to [fn]divorce her all his days.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 22:21 - then they shall bring the girl out to the doorway of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her [fn]to death, because she has committed a disgraceful sin in Israel by playing the prostitute in her father's house; so you shall eliminate the evil from among you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 22:24 - then you shall bring them both out to the gate of that city and you shall stone them [fn]to death: the girl, because she did not cry out for help though she was in the city, and the man, because he has violated his neighbor's wife. So you shall eliminate the evil from among you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 22:26 - “And you are not to do anything to the girl; there is no sin in the girl worthy of death, for just as a man rises against his neighbor and murders him, [fn]so is this case.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 22:27 - “When he found her in the field, the betrothed girl [fn]cried out, but there was no one to save her.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 23:4 - because they did not meet you with [fn]food and water on the way when you came out of Egypt, and because they hired against you Balaam the son of Beor from Pethor of [fn]Mesopotamia, to curse you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 23:5 - “Nevertheless, the LORD your God was unwilling to listen to Balaam, but the LORD your God turned the curse into a blessing for you because the LORD your God loves you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 23:7 -

“You shall not loathe an [fn]Edomite, for he is your brother; you shall not loathe an Egyptian, because you were a stranger in his land.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 23:14 - “Since the LORD your God walks in the midst of your camp to save you and to [fn]defeat your enemies before you, your camp must be holy; so He must not see [fn]anything indecent among you [fn]or He will turn away from you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 23:18 - “You shall not bring the earnings of a prostitute or the money for a [fn]dog into the house of the LORD your God as payment for any vowed offering, because both of these are an abomination to the LORD your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 23:21 -

“When you make a vow to the LORD your God, you shall not delay to pay it, for the LORD your God will certainly require it of you, and it will be a sin [fn]for you.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 24:1 -

“When a man takes a wife and marries her, and it happens, if she finds no favor in his eyes because he has found some indecency in her, that he writes her a certificate of divorce, puts it in her hand, and [fn]sends her away from his house,

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 24:4 - then her former husband who [fn]sent her away is not allowed to take her again to be his wife, after [fn]she has been defiled; for that is an abomination before the LORD, and you shall not bring sin on the land which the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 24:6 -

“No one shall seize a handmill or an upper millstone as a pledge for a loan, since he would be seizing the debtor's [fn]means of life as a pledge.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 24:15 - “You shall give him his wages on his day [fn]before the sun sets—for he is poor and sets his [fn]heart on it—so that he does not cry out against you to the LORD, and it becomes a sin in you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 24:18 - “But you are to remember that you were a slave in Egypt, and that the LORD your God redeemed you from there; therefore I am commanding you to do this thing.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 24:20 - “When you beat the olives off your olive tree, you are not to search through the branches [fn]again; that shall be left for the stranger, the [fn]orphan, and for the widow.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 24:22 - “And you shall remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt; therefore I am commanding you to do this thing.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 25:16 - “For everyone who does these things, everyone who acts unjustly is an abomination to the LORD your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 26:3 - “And you shall go to the priest who is in office at that time and say to him, ‘I declare today to the LORD [fn]my God that I have entered the land which the LORD swore to our fathers to give us.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 27:20 -

‘Cursed is he who sleeps with his father's wife, because he has [fn]uncovered his father's garment.' And all the people shall say, ‘Amen.'

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 28:10 - “So all the peoples of the earth will see that [fn]you are called by the name of the LORD, and they will be afraid of you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 28:38 -

“You will bring out a great amount of seed to the field, but you will gather in little, because the locust will devour it.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 28:39 - “You will plant and cultivate vineyards, but you will neither drink of the wine nor bring in the harvest, because the worm will eat it.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 28:40 - “You will have olive trees throughout your territory but you will not anoint yourself with the oil, because your olives will drop off prematurely.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 28:45 -

“So all these curses shall come upon you and pursue you and overtake you until you are destroyed, because you would not [fn]obey the LORD your God by keeping His commandments and His statutes which He commanded you.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 28:62 - “Then you will be left few in [fn]number, whereas you were as numerous as the stars of heaven, because you did not [fn]obey the LORD your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 29:6 - “You have not eaten bread, nor have you drunk wine or other strong drink, in order that you might know that I am the LORD your God.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 29:16 - (for you know how we lived in the land of Egypt, and how we passed through the midst of the nations through which you passed;
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 29:19 - “And it shall be when he hears the words of this curse, that he will consider himself fortunate in his heart, saying, ‘I will do well though I walk in the stubbornness of my heart in order [fn]to destroy the watered land along with the dry.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 29:25 - “Then people will say, ‘It is because they abandoned the covenant of the LORD, the God of their fathers, which He made with them when He brought them out of the land of Egypt.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 30:9 - “Then the LORD your God will prosper you [fn]abundantly in every work of your hand, in the [fn]children of your womb, the [fn]offspring of your cattle, and in the [fn]produce of your ground, for the LORD will again rejoice over you for good, just as He rejoiced over your fathers;
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 30:11 -

“For this commandment which I am commanding you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it far away.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 30:18 - I declare to you today that you will certainly perish. You will not prolong your days in the land where you are crossing the Jordan to enter [fn]and take possession of it.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 30:20 - by loving the LORD your God, by obeying His voice, and by holding close to Him; for [fn]this is your life and the length of your days, [fn]so that you may live in the land which the LORD swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give them.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 31:6 - “Be strong and courageous, do not be afraid or in dread of them, for the LORD your God is the One who is going with you. He will not desert you or abandon you.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 31:18 - “But I will assuredly hide My face on that day because of all the evil that they will have done, for they will have turned away to other gods.
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 31:27 - “For I know your rebellion and your [fn]stubbornness; behold, as long as I have been alive with you until today, you have been rebellious against the LORD; how much more, then, after my death?
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 31:29 - “For I know that after my death you will behave very corruptly and turn from the way which I have commanded you; and evil will confront you in the latter days, because you will do that which is evil in the sight of the LORD, provoking Him to anger with the work of your hands.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 32:3 -

“For I proclaim the name of the LORD;

Ascribe greatness to our God!

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 32:20 -

“Then He said, ‘I will hide My face from them,

I will see what their end will be;

For they are a perverse generation,

Sons in whom there is no faithfulness.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 32:22 -

For a fire has flared in My anger,

And it burns to the lowest part of [fn]Sheol,

And devours the earth with its yield,

And sets on fire the foundations of the mountains.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 32:28 -

“For they are a nation [fn]destitute of counsel,

And there is no understanding in them.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 32:31 -

“Indeed, their rock is not like our Rock;

Even our enemies [fn]themselves judge this.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 32:35 -

‘Vengeance is Mine, and retribution;

In due time their foot will slip.

For the day of their disaster is near,

And the impending things are hurrying to them.'

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 32:36 -

“For the LORD will vindicate His people,

And will have compassion on His servants,

When He sees that their [fn]strength is gone,

And there is none remaining, bond or free.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 32:39 -

‘See now that I, I am He,

And there is no god besides Me;

It is I who put to death and give life.

I have wounded and it is I who heal,

And there is no one who can save anyone from My hand.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 32:40 -

‘Indeed, I raise My hand to heaven,

And say, as I live forever,

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 32:41 -

If I have sharpened [fn]My flashing sword,

And My hand has taken hold of justice,

I will return vengeance on My adversaries,

And I will repay those who hate Me.

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 32:43 -

“Rejoice, you nations, with His people;

For He will avenge the blood of His servants,

And will return vengeance on His adversaries,

And will atone for His land and His people.”

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 32:47 - “For it is not a [fn]trivial matter for you; indeed it is your life. And by this word you will prolong your days in the land, [fn]which you are about to cross the Jordan to [fn]possess.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 32:52 - “For you will see the land at a distance but you will not go there, into the land which I am giving the sons of Israel.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 33:19 -

“They will call peoples to the mountain;

There they will offer righteous sacrifices;

For they will [fn]draw out the abundance of the seas,

And the hidden treasures of the sand.”

Unchecked Copy BoxDeu 33:21 -

“Then he [fn]selected the choicest part for himself,

For there the ruler's portion was [fn]reserved;

And he came with the leaders of the people;

He executed the justice of the LORD,

And His ordinances with Israel.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJos 1:9 - “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous! Do not be terrified nor dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 1:11 - “Pass through the midst of the camp and command the people, saying, ‘Prepare provisions for yourselves, for within three days you are going to cross this Jordan, to go in to take possession of the land which the LORD your God is giving you, to possess it.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 2:9 - and said to the men, “I know that the LORD has given you the land, and that the terror of you has fallen on us, and that all the inhabitants of the land have despaired because of you.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 2:10 - “For we have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the [fn]Red Sea before you when you came out of Egypt, and what you did to the two kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan, to Sihon and Og, whom you [fn]utterly destroyed.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 2:11 - “When we heard these reports, our hearts melted and no [fn]courage remained in anyone any longer because of you; for the LORD your God, He is God in heaven above and on earth below.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 2:12 - “Now then, please swear to me by the LORD, since I have dealt kindly with you, that you also will deal kindly with my father's household, and give me a pledge of [fn]truth,
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 2:24 - And they said to Joshua, “The LORD has indeed handed over to us all the land; furthermore, all the inhabitants of the land have despaired because of us.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 3:5 -

Then Joshua said to the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do miracles among you.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJos 3:10 - And Joshua said, “By this you will know that the living God is among you, and that He will assuredly drive out from you the Canaanite, the Hittite, the Hivite, the Perizzite, the Girgashite, the Amorite, and the Jebusite.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 4:7 - then you shall say to them, ‘That the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the LORD; when it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off.' So these stones shall become a memorial to the sons of Israel forever.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 4:22 - then you shall inform your children, saying, ‘Israel crossed this Jordan on dry ground.'
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 4:24 - so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the LORD is mighty, so that you may [fn]fear the LORD your God [fn]forever.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 5:1 -

Now it came about when all the kings of the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan to the west, and all the kings of the Canaanites who were by the sea, heard how the LORD had dried up the waters of the Jordan before the sons of Israel until [fn]they had crossed, that their hearts melted, and there was no spirit in them any longer because of the sons of Israel.

Unchecked Copy BoxJos 7:12 - “Therefore the sons of Israel cannot stand against their enemies; they turn their [fn]backs before their enemies, because they have become designated for destruction. I will not be with you anymore unless you eliminate from your midst the things designated for destruction.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 7:15 - ‘And it shall be that the one who is selected with the things designated for destruction shall be burned with fire, he and all that belongs to him, because he has violated the covenant of the LORD, and because he has committed a disgraceful thing in Israel.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 8:14 - And it came about, when the king of Ai saw them, that the men of the city hurried and got up early, and went out to meet Israel in battle, he and all his people at the appointed place before the desert plain. But he did not know that there was an ambush against him behind the city.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 8:21 - When Joshua and all Israel saw that the men in ambush had captured the city and that the smoke of the city ascended, they turned back and [fn]killed the men of Ai.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 9:16 -

However, it came about at the end of three days after they had made a covenant with them, that they heard that they were neighbors and that they were living [fn]within their land.

Unchecked Copy BoxJos 9:18 - But the sons of Israel did not [fn]attack them because the leaders of the congregation had sworn to them by the LORD, the God of Israel. And the whole congregation grumbled against the leaders.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 10:1 -

Now it came about when Adoni-zedek king of Jerusalem heard that Joshua had captured Ai, and had [fn]utterly destroyed it (just as he had done to Jericho and its king, so he had done to Ai and its king), and that the inhabitants of Gibeon had made peace with Israel and were [fn]within their land,

Unchecked Copy BoxJos 10:2 - that [fn]he feared greatly because Gibeon was a great city, like one of the royal cities, and because it was greater than Ai, and all its men were mighty.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 10:6 -

Then the men of Gibeon sent word to Joshua at the camp at Gilgal, saying, “Do not [fn]abandon your servants; come up to us quickly and save us and help us, for all the kings of the Amorites that live in the hill country have assembled against us.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJos 10:14 - There was no day like that before it or after it, when the LORD listened to the voice of a man; for the LORD fought for Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 10:25 - Joshua then said to them, “Do not fear or be dismayed! Be strong and courageous, for the LORD will do this to all your enemies with whom you fight.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 10:42 - Joshua captured all these kings and their lands at one time, because the LORD, the God of Israel, fought for Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 11:6 -

Yet the LORD said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid because of them, for tomorrow at this time I am going to turn all of them over to Israel as good as dead; you shall hamstring their horses and burn their chariots with fire.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJos 11:20 - For it was of the LORD to [fn]harden their hearts, to meet Israel in battle in order that he might utterly destroy them, that they might [fn]receive no mercy, but that he might destroy them, just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 14:4 - For the sons of Joseph were two tribes, Manasseh and Ephraim, and they did not give a portion to the Levites in the land, except cities to live in, with their pasture lands for their livestock and for their property.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 14:9 - “So Moses swore on that day, saying, ‘The land on which your foot has walked shall certainly be an inheritance to you and to your children forever, because you have followed the LORD my God fully.'
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 14:12 - “Now then, give me this hill country about which the LORD spoke on that day, for you heard on that day that Anakim were there, with great fortified cities; perhaps the LORD will be with me, and I will [fn]drive them out just as the LORD has spoken.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 15:19 - Then she said, “Give me a blessing; since you have given me the land of the [fn]Negev, give me springs of water also.” So he gave her the upper springs and the lower springs.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 17:1 -

Now this was the lot for the tribe of Manasseh, for he was the firstborn of Joseph. To Machir the firstborn of Manasseh, the father of Gilead, [fn]were allotted Gilead and Bashan, because he was a man of war.

Unchecked Copy BoxJos 17:6 - because the daughters of Manasseh received an inheritance among his sons. And the land of Gilead belonged to the rest of the sons of Manasseh.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 17:18 - but the hill country shall be yours. For though it is a forest, you shall clear it, and to its [fn]farthest borders it shall be yours; for you shall [fn]drive out the Canaanites, even though they have iron chariots and though they are strong.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 19:9 - The inheritance of the sons of Simeon was taken from the portion of the sons of Judah, because the share of the sons of Judah was too large for them; so the sons of Simeon received an inheritance in the midst of [fn]Judah's inheritance.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 21:10 - and they were for the sons of Aaron, one of the families of the Kohathites, of the sons of Levi, because the lot was theirs first.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 22:17 - ‘Is the wrongdoing of Peor [fn]not enough for us, from which we have not cleansed ourselves to this day, although [fn]a plague came on the congregation of the LORD,
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 22:31 - And Phinehas the son of Eleazar the priest said to the sons of Reuben, the sons of Gad, and to the sons of Manasseh, “Today we know that the LORD is in our midst, because you have not committed this unfaithful act against the LORD; now you have saved the sons of Israel from the hand of the LORD.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 22:34 - And the sons of Reuben and the sons of Gad called the altar Witness; “For,” they said, “it is a witness between us that the LORD is God.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 23:3 - “And you have seen all that the LORD your God has done to all these nations because of you, for the LORD your God is He who has been fighting for you.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 23:4 - “See, I have apportioned to you these nations which remain as an inheritance for your tribes, with all the nations which I have eliminated, from the Jordan even to the Great Sea toward the [fn]west.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 23:10 - “One of your men puts to flight a thousand, for the LORD your God is He who fights for you, just as He [fn]promised you.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 23:13 - know with certainty that the LORD your God will not continue to [fn]drive these nations out from before you; but they will be a snare and a trap to you, and a whip on your sides and thorns in your eyes, until you perish from this good land which the LORD your God has given you.
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 24:15 - “But if it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the LORD, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve: whether the gods which your fathers served, which were beyond the Euphrates River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living; but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 24:19 -

Then Joshua said to the people, “You will not be able to serve the LORD, for He is a holy God. He is a jealous God; He will not forgive your wrongdoing or your sins.

Unchecked Copy BoxJos 24:22 - So Joshua said to the people, “You are witnesses against yourselves that you have chosen for yourselves the LORD, to serve Him.” And they said, “We are witnesses.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJos 24:27 - Then Joshua said to all the people, “Behold, this stone shall be a witness against us, because it has heard all the words of the LORD which He spoke [fn]to us; so it shall be a witness against you, so that you do not deny your God.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 1:15 - She said to him, “Give me a blessing: since you have given me the land of the [fn]Negev, give me springs of water also.” So Caleb gave her the upper springs and the lower springs.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 1:19 - Now the LORD was with Judah, and they took possession of the hill country; but they could not [fn]drive out the inhabitants of the valley, because they had iron chariots.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 1:32 - So the Asherites lived among the Canaanites, the inhabitants of the land; for they did not drive them out.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 1:34 -

Then the Amorites [fn]forced the sons of Dan into the hill country, for they did not allow them to come down to the valley;

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 2:17 - Yet they did not listen to their judges, for they [fn]committed infidelity with other gods and bowed down to them. They turned aside quickly from the way in which their fathers had walked in obeying the commandments of the LORD; they did not do the same as their fathers.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 2:18 - And when the LORD raised up judges for them, the LORD was with the judge and saved them from the hand of their enemies all the days of the judge; for the LORD was moved to pity by their groaning because of those who tormented and oppressed them.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 3:22 - The hilt of the sword also went in after the blade, and the fat closed over the blade because he did not pull the sword out of his belly; and [fn]the refuse came out.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 3:28 - Then he said to them, “Pursue them, for the LORD has handed your enemies the Moabites over to you.” So they went down after him and took control of the crossing places of the Jordan opposite Moab, and did not allow anyone to cross.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 4:3 - The sons of Israel cried out to the LORD; for he had nine hundred iron chariots, and he oppressed the sons of Israel severely for twenty years.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 4:8 - Then Barak said to her, “If you will go with me, then I will go; but if you will not go with me, I will not go.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 4:9 - She said, “I will certainly go with you; however, the fame shall not be yours on the journey that you are about to take, for the LORD will sell Sisera into the hand of a woman.” Then Deborah got up and went with Barak to Kedesh.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 4:12 -

Then they told Sisera that Barak the son of Abinoam had gone up to Mount Tabor.

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 4:13 - Sisera summoned all his chariots, nine hundred iron chariots, and all the people who were with him, from Harosheth-hagoyim to the river Kishon.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 4:14 - Then Deborah said to Barak, “Arise! For this is the day on which the LORD has handed Sisera over to you; [fn]behold, the LORD has gone out before you.” So Barak went down from Mount Tabor with ten thousand men following him.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 4:17 -

Now Sisera fled on foot to the tent of Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite, because there was peace between Jabin the king of Hazor and the house of Heber the Kenite.

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 4:19 - And he said to her, “Please give me a little water to drink, for I am thirsty.” So she opened a leather bottle of milk and gave him a drink; then she covered him.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 5:7 -

“The [fn]peasantry came to an end, they came to an end in Israel,

Until I, Deborah, arose,

Until I arose, a mother in Israel.

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 5:23 -

‘Curse Meroz,' said the angel of the LORD,

‘Utterly curse its inhabitants,

Because they did not come to the help of the LORD,

To the help of the LORD against the warriors.'

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 6:5 - For they would come up with their livestock and their tents, they would come in like locusts in number, and both they and their camels were innumerable; and they came into the land to ruin it.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 6:17 - So [fn]Gideon said to Him, “If now I have found favor in Your sight, then perform for me a sign that it is You speaking with me.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 6:22 - When Gideon perceived that he was the angel of the LORD, [fn]he said, “Oh, Lord [fn]GOD! For I have seen the angel of the LORD face to face!”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 6:30 - Then the men of the city said to Joash, “Bring out your son, that he may die, for he has torn down the altar of Baal, and indeed, he has cut down the Asherah which was beside it.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 6:31 - But Joash said to all who stood against him, “Will you contend for Baal, or will you save him? Whoever will contend for him shall be put to death by morning. If he is a god, let him contend for himself, since someone has torn down his altar!”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 6:32 - Therefore on that day he named [fn]Gideon Jerubbaal, that is to say, “Let Baal contend against him,” because he had torn down his altar.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 6:37 - behold, I am putting a fleece of wool on the threshing floor. If there is dew on the fleece only, and it is dry on all the ground, then I will know that You will save Israel [fn]through me, as You have spoken.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 7:4 -

Then the LORD said to Gideon, “The people are still too many; bring them down to the water and I will test them for you there. So it shall be that he of whom I say to you, ‘This one shall go with you,' he shall go with you; but everyone of whom I say to you, ‘This one shall not go with you,' he shall not go.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 7:9 -

Now on the same night it came about that the LORD said to him, “Arise, go down against the camp, for I have handed it over to you.

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 7:15 -

When Gideon heard the account of the dream and its interpretation, he bowed in worship. Then he returned to the camp of Israel and said, “Arise, for the LORD has handed over to you the camp of Midian!”

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 8:5 - And he said to the men of Succoth, “Please give loaves of bread to the people who are [fn]following me, for they are exhausted, and I am pursuing Zebah and Zalmunna, the kings of Midian.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 8:6 - But the leaders of Succoth said, “[fn]Are the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna already in your hand, that we should give bread to your army?”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 8:15 - And he came to the men of Succoth and said, “Behold Zebah and Zalmunna, about whom you taunted me, saying, ‘[fn]Are the hands of Zebah and Zalmunna already in your hand, that we should give bread to your men who are weary?'”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 8:20 - So he said to Jether his firstborn, “Rise, kill them.” But the youth did not draw his sword, for he was afraid, because he was still a youth.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 8:21 - Then Zebah and Zalmunna said, “Rise up yourself, and attack us; for as the man, so is his strength.” So Gideon arose and killed Zebah and Zalmunna, and took the crescent amulets which were on their camels' necks.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 8:22 -

Then the men of Israel said to Gideon, “Rule over us, both you and your son, your son's son as well, for you have saved us from the hand of Midian!”

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 8:24 - Yet Gideon said to them, “I would [fn]request of you, that each of you give me [fn]an earring from his plunder.” (For they had gold earrings, because they were Ishmaelites.)
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 8:30 - Now Gideon had seventy sons who [fn]were his direct descendants, for he had many wives.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 9:2 - “Speak, now, in the hearing of all the [fn]leaders of Shechem, ‘Which is better for you: for seventy men, all the sons of Jerubbaal, to rule over you, or for one man to rule over you?' Also, remember that I am your bone and your flesh.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 9:3 - So his mother's relatives spoke all these words on his behalf in the hearing of all the [fn]leaders of Shechem; and [fn]they were inclined to follow Abimelech, for they said, “He is our relative.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 9:5 - Then he went to his father's house in Ophrah and killed his brothers the sons of Jerubbaal, seventy men, [fn]on one stone. But Jotham the youngest son of Jerubbaal was left, because he hid himself.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 9:18 - but in fact you have risen against my father's house today and have killed his sons, seventy men, on one stone, and have made Abimelech, the son of his female slave, king over the [fn]leaders of Shechem, because he is your relative
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 9:28 - Then Gaal the son of Ebed said, “Who is Abimelech, and who is Shechem, that we should serve him? Is he not the son of Jerubbaal, and is Zebul not his governor? Serve the men of Hamor the father of Shechem; but why should we serve him?
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 9:38 - Then Zebul said to him, “Where then is your [fn]boasting with which you said, ‘Who is Abimelech that we should serve him?' Is this not the people whom you rejected? Go out now and fight them!”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 9:47 - And it was reported to Abimelech that all the [fn]leaders of the tower of Shechem were gathered together.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 9:55 - Now when the men of Israel saw that Abimelech was dead, each left for his [fn]home.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 10:10 -

Then the sons of Israel cried out to the LORD, saying, “We have sinned against You, for indeed, we have abandoned our God and served the Baals.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 11:2 - Gilead's wife bore him sons; and when his wife's sons grew up, they drove Jephthah out and said to him, “You shall not have an inheritance in our father's house, for you are the son of another woman.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 11:7 - But Jephthah said to the elders of Gilead, “Did you not hate me and drive me from my father's house? So why have you come to me now when you are in trouble?”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 11:12 -

So Jephthah sent messengers to the king of the sons of Ammon, saying, “What conflict do you and I have, that you have come to me to fight against my land?”

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 11:18 - ‘Then they went through the wilderness and around the land of Edom and the land of Moab, and came to the east side of the land of Moab, and they camped beyond the Arnon; but they did not enter the territory of Moab, for the Arnon was the border of Moab.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 11:26 - ‘While Israel was living in Heshbon and its villages, and in Aroer and its villages, and in all the cities that are on the banks of the Arnon, three hundred years, why did you not recover them within that time?
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 12:1 -

Now the men of Ephraim were summoned, and they crossed [fn]to Zaphon; and they said to Jephthah, “Why did you cross over to fight against the sons of Ammon without calling us to go with you? We will burn your house down on you!”

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 12:3 - “When I saw that you were no deliverer, I [fn]took my life in my hands and crossed over against the sons of Ammon, and the LORD handed them over to me. Why then have you come up to me this day to fight against me?”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 12:4 - Then Jephthah gathered all the men of Gilead and fought Ephraim; and the men of Gilead [fn]defeated Ephraim, because they said, “You are survivors of Ephraim, you Gileadites, in the midst of Ephraim and in the midst of Manasseh.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 12:5 - And the Gileadites took control of the crossing places of the Jordan opposite Ephraim. And it happened whenever any of the survivors of Ephraim said, “Let me cross over,” that the men of Gilead would say to him, “Are you an Ephraimite?” If he said, “No,”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 13:5 - “For behold, you will conceive and give birth to a son, and no razor shall come upon his head, for the boy shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb; and he will begin to save Israel from the hands of the Philistines.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 13:6 - Then the woman came and told her husband, saying, “A man of God came to me, and his appearance was like the appearance of the angel of God, very awesome. So I did not ask him where he came from, nor did he tell me his name.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 13:7 - “But he said to me, ‘Behold, you shall conceive and give birth to a son, and now you shall not drink wine or strong drink, nor eat any [fn]unclean thing, for the boy shall be a Nazirite to God from the womb to the day of his death.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 13:16 - But the angel of the LORD said to Manoah, “Though you detain me, I will not eat your [fn]food, but if you prepare a burnt offering, offer it to the LORD.” For Manoah did not know that he was the angel of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 13:21 -

Now the angel of the LORD did not appear to Manoah or his wife again. Then Manoah knew that he was the angel of the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 13:22 - So Manoah said to his wife, “We will certainly die, for we have seen God.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 14:3 - But his father and his mother said to him, “Is there no woman among the daughters of your relatives, or among all [fn]our people, that you go to take a wife from the uncircumcised Philistines?” Yet Samson said to his father, “Get her for me, because she is right [fn]for me.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 14:4 - However, his father and mother did not know that this was of the LORD, for He was seeking an occasion against the Philistines. And at that time the Philistines were ruling over Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 14:9 - So he took out [fn]the honey on his [fn]hands and went on, eating as he went. When he came to his father and mother, he gave some to them and they ate it; but he did not tell them that he had taken the honey out of the body of the lion.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 14:10 -

Then his father went down to the woman; and Samson held a feast there, for the young men customarily did this.

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 14:16 - So Samson's wife wept in front of him and said, “You only hate me, and you do not love me; you have proposed a riddle to the sons of my people, and have not told it to me.” And he said to her, “Behold, I have not told it to my father or mother; so should I tell you?”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 14:17 - However she wept before him for seven days while their feast lasted. And on the seventh day he told her because she pressed him so hard. She then told the riddle to the sons of her people.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 15:2 - Her father said, “I really thought that you hated her intensely; so I gave her to your companion. Is her younger sister not [fn]more beautiful than she? Please let her be yours [fn]instead.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 15:3 - Samson then said to them, “This time I will have been blameless regarding the Philistines when I do them harm.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 15:6 - Then the Philistines said, “Who did this?” And some said, “Samson, the son-in-law of the Timnite, because [fn]he took his wife and gave her to his companion.” So the Philistines came up and burned her and her father to death with fire.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 15:11 - Then three thousand men of Judah went down to the cleft of the rock of Etam and said to Samson, “Do you not know that the Philistines are rulers over us? What then is this that you have done to us?” And he said to them, “Just as they did to me, so I have done to them.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 15:16 - And Samson said,

“With the jawbone of a donkey,

[fn]Heaps upon heaps,

With the jawbone of a donkey

I have [fn]killed a thousand men.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 16:17 - So he told her all that was in his heart and said to her, “A razor has never come on my head, for I have been a Nazirite to God from my mother's womb. If I am shaved, then my strength will leave me and I will become weak and be like any other man.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 16:18 -

When Delilah saw that he had told her all that was in his heart, she sent word and called the governors of the Philistines, saying, “Come up once more, for he has told me all that is in his heart.” Then the governors of the Philistines came up to her and brought up the money in their hands.

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 16:20 - She said, “The Philistines are upon you, Samson!” And he awoke from his sleep and said, “I will go out as at other times and shake myself free.” But he did not know that the LORD had departed from him.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 17:13 - Then Micah said, “Now I know that the LORD will prosper me, because I have a Levite as a priest.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 18:1 -

In those days there was no king of Israel; and in those days the tribe of the Danites was seeking an inheritance for themselves to live in, for until that day [fn]an inheritance had not [fn]been allotted to them as a possession among the tribes of Israel.

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 18:7 -

So the five men departed and came to Laish, and saw the people who were in it living in security, in the way of the Sidonians, quiet and unsuspecting; for there was no [fn]oppressive ruler humiliating them for anything in the land, and they were far from the Sidonians and had no dealings with anyone.

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 18:9 - And they said, “Arise, and let's go up against them; for we have seen the land, and behold, it is very good. And will you [fn]sit still? Do not hesitate to go, to enter, to take possession of the land.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 18:10 - “When you enter, you will come to an unsuspecting people with a spacious land; for God has handed it over to you, a place where there is no lack of anything that is on the earth.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 18:14 -

Then the five men who went to spy out the country of Laish [fn]said to their kinsmen, “Do you know that there are in these houses an ephod and [fn]household idols, and a carved image and a cast metal image? Now then, consider what you should do.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 18:23 - Then they called out to the sons of Dan, who turned [fn]around and said to Micah, “What is the matter with you, that you have assembled together?”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 18:24 - And he said, “You have taken my gods which I made, and the priest, and have gone away; what more do I have? So how can you say to me, ‘What is the matter with you?'”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 18:26 - So the sons of Dan went on their way; and when Micah saw that they were too strong for him, he turned and went back to his house.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 18:28 - And there was no one to save them, because it was far from Sidon and they had no dealings with anyone, and it was in the valley which is near Beth-rehob. So they rebuilt the city and lived in it.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 20:3 - (Now the sons of Benjamin heard that the sons of Israel had gone up to Mizpah.) And the sons of Israel said, “Tell us, how did this wickedness take place?”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 20:6 - “And I took hold of my concubine and cut her in pieces, and sent her throughout the land of Israel's inheritance; for they have committed an outrageous sin and vile act in Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 20:28 - and Phinehas the son of Eleazar, Aaron's son, stood before it to minister in those days), saying, “Shall I yet again go out to battle against the sons of my brother Benjamin, or shall I stop?” And the LORD said, “Go up, for tomorrow I will hand them over to you.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 20:34 - When ten thousand choice men from all Israel came against Gibeah, the battle became [fn]fierce; but [fn]Benjamin did not know that disaster was [fn]close to them.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 20:36 -

So the sons of Benjamin saw that they were [fn]defeated. When the men of Israel gave [fn]ground to Benjamin because they relied on the men in ambush whom they had set against Gibeah,

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 20:39 - Then the men of Israel turned in the battle, and Benjamin began to strike and kill about thirty men of Israel, for they said, “Undoubtedly they are [fn]defeated before us, as in the first battle.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 20:41 - Then the men of Israel turned, and the men of Benjamin were terrified; for they saw that disaster was [fn]close to them.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 21:5 -

Then the sons of Israel said, “Who is there among all the tribes of Israel who did not go up to the LORD in the assembly?” For [fn]they had taken a solemn oath concerning anyone who did not go up to the LORD at Mizpah, saying, “He shall certainly be put to death.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 21:15 - And the people were sorry for Benjamin, because the LORD had created a gap in the tribes of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 21:16 -

Then the elders of the congregation said, “What are we to do for wives for those who are left, since the women have been eliminated from Benjamin?”

Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 21:18 - “But we cannot give them wives from our daughters.” For the sons of Israel had sworn, saying, “Cursed is he who gives a wife to Benjamin!”
Unchecked Copy BoxJdg 21:22 - “And when their fathers or their brothers come to complain to us, we shall say to them, ‘[fn]Give them to us voluntarily, because we did not take for each man of Benjamin [fn]a wife in battle, [fn]nor did you give them to them, [fn]otherwise you would now be guilty.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 1:6 -

Then she arose with her daughters-in-law to return from the land of Moab, because she had heard in the land of Moab that the LORD had visited His people by giving them food.

Unchecked Copy BoxRth 1:12 - “Return, my daughters! Go, for I am too old to have a husband. If I said I have hope, if I were even to have a husband tonight and also give birth to sons,
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 1:13 - would you therefore wait until they were grown? Would you therefore refrain from marrying? No, my daughters; for it is much more bitter for me than for you, because the hand of the LORD has come out against me.”
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 1:16 - But Ruth said, “Do not plead with me to leave you or to turn back from following you; for where you go, I will go, and where you sleep, I will sleep. Your people shall be my people, and your God, my God.
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 1:17 - “Where you die, I will die, and there I will be buried. May the LORD do so to me, and worse, if anything but death separates [fn]me from you.”
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 1:18 - When she saw that she was determined to go with her, she stopped speaking to her about it.
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 1:20 - But she said to them, “Do not call me [fn]Naomi; call me [fn]Mara, for [fn]the Almighty has dealt very bitterly with me.
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 2:10 - Then she fell on her face, bowing to the ground, and said to him, “Why have I found favor in your sight that you should take notice of me, since I am a foreigner?”
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 2:13 - Then she said, “I have found favor in your sight, my lord, for you have comforted me and indeed have spoken [fn]kindly to your servant, though I am not like one of your female servants.”
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 2:20 - Naomi said to her daughter-in-law, “May he be blessed of the LORD who has not withdrawn His kindness from the living and from the dead.” Again Naomi said to her, “The man is our relative; he is one of our redeemers.”
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 2:21 - Then Ruth the Moabitess said, “[fn]Furthermore, he said to me, ‘You are to stay close to my servants until they have finished all my harvest.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 2:22 - And Naomi said to her daughter-in-law Ruth, “It is good, my daughter, that you go out with his young women, so that others do not assault you in another field.”
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 3:9 - So he said, “Who are you?” And she answered, “I am Ruth your slave. Now spread your garment over your slave, for you are a redeemer.”
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 3:10 - Then he said, “May you be blessed of the LORD, my daughter. You have shown your last kindness to be better than the first, by not going after young men, whether poor or rich.
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 3:11 - “So now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you whatever you say, for all [fn]my people in the city know that you are a woman of excellence.
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 3:12 - “But now, although it is true that I am a redeemer, yet there is also a redeemer more closely related than I.
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 3:14 -

So she lay at his feet until morning, and got up before one person could recognize another; and he said, “Do not let it be known that the woman came to the threshing floor.”

Unchecked Copy BoxRth 3:17 - She also said, “These six measures of barley he gave to me, for he said, ‘Do not go to your mother-in-law empty-handed.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 4:4 - “So I thought that I would [fn]inform you, saying, ‘Buy it before those who are sitting here, and before the elders of my people. If you will redeem it, redeem it; but if [fn]not, tell me so that I may know; for there is no one except you to redeem it, and I am after you.'” And he said, “I will redeem it.
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 4:6 - Then the redeemer said, “I cannot redeem it for myself, otherwise I would [fn]jeopardize my own inheritance. Redeem it for yourself; you may have my right of redemption, since I cannot redeem it.
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 4:9 - Then Boaz said to the elders and all the people, “You are witnesses today that I have bought from the hand of Naomi all that belonged to Elimelech and all that belonged to Chilion and Mahlon.
Unchecked Copy BoxRth 4:15 - “May he also be to you one who restores life and sustains your old age; for your daughter-in-law, who loves you [fn]and is better to you than seven sons, has given birth to him.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 1:5 - but to Hannah he would give a double portion, because he loved Hannah, but the LORD had closed her womb.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 1:6 - Her rival, moreover, would provoke her bitterly to irritate her, because the LORD had closed her womb.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 1:8 - Then Elkanah her husband would say to her, “Hannah, why do you weep, and why do you not eat, and why is your heart sad? Am I not better to you than ten sons?”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 1:16 - “Do not [fn]consider your bond-servant a useless woman, for I have spoken until now out of my great concern and provocation.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 1:20 - It came about [fn]in due time, after Hannah had conceived, that she gave birth to a son; and she named him Samuel, saying, “Because I have asked for him of the LORD.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 1:22 - But Hannah did not go up, for she said to her husband, “I will not go until the child is weaned; then I will bring him, so that he may appear before the LORD and stay there for life.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 2:2 -

“There is no one holy like the LORD,

Indeed, there is no one besides You,

Nor is there any rock like our God.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 2:3 -

“Do not go on [fn]boasting so very proudly,

Do not let arrogance come out of your mouth;

For the LORD is a God of knowledge,

And [fn]with Him actions are weighed.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 2:5 -

“Those who were full hire themselves out for bread,

But those who were hungry cease to be hungry.

Even the infertile woman gives birth to seven,

But she who has many children languishes.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 2:9 -

“He watches over the feet of His godly ones,

But the wicked ones are silenced in darkness;

For not by might shall a person prevail.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 2:16 - And if the man said to him, “They must [fn]burn the fat [fn]first, then take as much as [fn]you desire,” then he would say, “No, but you must give it to me now; and if not, I am taking it by force!”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 2:17 - And so the sin of the young men was very great before the LORD, for the men treated the offering of the LORD disrespectfully.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 2:24 - “No, my sons; for the report is not good which I hear the LORD'S people circulating.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 2:25 - “If one person sins against another, God will mediate for him; but if a person sins against the LORD, who can intercede for him?” But they would not listen to the voice of their father, for the LORD desired to put them to death.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 2:30 - “Therefore the LORD God of Israel declares, ‘I did indeed say that your house and the house of your father was to walk before Me forever'; but now the LORD declares, ‘Far be it from Me—for those who honor Me I will honor, and those who despise Me will be insignificant.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 3:5 - Then he ran to Eli and said, “Here I am, for you called me.” But he said, “I did not call, go back and lie down.” So he went and lay down.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 3:6 - And the LORD called yet again, “Samuel!” So Samuel got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am, for you called me.” But he said, “I did not call, my son, go back and lie down.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 3:8 - So the LORD called Samuel again for the third time. And he got up and went to Eli and said, “Here I am, for you called me.” Then Eli realized that the LORD was calling the boy.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 3:9 - And Eli said to Samuel, “Go lie down, and it shall be if He calls you, that you shall say, ‘Speak, LORD, for Your servant is listening.'” So Samuel went and lay down in his place.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 3:10 -

Then the LORD came and stood, and called as at the other times: “Samuel! Samuel!” And Samuel said, “Speak, for Your servant is listening.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 3:13 - “For I have told him that I am going to judge his house forever for the wrongdoing that he knew, because his sons were bringing a curse on themselves and he did not rebuke them.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 3:20 - And all Israel from Dan even to Beersheba knew that Samuel was confirmed as a prophet of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 3:21 - And the LORD appeared again at Shiloh, because the LORD revealed Himself to Samuel at Shiloh by the word of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 4:6 - And when the Philistines heard the noise of the shout, they said, “What does the noise of this great shout in the camp of the Hebrews mean?” Then they understood that the ark of the LORD had come into the camp.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 4:7 - So the Philistines were afraid, for they said, “God has come into the camp!” And they said, “Woe to us! For nothing like this has happened before.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 4:13 - When he came, behold, Eli was sitting on his seat [fn]by the road keeping watch, because his heart was anxious about the ark of God. And the man came to give a report in the city, and all the city cried out.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 4:18 - When he mentioned the ark of God, [fn]Eli fell off the seat backward beside the gate, and his neck was broken and he died, for [fn]he was old and heavy. And so he judged Israel for forty years.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 4:19 -

Now his daughter-in-law, Phinehas' wife, was pregnant and about to give birth; and when she heard the news that the ark of God had been taken and that her father-in-law and her husband had died, she kneeled down and gave birth, because her pains came upon her.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 4:20 - And about the time of her death the women who were standing by her said to her, “Do not be afraid, for you have given birth to a son.” But she did not answer or pay attention.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 5:5 - For that reason neither the priests of Dagon nor any who enter Dagon's house step on the threshold of Dagon in Ashdod to this day.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 5:7 - When the men of Ashdod saw that it was so, they said, “The ark of the God of Israel must not remain with us, because His hand is severe on us and on Dagon our god.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 5:11 - Therefore they sent word and gathered all the governors of the Philistines, and said, “Send away the ark of the God of Israel and let it return to its own place, so that it will not kill [fn]us and [fn]our people!” For there was a deadly panic throughout the city; the hand of God was very heavy there.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 6:4 - Then they said, “What is to be the guilt offering that we shall return to Him?” And they said, “Five gold tumors and five gold mice corresponding to the number of the governors of the Philistines, since one plague was on all of [fn]you and on your governors.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 6:9 - “But watch: if it goes up by the way of its own territory to Beth-shemesh, then He has done this great evil to us. But if not, then we will know that it was not His hand that struck us; it happened to us by chance.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 6:19 -

Now He fatally struck some of the men of Beth-shemesh because they had looked into the ark of the LORD. He struck 50,070 men among the people, and the people mourned because the LORD had struck the people with a great slaughter.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 7:7 -

Now when the Philistines heard that the sons of Israel had gathered at Mizpah, the governors of the Philistines went up against Israel. And when the sons of Israel heard about it, they were afraid of the Philistines.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 7:17 - Then he would make his return to Ramah, because his house was there, and there he also judged Israel; and there he built an altar to the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 8:7 - And the LORD said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people regarding all that they say to you, because they have not rejected you, but they have rejected Me from being King over them.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 8:9 - “Now then, listen to their voice; however, you shall warn them strongly and tell them of the [fn]practice of the king who will reign over them.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 8:18 - “Then you will cry out on that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the LORD will not answer you on that day.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 9:7 - Then Saul said to his servant, “But look, if we go, what shall we bring the man? For the bread is gone from our sacks and there is no gift to bring to the man of God. What do we have?”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 9:9 - (Previously in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, he used to say, “Come, and let's go to the seer”; for he who is called a prophet now was previously called a seer.)
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 9:12 - They answered them and said, “He is; [fn]see, he is ahead of you. Hurry now, for he has come into the city today, because the people have a sacrifice on the high place today.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 9:13 - “As soon as you enter the city you will find him before he goes up to the high place to eat, for the people will not eat until he comes, because he must bless the sacrifice; afterward those who are invited will eat. Now then, go up, for you will find him about this time.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 9:16 - “About this time tomorrow I will send you a man from the land of Benjamin, and you shall anoint him as ruler over My people Israel; and he will save My people from the hand of the Philistines. For I have considered My people, because their outcry has come to Me.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 9:20 - “And as for your donkeys that wandered off three days ago, do not be concerned about them, for they have been found. And for whom is everything that is desirable in Israel? Is it not for you and for all your father's household?”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 9:24 - Then the cook took up the leg with what was on it and placed it before Saul. And Samuel said, “Here is what has been reserved! Place it before you and eat, because it has been kept for you until the appointed time, [fn]since I said I have invited the people.” So Saul ate with Samuel that day.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 10:1 -

Then Samuel took the flask of oil, poured it on [fn]Saul's head, kissed him, and said, “Has the LORD not anointed you as ruler over His inheritance?

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 10:7 - “And it shall be when these signs come to you, do for yourself what [fn]the occasion requires, because God is with you.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 10:14 -

Now Saul's uncle said to him and his servant, “Where did you go?” And he said, “To look for the donkeys. When we saw that they were nowhere to be found, we went to Samuel.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 10:16 - So Saul said to his uncle, “He told us plainly that the donkeys had been found.” But he did not tell him about the matter of the kingdom which Samuel had mentioned.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 10:19 - “But today you have rejected your God, who saves you from all your catastrophes and your distresses; yet you have [fn]said, ‘No, but put a king over us!' Now then, present yourselves before the LORD by your tribes and by your [fn]groups of thousands.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 10:24 - Samuel said to all the people, “Do you see him whom the LORD has chosen? Surely there is no one like him among all the people.” So all the people shouted and said, “[fn]Long live the king!”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 11:5 -

Now behold, Saul was coming from the field behind the oxen, and Saul said, “What is the matter with the people that they weep?” So they reported to him the words of the men of Jabesh.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 11:12 -

Then the people said to Samuel, “Who is he that said, ‘Shall Saul reign over us?' [fn]Bring the men, so that we may put them to death!”

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 11:13 - But Saul said, “Not a single person shall be put to death this day, for today the LORD has brought about [fn]victory in Israel.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 12:5 - So he said to them, “The LORD is witness against you, and His anointed is witness this day that you have found nothing in my hand.” And they said, “He is witness.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 12:10 - “They cried out to the LORD and said, ‘We have sinned, because we have abandoned the LORD and have served the Baals and the Ashtaroth; but now save us from the hands of our enemies, and we will serve You.'
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 12:12 - “But when you saw that Nahash the king of the sons of Ammon was coming against you, you said to me, ‘No, but a king shall reign over us!' Yet the LORD your God was your king.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 12:17 - “Is it not the wheat harvest today? I will call to the LORD, that He will send [fn]thunder and rain. Then you will know and see that your wickedness is great which you have done in the sight of the LORD, by asking for yourselves a king.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 12:19 -

Then all the people said to Samuel, “Pray to the LORD your God for your servants, so that we do not die; for we have added to all our sins this evil, by asking for ourselves a king.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 12:21 - “Indeed, you must not turn aside, for then you would go after useless things which cannot benefit or save, because they are useless.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 12:22 - “For the LORD will not abandon His people on account of His great name, because the LORD has been pleased to make you a people for Himself.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 12:24 - “Only [fn]fear the LORD and serve Him in truth with all your heart; for consider what great things He has done for you.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 13:6 - When the men of Israel saw that they were in trouble (for the people were hard-pressed), then the people kept themselves hidden in caves, in crevices, in cliffs, in crypts, and in pits.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 13:11 - But Samuel said, “What have you done?” And Saul said, “Since I saw that the people were scattering from me, and that you did not come at the appointed [fn]time, and that the Philistines were assembling at Michmash,
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 13:13 - But Samuel said to Saul, “You have acted foolishly! You have not kept the commandment of the LORD your God, which He commanded you, for the LORD would now have established your kingdom [fn]over Israel forever.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 13:14 - “But now your kingdom shall not endure. The LORD has sought for Himself a man [fn]after His own heart, and the LORD has appointed him ruler over His people, because you have not kept what the LORD commanded you.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 13:19 -

Now no blacksmith could be found in all the land of Israel, because the Philistines said, “Otherwise the Hebrews will make [fn]swords or spears.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 14:3 - and Ahijah, the son of Ahitub, Ichabod's brother, the son of Phinehas, the son of Eli, the priest of the LORD at Shiloh, was [fn]wearing an ephod. And the people did not know that Jonathan had gone.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 14:6 -

Then Jonathan said to the young man who was carrying his armor, “Come, and let's cross over to the garrison of these uncircumcised men; perhaps the LORD will work for us, because the LORD is not limited to saving by many or by few!”

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 14:10 - “But if they [fn]say, ‘Come up to us,' then we will go up, for the LORD has handed them over to us; and this shall be the sign to us.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 14:12 - So the men of the garrison responded to Jonathan and his armor bearer and said, “Come up to us and we will inform you of something.” And Jonathan said to his armor bearer, “Come up after me, for the LORD has handed them over to Israel.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 14:18 - Then Saul said to Ahijah, “Bring the ark of God here.” For at that time the ark of God was with the sons of Israel.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 14:22 - When all the men of Israel who had kept themselves hidden in the hill country of Ephraim heard that the Philistines had fled, they also closely pursued them in the battle.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 14:26 - When the people entered the forest, behold, there was honey dripping; but no man put his hand to his mouth, because the people feared the oath.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 14:29 - Then Jonathan said, “My father has troubled the land. See now that my eyes have brightened because I tasted a little of this honey.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 14:30 - “How much more, if only the people had freely eaten today of the spoils of their enemies which they found! For now the defeat among the Philistines has not been great.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 14:39 - “For as the LORD lives, who saves Israel, even if it is in my son Jonathan, he shall assuredly die!” But not one of all the people answered him.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 14:41 - Therefore, Saul said to the LORD, the God of Israel, “Give a [fn]perfect lot.” And Jonathan and Saul were selected by lot, but the people [fn]were exonerated.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 14:44 - And Saul said, “May God do the same to me and more also, for you shall certainly die, Jonathan!”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 14:45 - But the people said to Saul, “Must Jonathan die, he who has [fn]brought about this great [fn]victory in Israel? Far from it! As the LORD lives, not even a hair of his head shall fall to the ground, because he has worked with God this day.” So the people [fn]rescued Jonathan and he did not die.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 15:11 - “I regret that I have made Saul king, because he has turned back from [fn]following Me and has not carried out My commands.” And Samuel was furious and cried out to the LORD all night.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 15:23 -

“For rebellion is as reprehensible as the sin of divination,

And insubordination is as reprehensible as false religion and idolatry.

Since you have rejected the word of the LORD,

He has also rejected you from being king.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 15:24 -

Then Saul said to Samuel, “I have sinned, for I have violated the [fn]command of the LORD and your words, because I feared the people and listened to their voice.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 15:26 - But Samuel said to Saul, “I will not return with you; for you have rejected the word of the LORD, and the LORD has rejected you from being king over Israel.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 15:29 - “Also the [fn]Glory of Israel will not lie nor change His mind; for He is not a man, that He would change His mind.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 15:35 - And Samuel did not see Saul again until the day of his death, though Samuel mourned for [fn]Saul. And the LORD regretted that He had made Saul king over Israel.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 16:1 -

Now the LORD said to Samuel, “How long are you going to mourn for [fn]Saul, since I have rejected him from being king over Israel? Fill your horn with oil and go; I will send you to Jesse the Bethlehemite, because I have chosen a king for Myself among his sons.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 16:7 - But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for [fn]God does not see as man sees, since man looks at [fn]the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 16:11 - Then Samuel said to Jesse, “Are these all the boys?” And he said, “The youngest is still left, but behold, he is tending the sheep.” So Samuel said to Jesse, “Send word and bring him; for we will not take our places at the table until he comes here.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 16:12 - So he sent word and brought him in. Now he was [fn]reddish, with beautiful eyes and a handsome appearance. And the LORD said, “Arise, anoint him; for this is he.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 16:22 - So Saul sent word to Jesse, saying, “Let David now [fn]be my attendant for he has found favor in my sight.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 17:33 - But Saul said to David, “You are not able to go against this Philistine to fight him; for you are only a youth, while he has been a warrior since his youth.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 17:39 - And David strapped on his sword over his military attire and struggled at walking, for he had not trained with the armor. So David said to Saul, “I cannot go with these, because I have not trained with them.” And David took them [fn]off.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 17:42 - When the Philistine looked and saw David, he was contemptuous of him; for he was only a youth, and [fn]reddish, with a handsome appearance.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 17:43 - So the Philistine said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come to me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 17:46 - “This day the LORD will hand you over to me, and I will strike you and remove your head from you. Then I will give the dead bodies of the army of the Philistines this day to the birds of the sky and the wild animals of the earth, so that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel,
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 17:47 - and that this entire assembly may know that the LORD does not save by sword or by spear; for the battle is the LORD'S, and He will hand you over to us!”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 17:51 - Then David ran and stood over the Philistine, and took his sword and drew it out of its sheath and finished him, and cut off his head with it. When the Philistines saw that their champion was dead, they fled.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 18:16 - But all Israel and Judah loved David, for he would go out to battle and [fn]return [fn]before them.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 18:28 - When Saul saw and realized that the LORD was with David, and that Michal, Saul's daughter, loved him,
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 19:4 - Then Jonathan spoke well of David to his father Saul and said to him, “May the king not sin against his servant David, since he has not sinned against you, and since his deeds have been very [fn]beneficial to you.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:1 -

Then David fled from Naioth in Ramah, and he came and said [fn]to Jonathan, “What have I done? What is my guilt? And what is my sin before your father, that he is seeking my life?”

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:2 - He said to him, “Far from it, you shall not die! Behold, my father does nothing either great or small [fn]without informing me. So why would my father hide this thing from me? It is not so!”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:3 - Yet David vowed again, [fn]saying, “Your father is well aware that I have found favor in your sight, and he has said, ‘Jonathan is not to know this, otherwise he will be worried.' But indeed as the LORD lives and as your soul lives, there is [fn]just a step between me and death.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:6 - “If your father misses me at all, then say, ‘David earnestly requested leave of me to run to Bethlehem, his city, because it is the yearly sacrifice there for the whole family.'
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:7 - “If he [fn]says, ‘That is good,' your servant will be safe; but if he is very angry, be aware that he has decided on evil.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:8 - “So deal kindly with your servant, for you have brought your servant into a covenant of the LORD with you. But if [fn]I am guilty of wrongdoing, kill me yourself; for why then should you bring me to your father?”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:9 - Jonathan said, “Far be it from you! For if I in fact learn that my father has decided [fn]to inflict harm on you, would I not inform you?”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:12 -

Then Jonathan said to David, “The LORD, the God of Israel, is my witness! When I have sounded out my father about this time tomorrow or the third day, behold, if he has a good feeling toward [fn]you, shall I not then send word to you and [fn]inform you?

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:13 - “If it pleases my father to do you harm, may the LORD do so to [fn]me and more so, if I fail to [fn]inform you and send you away, so that you may go in safety. And may the LORD be with you as He has been with my father.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:17 - And Jonathan made David vow again because of his love for him, because he loved him as he loved his own life.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:18 -

Then Jonathan said to him, “Tomorrow is the new moon, and you will be missed since your seat will be empty.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:21 - “Then behold, I will send the boy, telling him, ‘Go, find the arrows.' If I specifically say to the boy, ‘Behold, the arrows are on this side of you, get them,' then come, because it is safe for you and there is nothing to harm you, as the LORD lives.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:22 - “But if I [fn]say to the youth, ‘Behold, the arrows are beyond you,' go, because the LORD has sent you away.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:26 - Nevertheless Saul did not say anything that day, because he thought, “It must have been an [fn]accident; he is not clean, undoubtedly he is not clean.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:27 - But it came about the next day, the second day of the new moon, that David's place was empty again; so Saul said to his son Jonathan, “Why has the son of Jesse not come to the meal, either yesterday or today?”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:29 - “He said, ‘Please let me go, because our family has a sacrifice in the city, and my brother has ordered me to attend. So now, if I have found favor in your sight, please let me slip away so that I may see my brothers.' For this reason he has not come to the king's table.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:30 -

Then Saul's anger burned against Jonathan, and he said to him, “You son of a perverse, rebellious woman! Do I not know that you are choosing the son of Jesse to your own shame, and to the shame of your mother's nakedness?

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:31 - “For, [fn]as long as the son of Jesse lives on the earth, neither you nor your kingdom will be established. Now then, send men and bring him to me, for he is [fn]doomed to die!”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:33 - Then Saul hurled his spear at him to strike and kill him; so Jonathan knew that his father had decided to put David to death.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 20:34 - Then Jonathan got up from the table in the heat of anger, and did not eat food on the second day of the new moon, because he was worried about David since his father had insulted him.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 21:1 -

Then David came to Nob, to Ahimelech the priest; and Ahimelech came trembling to meet David and said to him, “Why are you alone, and no one with you?”

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 21:4 - The priest answered David and said, “There is no ordinary bread [fn]on hand, but there is consecrated bread, if only the young men have kept themselves from women.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 21:6 - So the priest gave him consecrated bread; for there was no bread there except the bread of the Presence which was removed from its place before the LORD, in order to put hot bread in its place on the day it was taken away.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 21:8 -

David said to Ahimelech, “Now is there no spear or sword [fn]on hand? For I brought neither my sword nor my weapons [fn]with me, because the king's matter was urgent.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 21:9 - Then the priest said, “The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you [fn]killed in the Valley of Elah, behold, it is wrapped in a cloth behind the ephod; if you would take it for yourself, take it. For there is no other except it here.” And David said, “There is none like it; give it to me.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 21:15 - “Do I lack insane people, that you have brought this one to behave like an insane person in my presence? Shall this one come into my house?”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 22:6 -

Then Saul heard that David and the men who were with him had been discovered. Now Saul was in Gibeah, sitting under the tamarisk tree on the height with his spear in his hand, and all his servants were standing in front of him.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 22:8 - “For all of you have conspired against me so that there is no one who [fn]informs me when my son makes a covenant with the son of Jesse, and there is none of you who cares about me or [fn]informs me that my son has stirred up my servant against me to lie in ambush, as it is this day.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 22:15 - “Did I just begin to inquire of God for him today? Far be it from me! Do not let the king impute anything against his servant or against any of the household of my father, because your servant knows nothing [fn]at all of this whole affair.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 22:17 - And the king said to the [fn]guards who were attending him, “Turn around and put the priests of the LORD to death, because their hand also is with David and because they knew that he was fleeing and did not [fn]inform me.” But the servants of the king were unwilling to reach out with their hands to [fn]attack the priests of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 22:21 - Abiathar informed David that Saul had killed the priests of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 22:22 - Then David said to Abiathar, “I knew on that day, when Doeg the Edomite was there, that he would certainly tell Saul. I myself [fn]have turned against every person in your father's household.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 22:23 - “Stay with me; do not be afraid, [fn]even though he who is seeking my life is seeking your life. For you are safe with me.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 23:4 - So David inquired of the LORD once more. And the LORD answered him and said, “Arise, go down to Keilah, for I am going to hand the Philistines over to you.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 23:7 - When it was reported to Saul that David had come to Keilah, Saul said, “God has handed him over to me, for he shut himself in by entering a city with double gates and bars.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 23:9 - But David knew that Saul was plotting evil against him; so he said to Abiathar the priest, “Bring the ephod here.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 23:10 - Then David said, “LORD God of Israel, Your servant has heard for certain that Saul is seeking to come to Keilah to destroy the city on my account.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 23:13 - Then David and his men, about six hundred, rose up and departed from Keilah, and they went wherever they could go. When it was reported to Saul that David had escaped from Keilah, he gave up [fn]the pursuit.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 23:15 -

Now David saw that Saul had come out to seek his life while David was in the wilderness of Ziph, at Horesh.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 23:17 - He said to him, “Do not be afraid, because the hand of Saul my father will not find you, and you will be king over Israel, and I will be second in command to you; and Saul my father knows that as well.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 23:21 - Saul said, “May you be blessed of the LORD, since you have had compassion on me.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 23:27 - But a messenger came to Saul, saying, “Hurry and come, for the Philistines have launched an attack against the land!”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 24:1 -

[fn]Now when Saul returned from pursuing the Philistines, it was reported to him, saying, “Behold, David is in the wilderness of Engedi.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 24:5 - But it came about afterward that David's [fn]conscience bothered him because he had cut off the edge of Saul's robe.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 24:6 - So he said to his men, “Far be it from me because of the LORD that I would do this thing to my lord, the LORD'S anointed, to reach out with my hand against him, since he is the LORD'S anointed.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 24:10 - “Behold, this day your eyes have seen that the LORD had handed you over to me today in the cave, and someone said to kill you, but [fn]I spared you; and I said, ‘I will not reach out with my hand against my lord, because he is the LORD'S anointed.'
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 24:11 - “So, my father, look! Indeed, look at the edge of your robe in my hand! For by the fact that I cut off the edge of your robe but did not kill you, know and understand that there is no evil or [fn]rebellion in my hands, and I have not sinned against you, though you are lying in wait for my life, to take it.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 24:17 - And he said to David, “You are more righteous than I; for you have dealt well with me, while I have dealt maliciously with you.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 24:19 - “Though if a man finds his enemy, will he let him go away [fn]unharmed? May the LORD therefore reward you with good in return for what you have done to me this day.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 24:20 - “Now, behold, I know that you will certainly be king, and that the kingdom of Israel will be established in your hand.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 24:21 - “So now swear to me by the LORD that you will not cut off my [fn]descendants after me, and that you will not eliminate my name from my father's household.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 25:4 - that David heard in the wilderness that Nabal was shearing his sheep.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 25:7 - ‘Now then, I have heard that you have shearers. Now, your shepherds have been with us; we have not harmed them, nor has anything of theirs gone missing all the days they were in Carmel.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 25:8 - ‘Ask your young men and they will tell you. Therefore let my young men find favor in your eyes, for we have come on a [fn]festive day. Please give whatever you find at hand to your servants and to your son David.'”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 25:17 - “Now then, be aware and [fn]consider what you should do, because harm is plotted against our master and against all his household; and he is such a [fn]worthless man that no one can speak to him.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 25:25 - “Please do not let my lord [fn]pay attention to this [fn]worthless man, Nabal, for as his name is, so is he. [fn]Nabal is his name, and stupidity is with him; but I your slave did not see the young men of my lord whom you sent.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 25:28 - “Please forgive the offense of your slave; for the LORD will certainly make for my lord an [fn]enduring house, because my lord is fighting the battles of the LORD, and evil will not be found in you all your days.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 25:30 - “And when the LORD does for my lord in accordance with all the good that He has spoken concerning you, and appoints you ruler over Israel,
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 25:34 - “Nevertheless, as the LORD God of Israel lives, who has restrained me from harming you, if you had not come quickly to meet me, there certainly would not have been left to Nabal until the morning light as much as one [fn]male.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 26:3 - And Saul camped on the hill of Hachilah, which is opposite [fn]Jeshimon, beside the road, and David was staying in the wilderness. When he saw that Saul had come after him into the wilderness,
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 26:4 - David sent out spies, and he learned that Saul was definitely coming.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 26:9 - But David said to Abishai, “Do not [fn]kill him, for who can reach out with his hand against the LORD'S anointed and remain innocent?”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 26:12 - So David took the spear and the jug of water that were at Saul's head, and they left; and no one saw or knew about it, nor did anyone awaken, for they were all asleep, because a deep sleep from the LORD had fallen on them.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 26:15 - So David said to Abner, “Are you not a man? And who is like you in Israel? Why then have you not guarded your lord the king? For one of the people came to [fn]kill the king your lord!
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 26:16 - “This thing that you have done is not good. As the LORD lives, all of you undoubtedly [fn]must die, because you did not guard your lord, the LORD'S anointed. And now, see where the king's spear is and the jug of water that was at his head!”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 26:18 - He also said, “Why then is my lord pursuing his servant? For what have I done? Or what evil is in my hand?
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 26:19 - “Now then, please let my lord the king listen to the words of his servant. If the LORD has incited you against me, may He [fn]accept an offering; but if it is [fn]people, cursed [fn]are they before the LORD, because they have driven me out today so that I would have no share in the inheritance of the LORD, saying, ‘Go, serve other gods.'
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 26:20 - “Now then, do not let my blood fall to the ground far from the presence of the LORD; for the king of Israel has come out to search for a single flea, just as one hunts a partridge in the mountains.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 26:21 -

Then Saul said, “I have sinned. Return, my son David, for I will not harm you again since my life was precious in your sight this day. Behold, I have played the fool and have made a very great mistake.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 27:4 - Now it was reported to Saul that David had fled to Gath, so he no longer searched for him.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 28:1 -

Now it came about in those days that the Philistines gathered their armed camps for war, to fight against Israel. And Achish said to David, “Know for certain that you will go out with me in the camp, you and your men.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 28:14 - He said to her, “[fn]How does he appear?” And she said, “An old man is coming up, and he is wrapped in a robe.” Then Saul knew that it was Samuel, and he bowed with his face to the ground and paid [fn]homage.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 28:21 - The woman came to Saul and saw that he was utterly horrified, and she said to him, “Behold, your servant has [fn]obeyed you, and I have [fn]taken my life in my hand and have listened to your words which you spoke to me.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 28:22 - “So now you too, please listen to the voice of your servant, and let me serve you a piece of bread, and eat it, so that you will have strength when you go on your way.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 29:6 -

Then Achish called David and said to him, “As the LORD lives, you have indeed been honest, and your [fn]going out and your coming in with me in the army are pleasing in my sight; for I have not found evil in you since the day of your coming to me to this day. Nevertheless, you are not pleasing in the sight of the governors.

Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 29:8 - However, David said to Achish, “But what have I done? And what have you found in your servant since the day that I came before you, to this day, that I cannot go and fight against the enemies of my lord the king?”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 29:9 - But Achish replied to David, “I know that you are pleasing in my sight, like an angel of God; nevertheless the commanders of the Philistines have said, ‘He must not go up with us into the battle.'
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 29:10 - “Now then, rise early in the morning with the servants of your lord who have come with you, and as soon as you have risen early in the morning and have light, leave.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 30:6 - Also, David was in great distress because the people spoke of stoning him, for all the people were [fn]embittered, each one because of his sons and his daughters. But David felt strengthened in the LORD his God.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 30:8 - And David inquired of the LORD, saying, “Shall I pursue this band of raiders? Will I overtake them?” And He said to him, “Pursue, for you will certainly overtake them, and you will certainly rescue everyone.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 30:12 - They also gave him a slice of fig cake and two cakes of raisins, and he ate; then his spirit [fn]revived. For he had not eaten bread or drunk water for three days and three nights.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 30:13 - Then David said to him, “To whom do you belong? And where are you from?” And he said, “I am a young man of Egypt, a servant of an Amalekite; and my master abandoned me when I became sick three days ago.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 30:17 - And David [fn]slaughtered them from the twilight [fn]until the evening of [fn]the next day; and not a man of them escaped, except four hundred young men who rode on camels and fled.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 30:22 - Then all the wicked and [fn]worthless men among those who went with David said, “Since they did not go with [fn]us, we will not give them any of the spoils that we have recovered, except to every man his wife and his children, so that they may lead them away and leave.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 30:24 - “And who will listen to you in this matter? For as is the share of the one who goes down into the battle, so shall be the share of the one who stays by the baggage; they shall share alike.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 31:4 - Then Saul said to his armor bearer, “Draw your sword and pierce me through with it, otherwise these uncircumcised Philistines will come and pierce me through, and abuse me.” But his armor bearer was unwilling, because he was very fearful. So Saul took [fn]his sword and fell on it.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 31:5 - When his armor bearer saw that Saul was dead, he also fell on his sword and died with him.
Unchecked Copy Box1Sa 31:7 -

Now when the people of Israel who were on the other side of the valley, with those who were beyond the Jordan, saw that the men of Israel had fled and that Saul and his sons were dead, they abandoned the cities and fled; then the Philistines came and settled in them.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 1:4 - David said to him, “How did things go? Please tell me.” And he said, “The people have fled from the battle, and many of the people also have fallen and are dead; and Saul and his son Jonathan are also dead.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 1:5 - Then David said to the young man who told him, “How do you know that Saul and his son Jonathan are dead?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 1:9 - “And he said to me, ‘Please stand next to me and finish me off, for [fn]agony has seized me because my [fn]life still lingers in me.'
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 1:10 - “So I stood next to him and finished him off, because I knew that he could not live after he had fallen. And I took the crown which was on his head and the band which was on his arm, and I have brought them here to my lord.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 1:12 - And they mourned and wept and fasted until evening for Saul and his son Jonathan, and for the people of the LORD and the house of Israel, because they had fallen by the sword.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 1:16 - And David said to him, “[fn]Your blood is on your head, because your own mouth has testified against you, saying, ‘I have finished off the LORD'S anointed.'”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 1:21 -

“Mountains of Gilboa,

May there be no dew nor rain on you, or fields of offerings!

For there the shield of the mighty was defiled,

The shield of Saul, not anointed with oil.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 2:4 - Then the men of Judah came, and there they anointed David king over the house of Judah.

And they told David, saying, “It was the men of Jabesh-gilead who buried Saul.”

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 2:5 - So David sent messengers to the men of Jabesh-gilead, and said to them, “May you be blessed of the LORD because you have [fn]shown this kindness to Saul your lord, and have buried him.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 2:6 - “And now may the LORD [fn]show kindness and truth to you; and I also will [fn]show this goodness to you, because you have done this thing.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 2:7 - “Now then, let your hands be strong and be [fn]valiant, since Saul your lord is dead, and also the house of Judah has anointed me king over them.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 2:26 - Then Abner called to Joab and said, “Should the sword devour forever? Do you not realize that it will be bitter in the end? So how long will you [fn]refrain from telling the people to turn back from pursuing their kinsmen?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 2:27 - Joab said, “As God lives, if you had not spoken, then the people of Judah certainly would have withdrawn in the morning, each from pursuing his brother.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 3:7 - And Saul had a concubine whose name was Rizpah, the daughter of Aiah; and [fn]Ish-bosheth said to Abner, “Why have you gone in to my father's concubine?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 3:9 - “May God do so to [fn]me, and more so, if as the LORD has sworn to David, I do not accomplish this for him:
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 3:18 - “Now then, do it! For the LORD has spoken regarding David, saying, ‘By the hand of My servant David [fn]I will save My people Israel from the hand of the Philistines, and from the hands of all their enemies.'”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 3:22 -

And behold, the servants of David and Joab came from a raid and brought a large amount of plunder with them; but Abner was not with David in Hebron, since he had let him go, and he had gone in peace.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 3:25 - “You know Abner the son of Ner, that he came to gain your confidence, and to learn of your [fn]going out and coming in and to find out everything that you are doing.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 3:35 - Then all the people came to provide [fn]food for David in his distress while it was still day; but David vowed, saying, “May God do so to me, and more so, if I taste bread or anything else before the sun goes down.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 3:37 - So all the people and all Israel understood on that day that it had not been the desire of the king to put Abner the son of Ner to death.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 3:38 - Then the king said to his servants, “Do you not know that a leader and a great man has fallen in Israel this day?
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 3:39 - “And I am weak today, though anointed king; and these men, the sons of Zeruiah, are too difficult for me. May the LORD repay the evildoer in proportion to his evil.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 4:1 -

Now when [fn]Ish-bosheth, Saul's son, heard that Abner had died in Hebron, [fn]his courage failed, and all Israel was horrified.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 4:2 - And Saul's son had two men who were commanders of troops: the name of the one was Baanah, and the name of the other Rechab, sons of Rimmon the Beerothite, of the sons of Benjamin (for Beeroth is also considered part of Benjamin,
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 4:10 - when the one who informed me, saying, ‘Behold, Saul is dead,' also [fn]viewed himself as the bearer of good news, I seized him and killed him in Ziklag, which was the reward I gave him for his news.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 5:6 -

Now the king and his men went to Jerusalem against the Jebusites, the inhabitants of the land; and they said to [fn]David, “You shall not come in here, but even those who are blind and those who limp will turn you away,” [fn]thinking, “David cannot enter here.”

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 5:12 - And David realized that the LORD had appointed him as king over Israel, and that He had exalted his kingdom for the sake of His people Israel.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 5:17 -

Now when the Philistines heard that they had anointed David king over Israel, all the Philistines went up to seek out David; and when David heard about it, he went down to the stronghold.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 5:19 - So David inquired of the LORD, saying, “Shall I go up against the Philistines? Will You hand them over to me?” And the LORD said to David, “Go up, for I will certainly hand the Philistines over to you.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 5:24 - “And it shall be, when you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the baka-shrubs, then you shall [fn]act promptly, for then the LORD will have gone out before you to strike the army of the Philistines.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 6:6 -

But when they came to the threshing floor of Nacon, Uzzah reached out toward the ark of God and took hold of it, because the oxen nearly overturned it.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 7:3 - Nathan said to the king, “Go, do all that is in your mind, for the LORD is with you.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 7:6 - “For I have not dwelt in a house since the day I brought up the sons of Israel from Egypt, even to this day; rather, I have been moving about in a tent, that is, in a dwelling place.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 7:7 - “Wherever I have gone with all the sons of Israel, did I speak a word with one of the tribes of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd My people Israel, saying, ‘Why have you not built Me a house of cedar?'”'
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 7:11 - even from the day that I appointed judges over My people Israel; and I will give you rest from all your enemies. The LORD also declares to you that the LORD will make a house for you.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 7:18 -

Then David the king came in and sat before the LORD, and he said, “Who am I, Lord [fn]GOD, and who are the members of my household, that You have brought me this far?

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 7:22 - “For this reason You are great, Lord GOD; for there is no one like You, and there is no God except You, according to all that we have heard with our ears.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 7:29 - “And now, may [fn]it please You to bless the house of Your servant, so that it may continue forever before You. For You, Lord GOD, have spoken; and [fn]with Your blessing may the house of Your servant be blessed forever.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 8:9 -

Now when Toi king of Hamath heard that David had [fn]defeated the whole army of Hadadezer,

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 8:10 - Toi sent his son [fn]Joram to King David to [fn]greet him and bless him, because he had fought Hadadezer and [fn]defeated him; for Hadadezer [fn]had been at war with Toi. And [fn]Joram brought with him articles of silver, gold, and bronze.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 9:7 - Then David said to him, “Do not be afraid, for I will assuredly show kindness to you for the sake of your father Jonathan, and I will restore to you all the [fn]land of your [fn]grandfather Saul; and you yourself shall [fn]eat at my table regularly.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 9:8 - Again he prostrated himself, and said, “What is your servant, that you should be concerned about a dead dog like me?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 9:13 - So Mephibosheth lived in Jerusalem, because he ate at the king's table regularly. And he was disabled in his two feet.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 10:3 - the commanders of the Ammonites said to their lord Hanun, “[fn]Do you think that David is simply honoring your father since he has sent you servants [fn]to console you? Has David not sent his servants to you in order to explore the city, to spy it out and overthrow it?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 10:5 - When messengers informed David, he sent servants to meet them, because the men were extremely humiliated. And the king said, “Stay in Jericho until your beards grow back, and then you shall return.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 10:6 -

Now when the sons of Ammon saw that they had become repulsive to David, the sons of Ammon sent messengers and hired the Arameans of Beth-rehob and the Arameans of Zobah, twenty thousand foot soldiers, and the king of Maacah with a thousand men, and the men of Tob with twelve thousand men.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 10:9 -

Now when Joab saw that [fn]the battle was set against him at the front and at the rear, he selected warriors from all the choice men in Israel, and lined them up against the Arameans.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 10:14 - When the sons of Ammon saw that the Arameans had fled, they also fled from Abishai and entered the city. Then Joab returned from fighting against the sons of Ammon and came to Jerusalem.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 10:15 -

When the Arameans saw that they had been [fn]defeated by Israel, they assembled together.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 10:19 - When all the kings, servants of Hadadezer, saw that they had been [fn]defeated by Israel, they made peace with Israel and served them. So the Arameans were afraid to help the sons of Ammon anymore.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 11:10 - Now when they informed David, saying, “Uriah did not go down to his house,” David said to Uriah, “Did you not come from a journey? Why did you not go down to your house?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 11:16 - So it was as Joab kept watch on the city, that he [fn]stationed Uriah at the place where he knew there were valiant men.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 11:20 - then it shall be that if the king's wrath rises and he says to you, ‘Why did you move against the city to fight? Did you not know that they would shoot from the wall?
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 11:22 -

So the messenger departed and came and reported to David everything that Joab had sent him to tell.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 11:23 - The messenger said to David, “The men prevailed against us and came out against us in the field, but we [fn]pressed them as far as the entrance of the gate.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 11:25 - Then David said to the messenger, “This is what you shall say to Joab: ‘Do not let this thing [fn]displease you, for the sword devours one as well as another; [fn]fight with determination against the city and overthrow it'; and thereby encourage him.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 11:26 -

Now when Uriah's wife heard that her husband Uriah was dead, she mourned for her husband.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 12:5 -

Then David's anger burned greatly against the man, and he said to Nathan, “As the LORD lives, the man who has done this certainly [fn]deserves to die!

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 12:6 - “So he must make restitution for the lamb four times over, since he did this thing and [fn]had no compassion.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 12:9 - ‘Why have you despised the word of the LORD, by doing evil in His sight? You have struck and killed Uriah the Hittite with the sword, you have taken his wife as your wife, and you have slaughtered him with the sword of the sons of Ammon.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 12:10 - ‘Now then, the sword shall never leave your house, because you have despised Me and have taken the wife of Uriah the Hittite to be your wife.'
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 12:12 - ‘Indeed, you did it secretly, but I will do this thing before all Israel, and [fn]in open daylight.'”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 12:14 - “However, since by this deed you have shown utter disrespect for the [fn]LORD, the child himself who is born to you shall certainly die.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 12:18 - Then it happened on the seventh day that the child died. And David's servants were afraid to tell him that the child was dead, for they said, “Behold, while the child was still alive, we spoke to him and he did not listen to [fn]us. How then can we tell him that the child is dead, since he might do himself harm?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 12:19 - But when David saw that his servants were whispering together, David perceived that the child was dead; so David said to his servants, “Is the child dead?” And they said, “He is dead.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 12:22 - And he said, “While the child was still alive, I fasted and wept; for I said, ‘Who knows, the LORD may be gracious to me, and the child may live.'
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 13:2 - But Amnon was so frustrated on account of his sister Tamar that he made himself ill, for she was a virgin, and it [fn]seemed too difficult to Amnon to do anything to her.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 13:4 - And he said to him, “Why are you, the king's son, so depressed morning after morning? Will you not tell me?” So Amnon said to him, “I am in love with Tamar, the sister of my brother Absalom.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 13:13 - “As for me, where could I [fn]get rid of my shame? And as for you, you will be like one of the [fn]fools in Israel. Now then, please speak to the king, for he will not [fn]withhold me from you.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 13:15 -

Then Amnon hated her with a very great hatred; indeed, the hatred with which he hated her was greater than the love with which he had loved her. And Amnon said to her, “Get up, go away!

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 13:16 - But she said to him, “No, because this wrong in sending me away is greater than the other that you have done to me!” Yet he would not listen to her.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 13:18 - Now she had on a [fn]long-sleeved garment; for this is how the virgin daughters of the king dressed themselves in robes. Then his attendant took her out and locked the door behind her.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 13:20 -

Then Absalom her brother said to her, “Has Amnon your brother been with you? But now keep silent, my sister, he is your brother; do not take this matter to heart.” So Tamar remained and was isolated in her brother Absalom's house.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 13:21 - Now when King David heard about all these matters, he became very angry.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 13:22 - But Absalom did not speak with Amnon either good or bad; for Absalom hated Amnon because he had violated his sister Tamar.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 13:28 -

Then Absalom commanded his servants, saying, “See now, when Amnon's heart is cheerful with wine, and I say to you, ‘Strike Amnon,' then put him to death. Do not fear; have I not commanded you myself? Be courageous and be [fn]valiant.”

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 13:32 - And Jonadab, the son of Shimeah, David's brother, [fn]responded, “Let my lord not [fn]assume that they have put to death all the young men, the king's sons, for only Amnon is dead; because this has been set up by the [fn]intent of Absalom since the day that he violated his sister Tamar.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 13:33 - “So now, may my lord the king not take the report to [fn]heart, [fn]claiming, ‘all the king's sons are dead'; but only Amnon is dead.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 13:39 - And the heart of King David longed to go out to Absalom; for he was comforted regarding Amnon, since he was dead.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 14:1 -

Now Joab the son of Zeruiah perceived that the king's heart was drawn toward Absalom.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 14:14 - “For we will surely die and are like water spilled on the ground, which cannot be gathered up. Yet God does not take away life, but makes plans so that the banished one will not be cast out from Him.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 14:15 - “Now then, [fn]the reason I have come to speak this word to my lord the king is that the people have made me afraid; so your servant said, ‘Let me now speak to the king, perhaps the king will perform the [fn]request of his slave.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 14:16 - ‘For the king will listen, to save his slave from the [fn]hand of the man who would eliminate [fn]both me and my son from the inheritance of God.'
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 14:17 - “Then your servant said, ‘Please let the word of my lord the king be [fn]comforting, for as the angel of God, so is my lord the king to discern good and evil. And may the LORD your God be with you.'”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 14:19 - So the king said, “Is the hand of Joab with you in all this?” And the woman replied, “As your soul lives, my lord the king, no one can turn to the right or to the left from anything that my lord the king has spoken. Indeed, it was your servant Joab who commanded me, and it was he who put all these words in the mouth of your servant.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 14:22 - And Joab fell on his face to the ground, prostrated himself, and blessed the king; then Joab said, “Today your servant knows that I have found favor in your sight, my lord the king, in that the king has performed the [fn]request of his servant.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 14:26 - And when he cut the hair of his head (and it was at the end of every year that he cut it, because it was heavy on him, so he cut it), he weighed the hair of his head at [fn]two hundred shekels by the king's weight.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 15:8 - “For your servant made a vow while I was living in Geshur in Aram, saying, ‘If the LORD will indeed bring me back to Jerusalem, then I will serve the LORD.'”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 15:14 - So David said to all his servants who were with him in Jerusalem, “Arise and let's flee, for otherwise none of us will escape from Absalom. Go quickly, or he will hurry and overtake us, and bring disaster on us and strike the city with the edge of the sword.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 15:19 -

Then the king said to Ittai the Gittite, “Why should you go with us too? Return and stay with [fn]your king, since you are a foreigner and an exile as well; return to your own place.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 15:21 - But Ittai answered the king and said, “As the LORD lives, and as my lord the king lives, wherever my lord the king may be, whether for death or for life, there assuredly shall your servant be!”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 16:3 - Then the king said, “And where is your master's son?” And Ziba said to the king, “Behold, he is staying in Jerusalem, for he said, ‘Today the house of Israel will restore the kingdom of my father to me.'”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 16:8 - “The LORD has brought back upon you all the bloodshed of the house of Saul, in whose place you have become king; and the LORD has handed the kingdom over to your son Absalom. And behold, you are caught in your own evil, for you are a man of bloodshed!”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 16:10 - But the king said, “[fn]What business of mine is yours, you sons of Zeruiah? If he curses, and if the LORD has told him, ‘Curse David,' then who should say, ‘Why have you done so?'”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 16:11 - Then David said to Abishai and to all his servants, “Behold, my son who came out of my own body seeks my life; how much more now this Benjaminite? Leave him alone and let him curse, for the LORD has told him.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 16:21 - Ahithophel said to Absalom, “Have relations with your father's concubines, whom he has left behind to take care of the house; then all Israel will hear that you have made yourself repulsive to your father. The hands of all who are with you will also be strengthened.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 17:8 - Then Hushai said, “You yourself know your father and his men, that they are warriors and they are [fn]fierce, like a bear deprived of her cubs in the field. And your father is an [fn]expert in warfare, and he will not spend the night with the people.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 17:10 - “And even the one who is valiant, whose heart is like the heart of a lion, will completely despair; for all Israel knows that your father is a mighty man, and those who are with him are valiant men.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 17:11 - “But I advise that all Israel be fully gathered to you, from Dan even to Beersheba, like the sand that is by the sea in abundance; and that [fn]you personally go into battle.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 17:17 - Now Jonathan and Ahimaaz were staying at En-rogel, and a female servant would go and inform them, and they would go and inform King David, for they could not allow themselves to be seen entering the city.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 17:21 -

It came about after they had departed, that they came up out of the well and went and reported to King David; and they said to David, “Set out and cross over the water quickly, because this is what Ahithophel has advised against you.”

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 17:23 -

Now when Ahithophel saw that his advice had not been [fn]followed, he saddled his donkey and set out and went to his home, to his city, and [fn]set his house in order, and hanged himself; so he died and was buried in his father's grave.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 17:29 - honey, curds, sheep, and cheese of the herd, for David and the people who were with him, to eat. For they said, “The people are hungry and exhausted and thirsty in the wilderness.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 18:3 - But the people said, “You should not go out; for if in fact we flee, they will not care about us; and if half of us die, they will not care about us. But [fn]you are [fn]worth ten thousand of us; so now it is better that you will be ready to help us from the city.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 18:11 - Then Joab said to the man who had informed him, “So behold, you saw him! Why then did you not strike him there to the ground? And it would have been [fn]my duty to give you ten pieces of silver and a belt.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 18:12 - But the man said to Joab, “Even if I were to [fn]receive a thousand pieces of silver in my hand, I would not put out my hand against the king's son; for in our hearing the king commanded you, Abishai, and Ittai, saying, ‘[fn]Protect the young man Absalom for me!'
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 18:16 -

Then Joab blew the trumpet, and the people returned from pursuing Israel, for Joab restrained the people.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 18:18 - Now Absalom in his lifetime had taken and set up for himself a memorial stone, which is in the King's Valley, for he said, “I have no son to [fn]continue my name.” So he named the memorial stone after his own name, and it is called Absalom's Monument to this day.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 18:19 -

Then Ahimaaz the son of Zadok said, “Please let me run and bring the king news that the LORD has [fn]freed him from the hand of his enemies!”

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 18:22 - However, Ahimaaz the son of Zadok said once more to Joab, “But whatever happens, please let me also run after the Cushite.” And Joab said, “Why would you run, my son, since you will have no messenger's reward for going?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 18:31 -

Then behold, the Cushite arrived, and the Cushite said, “Let my lord the king receive good news, for the LORD has [fn]freed you this day from the hand of all those who rose up against you.”

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 19:2 - So the [fn]victory that day was turned into mourning for all the people, because the people heard it said that day, “The king is in mourning over his son.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 19:6 - by loving those who hate you, and by hating those who love you. For you have revealed today that [fn]commanders and servants are nothing to you; for I know today that if Absalom were alive and all of us were dead today, then it would be right [fn]as far as you are concerned.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 19:7 - “Now therefore arise, go out and speak [fn]kindly to your servants, for I swear by the LORD, if you do not go out, no man will stay the night with you, and this will be worse for you than all the misfortune that has [fn]happened to you from your youth until now!”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 19:20 - “For your servant knows that I have sinned; so behold, I have come today, the first of all the house of Joseph to go down to meet my lord the king.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 19:21 - But Abishai the son of Zeruiah responded, “Should Shimei not be put to death for this, the fact that he cursed the LORD'S anointed?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 19:22 - David then said, “What [fn]is there between you and me, you sons of Zeruiah, that you should be an adversary to me today? Should anyone be put to death in Israel today? For do I not know that I am king over Israel today?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 19:25 - And it was when he came from Jerusalem to meet the king, that the king said to him, “Why did you not go with me, Mephibosheth?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 19:26 - So he said, “My lord the king, my servant betrayed me; for your servant said, ‘I will [fn]saddle the donkey for myself so that I may ride on it and go with the king,' since your servant cannot walk.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 19:28 - “For all my father's household was only people worthy of death to my lord the king; yet you placed your servant among those who ate at your own table. So what right do I still have, that I should [fn]complain anymore to the king?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 19:32 - Barzillai was very old: eighty years old; and he had provided the king food while he stayed in Mahanaim, for he was a very great man.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 19:34 - But Barzillai said to the king, “How long [fn]do I still have to live, that I should go up with the king to Jerusalem?
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 19:41 - And behold, all the men of Israel came to the king and said to the king, “Why have our brothers, the men of Judah, abducted you and brought the king and his household and all David's men with him, over the Jordan?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 20:12 - But Amasa was wallowing in his own blood in the middle of the road. And when the man saw that all the people stood still, he removed Amasa from the road to the field and threw a garment over him when he saw that everyone who came by him stood still.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 20:21 - “Such is not the case. But a man from the hill country of Ephraim, Sheba the son of Bichri by name, has raised his hand against King David. Only turn him over, and I will depart from the city.” And the woman said to Joab, “Behold, his head will be thrown to you over the wall.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 21:2 - So the king called the Gibeonites and spoke to them (now the Gibeonites were not of the sons of Israel, but of the remnant of the Amorites, and the sons of Israel had [fn]made a covenant with them, but Saul had sought to [fn]kill them in his zeal for the sons of Israel and Judah).
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 21:12 - then David went and took the bones of Saul and the bones of his son Jonathan from the citizens of Jabesh-gilead, who had stolen them from the public square of Beth-shan, where the Philistines had hanged them on the day the Philistines struck and killed Saul in Gilboa.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 22:5 -

“For the waves of death encompassed me;

The floods of [fn]destruction terrified me;

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 22:8 -

“Then the earth shook and quaked,

The foundations of heaven were trembling

And were shaken, because He was angry.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 22:18 -

“He rescued me from my strong enemy,

From those who hated me, for they were too strong for me.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 22:20 -

“He also brought me out into an open place;

He rescued me, because He delighted in me.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 22:22 -

“For I have kept the ways of the LORD,

And have not acted wickedly against my God.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 22:23 -

“For all His ordinances were before me,

And as for His statutes, I did not deviate from [fn]them.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 22:29 -

“For You are my lamp, LORD;

And the LORD illuminates my darkness.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 22:30 -

“For by You I can run at a [fn]troop of warriors;

By my God I can leap over a wall.

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 23:5 -

“Is my house not indeed so with God?

For He has made an everlasting covenant with me,

Properly ordered in all things, and secured;

For will He not indeed make

All my salvation and all my delight grow?

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 23:6 -

“But the worthless, every one of them, are like scattered thorns,

Because they cannot be taken in hand;

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 24:10 -

Now David's heart [fn]troubled him after he had counted the people. So David said to the LORD, “I have sinned greatly in what I have done. But now, LORD, please [fn]overlook the guilt of Your servant, for I have acted very foolishly.”

Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 24:14 - Then David said to Gad, “I am in great distress. Let us now fall into the hand of the LORD, for His mercies are great; but do not let me fall into human hands.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 24:21 - Then Araunah said, “Why has my lord the king come to his servant?” And David said, “To buy the threshing floor from you, in order to build an altar to the LORD, so that the plague may be [fn]withdrawn from the people.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 24:24 - However, the king said to Araunah, “No, but I will certainly buy it from you for a price; for I will not offer burnt offerings to the LORD my God [fn]that cost me nothing.” So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen for fifty shekels of silver.
Unchecked Copy Box2Sa 24:25 - Then David built there an altar to the LORD, and he offered burnt offerings and peace offerings. And the LORD responded to prayer for the land, and the plague was [fn]withdrawn from Israel.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 1:11 -

Then Nathan spoke to Bathsheba the mother of Solomon, saying, “Have you not heard that Adonijah the son of Haggith has become king, and David our lord does not know it?

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 1:13 - “Go [fn]at once to King David and say to him, ‘Have you not, my lord the king, sworn to your servant, saying, “Solomon your son certainly shall be king after me, and he shall sit on my throne”? Why then has Adonijah become king?'
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 1:17 - So she said to him, “My lord, you yourself swore to your servant by the LORD your God, saying, ‘Your son Solomon certainly shall be king after me, and he shall sit on my throne.'
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 1:25 - “For he has gone down today and has sacrificed oxen and fattened steers and sheep in abundance, and has invited all the king's sons, the commanders of the army, and Abiathar the priest, and behold, they are eating and drinking in his presence; and they say, ‘Long live King Adonijah!'
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 1:30 - certainly as I vowed to you by the LORD, the God of Israel, saying, ‘Your son Solomon certainly shall be king after me, and he shall sit on my throne in my place'; I will indeed do so this day.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 1:42 - While he was still speaking, behold, Jonathan the son of Abiathar the priest came. Then Adonijah said, “Come in, for you are a valiant man and you bring good news.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:7 - “However, show kindness to the sons of Barzillai the Gileadite, and let them be among those who eat at your table; for [fn]they assisted me when I fled from Absalom your brother.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:9 - “But now do not leave him unpunished, for you are a wise man; and you will know what to do to him, and you will bring his gray hair down to [fn]Sheol with blood.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:15 - So he said, “You yourself know that the kingdom was mine and that all Israel [fn]intended for me to be king; however, the kingdom has turned around and become my brother's, for it was his from the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:17 - Then he said, “Please speak to Solomon the king—for he will not [fn]refuse you—that he may give me Abishag the Shunammite as a wife.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:20 - Then she said, “I am making one small request of you; do not [fn]refuse me.” And the king said to her, “Ask, my mother, for I will not [fn]refuse you.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:22 - But King Solomon answered and said to his mother, “And why are you requesting Abishag the Shunammite for Adonijah? Request for him the kingdom as well—since he is my older brother—for him, for Abiathar the priest, and for Joab the son of Zeruiah!”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:23 - Then King Solomon swore by the LORD, saying, “May God do so to me and more so, if Adonijah has not spoken this word against his own [fn]life!
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:24 - “Now then, as the LORD lives, who has established me and set me on the throne of David my father, and has made me a house just as He [fn]promised, Adonijah certainly shall be put to death today!”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:26 -

Then to Abiathar the priest the king said, “Go to Anathoth to your own field, for you [fn]deserve to die; but I will not put you to death at this [fn]time, because you carried the ark of the Lord [fn]GOD before my father David, and because you were afflicted in everything with which my father was afflicted.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:28 -

Now the news came to Joab because Joab had followed Adonijah, though he had not followed Absalom. So Joab fled to the tent of the LORD and took hold of the horns of the altar.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:29 - And it was reported to King Solomon that Joab had fled to the tent of the LORD, and [fn]was beside the altar. Then Solomon sent Benaiah the son of Jehoiada, saying, “Go, [fn]execute him.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:30 - So Benaiah came to the tent of the LORD and said to him, “This is what the king has said: ‘Come out.'” But he said, “No, for I will die here.” So Benaiah brought back word to the king, saying, “This is what Joab spoke, and so he answered me.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:37 - “For on the day you leave and cross the [fn]brook Kidron, you will know for certain that you will assuredly die; your blood will be [fn]on your own head.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:41 - And it was reported to Solomon that Shimei had gone from Jerusalem to Gath, and had returned.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:42 - So the king sent men and summoned Shimei, and said to him, “Did I not make you swear by the LORD, and solemnly warn you, saying, ‘Know for certain that on the day you depart and go anywhere, you shall assuredly die'? And you said to me, ‘The word I have heard is good.'
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 2:43 - “Why then have you not kept the oath of the LORD, and the command which I [fn]imposed on you?”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 3:2 - The people were still sacrificing on the high places, because there was no house built for the name of the LORD until those days.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 3:4 - And the king went to Gibeon to sacrifice there, because that was the great high place; Solomon offered a thousand burnt offerings on that altar.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 3:9 - “So give Your servant [fn]an understanding heart to judge Your people, to discern between good and evil. For who is capable of judging this [fn]great people of Yours?”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 3:10 -

Now [fn]it was pleasing in the sight of the Lord that Solomon had asked this thing.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 3:26 - But the woman whose child was the living one spoke to the king, for [fn]she was deeply stirred over her son, and she said, “Pardon me, my lord! Give her the living child, and by no means kill him!” But the other woman was saying, “He shall be neither mine nor yours; cut him!
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 3:28 - When all Israel heard about the judgment which the king had [fn]handed down, they feared the king, because they saw that the wisdom of God was in him to [fn]administer justice.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 4:24 - For he was ruling over everything [fn]west of the Euphrates River, from Tiphsah even to Gaza, over all the kings [fn]west of the River; and he had peace on all sides surrounding him.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 5:1 -

[fn]Now Hiram king of Tyre sent his servants to Solomon when he heard that they had anointed him king in place of his father, for Hiram had [fn]always been a friend of David.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 5:3 - “You know that David my father was unable to build a house for the name of the LORD his God because of the wars which surrounded him, until the LORD put them under the soles of his feet.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 5:6 - “Now then, issue orders that they cut cedars from Lebanon for me, and my servants will be with your servants; and I will give you wages for your servants in accordance with all that you say, for you yourself know that there is no one among us who knows how to cut timber like the Sidonians.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 6:6 - The lowest story was [fn]five cubits wide, the middle was six cubits wide, and the third was seven cubits wide; for on the outside he [fn]made offsets in the wall of the house all around so that the beams would not [fn]be inserted into the walls of the house.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:7 - For the cherubim spread their wings over the place of the ark, and the cherubim made a covering over the ark and its carrying poles from above.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:11 - so that the priests could not stand to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled the house of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:18 - “But the LORD said to my father David, ‘Because it was [fn]in your heart to build a house for My name, you did well that it was [fn]in your heart.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:27 -

“But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the [fn]highest heaven cannot contain You, how much less this house which I have built!

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:33 -

“When Your people Israel are [fn]defeated before an enemy because they have sinned against You, if they turn to You again and confess Your name and pray and implore Your [fn]favor in this house,

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:35 -

“When the heavens are shut up and there is no rain because they have sinned against You, and they pray toward this place and praise Your name, and turn from their sin when You afflict them,

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:36 - then hear in heaven and forgive the sin of Your servants and Your people Israel; indeed, teach them the good way in which they are to walk. And provide rain on Your land, which You have given to Your people as an inheritance.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:37 -

“If there is a famine in the land, if there is a plague, if there is [fn]blight or mildew, locust or grasshopper, if their enemy harasses them in the land of their [fn]cities, whatever plague, whatever sickness there is,

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:39 - then hear in heaven, Your dwelling place, and forgive and act, and give to each in accordance with all his ways, whose heart You know—for You alone know the hearts of all [fn]mankind
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:43 - hear in heaven Your dwelling place, and act in accordance with all for which the foreigner calls to You, in order that all the peoples of the earth may know Your name, to [fn]fear You, as do Your people Israel, and that they may know that [fn]this house which I have built is called by Your name.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:44 -

“When Your people go out to battle against [fn]their enemy, by whatever way You send them, and they pray to the LORD [fn]toward the city which You have chosen and the house which I have built for Your name,

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:46 -

“When they sin against You (for there is no person who does not sin) and You are angry with them and turn them over to an enemy, so that [fn]they take them away captive to the land of the enemy, distant or near;

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:51 - (for they are Your people and Your inheritance which You have brought out of Egypt, from the midst of the iron furnace),
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:53 - “For You have singled them out from all the peoples of the earth as Your inheritance, just as You spoke through Moses Your servant, when You brought our fathers out of Egypt, Lord [fn]GOD.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:60 - so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the LORD is God; there is no one else.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 8:64 - On the same day the king consecrated the middle of the courtyard that was in front of the house of the LORD, because there he [fn]offered the burnt offering, the grain offering, and the fat of the peace offerings; for the bronze altar that was before the LORD was too small to hold the burnt offering, the grain offering, and the fat of the peace offerings.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 9:22 - But Solomon did not make slaves of the sons of Israel; for they were men of war, his servants, his commanders, his charioteers, his chariot commanders, and his horsemen.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 10:21 - Now all King Solomon's drinking utensils were of gold, and all the utensils of the house of the timber of Lebanon were of pure gold. None was of silver; it was not considered as amounting to anything in the days of Solomon.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 10:22 - For the king had the ships of Tarshish at sea with Hiram's ships; once every three years the ships of Tarshish would come carrying gold and silver, ivory, monkeys, and peacocks.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 11:9 -

Now the LORD was angry with Solomon because his heart had turned away from the LORD, the God of Israel, who had appeared to him twice,

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 11:16 - (for Joab and all Israel stayed there for six months, until he had eliminated every male in Edom),
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 11:21 - But when Hadad heard in Egypt that David [fn]lay down with his fathers and that Joab the commander of the army was dead, Hadad said to Pharaoh, “Let me go, so that I may go to my own country.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 11:22 - However, Pharaoh said to him, “But what have you lacked with me that you are here, requesting to go to your own country?” And he answered, “Nothing; nevertheless you must let me go.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 11:28 - Now the man Jeroboam was a valiant warrior, and when Solomon saw that the young man was [fn]industrious, he appointed him over all the [fn]forced labor of the house of Joseph.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 11:31 - And he said to Jeroboam, “Take for yourself ten pieces; for this is what the LORD, the God of Israel says: ‘Behold, I am going to tear the kingdom away from the hand of Solomon and give you ten tribes
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 12:1 -

Then Rehoboam went to Shechem, because all Israel had come to Shechem to make him king.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 12:15 - So the king did not listen to the people; because it was [fn]a turn of events from the LORD, in order to establish His word which the LORD spoke through Ahijah the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 12:16 -

When all Israel saw that the king had not listened to them, the people replied to the king, saying,

“What share do we have in David?

We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse;

To your tents, Israel!

Now look after your own house, David!”

So Israel went away to their tents.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 12:20 -

And it came about, when all Israel heard that Jeroboam had returned, that they sent word and called him to the assembly, and made him king over all Israel. None except the tribe of Judah alone followed the house of David.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 12:24 - ‘This is what the LORD says: “You shall not go up nor fight against your relatives the sons of Israel; return, every man to his house, for this thing has come from Me.”'” So they listened to the word of the LORD, and returned to go their way in accordance with the word of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 13:9 - “For so [fn]it was commanded me by the word of the LORD, saying, ‘You shall not eat bread nor drink water, nor return by the way that you came.'”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 13:17 - “For a [fn]command came to me by the word of the LORD: ‘You shall not eat bread, nor drink water there; do not return by going the way that you came.'”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 13:32 - “For the thing will certainly come to pass which he cried out by the word of the LORD against the altar that is in Bethel, and against all the houses of the high places which are in the cities of Samaria.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 15:4 - But for David's sake the LORD his God gave him a lamp in Jerusalem, to raise up his son after him and to establish Jerusalem,
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 16:18 - When Zimri saw that the city was taken, he went into the citadel of the king's house and burned the king's house over himself with fire, and died,
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 16:28 - And Omri [fn]lay down with his fathers and was buried in Samaria; and his son Ahab became king in his place.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 17:1 -

Now Elijah the Tishbite, who was of [fn]the settlers of Gilead, said to Ahab, “As the LORD, the God of Israel lives, before whom I stand, there shall certainly be neither dew nor rain during these years, except by my word.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 17:7 - But it happened after a while that the brook dried up, because there was no rain in the land.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 17:14 - “For this is what the LORD, the God of Israel says: ‘The [fn]bowl of flour shall not be used up, nor shall the jar of oil become empty, until the day that the LORD provides rain on the face of the earth.'”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 17:24 - Then the woman said to Elijah, “Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the LORD in your mouth is truth.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 18:9 - But he said, “What [fn]sin have I committed, that you are handing your servant over to Ahab, to put me to death?
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 18:10 - “As surely as the LORD your God lives, there is no nation or kingdom to which my master has not sent word to search for you; and whenever they say, ‘He is not here,' he makes the kingdom or nation swear that they could not find you.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 18:15 - Then Elijah said, “As surely as the LORD of armies lives, before whom I stand, I will certainly present myself to him today.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 18:18 - He said, “I have not brought disaster to Israel, but you and your father's house have, because you have abandoned the commandments of the LORD and you have followed the Baals.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 18:25 -

So Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, “Choose the one ox for yourselves and prepare it first, since there are many of you, and call on the name of your god, but put no fire under the ox.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 18:27 - And at noon Elijah ridiculed them and said, “Call out with a loud voice, since he is a god; undoubtedly he is attending to business, or is on the way, or is on a journey. Perhaps he is asleep, and will awaken.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 18:36 - Then at the time of the offering of the evening sacrifice, Elijah the prophet approached and said, “LORD, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, today let it be known that You are God in Israel and that I am Your servant, and that I have done all these things at Your word.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 18:37 - “Answer me, LORD, answer me, so that this people may know that You, LORD, are God, and that You have turned their heart back.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 18:41 -

Now Elijah said to Ahab, “Go up, eat and drink; for there is the sound of the roar of a heavy shower.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 19:2 - Then Jezebel sent a messenger to Elijah, saying, “So may the gods do to me and more so, if by about this time tomorrow I do not make your [fn]life like the [fn]life of one of them.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 19:4 - But he himself went a day's journey into the wilderness, and came and sat down under a broom tree; and he asked for himself to die, and said, “Enough! Now, LORD, take my [fn]life, for I am no better than my fathers.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 19:7 - But the angel of the LORD came back a second time and touched him, and said, “Arise, eat; because the journey is too long for you.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 19:10 - And he said, “I have been very zealous for the LORD, the God of armies; for the sons of Israel have abandoned Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. And I alone am left; and they have sought to take my life.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 19:14 - Then he said, “I have been very zealous for the LORD, the God of armies; for the sons of Israel have abandoned Your covenant, torn down Your altars, and killed Your prophets with the sword. And I alone am left; and they have sought to take my life.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 19:20 - Then he left the oxen behind and ran after Elijah, and said, “Please let me kiss my father and my mother, then I will follow you.” And he said to him, “Go back, for [fn]what have I done to you?”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 20:6 - but about this time tomorrow I will send my servants to you, and they will search your house and the houses of your servants; and they will take in their hands everything that is pleasing to your eyes, and take it all away.'”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 20:7 -

Then the king of Israel summoned all the elders of the land and said, “Please be aware and see that this man is looking for trouble; for he sent me his demand for my wives, my children, my silver, and my gold, and I did not refuse him.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 20:13 -

Now behold, a prophet approached Ahab king of Israel, and said, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Have you seen all this great multitude? Behold, I am going to hand them over to you today, and you shall know that I am the LORD.'”

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 20:22 -

Then the prophet approached the king of Israel and said to him, “Go, show yourself courageous and be aware and see what you have to do; for at [fn]the turn of the year the king of Aram will march against you.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 20:28 - Then a man of God approached and spoke to the king of Israel, and said, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Since the Arameans have said, “The LORD is a god of mountains, but He is not a god of valleys,” therefore I will hand over to you all this great multitude, and you shall know that I am the LORD.'”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 20:31 -

But his servants said to him, “Behold now, we have heard that the kings of the house of Israel are merciful kings. Please let's put sackcloth [fn]around our waists and ropes on our heads, and go out to the king of Israel; perhaps he will let [fn]you live.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 20:41 - Then he quickly took the bandage away from his eyes, and the king of Israel recognized him, that he was one of the prophets.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 21:2 - And Ahab spoke to Naboth, saying, “Give me your vineyard so that I may have it for a vegetable garden, because it is close beside my house, and I will give you a better vineyard in place of it; if [fn]you prefer, I will give you what [fn]it is worth in money.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 21:6 - So he said to her, “It is because I was speaking to Naboth the Jezreelite and saying to him, ‘Give me your vineyard for money; or else, if it pleases you, I will give you a vineyard in place of it.' But he said, ‘I will not give you my vineyard.'”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 21:15 -

And when Jezebel heard that Naboth had been stoned and was dead, Jezebel said to Ahab, “Arise, take possession of the vineyard of Naboth, the Jezreelite, which he refused to give you for money; for Naboth is not alive, but dead.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 21:16 - When Ahab heard that Naboth was dead, Ahab got up to go down to the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite, to take possession of it.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 21:18 - “Arise, go down to meet Ahab king of Israel, who is in Samaria; behold, he is in the vineyard of Naboth, where he has gone down to take possession of it.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 22:3 - Now the king of Israel said to his servants, “Are you aware that Ramoth-gilead belongs to us, yet we are hesitant to take it out of the hand of the king of Aram?”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 22:8 - And the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “There is still one man by whom we may inquire of the LORD, but I hate him, because he does not prophesy anything good regarding me, but only bad. He is Micaiah the son of Imlah.” But Jehoshaphat said, “May the king not say so.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 22:14 - But Micaiah said, “As the LORD lives, whatever the LORD says to me, I shall speak it.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 22:33 - Then, when the commanders of the chariots saw that it was not the king of Israel, they turned back from pursuing him.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 22:34 -

Now one man drew his bow at random and struck the king of Israel [fn]in a joint of the armor. So he said to the driver of his chariot, “Turn [fn]around and take me out of the battle, for I am severely wounded.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Ki 22:37 -

So the king died and was brought to Samaria, and they buried the king in Samaria.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 1:4 - “Now therefore, this is what the LORD says: ‘[fn]You will not get down from the bed upon which you have lain, but you shall certainly die.'” Then Elijah departed.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 1:5 -

When the messengers returned to [fn]Ahaziah, he said to them, “[fn]Why have you returned?”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 1:6 - They said to him, “A man came up to meet us and said to us, ‘Go, return to the king who sent you and say to him, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are sending messengers to inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron? Therefore [fn]you will not get down from the bed upon which you have lain, but you shall certainly die.'”'”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 1:16 - Then he said to him, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Since you have sent messengers to inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron—is it because there is no God in Israel to inquire of His word? Therefore [fn]you will not get down from the bed upon which you have lain, but you shall certainly die.'”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 2:2 - And Elijah said to Elisha, “Stay here please, for the LORD has sent me as far as Bethel.” But Elisha said, “As surely as the LORD lives and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” So they went down to Bethel.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 2:3 - Then the sons of the prophets who were at Bethel went out to Elisha and said to him, “Are you aware that the LORD will take away your master from over [fn]you today?” And he said, “Yes, I am aware; say nothing about it.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 2:4 -

And Elijah said to him, “Elisha, please stay here, for the LORD has sent me to Jericho.” But he said, “As surely as the LORD lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” So they came to Jericho.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 2:5 - Then the sons of the prophets who were at Jericho approached Elisha and said to him, “Do you know that the LORD will take away your master from over [fn]you today?” And he [fn]answered, “Yes, I know; say nothing about it.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 2:6 - And Elijah said to him, “Please stay here, for the LORD has sent me to the Jordan.” But he said, “As surely as the LORD lives, and as you yourself live, I will not leave you.” So the two of them went on.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 3:10 - Then the king of Israel said, “It is hopeless! For the LORD has called these three kings to hand them over to Moab!”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 3:13 -

Now Elisha said to the king of Israel, “[fn]What business do you have with me? Go to your father's prophets and your mother's prophets.” But the king of Israel said to him, “No, for the LORD has called these three kings together to hand them over to Moab.”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 3:14 - Elisha said, “As surely as the LORD of armies lives, before whom I stand, if I did not respect Jehoshaphat the king of Judah, I would not look at you nor see you.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 3:17 - “For the LORD says this: ‘You will not see wind, nor will you see rain; yet that valley shall be filled with water, so that you will drink, you, your livestock, and your other animals.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 3:21 -

Now all the Moabites heard that the kings had come up to fight against them. And all who were able to [fn]put on armor and older were summoned and they took their positions on the border.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 3:26 - When the king of Moab saw that the battle was too fierce for him, he took with him seven hundred men who drew swords, to break through to the king of Edom; but they could not.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 4:1 -

Now a woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared the LORD; and the creditor has come to take my two children to be his slaves.”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 4:2 - So Elisha said to her, “What shall I do for you? Tell me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your servant has nothing in the house except a jar of oil.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 4:9 - And she said to her husband, “Behold now, I am aware that this is a holy man of God passing by us repeatedly.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 4:23 - But he said, “Why are you going to him today? It is neither new moon nor Sabbath.” So she just said, “It will be fine.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 4:24 - Then she saddled the donkey and said to her servant, “Drive the donkey and go on; do not slow down [fn]the pace for me unless I tell you.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 4:27 - But she came to the man of God at the hill and took hold of his feet. And Gehazi came up to push her away, but the man of God said, “Leave her alone, for her soul is [fn]troubled within her; and the LORD has concealed it from me and has not informed me.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 4:29 -

Then he said to Gehazi, “[fn]Get ready and take my staff in your hand, and go; if you meet anyone, do not [fn]greet him, and if anyone [fn]greets you, do not reply to him. And lay my staff on the boy's face.”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 4:39 - Then one went out into the field to gather mallow, and found a wild vine and gathered from it his lap full of wild gourds; and he came and sliced them into the pot of stew, because they did not know what they were.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 4:43 - But his attendant said, “How am I to serve this to a hundred men?” Nevertheless he said, “Give them to the people that they may eat, for this is what the LORD says: ‘They shall eat and have some left over.'”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 5:1 -

Now Naaman, commander of the army of the king of Aram, was a great man [fn]in the view of his master, and eminent, because by him the LORD had given victory to Aram. The man was also a valiant warrior, but afflicted with leprosy.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 5:7 - But when the king of Israel read the letter, he tore his clothes and said, “Am I God, to kill and to keep alive, that this man is sending word to me to cure a man of his leprosy? But consider now, and see how he is seeking [fn]a quarrel against me.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 5:8 -

Now it happened, when Elisha the man of God heard that the king of Israel had torn his clothes, that he sent word to the king, saying, “Why did you tear your clothes? Just have him come to me, and he shall learn that there is a prophet in Israel.”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 5:11 - But Naaman was furious and went away, and he said, “Behold, I [fn]thought, ‘He will certainly come out to me, and stand and call on the name of the LORD his God, and wave his hand over the site and cure the [fn]leprosy.'
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 5:13 - Then his servants approached and spoke to him, [fn]saying, “My father, had the prophet told you to do some great thing, would you not have done it? How much more then, when he says to you, ‘Wash, and be clean'?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 5:15 -

Then he returned to the man of God [fn]with all his company, and came and stood before him. And he said, “Behold now, I know that there is no God in all the earth, except in Israel; so please accept a [fn]gift from your servant now.”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 5:17 - Then Naaman said, “If not, please let your servant be given two mules' load of earth; for your servant will no longer offer a burnt offering nor a sacrifice to other gods, but to the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 5:20 -

But Gehazi, the servant of Elisha the man of God, [fn]thought, “Behold, my master has spared this Naaman the Aramean, [fn]by not accepting from his hand what he brought. As the LORD lives, I will run after him and take something from him.”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 6:9 - But the man of God sent word to the king of Israel, saying, “Be careful that you do not pass this place, because the Arameans are coming down there.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 6:12 - One of his servants said, “No, my lord, the king; but Elisha, the prophet who is in Israel, tells the king of Israel the words that you speak in your bedroom.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 6:16 - And he said, “Do not be afraid, for those who are with us are [fn]greater than those who are with them.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 6:32 -

Now Elisha was sitting in his house, and the elders were sitting with him. And the king sent a man from his presence; but before the messenger came to him, he said to the elders, “Do you see how this son of a murderer has sent a man to cut off my head? Look, when the messenger comes, shut the door and [fn]hold the door shut against him. Is the sound of his master's feet not behind him?”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 7:10 - So they came and called to the gatekeepers of the city, and told them, saying, “We came to the camp of the Arameans, and behold, there was no one there, nor a human voice; only the horses tied and the donkeys tied, and the tents just as they were.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 7:12 - Then the king got up in the night and said to his servants, “I will now tell you what the Arameans have done to us. They know that we are hungry; so they have left the camp to hide themselves in the field, saying, ‘When they come out of the city, we will capture them alive and get into the city.'”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 8:1 -

Now Elisha spoke to the woman whose son he had restored to life, saying, “Arise and go [fn]with your household, and live wherever you can live; for the LORD has called for a famine, and it will indeed come on the land for seven years.”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 8:10 - Then Elisha said to him, “Go, say to him, ‘You will certainly recover'; but the LORD has shown me that he will certainly die.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 8:12 - And Hazael said, “Why is my lord weeping?” And he [fn]answered, “Because I know the evil that you will do to the sons of Israel: you will set their fortified cities on fire, you will kill their young men with the sword, their little ones you will smash to pieces, and you will rip up their pregnant women.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 8:13 - Then Hazael said, “But what is your servant—a lowly dog—that he could do this great thing?” And Elisha [fn]answered, “The LORD has shown me that you will be king over Aram.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 8:18 - He walked in the way of the kings of Israel, just as the house of Ahab had done, for Ahab's daughter was his wife; and he did evil in the sight of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 8:29 - So King Joram returned to have himself healed in Jezreel of the wounds which the Arameans had [fn]inflicted on him at Ramah when he fought against Hazael king of Aram. Then Ahaziah the son of Jehoram king of Judah went down to see Joram the son of Ahab in Jezreel because he was sick.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 9:11 -

Now Jehu went out to the servants of his master, and one said to him, “Is everything well? Why did this crazy fellow come to you?” And he said to them, “You know very well the man and his talk.”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 9:16 - Then Jehu rode in a chariot and went to Jezreel, since Joram was lying there recovering. And Ahaziah the king of Judah had come down to see Joram.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 9:20 - And the watchman [fn]reported, “He came up to them, but he did not return; and the [fn]driving is like the driving of Jehu the son of Nimshi, for he drives furiously.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 9:25 - And Jehu said to Bidkar his officer, “Pick him up and throw him on the [fn]property of the field of Naboth the Jezreelite; for remember, when [fn]you and I were riding together after his father Ahab, that the LORD brought this pronouncement against him:
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 9:34 - When he came in, he ate and drank; and he said, “See now to this cursed woman and bury her, for she is a king's daughter.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 10:10 - “Know then that nothing of the word of the LORD, which the LORD spoke concerning the house of Ahab, shall [fn]fall to the earth, for the LORD has done what He spoke [fn]through His servant Elijah.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 10:19 - “Now, summon to me all the prophets of Baal, all his worshipers and all his priests; let no one go missing, because I have a great sacrifice for Baal; whoever is missing shall not live.” But Jehu did it in deception, in order to eliminate the worshipers of Baal.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 10:21 - Then Jehu sent word [fn]throughout Israel, and all the worshipers of Baal came, so that there was not a person left who did not come. And when they entered the house of Baal, the house of Baal was filled from one end to the other.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 10:23 - Then Jehu entered the house of Baal with Jehonadab the son of Rechab; and he said to the worshipers of Baal, “Search carefully and see to it that there is here with you none of the servants of the LORD, but only the worshipers of Baal.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 11:1 -

When Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she arose and eliminated all the royal [fn]children.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 11:15 - And Jehoiada the priest commanded the captains of hundreds who were appointed over the army and said to them, “Bring her out between the ranks, and whoever follows her, put to death with the sword!” For the priest said, “She is not to be put to death at the house of the LORD.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 12:7 - So King Jehoash summoned Jehoiada the priest, and the other priests, and said to them, “Why do you not repair damage to the house? Now then, you are not to take any more money from your [fn]acquaintances, but give it up for the damage to the house.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 12:10 - When they saw that there was a great amount of money in the chest, the king's scribe and the high priest went up and tied it up in bags, and counted the money that was found in the house of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 12:14 - for they gave that to those who did the work, and with it they repaired the house of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 12:15 - Moreover, they did not require an accounting from the men into whose hands they gave the money to pay to those who did the work, because they acted faithfully.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 13:4 - Then Jehoahaz appeased the LORD, and the LORD listened to him; for He saw the oppression of Israel, how the king of Aram oppressed them.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 13:7 - For he left to Jehoahaz no more of the [fn]army than fifty horsemen, ten chariots, and ten thousand infantry, because the king of Aram had eliminated them and made them like the dust at threshing.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 14:6 - But he did not put the sons of [fn]the murderers to death, in [fn]obedience to what is written in the Book of the Law of Moses, as the LORD commanded, saying, “The fathers shall not be put to death for the sons, nor the sons be put to death for the fathers; but each shall be put to death for his own sin.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 14:26 - For the LORD saw the misery of Israel, which was very bitter; for there was neither [fn]bond nor free spared, nor was there any helper for Israel.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 15:16 - Then Menahem attacked Tiphsah and all who were in it and its borders from Tirzah, because they did not open up to him; so he attacked it and ripped up all its women who were pregnant.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 17:4 - But the king of Assyria uncovered a conspiracy by Hoshea, who had sent messengers to So, king of Egypt, and had then brought no tribute to the king of Assyria, as he had done year by year; so the king of Assyria arrested him and confined him in prison.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 17:7 -

Now this came about because the sons of Israel had sinned against the LORD their God, who had brought them up from the land of Egypt, from under the hand of Pharaoh, king of Egypt; and they had [fn]feared other gods.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 17:21 -

When He had torn Israel from the house of David, they made Jeroboam the son of Nebat king. Then Jeroboam drove Israel away from following the LORD and misled them into a great sin.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 17:36 - “But the LORD, who brought you up from the land of Egypt with great power and with an outstretched arm, Him you shall fear, and to Him you shall bow down, and to Him you shall sacrifice.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 17:39 - “But you shall fear the LORD your God; and He will save you from the hand of all your enemies.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 18:4 - He removed the high places and smashed the memorial stones to pieces, and cut down the [fn]Asherah. He also crushed to pieces the bronze serpent that Moses had made, for until those days the sons of Israel had been burning incense to it; and it was called [fn]Nehushtan.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 18:12 - This happened because they did not obey the voice of the LORD their God, but violated His covenant, all that Moses the servant of the LORD had commanded; they would neither listen nor do it.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 18:22 - “However, if you say to me, ‘We have trusted in the LORD our God,' is it not He whose high places and whose altars Hezekiah has removed, and has said to Judah and to Jerusalem, ‘You shall worship before this altar in Jerusalem'?
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 18:26 -

Then Eliakim the son of Hilkiah, Shebnah, and Joah, said to Rabshakeh, “Speak now to your servants in Aramaic, because we [fn]understand it; and do not speak with us in [fn]Judean [fn]so that the people who are on the wall hear you.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 18:29 - “This is what the king says: ‘Do not let Hezekiah deceive you, for he will not be able to save you from [fn]my hand.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 18:31 - ‘Do not listen to Hezekiah, for this is what the king of Assyria says: “Make [fn]your peace with me and come out to me, and eat, each one, from his vine and each from his fig tree, and drink, each one, the waters of his own cistern,
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 18:32 - until I come and take you to a land like your own land, a land of grain and new wine, a land of bread and vineyards, a land of olive trees producing oil, and of honey, so that you will live and not die.” But do not listen to Hezekiah, because he misleads you by saying, “The LORD will save us.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 18:34 - ‘Where are the gods of Hamath and Arpad? Where are the gods of Sepharvaim, Hena, and [fn]Ivvah? Have they saved Samaria from my hand?
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 18:35 - ‘Who among all the gods of the lands are there who have saved their land from my hand, that the LORD would save Jerusalem from my hand?'”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 18:36 -

But the people were silent and did not answer him with even a word, because it was the king's [fn]command: “Do not answer him.”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 19:3 - And they said to him, “This is what Hezekiah says: ‘This day is a day of distress, rebuke, and humiliation; for children have come to the point of birth, and there is no strength to deliver them.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 19:8 -

Then Rabshakeh returned and found the king of Assyria fighting against Libnah, for he had heard that the king had left Lachish.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 19:17 - “It is true, LORD; the kings of Assyria have laid waste the nations and their lands,
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 19:18 - and have [fn]hurled their gods into the fire; for they were not gods, but only the work of human hands, wood and stone. So they have destroyed them.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 19:19 - “But now, LORD our God, please, save us from his hand, so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You alone, LORD, are God.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 19:31 - ‘For out of Jerusalem will go a remnant, and survivors out of Mount Zion. The zeal of [fn]the LORD will perform this.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 20:1 -

In those days Hezekiah became [fn]mortally ill. And Isaiah the prophet, the son of Amoz, came to him and said to him, “This is what the LORD says: ‘Set your house in order, for you are going to die and not live.'”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 20:8 -

Now Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “What will be the sign that the LORD will heal me, and that I will go up to the house of the LORD on the third day?”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 20:9 - Isaiah said, “This shall be the sign to you from the LORD, that the LORD will perform the word that He has spoken: shall the shadow go forward ten steps or go back ten steps?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 20:12 -

At that time [fn]Berodach-baladan, a son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent letters and a gift to Hezekiah, because he heard that Hezekiah had been sick.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 22:7 - “However, no accounting shall be made with them for the money handed over to them, because they deal honestly.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 22:13 - “Go, inquire of the LORD for me and for the people and all Judah concerning the words of this book that has been found, for the wrath of the LORD that burns against us is great, because our fathers did not listen to the words of this book, to act in accordance with everything that is written regarding us.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 22:19 - since your heart was tender and you humbled yourself before the LORD when you heard what I spoke against this place and against its inhabitants, that they would become an object of horror and a curse, and you have torn your clothes and wept before Me, I have indeed heard you,' declares the LORD.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 23:9 - Nevertheless the priests of the high places did not go up to the altar of the LORD in Jerusalem, but they ate unleavened bread among their brothers.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 23:22 - Truly such a Passover had not been celebrated since the days of the judges who judged Israel, nor in all the days of the kings of Israel and the kings of Judah.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 23:23 - But in the eighteenth year of King Josiah, this Passover was celebrated to the LORD in Jerusalem.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 24:7 - Now the king of Egypt did not come out of his land again, because the king of Babylon had taken everything that belonged to the king of Egypt from the brook of Egypt to the river Euphrates.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 24:20 - For it was due to the anger of the LORD that this happened in Jerusalem and Judah, until He cast them out of His presence. And Zedekiah revolted against the king of Babylon.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 25:23 - When all the captains of the forces, they and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had appointed Gedaliah governor, they came to Gedaliah at Mizpah, namely, Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, Johanan the son of Kareah, Seraiah the son of Tanhumeth the Netophathite, and Jaazaniah the son of the Maacathite, they and their men.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ki 25:26 - Then all the people, from the small to the great, and the captains of the forces set out and came to Egypt; for they were afraid of the Chaldeans.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 4:14 - Meonothai fathered Ophrah, and Seraiah fathered Joab the father of [fn]Ge-harashim, for they were craftsmen.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 4:40 - They found pasture that was rich and good, and the land was spread out on both sides, and peaceful and undisturbed; for those who lived there previously were Hamites.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 4:41 - These people, recorded by name, came in the days of Hezekiah king of Judah, and they [fn]attacked their tents and the Meunites who were found there, and utterly destroyed them to this day; and they lived in their place, because there was pasture there for their flocks.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 5:1 -

Now the sons of Reuben, the firstborn of Israel (for he was the firstborn, but because he defiled his father's bed, his birthright was given to the sons of Joseph, the son of Israel; so he is not enrolled in the genealogy according to the birthright.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 5:2 - Though Judah prevailed over his brothers, and from him came the leader, yet the birthright belonged to Joseph),
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 5:9 - Toward the east he settled as far as the entrance of the wilderness from the river Euphrates, because their livestock had increased in the land of Gilead.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 5:20 - They were helped against them, and the Hagrites and all who were with them were handed over to them; for they cried out to God in the battle, and He answered their prayers because they trusted in Him.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 5:22 - For many fell mortally wounded, because the war was of God. And they settled in their place until the exile.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 6:54 -

Now these are their settlements according to their camps within their borders. To the sons of Aaron of the families of the Kohathites (for theirs was the first lot),

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 7:4 - And with them by their generations according to their fathers' households were thirty-six thousand [fn]troops of the army for war; for they had many wives and sons.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 7:21 - Zabad his son, Shuthelah his son, and Ezer and Elead, whom the men of Gath who were born in the land killed, because they came down to take their livestock.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 7:23 - Then he went in to his wife, and she conceived and gave birth to a son, and he named him [fn]Beriah, because misfortune had come upon his house.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 9:26 - for the four chief gatekeepers, who were Levites, served in an official capacity, and were in charge of the chambers and in charge of the treasuries in the house of God.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 9:27 - They spent the night around the house of God, because the watch was [fn]committed to them; and they were in charge of opening it morning by morning.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 9:28 -

Now some of them were in charge of the utensils of the service, for [fn]they counted them when they brought them in and when they took them out.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 9:33 -

Now these are the singers, heads of fathers' households of the Levites, who lived in the chambers of the temple free of other duties; for they were [fn]engaged in their work day and night.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 10:4 - Then Saul said to his armor bearer, “Draw your sword and thrust me through with it, otherwise these uncircumcised Philistines will come and abuse me.” But his armor bearer would not, for he was very afraid. So Saul took his own sword and fell on it.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 10:5 - When his armor bearer saw that Saul was dead, he likewise fell on his sword and died.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 10:7 -

When all the people of Israel who were in the valley saw that they had fled, and that Saul and his sons were dead, they abandoned their cities and fled; and the Philistines came and lived in them.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 10:13 -

So Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he committed against the LORD, because of the word of the LORD which he did not keep; and also because he asked counsel of a medium, making inquiry of her,

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 11:19 - and he said, “Far be it from me before my God that I would do this. Shall I drink the blood of these men who went [fn]at the risk of their lives? For they brought it at the risk of their lives.” Therefore he would not drink it. The three mighty men did these things.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 12:18 - Then the Spirit [fn]covered Amasai like clothing, the chief of the thirty; and he said,

We are yours, David,

And are with you, son of Jesse!

Peace, peace to you,

And peace to him who helps you;

Indeed, your God helps you!”

Then David received them and made them [fn]captains of the troops.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 12:19 -

From Manasseh some also defected to David when he was about to go to battle with the Philistines against Saul. But they did not help them, because the governors of the Philistines sent him away after consultation, saying, “At the cost of our heads he might defect to his master Saul.”

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 12:21 - They helped David against the band of raiders, for they were all valiant mighty men, and were captains in the army.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 12:22 - For day by day men came to David to help him, until there was a great army like the army of God.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 12:39 - They were there with David for three days, eating and drinking, for their kinsmen had prepared for them.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 12:40 - Moreover, those who were near to them, as far as Issachar, Zebulun, and Naphtali, brought food on donkeys, camels, mules, and on oxen, great quantities of flour cakes, fig cakes and bunches of raisins, wine, oil, oxen, and sheep. There was joy indeed in Israel.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 13:3 - and [fn]let us bring back the ark of our God to us, since we did not seek it in the days of Saul.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 13:4 - Then all the assembly said that they would do so, for [fn]this was right in the eyes of all the people.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 13:9 -

When they came to the threshing floor of Chidon, Uzza put out his hand to hold the ark, because the oxen nearly overturned it.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 13:11 - Then David became angry because [fn]of the LORD'S outburst against Uzza; and he called that place [fn]Perez-uzza as it is to this day.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 14:2 - And David realized that the LORD had established him as king over Israel, and that his kingdom was highly exalted, for the sake of His people Israel.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 14:8 -

When the Philistines heard that David had been anointed king over all Israel, all the Philistines went up in search of David; and David heard about it and went out against them.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 14:15 - “When you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the baka-shrubs, then you shall go out to battle, for God will have gone out before you to strike the army of the Philistines.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 15:2 - Then David said, “No one is to carry the ark of God except the Levites; for the LORD chose them to carry the ark of the LORD and to serve Him forever.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 15:13 - “Because you did not carry it at the first, the LORD our God made an outburst against us, since we did not seek Him according to the ordinance.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 15:22 - Chenaniah, chief of the Levites, was in charge of the singing; he gave instruction in singing because he was skillful.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 16:25 -

For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised;

He also is to be feared above all gods.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 16:26 -

For all the gods of the peoples are [fn]idols,

But the LORD made the heavens.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 16:33 -

Then the trees of the forest will sing for joy in the presence of the LORD;

For He is coming to judge the earth.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 16:34 -

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;

For His faithfulness is everlasting.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 16:41 - With them were Heman and Jeduthun, and the rest who were chosen, who were designated by name, to give thanks to the LORD, because His [fn]kindness is everlasting.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 17:2 - Then Nathan said to David, “Do whatever is in your heart, for God is with you.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 17:5 - for I have not dwelt in a house since the day that I brought up Israel to this day, but I have [fn]gone from tent to tent and from one dwelling place to another.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 17:6 - “In all places where I have walked with all Israel, have I spoken a word with any of the judges of Israel, whom I commanded to shepherd My people, saying, ‘Why have you not built Me a house of cedar?'”'
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 17:16 -

Then King David came in and sat before the LORD, and said, “Who am I, LORD God, and what is my house that You have brought me this far?

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 17:25 - “For You, my God, have revealed to Your servant that You will build him a house; therefore Your servant has found courage to pray before You.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 17:27 - “And now You have decided to bless the house of Your servant, that it may [fn]continue forever before You; for You, LORD, have blessed, and it is blessed forever.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 18:9 -

Now when [fn]Tou king of Hamath heard that David had [fn]defeated all the army of Hadadezer king of Zobah,

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 18:10 - he sent [fn]Hadoram his son to King David to [fn]greet him and to bless him, because he had fought against Hadadezer and had [fn]defeated him; for Hadadezer had been at war with Tou. And Hadoram brought all kinds of articles of gold and silver and bronze.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 19:5 - Then certain people went and told David about the men. And he sent messengers to meet them, because the men were very humiliated. And the king said, “Stay at Jericho until your beards grow back, then return.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 19:6 -

When the sons of Ammon saw that they had made themselves repulsive to David, Hanun and the sons of Ammon sent [fn]a thousand talents of silver to hire for themselves chariots and horsemen from Mesopotamia, Aram-maacah, and Zobah.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 19:10 -

Now when Joab saw that the [fn]battle was set against him at the front and at the rear, he selected warriors from all the choice men in Israel and lined them up against the Arameans.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 19:15 - When the sons of Ammon saw that the Arameans had fled, they also fled from his brother Abshai and entered the city. Then Joab came to Jerusalem.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 19:16 -

When the Arameans saw that they had been [fn]defeated by Israel, they sent messengers and brought out the Arameans who were beyond the Euphrates River, with Shophach the commander of the army of Hadadezer [fn]leading them.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 19:19 - So when the servants of Hadadezer saw that they had been [fn]defeated by Israel, they made peace with David and served him. So the Arameans were not willing to help the sons of Ammon anymore.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 21:6 - But he did not [fn]count Levi and Benjamin among them, because the king's [fn]command was abhorrent to Joab.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 21:8 - David said to God, “I have sinned greatly, [fn]by doing this thing. But now, please overlook Your servant's guilt, for I have behaved very foolishly.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 21:13 - David said to Gad, “I am in great distress; please let me fall into the hand of the LORD, for His mercies are very great. But do not let me fall into human hands.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 21:24 - Nevertheless, King David said to Ornan, “No, but I will certainly buy it for the full price; for I will not take what is yours for the LORD, nor offer a burnt offering [fn]which costs me nothing.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 21:28 -

At that time, when David saw that the LORD had answered him on the threshing floor of Ornan the Jebusite, he offered sacrifice there.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 21:30 - But David could not go before it to inquire of God, for he was terrified by the sword of the angel of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 22:4 - and timbers of cedar beyond number, for the Sidonians and Tyrians brought large quantities of cedar timber to David.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 22:8 - “But the word of the LORD came to me, saying, ‘You have shed much blood and have [fn]waged great wars; you shall not build a house to My name, because you have shed so much blood on the earth before Me.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 22:9 - ‘Behold, a son will be born to you, who shall be a man of rest, and I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side; for his name will be [fn]Solomon, and I will give peace and quiet to Israel in his days.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 22:14 - “Now behold, [fn]with great pains I have prepared for the house of the LORD a hundred thousand [fn]talents of gold and a million talents of silver, and bronze and iron beyond measure, for [fn]they are in great quantity; I have also prepared timber and stone, and you may add to that.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 22:18 - “Is the LORD your God not with you? And has He not given you rest on every side? For He has handed over to me the inhabitants of the land, and the land is subdued before the LORD and before His people.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 23:25 - For David said, “The LORD God of Israel has given rest to His people, and He dwells in Jerusalem forever.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 23:27 - For by the last words of David, the sons of Levi were counted from twenty years old and upward.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 23:28 - For their office is [fn]to assist the sons of Aaron with the service of the house of the LORD, in the courtyards and in the chambers, and in the purification of all holy things, and the work of the service of the house of God,
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 24:5 - So they were divided by lot, the one as the other; for they were officers of the sanctuary and officers of God, both from the [fn]descendants of Eleazar and the [fn]descendants of Ithamar.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 26:5 - Ammiel the sixth, Issachar the seventh, and Peullethai the eighth; God had indeed blessed him.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 26:6 - Also to his son Shemaiah sons were born who ruled over the house of their father, for they were valiant mighty men.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 26:10 - Also Hosah, one of the sons of Merari had sons: Shimri the first (although he was not the firstborn, his father made him first),
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 27:23 - But David did not [fn]count those twenty years of age and under, because the LORD had said He would multiply Israel as the stars of heaven.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 28:3 - “But God said to me, ‘You shall not build a house for My name, because you are a man of war and have shed blood.'
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 28:5 - “Of all my sons (for the LORD has given me many sons), He has chosen my son Solomon to sit on the throne of the kingdom of the LORD over Israel.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 28:6 - “He said to me, ‘Your son Solomon is the one who shall build My house and My courtyards; for I have chosen him to be a son to Me, and I will be a Father to him.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 28:9 -

“As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him wholeheartedly and with a willing [fn]mind; for the LORD searches all hearts, and understands every intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will let you find Him; but if you forsake Him, He will reject you forever.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 28:10 - “Consider now, for the LORD has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary; be courageous and act.”
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 28:20 -

Then David said to his son Solomon, “Be strong and courageous, and act; do not fear nor be dismayed, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you nor forsake you until all the work for the service of the house of the LORD is finished.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 29:1 -

Then King David said to the entire assembly, “My son Solomon, whom alone God has chosen, is still young and inexperienced, and the work is great; for the [fn]temple is not for mankind, but for the LORD God.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 29:9 - Then the people rejoiced because they had offered so willingly, for they made their offering to the LORD wholeheartedly, and King David also rejoiced greatly.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 29:11 - “Yours, LORD, is the greatness, the power, the glory, the victory, and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and on the earth; Yours is the dominion, LORD, and You exalt Yourself as head over all.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 29:14 -

“But who am I and who are my people that we should [fn]be able to offer as generously as this? For all things come from You, and from Your hand we have given to You.

Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 29:15 - “For we are strangers before You, and temporary residents, as all our fathers were; our days on the earth are like a shadow, and there is no hope.
Unchecked Copy Box1Ch 29:17 - “Since I know, my God, that You put the heart to the test and delight in uprightness, I, in the integrity of my heart, have willingly offered all these things; so now with joy I have seen Your people, who are present here, make their offerings willingly to You.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 1:4 - However, David had brought up the ark of God from Kiriath-jearim [fn]to the place he had prepared for it, for he had pitched a tent for it in Jerusalem.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 1:9 - “Now, LORD God, Your [fn]promise to my father David is fulfilled, for You have made me king over a people as numerous as the dust of the earth.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 1:10 - “Now give me wisdom and knowledge, so that I may go out and come in before this people, for who can rule this great people of Yours?”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 2:5 - “The house which I am about to build will be great, for our God is greater than all the gods.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 2:6 - “But who is able to build a house for Him, since the heavens and the highest heavens cannot contain Him? And who am I, that I should build a house for Him, except to [fn]burn incense before Him?
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 2:8 - “Send me also cedar, juniper, and algum timber from Lebanon, for I know that your servants know how to cut timber of Lebanon; and indeed my servants will work with your servants,
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 2:9 - to prepare timber in abundance for me, for the house which I am about to build will be great and wonderful.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 4:18 - So Solomon made all these utensils in great quantities, for the weight of the bronze could not be determined.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 5:11 -

When the priests came out from the holy place (for all the priests who were present had sanctified themselves, without regard to divisions),

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 5:13 - in unison when the trumpeters and the singers were to make themselves heard with one voice to praise and to glorify the LORD, and when they raised their voices accompanied by trumpets, cymbals, and other musical instruments, and when they praised the LORD saying,He indeed is good for His [fn]kindness is everlasting,” then the house, the house of the LORD, was filled with a cloud,
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 5:14 - so that the priests could not rise to minister because of the cloud, for the glory of the LORD filled the house of God.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:8 - “But the LORD said to my father David, ‘Because it was [fn]in your heart to build a house for My name, you did well that it was [fn]in your heart.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:9 - ‘Nevertheless you shall not build the house, but your son who [fn]will be born to you, he shall build the house for My name.'
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:13 - For Solomon had made a bronze platform, [fn]five cubits long, five cubits wide, and three cubits high, and had set it in the midst of the courtyard; and he stood on it, knelt on his knees in the presence of all the assembly of Israel and spread out his hands toward heaven.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:18 -

“But will God really dwell with mankind on the earth? Behold, heaven and the [fn]highest heaven cannot contain You; how much less this house which I have built!

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:26 -

“When the heavens are shut up and there is no rain because they have sinned against You, and they pray toward this place and praise Your name, and turn from their sin when You afflict them,

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:27 - then hear in heaven and forgive the sin of Your servants and Your people Israel; indeed, teach them the good way in which they are to walk. And provide rain on Your land, which You have given to Your people as an inheritance.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:30 - then hear from heaven, Your dwelling place, and forgive, and render to each according to all his ways, whose heart You know—for You alone know the hearts of the sons of mankind
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:33 - then hear from heaven, from Your dwelling place, and do according to all for which the foreigner calls to You, so that all the peoples of the earth may know Your name, and [fn]fear You as do Your people Israel, and that they may know that [fn]this house which I have built is called by Your name.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 6:36 -

“When they sin against You (for there is no one who does not sin), and You are angry with them and turn them over to an enemy, so that [fn]they take them away captive to a land far off or near,

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 7:2 - And the priests could not enter the house of the LORD because the glory of the LORD filled the LORD'S house.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 7:3 - All the sons of Israel, seeing the fire come down and the glory of the LORD upon the house, bowed down on the pavement with their faces to the ground, and they worshiped and gave praise to the LORD, saying, “Certainly He is good, certainly His faithfulness is everlasting.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 7:6 - The priests stood at their posts, and the Levites also, with the musical instruments for the LORD, which King David had made for giving praise to the LORD—“for His faithfulness is everlasting”—whenever David gave praise through their [fn]ministry; the priests on the other side blew trumpets and all Israel was standing.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 7:7 -

Then Solomon consecrated the middle of the courtyard that was before the house of the LORD, for he offered the burnt offerings and the fat of the peace offerings there, because the bronze altar which Solomon had made was not able to contain the burnt offering, the grain offering, and the fat.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 7:9 - And on the eighth day they held a solemn assembly, because they held the dedication of the altar for seven days, and the feast for seven days.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 8:9 - But Solomon did not make slaves from the sons of Israel for his work; for they were men of war, his chief captains and commanders of his chariots and his horsemen.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 8:11 -

Then Solomon brought Pharaoh's daughter up from the city of David to the house which he had built for her, for he said, “My wife shall not live in the house of David king of Israel, because [fn]the places where the ark of the LORD has entered are holy.”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 8:14 -

Now according to the ordinance of his father David, he appointed the divisions of the priests for their service, and the Levites for their duties of praise and ministering before the priests according to the daily rule, and the gatekeepers by their divisions at every gate; for this is what David, the man of God, had commanded.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 9:21 - For the king had ships which went to Tarshish with the servants of Huram; once every three years the ships of Tarshish came bringing gold and silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 10:1 -

Then Rehoboam went to Shechem, because all Israel had come to Shechem to make him king.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 10:15 - So the king did not listen to the people, because it was a turn of events from God so that the LORD might establish His word, which He spoke through Ahijah the Shilonite to Jeroboam the son of Nebat.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 10:16 -

When all Israel saw that the king had not listened to them, the people replied to the king, saying,

“What share do we have in David?

We have no inheritance in the son of Jesse.

Everyone to your tents, Israel!

Now look after your own house, David!”

So all Israel went away to their tents.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 11:4 - ‘This is what the LORD says: “You shall not go up nor fight against your relatives; return, every man, to his house, for this [fn]event is from Me.”'” So they listened to the words of the LORD and returned from going against Jeroboam.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 11:14 - For the Levites left their pasture lands and their property and went to Judah and Jerusalem, because Jeroboam and his sons had excluded them from serving as priests to the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 11:17 - They strengthened the kingdom of Judah and supported Rehoboam the son of Solomon for three years, for they walked in the way of David and Solomon for three years.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 11:21 - Rehoboam loved Maacah the daughter of Absalom more than all his other wives and concubines. For he had taken eighteen wives and sixty concubines, and fathered twenty-eight sons and sixty daughters.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 11:22 - Rehoboam appointed Abijah the son of Maacah as head and leader among his brothers, for he intended to make him king.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 12:2 - And it came about in King Rehoboam's fifth year, because they had been unfaithful to the LORD, that Shishak king of Egypt came up against Jerusalem
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 12:7 -

When the LORD saw that they had humbled themselves, the word of the LORD came to Shemaiah, saying, “They have humbled themselves, so I will not destroy them; and I will grant them a little deliverance, and My wrath will not be poured out on Jerusalem by means of Shishak.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 12:8 - “But they will become his slaves, so that they may learn the difference between My service and the service of the kingdoms of the countries.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 12:14 - But he did evil because he did not set his heart to seek the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 13:5 - “Do you not know that the LORD God of Israel gave the rule over Israel forever to David [fn]and his sons by a covenant of salt?
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 13:11 - “Every morning and evening they [fn]burn to the LORD burnt offerings and fragrant incense, and the showbread is set on the clean table, and the golden lampstand with its lamps is ready to light every evening; for we perform our duty to the LORD our God, but you have abandoned Him.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 13:12 - “Now behold, God is with us at our head, and His priests with the signal trumpets to sound the war cry against you. Sons of Israel, do not fight against the LORD God of your fathers, for you will not succeed.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 13:18 - The sons of Israel were subdued at that time, and the sons of Judah [fn]conquered because they trusted in the LORD, the God of their fathers.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 14:6 - He built fortified cities in Judah, since the land was undisturbed, and [fn]there was no one at war with him during those years, because the LORD had given him rest.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 14:7 - For he said to Judah, “Let's build these cities and surround them with walls and towers, gates and bars. The land is still [fn]ours because we have sought the LORD our God; we have sought Him, and He has given us rest on every side.” So they built and prospered.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 14:11 - Then Asa called to the LORD his God and said, “LORD, there is no one besides You to help in the battle between the powerful and those who have no strength; help us, LORD our God, for we trust in You, and in Your name have come against this multitude. LORD, You are our God; do not let man prevail against You.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 14:13 - Asa and the people who were with him pursued them as far as Gerar; and so many Ethiopians fell that [fn]they could not recover, for they were shattered before the LORD and before His army. And they carried away a very large amount of plunder.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 14:14 - They [fn]destroyed all the cities around Gerar, for the dread of the LORD had fallen on them; and they pillaged all the cities, for there was much plunder in them.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 15:5 - “In those times there was no peace for him who went out or him who came in, because many disturbances [fn]afflicted all the inhabitants of the lands.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 15:6 - “Nation was crushed by nation, and city by city, for God troubled them with every kind of distress.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 15:7 - “But you, be strong and do not [fn]lose courage, for there is a reward for your work.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 15:9 - And he gathered all Judah and Benjamin, and those from Ephraim, Manasseh, and Simeon who resided with them, for many defected to him from Israel when they saw that the LORD his God was with him.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 15:15 - All Judah rejoiced concerning the oath, for they had sworn with all their heart and had sought Him [fn]earnestly, and He let them find Him. So the LORD gave them rest on every side.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 16:9 - “For the eyes of the LORD roam throughout the earth, so that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His. You have acted foolishly in this. Indeed, from now on you will have wars.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 16:10 - Then Asa was angry with the seer and put him in [fn]prison, for he was enraged at him for this. And Asa mistreated some of the people at the same time.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 17:3 - And the LORD was with Jehoshaphat because he [fn]followed the example of his father David's earlier days and did not seek the Baals,
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 18:7 - And the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “There is still one man by whom we may inquire of the LORD, but I hate him, for he never prophesies anything good regarding me, but always bad. He is Micaiah the son of Imlah.” But Jehoshaphat said, “May the king not say so.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 18:13 - But Micaiah said, “As the LORD lives, whatever my God says, I will speak it.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 18:17 -

Then the king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, “Did I not tell you that he would not prophesy anything good regarding me, but only bad?”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 18:32 - When the commanders of the chariots saw that it was not the king of Israel, they turned back from pursuing him.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 18:33 - Now one man drew his bow at random and struck the king of Israel [fn]in a joint of the armor. So he said to the driver of his chariot, “Turn [fn]around and take me out of the battle, for I am severely wounded.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 19:3 - “But [fn]there is some good in you, for you have removed the [fn]Asheroth from the land and you have set your heart to seek God.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 19:6 - He said to the judges, “Consider what you are doing, for you do not judge for mankind but for the LORD who is with you [fn]when you render judgment.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 19:7 - “Now then, let the fear of the LORD be upon you; be careful [fn]about what you do, for [fn]the LORD our God will have no part in injustice or partiality, or in the taking of a bribe.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 20:9 - ‘If disaster comes upon us, the sword, or judgment, or plague, or famine, we will stand before this house and before You (for Your name is in this house), and cry out to You in our distress, and You will hear and save us.'
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 20:10 - “Now behold, the sons of Ammon, Moab, and [fn]Mount Seir, whom You did not allow Israel to invade when they came out of the land of Egypt (for they turned aside from them and did not destroy them),
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 20:12 - “Our God, will You not judge them? For we are powerless before this great multitude that is coming against us; nor do we know what to do, but our eyes are on You.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 20:15 - and he said, “Listen, all you of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and King Jehoshaphat: This is what the LORD says to you: ‘Do not fear or be dismayed because of this great multitude, for the battle is not yours but God's.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 20:21 - When he had consulted with the people, he appointed those who sang to the LORD and those who praised Him in holy attire, as they went out before the army and said, “Give thanks to the LORD, for His faithfulness is everlasting.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 20:25 - When Jehoshaphat and his people came to take their spoils, they found much among them, including goods, [fn]garments, and valuable things which they took for themselves, more than they could carry. And they were taking the spoils for three days because there was so much.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 20:27 - Every man of Judah and Jerusalem returned, with Jehoshaphat at their head, returning to Jerusalem with joy, for the LORD had helped them to rejoice over their enemies.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 20:29 - And the dread of God was on all the kingdoms of the lands when they heard that the LORD had fought against the enemies of Israel.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 21:3 - Their father gave them many gifts of silver, gold, and precious things, with fortified cities in Judah; but he gave the kingdom to Jehoram because he was the firstborn.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 21:6 - He walked in the way of the kings of Israel, just as the house of Ahab had done, for Ahab's daughter was his wife; and he did evil in the sight of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 21:10 - So Edom revolted [fn]against Judah to this day. Then Libnah revolted at the same time [fn]against his rule because he had abandoned the LORD God of his fathers.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 22:1 -

Then the inhabitants of Jerusalem made [fn]Ahaziah, his youngest son, king in his place, for the band of men who came with the Arabs to the camp had killed all the older sons. So Ahaziah the son of Jehoram king of Judah began to reign.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 22:3 - He also walked in the ways of the house of Ahab, for his mother was his counselor to act wickedly.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 22:4 - So he did evil in the sight of the LORD like the house of Ahab, for they were his counselors after the death of his father, to his own destruction.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 22:6 - So he returned to be healed in Jezreel of the wounds [fn]which they had inflicted on him at Ramah, when he fought against Hazael king of Aram. And [fn]Ahaziah, the son of Jehoram king of Judah, went down to see Jehoram the son of Ahab in Jezreel, because he was sick.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 22:9 - He also searched for Ahaziah, and they caught him while he was hiding in Samaria; they brought him to Jehu, put him to death, and buried him. For they said, “He is the son of Jehoshaphat, who sought the LORD with all his heart.” So there was no one of the house of Ahaziah to retain the power of the kingdom.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 22:10 -

Now when Athaliah the mother of Ahaziah saw that her son was dead, she rose and eliminated all the royal [fn]children of the house of Judah.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 23:6 - “But no one is to enter the house of the LORD except the priests and the ministering Levites; they may enter, for they are holy. And all the people are to keep the command of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 23:8 -

The Levites and all Judah did according to all that Jehoiada the priest commanded. And each one of them took his men who were to come in on the Sabbath, with those who were to go out on the Sabbath, for Jehoiada the priest did not dismiss any of the divisions.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 23:14 - And Jehoiada the priest brought out the captains of hundreds who were appointed over the army, and said to them, “Bring her out [fn]between the ranks, and whoever follows her is to be put to death with the sword.” For the priest said, “You shall not put her to death in the house of the LORD.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 24:7 - For the sons of the wicked Athaliah had broken into the house of God, and even [fn]used the holy things of the house of the LORD for the Baals.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 24:11 - It happened that whenever the chest was brought to the king's officer by the Levites, and they saw that the money was substantial, the king's scribe and the chief priest's officer would come and empty the chest, and pick it up and return it to its place. They did this daily and collected a large amount of money.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 24:16 - And they buried him in the city of David with the kings, because he had done well in Israel and [fn]for God and His house.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 24:20 -

Then the Spirit of God [fn]covered Zechariah, the son of Jehoiada the priest like clothing; and he stood above the people and said to them, “This is what God has said, ‘Why do you break the commandments of the LORD and do not prosper? Because you have abandoned the LORD, He has also abandoned you.'”

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 24:24 - Indeed, the army of the Arameans came with a small number of men; yet the LORD handed a very great army over to them, because [fn]Judah and Joash had abandoned the LORD, the God of their fathers. So they executed judgment on Joash.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 25:7 - But a man of God came to him saying, “O king, do not let the army of Israel come with you, for the LORD is not with Israel nor with any of the sons of Ephraim.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 25:8 - “But if you do go, do it, be strong for the battle; yet God will [fn]bring you down before the enemy, for God has the power to help and to [fn]bring down.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 25:16 - As he was talking with him, [fn]the king said to him, “Have we appointed you to be a royal counselor? Stop! Why should [fn]you be put to death?” Then the prophet stopped and said, “I know that God has planned to destroy you, because you have done this and have not listened to my counsel.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 25:20 -

But Amaziah would not listen, for it was from God, so that He might hand them over to Joash, because they had sought the gods of Edom.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 26:8 - The Ammonites gave tribute to Uzziah, and his [fn]fame extended to the border of Egypt, for he became very strong.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 26:10 - He also built towers in the wilderness and carved out many cisterns, for he had much livestock, both in the [fn]lowland and in the plain. He also had plowmen and vinedressers in the hill country and the fertile fields, for he loved the soil.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 26:15 - In Jerusalem he made machines of war invented by skillful workmen to be on the towers and the corners, for the purpose of shooting arrows and great stones. So his [fn]fame spread far, for he was marvelously helped until he was strong.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 26:18 - They opposed Uzziah the king and said to him, “It is not for you, Uzziah, to burn incense to the LORD, but for the priests, the sons of Aaron who have been consecrated to burn incense. Leave the sanctuary, for you have been untrue and will have no honor from the LORD God.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 26:20 - Azariah the chief priest and all the priests looked at him, and behold, he was leprous on his forehead; and they quickly removed him from there, and he himself also hurried to get out because the LORD had stricken him.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 26:21 - King Uzziah had leprosy to the day of his death; and he lived in a separate house, afflicted as he was with leprosy, for he was cut off from the house of the LORD. And his son Jotham was over the king's house, judging the people of the land.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 26:23 - So Uzziah [fn]lay down with his fathers, and they buried him with his fathers in the field of the grave which belonged to the kings, for they said, “He had leprosy.” And his son Jotham became king in his place.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 27:6 - So Jotham became powerful because he directed his ways before the LORD his God.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 28:11 - “Now then, listen to me and return the captives whom you captured from your brothers, for the burning anger of the LORD is against you.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 28:13 - and said to them, “You must not bring the captives in here, for you are proposing to bring guilt upon us before the LORD, adding to our sins and our guilt; for our guilt is great, and His burning anger is against Israel.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 28:17 - For the Edomites had come again and attacked Judah, and led away captives.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 28:19 - For the LORD had humbled Judah because of Ahaz king of Israel, for he had brought about a lack of restraint in Judah and was very unfaithful to the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 28:23 - For he sacrificed to the gods of Damascus who had [fn]defeated him, and said, “Because the gods of the kings of Aram helped them, I will sacrifice to them so that they may help me.” But they became the [fn]downfall of him and all Israel.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 28:27 - So Ahaz [fn]lay down with his fathers, and they buried him in the city, in Jerusalem, for they did not bring him to the tombs of the kings of Israel; and his son Hezekiah reigned in his place.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 29:6 - “For our fathers have been unfaithful and have done evil in the sight of the LORD our God, and they have abandoned Him and turned their faces away from the dwelling place of the LORD, and have [fn]turned their backs.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 29:11 - “My sons, do not be negligent now, for the LORD has chosen you to stand before Him, to serve Him, and to be His ministers and burn incense.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 29:24 - The priests slaughtered them and purified the altar with their blood to atone for all Israel, because the king ordered the burnt offering and the sin offering for all Israel.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 29:25 -

He then stationed the Levites in the house of the LORD with cymbals, harps, and lyres, according to the command of David and of Gad, the king's seer, and of Nathan the prophet; for the command was from the LORD through His prophets.

Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 29:34 - But the priests were too few, so that they were unable to skin all the burnt offerings; therefore their brothers the Levites helped them until the work was finished and the other priests had consecrated themselves. For the Levites were more [fn]conscientious to consecrate themselves than the priests.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 29:36 - Then Hezekiah and all the people rejoiced over what God had prepared for the people, because the thing came about suddenly.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 30:3 - since they could not celebrate it at that time, because the priests had not consecrated themselves in sufficient numbers, nor had the people been gathered to Jerusalem.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 30:5 - So they established a decree to circulate a [fn]proclamation throughout Israel from Beersheba to Dan, that they are to come to celebrate the Passover to the LORD God of Israel in Jerusalem. For they had not celebrated it in great numbers as was written.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 30:9 - “For if you return to the LORD, your brothers and your sons will find compassion in the presence of those who led them captive, and will return to this land. For the LORD your God is gracious and compassionate, and will not turn His face away from you if you return to Him.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 30:17 - For there were many in the assembly who had not consecrated themselves; therefore, the Levites were in charge of the slaughter of the Passover lambs for everyone who was unclean, in order to consecrate them to the LORD.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 30:18 - For a multitude of the people, many from Ephraim and Manasseh, and Issachar and Zebulun, had not purified themselves, yet they ate the Passover contrary to what was written. For Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, “May the good LORD pardon
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 30:24 - For Hezekiah king of Judah had contributed to the assembly a thousand bulls and seven thousand sheep, and the princes had contributed to the assembly a thousand bulls and ten thousand sheep; and a large number of priests consecrated themselves.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 31:10 - Azariah, the chief priest of the house of Zadok, said to [fn]him, “Since the contributions started coming into the house of the LORD, we have had enough to eat with plenty left over, for the LORD has blessed His people, and this great quantity is left over.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 31:18 - The genealogical enrollment included [fn]all their little children, their wives, their sons, and their daughters, for the whole assembly, for they consecrated themselves [fn]faithfully in holiness.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 32:2 - Now when Hezekiah saw that Sennacherib had come and that [fn]he intended to wage war against Jerusalem,
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 32:7 - “Be strong and courageous, do not fear or be dismayed because of the king of Assyria nor because of all the horde that is with him; for the One with us is greater than the one with him.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 32:14 - ‘Who was there among all the gods of those nations which my fathers utterly destroyed who could save his people from my hand, that your God would be able to save you from my hand?
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 32:15 - ‘Now then, do not let Hezekiah deceive you or mislead you like this, and do not believe him, for no god of any nation or kingdom was able to save his people from my hand or from the hand of my fathers. How much less will your God save you from my hand?'”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 32:29 - He made cities for himself and acquired flocks and herds in abundance, because God had given him very great [fn]wealth.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 33:13 - When he prayed to Him, He was moved by him and heard his pleading, and brought him back to Jerusalem to his kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the LORD alone is God.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 33:23 - Furthermore, he did not humble himself before the LORD as his father Manasseh had [fn]done, but Amon multiplied his guilt.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 34:21 - “Go, inquire of the LORD for me and for those who are left in Israel and Judah, concerning the words of the book which has been found; for the wrath of the LORD which has poured out on us is great, because our fathers have not kept the word of the LORD, to act in accordance with everything that is written in this book.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 35:14 - Afterward they prepared for themselves and for the priests, because the priests, the sons of Aaron, were offering the burnt offerings and the fat until night; so the Levites prepared for themselves and for the priests, the sons of Aaron.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 35:15 - The singers, the sons of Asaph, were also at their positions according to the command of David, Asaph, Heman, and Jeduthun the king's seer; and the gatekeepers at each gate did not have to leave their service, because their kinsmen the Levites prepared for them.
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 35:23 - The archers shot King Josiah, and the king said to his servants, “Take me away, for I am badly wounded.”
Unchecked Copy Box2Ch 36:15 -

Yet the LORD, the God of their fathers, sent word to them again and again by His messengers, because He had compassion on His people and on His dwelling place;

Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 3:3 - So they set up the altar on its foundation, because [fn]they were terrified of the peoples of the lands; and they offered burnt offerings on it to the LORD, burnt offerings morning and evening.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 3:11 - And they sang, praising and giving thanks to the LORD, saying, “For He is good, for His favor is upon Israel forever.” And all the people shouted with a great shout of joy when they praised the LORD, because the foundation of the house of the LORD was laid.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 3:13 - so that the people could not distinguish the sound of the shout of joy from the sound of the weeping of the people, because the people were shouting with a loud shout, and the sound was heard far away.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 4:1 -

Now when the enemies of Judah and Benjamin heard that the people of the exile were building a temple to the LORD God of Israel,

Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 4:2 - they approached Zerubbabel and the heads of fathers' households, and said to them, “Let us build with you, for like you, we seek your God; and we have been sacrificing to Him since the days of Esarhaddon king of Assyria, who brought us up here.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 4:3 - But Zerubbabel and Jeshua and the rest of the heads of fathers' households of Israel said to them, “You have nothing in common with us in building a house to our God; but we ourselves will together build for the LORD God of Israel, just as King Cyrus, the king of Persia, has commanded us.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 4:12 - let it be known to the king that the Jews who came up from you have come to us at Jerusalem; they are rebuilding the rebellious and evil city and are finishing the walls and repairing the foundations.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 4:13 - “Now let it be known to the king, that if that city is rebuilt and the walls are finished, they will not pay tribute, custom tax, or toll, and it will [fn]be detrimental to the revenue of the kings.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 4:15 - so that a search may be conducted in the record books of your fathers. And you will discover in the record books and learn that that city is a rebellious city and detrimental to kings and provinces, and that they have revolted within it in past days; for this reason that city was laid waste.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 4:16 - “We are informing the king that if that city is rebuilt and the walls finished, then as a result of this you will have no possession in the province beyond the Euphrates River.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 4:19 - “And a decree has been [fn]issued by me, and a search has been conducted and it has been discovered that that city has risen up against the kings in past days, and that rebellion and revolt have been perpetrated in it,
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 5:8 - “May it be known to the king that we have gone to the province of Judah, to the house of the great God which is being built with large stones, and [fn]beams are being laid in the walls; and this work is being performed with great care and is succeeding in their hands.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 5:17 - “And now, if it pleases the king, let a search be conducted in the king's treasure house, which is there in Babylon, as to whether a decree was issued by King Cyrus to rebuild this house of God in Jerusalem; and let the king send to us his decision concerning this matter.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 6:11 - “And I issued a decree that any person who violates this decree, a timber shall be pulled out of his house and he shall be impaled on it; and his house shall be turned into a refuse heap on account of this.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 6:20 - For the priests and the Levites had purified themselves together; all of them were pure. Then they slaughtered the Passover lambs for all the exiles, both for their brothers the priests and for themselves.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 6:22 - And they held the Feast of Unleavened Bread for seven days with joy, because the LORD had made them happy, and had turned the heart of the king of Assyria toward them to [fn]encourage them in the work of the house of God, the God of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 7:6 - So this Ezra went up from Babylon, and he was a scribe skilled in the Law of Moses, which the LORD God of Israel had given; and the king granted him all [fn]he requested because the hand of the LORD his God was upon him.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 7:9 - For on the first day of the first month he began to go up from Babylon; and on the first of the fifth month he came to Jerusalem, because the good hand of his God was upon him.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 7:10 - For Ezra had [fn]firmly resolved to study the Law of the LORD and to practice it, and to teach His statutes and ordinances in Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 7:13 - I have issued a decree that any of the people of Israel and their priests and the Levites in my kingdom who are willing to go to Jerusalem, may go with you.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 7:21 -

“I myself, King Artaxerxes, issue a decree to all the treasurers who are in the provinces beyond the Euphrates River, that whatever Ezra the priest, the scribe of the Law of the God of heaven, may require of you, it shall be done diligently,

Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 8:22 - For I was ashamed to request from the king troops and horsemen to [fn]protect us from the enemy on the way, because we had said to the king, “The hand of our God is [fn]favorably disposed to all who seek Him, but His power and His anger are against all those who abandon Him.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 9:2 - “For they have taken some of their daughters as wives for themselves and for their sons, so that the holy [fn]line has intermingled with the peoples of the lands; indeed, the hands of the officials and the leaders have taken the lead in this unfaithfulness.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 9:6 - and I said, “My God, I am ashamed and humiliated to lift up my face to You, my God, for our wrongful deeds have [fn]risen above our heads, and our guilt has grown even to the heavens.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 9:9 - “For we are slaves; yet in our bondage our God has not abandoned us, but has extended favor to us in the sight of the kings of Persia, to give us reviving to erect the house of our God, to restore its ruins, and to give us a wall in Judah and Jerusalem.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 9:10 -

“And now, our God, what shall we say after this? For we have abandoned Your commandments,

Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 9:13 - “And after everything that has come upon us for our evil deeds and our great guilt, since You our God have spared us by inflicting less than our wrongdoing deserves, and have given us such an escaped remnant as this,
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 9:14 - shall we again break Your commandments and intermarry with the peoples [fn]who commit these abominations? Would You not be angry with us [fn]to the point of destruction, until there would be no remnant nor any who would escape?
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 9:15 - “LORD God of Israel, You are righteous, for we have been left an escaped remnant, as it is this day; behold, we are before You in our guilt, for no one can stand before You because of this.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 10:1 -

Now while Ezra was praying and making confession, weeping and prostrating himself before the house of God, a very large assembly, men, women, and children, gathered to him from Israel; for the people wept greatly.

Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 10:4 - “Arise! For this matter is [fn]your responsibility, but we will be with you; be courageous and act.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 10:6 - Then Ezra rose from before the house of God and went into the chamber of Jehohanan the son of Eliashib. Although he went there, he did not eat bread nor drink water, because he was mourning over the unfaithfulness of the exiles.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 10:13 - “However, there are many people, it is the rainy season, and we are not able to stand in the open. Nor can the task be done in one or two days, because we have done a great wrong in this matter.
Unchecked Copy BoxEzr 10:16 -

But the exiles did so. And [fn]Ezra the priest selected men who were the heads of fathers' households for each of their father's households, all of them by name. So they [fn]convened on the first day of the tenth month to investigate the matter.

Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 2:10 - And when Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite [fn]official heard about it, it was very displeasing to them that someone had come to seek the welfare of the sons of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 4:1 -

[fn]Now it came about that when Sanballat heard that we were rebuilding the wall, he became furious and very angry, and he mocked the Jews.

Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 4:2 - And he spoke in the presence of his brothers and the [fn]wealthy people of Samaria and said, “What are these feeble Jews doing? Are they going to restore the temple for themselves? Can they offer sacrifices? Can they finish it in a day? Can they revive the stones from the heaps of rubble, even the burned ones?”
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 4:4 -

Hear, O our God, how we are an object of contempt! Return their taunting on their own heads, and turn them into plunder in a land of captivity.

Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 4:7 -

[fn]Now when Sanballat, Tobiah, the Arabs, the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites heard that the [fn]repair of the walls of Jerusalem went [fn]on, and that the breaches began to be closed, they were very angry.

Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 4:15 -

Now when our enemies heard that it was known to us, and that God had frustrated their plan, then all of us returned to the wall, each one to his work.

Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 5:18 - Now that which was prepared for each day was one ox and six choice sheep; also birds were prepared for me, and every ten days all sorts of wine were provided in abundance. Yet for all this I did not request the governor's food allowance, because the forced labor was heavy on this people.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 6:1 -

Now when it was reported to Sanballat, Tobiah, Geshem the Arab, and to the rest of our enemies that I had rebuilt the wall, and that no breach was left in it, although at that time I had not installed the doors in the gates,

Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 6:6 - In it was written: “It is reported among the nations, and [fn]Gashmu says, that you and the Jews intend to rebel; for that reason you are rebuilding the wall. And you are to be their king, according to these reports.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 6:8 - Then I sent a message to him saying, “Nothing like these things that you are saying has been done, but you are inventing them [fn]in your own mind.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 6:9 - For all of them were trying to frighten us, [fn]thinking, “[fn]They will become discouraged with the work and it will not be done.” But now, God, strengthen my hands.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 6:10 -

When I entered the house of Shemaiah the son of Delaiah, son of Mehetabel, who was confined at home, he said, “Let's meet together in the house of God, within the temple, and let's close the doors of the temple, for they are coming to kill you, and they are coming to kill you at night.”

Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 6:12 - Then I realized [fn]that God certainly had not sent him, but he uttered his prophecy against me because Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 6:16 - When all our enemies heard about it, and all the nations surrounding us saw it, they [fn]lost their confidence; for they realized that this work had been accomplished [fn]with the help of our God.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 6:18 - For many in Judah were bound by oath to him because he was the son-in-law of Shecaniah the son of Arah, and his son Jehohanan had married the daughter of Meshullam the son of Berechiah.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 7:2 - then I put Hanani my brother, and Hananiah the commander of the citadel, in charge of Jerusalem, for he was a faithful man and feared God more than many.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 7:63 - And of the priests: the sons of Hobaiah, the sons of Hakkoz, the sons of Barzillai, who took a wife of the daughters of Barzillai, the Gileadite, and was named after them.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 8:5 - Then Ezra opened the book in the sight of all the people, for he was standing above all the people; and when he opened it, all the people stood up.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 8:9 -

Then Nehemiah, who was the [fn]governor, and Ezra the priest and scribe, and the Levites who taught the people said to all the people, “This day is holy to the LORD your God; do not mourn or weep.” For all the people were weeping when they heard the words of the Law.

Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 8:10 - Then he said to them, “Go, eat the festival foods, drink the sweet drinks, and send portions to him who has nothing prepared; for this day is holy to our Lord. Do not be grieved, for the joy of the LORD is your [fn]refuge.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 8:11 - So the Levites silenced all the people, saying, “Be still, for the day is holy; do not be grieved.”
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 8:12 - Then all the people went away to eat, drink, to send portions, and to [fn]celebrate a great feast, because they understood the words which had been made known to them.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 8:17 - The entire assembly of those who had returned from the captivity made booths and lived in the booths. Indeed, the sons of Israel had not done so since the days of Joshua the son of Nun to that day. And there was very great rejoicing.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 9:8 -

“You found his heart faithful before You,

And made a covenant with him

To give him the land of the Canaanite,

Of the Hittite and the Amorite,

Of the Perizzite, the Jebusite, and the Girgashite

To give it to his [fn]descendants.

And You have fulfilled Your [fn]promise,

Because You are righteous.

Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 9:10 -

“Then You performed signs and wonders against Pharaoh,

Against all his servants and all the people of his land;

For You knew that they acted arrogantly toward them,

And You made a name for Yourself as it is this day.

Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 9:31 -

“Nevertheless, in Your great compassion You did not make an end of them or abandon them,

For You are a gracious and compassionate God.

Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 9:33 -

“However, You are righteous in everything that has happened to us;

For You have dealt faithfully, but we have acted wickedly.

Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 10:39 - For the sons of Israel and the sons of Levi shall bring the contribution of the grain, the new wine, and the oil to the chambers; the utensils of the sanctuary, the priests who are ministering, the gatekeepers, and the singers are there. So we will not [fn]neglect the house of our God.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 11:23 - For there was a commandment from the king concerning them and a royal command for the singers day by day.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 12:29 - from Beth-gilgal and from their fields in Geba and Azmaveth, because the singers had built themselves villages around Jerusalem.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 12:43 - and on that day they offered great sacrifices and rejoiced because God had given them great joy, and the women and children rejoiced as well, so that the joy of Jerusalem was heard from far away.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 12:44 -

On that day men were also appointed over the chambers for the supplies, the contributions, the first fruits, and the tithes, to gather into them from the fields of the cities the portions required by the Law for the priests and Levites; for Judah rejoiced over the priests and the Levites who [fn]served.

Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 12:46 - For in the days of David and Asaph, in ancient times, there were [fn]leaders of the singers, songs of praise and songs of thanksgiving to God.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 13:2 - because they did not meet the sons of Israel with bread and water, but hired Balaam against them to curse them. However, our God turned the curse into a blessing.
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 13:6 - But during all this time I was not in Jerusalem, for in the thirty-second year of Artaxerxes king of Babylon I had come to the king. After some time, however, I requested a leave of absence from the king,
Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 13:10 -

I also [fn]discovered that the portions of the Levites had not been given to them, so the Levites and the singers who performed the service had [fn]gone away, each to his own field.

Unchecked Copy BoxNeh 13:13 - To be in charge of the storehouses, I appointed Shelemiah the priest, Zadok the scribe, and Pedaiah from the Levites, and in addition to them was Hanan the son of Zaccur, the son of Mattaniah; for they were considered reliable, and it was [fn]their task to distribute to their kinsmen.
Unchecked Copy BoxEst 1:11 - to bring Queen Vashti before the king with her royal turban in order to display her beauty to the people and the officials, for she was beautiful.
Unchecked Copy BoxEst 1:15 - “According to law, what is to be done with Queen Vashti, since she did not [fn]obey the command of King Ahasuerus [fn]delivered by the eunuchs?”
Unchecked Copy BoxEst 2:21 - In those days, while Mordecai was sitting at the king's gate, Bigthan and Teresh, two of the king's officials from those who guarded the door, became angry and sought to [fn]attack King Ahasuerus.
Unchecked Copy BoxEst 3:4 - Now it was when they had spoken daily to him and he would not listen to them, that they told Haman to see whether Mordecai's reason would [fn]stand; for he had told them that he was a Jew.
Unchecked Copy BoxEst 3:5 - When Haman saw that Mordecai neither bowed down nor paid [fn]homage to him, Haman was filled with rage.
Unchecked Copy BoxEst 4:10 - Then Esther spoke to Hathach and ordered him to reply to Mordecai:
Unchecked Copy BoxEst 4:11 - “All the king's servants and the people of the king's provinces know that for any man or woman who comes to the king in the inner courtyard, who is not summoned, he has only one law, that he be put to death, unless the king holds out to him the golden scepter so that he may live. And I have not been summoned to come to the king for these thirty days.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEst 4:13 -

Then Mordecai told them to reply to Esther, “Do not imagine that you in the king's palace can escape any more than all the other Jews.

Unchecked Copy BoxEst 4:14 - “For if you keep silent at this time, liberation and rescue will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father's house will perish. And who knows whether you have not attained royalty for such a time as this?”
Unchecked Copy BoxEst 5:1 -

Now it came about on the third day that Esther put on her royal robes and stood in the inner courtyard of the king's palace in front of the king's [fn]rooms, and the king was sitting on his royal throne in the [fn]throne room, opposite the entrance to the palace.

Unchecked Copy BoxEst 5:2 - When the king saw Esther the queen standing in the courtyard, she obtained favor in his sight; and the king extended to Esther the golden scepter which was in his hand. So Esther approached and touched the top of the scepter.
Unchecked Copy BoxEst 6:13 - And Haman informed Zeresh his wife and all his friends of everything that had happened to him. Then his wise men and Zeresh his wife said to him, “If Mordecai, before whom you have begun to fall, is [fn]of Jewish origin, you will not prevail over him, but will certainly fall before him.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEst 8:1 -

On that day King Ahasuerus gave the house of Haman, the enemy of the Jews, to Queen Esther; and Mordecai came before the king, because Esther had disclosed what he was to her.

Unchecked Copy BoxEst 8:7 - So King Ahasuerus said to Queen Esther and to Mordecai the Jew, “Behold, I have given the house of Haman to Esther, and they have hanged him on the wooden gallows because he had reached out with his hand against the Jews.
Unchecked Copy BoxEst 9:26 - Therefore they called these days Purim after the name of [fn]Pur. [fn]And because of the instructions in this letter, both what they had seen in this regard and what had happened to them,
Unchecked Copy BoxJob 1:8 - The LORD said to Satan, “Have you [fn]considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, [fn]fearing God and turning away from evil.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJob 2:3 - The LORD said to Satan, “Have you [fn]considered My servant Job? For there is no one like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man [fn]fearing God and turning away from evil. And he still holds firm to his integrity, although you incited Me against him to [fn]ruin him without cause.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJob 3:10 -

Because it did not shut the opening of my mother's womb,

Or hide trouble from my eyes.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 5:24 -

“You will know that your tent is secure,

For you will visit your home and [fn]have nothing missing.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 5:25 -

“You will also know that your [fn]descendants will be many,

And your offspring as the grass of the earth.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 6:11 -

“What is my strength, that I should wait?

And what is my end, that I should [fn]endure?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 6:27 -

“You would even cast lots for the orphans,

And barter over your friend.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 7:7 -

“Remember that my life is a mere breath;

My eye will not see goodness again.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 7:12 -

“Am I the sea, or the sea monster,

That You set a guard over me?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 7:13 -

“If I say, ‘My couch will comfort me,

My bed will [fn]ease my complaint,'

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 7:17 -

“What is man that You exalt him,

And that You [fn]are concerned about him,

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 8:19 -

“Behold, this is the joy of His way;

And out of the dust others will spring.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 9:2 -

“In truth I know that this is so;

But how can a person be in the right with God?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 9:16 -

“If I called and He answered me,

I could not believe that He was listening to my voice.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 9:19 -

“If it is a matter of power, behold, He is the strong one!

And if it is a matter of justice, who can summon [fn]Him?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 9:21 -

“I am guiltless;

I do not take notice of myself;

I reject my life.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 9:23 -

“If the whip kills suddenly,

He mocks the despair of the innocent.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 9:28 -

I am afraid of all my pains,

I know that You will not acquit me.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 10:3 -

‘Is it [fn]right for You indeed to oppress,

To reject the work of Your hands,

And [fn]to look favorably on the plan of the wicked?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 10:6 -

That You should search for my guilt

And carefully seek my sin?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 10:7 -

‘According to Your knowledge I am indeed not guilty,

Yet there is no one to save me from Your hand.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 10:9 -

‘Remember that You have made me as clay;

Yet would You turn me into dust again?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 10:13 -

‘Yet You have concealed these things in Your heart;

I know that this is within You:

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 11:4 -

“For you have said, ‘My teaching is pure,

And I am innocent in your eyes.'

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 11:6 -

And show you the secrets of wisdom!

For sound wisdom [fn]has two sides.

Know then that God [fn]forgets part of your guilt.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 11:18 -

“Then you would trust, because there is hope;

And you would look around and rest securely.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 12:9 -

“Who among all these does not know

That the hand of the LORD has done this,

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 13:18 -

“Behold now, I have prepared my case;

I know that I will be vindicated.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 13:19 -

“Who could contend with me?

For then I would be silent and die.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 13:26 -

“For You write bitter things against me

And make me inherit the guilty deeds of my youth.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 15:13 -

That you can turn your spirit against God

And produce such words from your mouth?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 15:14 -

“What is man, that he would be pure,

Or he who is born of a woman, that he would be righteous?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 15:23 -

“He wanders about for food, saying, ‘Where is it?'

He knows that a day of darkness is [fn]at hand.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 15:25 -

Because he has reached out with his hand against God,

And is arrogant toward [fn]the Almighty.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 15:27 -

“For he has covered his face with his fat,

And [fn]put fat on his waist.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 15:31 -

“Let him not trust in emptiness, deceiving himself;

For his [fn]reward will be emptiness.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 16:3 -

“Is there no end to windy words?

Or what provokes you that you answer?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 17:4 -

“For You have [fn]kept their hearts away from understanding;

Therefore You will not exalt them.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 19:3 -

“These ten times you have insulted me;

You are not ashamed to wrong me.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 19:5 -

“If indeed you exalt yourselves against me

And prove my disgrace to me,

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 19:6 -

Know then that God has wronged me

And has surrounded me with His net.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 19:25 -

“Yet as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives,

And at the last, He will take His stand on the [fn]earth.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 21:15 -

[fn]Who is [fn]the Almighty, that we should serve Him,

And what would we gain if we plead with Him?'

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 21:21 -

“For what does he care about his household [fn]after him,

When the number of his months is at an end?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 21:27 -

“Behold, I know your thoughts,

And the plots you devise against me.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 21:28 -

“For you say, ‘Where is the house of the nobleman,

And where is the tent, the dwelling places of the wicked?'

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 21:30 -

“For the wicked person is spared [fn]a day of disaster;

They [fn]are led away from a day of fury.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 22:3 -

“Is it any pleasure to [fn]the Almighty if you are righteous,

Or gain if you make your ways blameless?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 22:29 -

“When [fn]they have brought you low, you will speak with [fn]confidence,

And He will save the [fn]humble person.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 23:2 -

“Even today my complaint is rebellion;

[fn]His hand is heavy despite my groaning.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 23:3 -

“Oh that I knew how to find Him,

That I might come to His home!

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 23:17 -

But I am not destroyed by darkness,

Nor by deep gloom which covers me.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 24:17 -

“For the morning is the same to him as thick darkness,

For he is familiar with the terrors of thick darkness.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 25:3 -

“Is there any number to His troops?

And upon whom does His light not rise?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 27:8 -

“For what is the hope of the godless when he makes an end of life,

When God requires his [fn]life?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 27:12 -

“Behold, all of you have seen it;

Why then do you talk of nothing?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 29:11 -

“For when an ear heard, it called me blessed,

And when an eye saw, it testified in support of me,

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 30:23 -

“For I know that You will bring me to death,

And to the house of meeting for all living.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 31:18 -

(But from my youth he grew up with me as with a father,

And from [fn]my infancy I guided her),

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 31:21 -

If I have lifted up my hand against the orphan,

Because I saw [fn]I had support in the gate,

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 31:28 -

That too would have been a guilty deed calling for [fn]judgment,

For I would have denied God above.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 32:4 - Now Elihu had waited [fn]to speak to Job because they were years older than he.
Unchecked Copy BoxJob 32:5 - But when Elihu saw that there was no answer in the mouth of the three men, his anger burned.
Unchecked Copy BoxJob 32:7 -

“I [fn]thought [fn]age should speak,

And [fn]increased years should teach wisdom.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 32:16 -

“Should I wait, because they are not speaking,

Because they have [fn]stopped and no longer answer?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 34:3 -

“For the ear tests words

As the palate tastes food.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 34:5 -

“For Job has said, ‘I am righteous,

But God has taken away my right;

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 34:9 -

“For he has said, ‘It is of no use to a man

When he becomes friends with God.'

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 34:23 -

“For He does not need to consider a person further,

That he should go before God in judgment.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 34:27 -

Because they turned aside from following Him,

And had no regard for any of His ways,

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 34:31 -

“For has anyone said to God,

‘I have endured punishment;

I will not offend anymore;

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 34:33 -

“Shall God repay on your terms, because you have rejected His?

For you must choose, and not I;

Therefore declare what you know.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 35:2 -

“Do you think this is in accordance with justice?

Do you say, ‘My righteousness is more than God's'?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 35:15 -

“And now, because He has not avenged His anger,

Nor has He acknowledged [fn]wrongdoing well,

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 36:5 -

“Behold, God is mighty but does not reject anyone;

He is mighty in strength of understanding.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 36:9 -

Then He declares to them their work

And their wrongdoings, that they have been arrogant.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 36:10 -

“He opens their ears to instruction,

And commands that they return from injustice.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 36:13 -

“But the godless in heart nurture anger;

They do not call for help when He binds them.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 36:24 -

“Remember that you are to exalt His work,

Of which people have sung.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 37:4 -

“After it, a voice roars;

He thunders with His majestic voice,

And He does not restrain [fn]the lightning when His voice is heard.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 37:15 -

“Do you know how God establishes them,

And makes the [fn]lightning of His clouds to shine?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 38:21 -

“You know, for you were born then,

And the number of your days is great!

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 39:11 -

“Will you trust him because his strength is great,

And leave your labor to him?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 39:12 -

“Will you have faith in him that he will return your [fn]grain

And gather it from your threshing floor?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 39:14 -

For she abandons her eggs to the earth

And warms them in the dust,

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 39:15 -

And she forgets that a foot may crush [fn]them,

Or that a wild animal may trample [fn]them.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 39:17 -

Because God has made her forget wisdom,

And has not given her a share of understanding.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 40:14 -

“Then I will also [fn]confess to you,

That your own right hand can save you.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 40:23 -

“If a river [fn]rages, he is not alarmed;

He is confident, though the Jordan rushes to his mouth.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 41:10 -

“No one is so reckless that he dares to stir him;

Who then is he who opposes Me?

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 42:2 -

“I know that You can do all things,

And that no plan is impossible for You.

Unchecked Copy BoxJob 42:8 - “Now therefore, take for yourselves seven bulls and seven rams, and go to My servant Job, and offer up a burnt offering for yourselves, and My servant Job will pray for you. For I will [fn]accept him so as not to do with you as your foolishness deserves, because you have not spoken of Me what is trustworthy, as My servant Job has.
Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 1:6 -

For the LORD [fn]knows the way of the righteous,

But the way of the wicked will perish.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 3:5 -

[fn]I lay down and slept;

I awoke, for the LORD sustains me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 3:7 -

Arise, LORD; save me, my God!

For You [fn]have struck all my enemies on the [fn]cheek;

You [fn]have shattered the teeth of the wicked.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 4:3 -

But know that the LORD has [fn]set apart the godly person for Himself;

The LORD hears when I call to Him.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 4:8 -

In peace I will [fn]both lie down and sleep,

For You alone, LORD, have me dwell in safety.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 5:2 -

Listen to the sound of my cry for help, my King and my God,

For to You I pray.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 5:4 -

For You are not a God who takes pleasure in wickedness;

No evil can dwell with You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 5:9 -

For there is nothing [fn]trustworthy in [fn]their mouth;

Their inward part is destruction itself.

Their throat is an open grave;

They [fn]flatter with their tongue.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 5:10 -

Make them pay, God;

Have them fall by their own schemes!

Scatter them in the multitude of their wrongdoings,

For they are rebellious against You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 5:12 -

For You bless the righteous person, LORD,

You surround him with favor as with a shield.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 6:2 -

Be gracious to me, LORD, for I am frail;

Heal me, LORD, for my bones are horrified.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 6:5 -

For there is no [fn]mention of You in death;

In [fn]Sheol, who will praise You?

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 6:8 -

Leave me, all you who practice injustice,

For the LORD has heard the sound of my weeping.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 8:1 -

For the music director; on the Gittith. A Psalm of David.

LORD, our Lord,

How majestic is Your name in all the earth,

You who have [fn]displayed Your splendor above the heavens!

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 8:3 -

When I [fn]consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,

The moon and the stars, which You have set in place;

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 8:4 -

What is man that You think of him,

And a son of man that You are concerned about him?

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 9:4 -

For You have maintained [fn]my just cause;

You have sat on the throne [fn]judging righteously.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 9:10 -

And [fn]those who know Your name will put their trust in You,

For You, LORD, have not abandoned those who seek You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 9:12 -

For He who [fn]requires blood remembers them;

He does not forget the cry of the needy.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 9:18 -

For the needy will not always be forgotten,

Nor the hope of the afflicted perish forever.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 9:20 -

Put them in fear, LORD;

Let the nations know that they are merely human. Selah

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 10:3 -

For the wicked boasts of his soul's desire,

And [fn]the greedy person curses and shows disrespect to the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 10:14 -

You have seen it, for You have looked at harm and provocation to [fn]take it into Your hand.

The [fn]unfortunate commits himself to You;

You have been the helper of the orphan.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 11:2 -

“For, behold, the wicked bend the bow,

They have [fn]set their arrow on the string

To shoot in darkness at the upright in heart.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 11:3 -

“If the foundations are destroyed,

What can the righteous do?”

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 11:7 -

For the LORD is righteous, He loves [fn]righteousness;

The upright will see His face.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 12:1 -

For the music director; [fn]upon an eight-stringed lyre. A Psalm of David.

Help, LORD, for the godly person has come to an end,

For the faithful have disappeared from the sons of mankind.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 14:5 -

There they are in great dread,

For God is with a righteous generation.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 14:6 -

You would put to shame the plan of the poor,

But the LORD is his refuge.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 16:1 -

A [fn]Mikhtam of David.

Protect me, God, for I take refuge in You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 16:2 -

[fn]I said to the LORD, “You are [fn]my Lord;

I have nothing good besides You.”

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 16:8 -

I have set the LORD continually before me;

Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 16:10 -

For You will not abandon my soul to [fn]Sheol;

You will not [fn]allow Your [fn]Holy One to [fn]undergo decay.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 17:6 -

I have called upon You, for You will answer me, God;

Incline Your ear to me, hear my speech.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 18:7 -

Then the earth shook and quaked;

And the foundations of the mountains were trembling

And were shaken, because He was angry.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 18:17 -

He saved me from my strong enemy,

And from those who hated me, for they were too mighty for me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 18:19 -

He also brought me out into an open place;

He rescued me, because He delighted in me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 18:21 -

For I have kept the ways of the LORD,

And have not acted wickedly against my God.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 18:22 -

For all His judgments were before me,

And I did not put away His statutes from me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 18:27 -

For You save an afflicted people,

But You humiliate haughty eyes.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 18:28 -

For You light my lamp;

The LORD my God illumines my darkness.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 18:29 -

For by You I can run at a [fn]troop of warriors;

And by my God I can leap over a wall.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 18:31 -

For who is God, but the LORD?

And who is a rock, except our God,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 20:6 -

Now I know that the LORD saves His anointed;

He will answer him from His holy heaven

With the [fn]saving strength of His right hand.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 21:3 -

For You meet him with the blessings of good things;

You set a crown of pure gold on his head.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 21:6 -

For You make him [fn]most blessed forever;

You make him joyful with the joy of Your presence.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 21:7 -

For the king trusts in the LORD,

And through the faithfulness of the Most High he will not be shaken.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 21:11 -

Though they [fn]intended evil against You

And devised a plot,

They will not succeed.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 21:12 -

For You will make them turn their back;

You will take aim at their faces with Your bowstrings.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 22:8 -

[fn]Turn [fn]him over to the LORD; let Him save him;

Let Him rescue him, because He delights in him.”

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 22:9 -

Yet You are He who brought me forth from the womb;

You made me trust when upon my mother's breasts.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 22:11 -

Do not be far from me, for [fn]trouble is near;

For there is no one to help.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 22:16 -

For dogs have surrounded me;

[fn]A band of evildoers has encompassed me;

[fn]They pierced my hands and my feet.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 22:24 -

For He has not despised nor scorned the suffering of the afflicted;

Nor has He hidden His face from him;

But when he cried to Him for help, He heard.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 22:28 -

For the kingdom is the LORD'S

And He rules over the nations.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 22:31 -

They will come and will declare His righteousness

To a people who will be born, that He has performed it.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 23:4 -

Even though I walk through the [fn]valley of the shadow of death,

I fear no [fn]evil, for You are with me;

Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 25:5 -

Lead me in Your truth and teach me,

For You are the God of my salvation;

For You I wait all the day.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 25:6 -

Remember, LORD, Your compassion and Your faithfulness,

For they have been [fn]from of old.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 25:15 -

My eyes are continually toward the LORD,

For He will [fn]rescue my feet from the net.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 25:16 -

Turn to me and be gracious to me,

For I am lonely and afflicted.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 25:19 -

Look at my enemies, for they are many,

And they hate me with violent hatred.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 25:20 -

Guard my soul and save me;

Do not let me be ashamed, for I take refuge in You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 25:21 -

Let integrity and uprightness protect me,

For I wait for You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 26:1 -

A Psalm of David.

[fn]Vindicate me, LORD, for I have walked in my integrity,

And I have trusted in the LORD [fn]without wavering.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 26:3 -

For Your [fn]goodness is before my eyes,

And I have walked in Your truth.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 27:5 -

For on the day of trouble He will conceal me in His [fn]tabernacle;

He will hide me in the secret place of His tent;

He will lift me up on a rock.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 27:10 -

[fn]For my father and my mother have forsaken me,

But the LORD will take me up.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 27:12 -

Do not turn me over to the [fn]desire of my enemies,

For false witnesses have risen against me,

And the violent witness.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 28:5 -

Because they do not regard the works of the LORD

Nor the deeds of His hands,

He will tear them down and not build them up.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 28:6 -

Blessed be the LORD,

Because He has heard the sound of my pleading.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 30:1 -

A Psalm; a Song at the Dedication of the House. A Psalm of David.

I will exalt You, LORD, for You have lifted me up,

And have not let my enemies rejoice over me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 30:5 -

For His anger is but for a moment,

His favor is for a lifetime;

Weeping may last for the night,

But a shout of joy comes in the morning.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 31:3 -

For You are my rock and my fortress;

For the sake of Your name You will lead me and guide me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 31:4 -

You will pull me out of the net which they have secretly laid for me,

For You are my strength.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 31:7 -

I will rejoice and be glad in Your faithfulness,

Because You have seen my misery;

You have known the troubles of my soul,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 31:9 -

Be gracious to me, LORD, for I am in distress;

My eye is wasted away from grief, my soul and my body too.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 31:10 -

For my life is spent with sorrow

And my years with sighing;

My strength has failed because of my guilt,

And my [fn]body has wasted away.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 31:13 -

For I have heard the [fn]slander of many,

Terror is on every side;

While they took counsel together against me,

They schemed to take away my life.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 31:17 -

Let me not be put to shame, LORD, for I call upon You;

Let the wicked be put to shame, let them be silent in [fn]Sheol.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 31:21 -

Blessed be the LORD,

For He has shown His marvelous faithfulness to me in a besieged city.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 31:23 -

Love the LORD, all His godly ones!

The LORD watches over the faithful

But fully repays the one who acts arrogantly.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 32:3 -

When I kept silent about my sin, my [fn]body wasted away

Through my [fn]groaning all day long.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 32:4 -

For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me;

My [fn]vitality failed as with the dry heat of summer. Selah

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 33:4 -

For the word of the LORD is right,

And all His work is done in faithfulness.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 33:9 -

For He spoke, and it was done;

He commanded, and it [fn]stood firm.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 33:20 -

Our soul waits for the LORD;

He is our help and our shield.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 33:21 -

For our heart rejoices in Him,

Because we trust in His holy name.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 34:8 -

Taste and see that the LORD is good;

How blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him!

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 34:9 -

Fear the LORD, you His saints;

For to those who fear Him there is no lack of anything.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 35:7 -

For they hid their net for me without cause;

Without cause they dug a pit for my soul.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 35:20 -

For they do not speak peace,

But they devise deceitful words against those who are quiet in the land.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 36:2 -

For it flatters him in his own eyes

Concerning the discovery of his wrongful deed and the hatred of it.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 36:9 -

For the fountain of life is with You;

In Your light we see light.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 37:2 -

For they will wither quickly like the grass,

And decay like the green plants.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 37:9 -

For evildoers will be eliminated,

But those who wait for the LORD, they will inherit the land.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 37:13 -

The Lord laughs at him,

For He sees that his day is coming.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 37:17 -

For the arms of the wicked will be broken,

But the LORD sustains the righteous.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 37:20 -

But the wicked will perish;

And the enemies of the LORD will be like the [fn]glory of the pastures,

They vanish—like smoke they vanish away.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 37:22 -

For those blessed by Him will inherit the land,

But those cursed by Him will be eliminated.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 37:24 -

When he falls, he will not be hurled down,

Because the LORD is the One [fn]who holds his hand.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 37:28 -

For the LORD loves [fn]justice

And does not abandon His godly ones;

They are protected forever,

But the [fn]descendants of the wicked will be eliminated.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 37:37 -

Observe the [fn]blameless person, and look at the upright;

For the person of peace will have a future.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 37:40 -

The LORD helps them and rescues them;

He rescues them from the wicked and saves them,

Because they take refuge in Him.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 38:2 -

For Your arrows have sunk deep into me,

And Your hand has pressed down on me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 38:4 -

For my guilty deeds have gone over my head;

Like a heavy burden they weigh too much for me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 38:7 -

For my [fn]sides are filled with burning,

And there is no healthy part in my flesh.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 38:15 -

For I wait for You, LORD;

You will answer, Lord my God.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 38:16 -

For I said, “May they not rejoice over me,

Who, when my foot slips, would exalt themselves over me.”

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 38:17 -

For I am ready to fall,

And my [fn]sorrow is continually before me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 38:18 -

For I admit my guilt;

I am full of anxiety because of my sin.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 39:9 -

“I have become mute, I do not open my mouth,

Because it is You who have done it.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 39:12 -

“Hear my prayer, LORD, and listen to my cry for help;

Do not be silent to my tears;

For I am a stranger with You,

One who lives abroad, like all my fathers.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 40:12 -

For evils beyond number have surrounded me;

My guilty deeds have overtaken me, so that I am not able to see;

They are more numerous than the hairs of my head,

And my heart has [fn]failed me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 41:4 -

As for me, I said, “LORD, be gracious to me;

Heal my soul, for I have sinned against You.”

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 41:11 -

By this I know that You are pleased with me,

Because my enemy does not shout in triumph over me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 42:4 -

I remember these things and pour out my soul within me.

For I used to go over with the multitude and walk them to the house of God,

With a voice of joy and thanksgiving, a multitude celebrating a festival.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 42:5 -

Why are you [fn]in despair, my soul?

And why are you restless within me?

Wait for God, for I will [fn]again praise [fn]Him

For the [fn]help of His [fn]presence, my God.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 42:11 -

Why are you [fn]in despair, my soul?

And why are you restless within me?

Wait for God, for I will again praise [fn]Him

For the [fn]help of His presence, my God.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 43:2 -

For You are the God of my strength; why have You rejected me?

Why do I go about mourning [fn]because of the oppression of the enemy?

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 43:5 -

Why are you [fn]in despair, my soul?

And why are you restless within me?

Wait for God, for I will [fn]again praise [fn]Him

For the [fn]help of His presence, my God.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 44:3 -

For by their own sword they did not possess the land,

And their own arm did not save them,

But Your right hand and Your arm and the light of Your presence,

For You favored them.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 44:19 -

Yet You have crushed us in a place of jackals

And covered us with [fn]deep darkness.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 44:22 -

But for Your sake we are killed all day long;

We are regarded as sheep to be slaughtered.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 44:25 -

For our souls have sunk down into the dust;

Our bodies cling to the earth.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 45:11 -

Then the King will crave your beauty.

Because He is your Lord, bow down to Him.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 46:10 -

[fn]Stop striving and know that I am God;

I will be exalted among the [fn]nations, I will be exalted on the earth.”

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 47:2 -

For the LORD Most High is to be feared,

A great King over all the earth.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 47:7 -

For God is the King of all the earth;

Sing praises with a psalm of wisdom.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 47:9 -

The [fn]princes of the people have assembled as the people of the God of Abraham,

For the shields of the earth belong to God;

He is highly exalted.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 48:4 -

For, behold, the kings arrived,

They passed by together.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 48:14 -

For [fn]such is God,

Our God forever and ever;

He will lead us [fn]until death.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 49:9 -

That he might live on eternally,

That he might not [fn]undergo decay.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 49:17 -

For when he dies, he will take nothing with him;

His [fn]wealth will not descend after him.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 49:18 -

Though while he lives he congratulates [fn]himself

And though people praise you when you do well for yourself—

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 50:6 -

And the heavens declare His righteousness,

For God Himself is judge. Selah

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 50:10 -

“For every animal of the forest is Mine,

The cattle on a thousand hills.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 50:21 -

“These things you have done and I kept silent;

You thought that I was just like you;

I will rebuke you and present the case before your eyes.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 51:3 -

For I know my wrongdoings,

And my sin is constantly before me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 51:16 -

For You do not delight in sacrifice, otherwise I would give it;

You do not take pleasure in burnt offering.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 52:9 -

I will praise You forever, because You have done it,

And I will wait on Your name, for it is good, in the presence of Your godly ones.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 53:5 -

They were in great [fn]fear there, where no [fn]fear had been;

For God scattered the bones of [fn]him who encamped against you;

You put them to shame, because God had rejected them.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 54:3 -

For strangers have risen against me

And violent men have sought my [fn]life;

They have not set God before them. Selah

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 54:6 -

[fn]Willingly I will sacrifice to You;

I will praise Your name, LORD, for it is good.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 54:7 -

For [fn]He has saved me from all [fn]trouble,

And my eye has looked with satisfaction upon my enemies.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 55:3 -

Because of the voice of the enemy,

Because of the pressure of the wicked;

For they bring down [fn]trouble upon me

And in anger they hold a grudge against me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 55:9 -

Confuse them, Lord, divide their tongues,

For I have seen violence and strife in the city.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 55:12 -

For it is not an enemy who taunts me,

Then I could endure it;

Nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me,

Then I could hide myself from him.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 55:15 -

May [fn]death come deceitfully upon them;

May they go down alive to [fn]Sheol,

For evil is in their dwelling, in their midst.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 55:18 -

He will redeem my soul in peace [fn]from the battle which is against me,

For they are many who are aggressive toward me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 56:1 -

For the music director; according to [fn]Jonath elem rehokim. A [fn]Mikhtam of David, [fn]when the Philistines seized him in Gath.

Be gracious to me, God, for a man has [fn]trampled upon me;

[fn]Fighting all day long he oppresses me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 56:2 -

My enemies have trampled upon me all day long,

For [fn]they are many who fight proudly against me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 56:9 -

Then my enemies will turn back on the day when I call;

This I know, [fn]that God is for me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 56:13 -

For You have saved my soul from death,

[fn]Indeed my feet from stumbling,

So that I may walk before God

In the light of the [fn]living.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 57:1 -

For the music director; set to [fn]Al-tashheth. A [fn]Mikhtam of David, [fn]when he fled from Saul in the cave.

Be gracious to me, God, be gracious to me,

For my soul takes refuge in You;

And in the shadow of Your wings I will take refuge

Until destruction passes by.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 57:10 -

For Your goodness is great to the heavens

And Your [fn]truth to the clouds.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 59:3 -

For behold, they have [fn]set an ambush for my [fn]life;

[fn]Fierce men attack me,

Not for my wrongdoing nor for my sin, LORD,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 59:7 -

Behold, they gush forth with their mouths;

Swords are in their lips,

For, they say, “Who hears?”

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 59:9 -

Because of [fn]his strength I will watch for You,

For God is my refuge.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 59:13 -

[fn]Destroy them in wrath, [fn]destroy them so that they will no longer exist;

So that people may know that God [fn]rules in Jacob,

To the ends of the earth. Selah

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 59:16 -

But as for me, I will sing of Your strength;

Yes, I will joyfully sing of Your faithfulness in the morning,

For You have been my refuge

And a place of refuge on the day of my distress.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 59:17 -

My strength, I will sing praises to You;

For God is my refuge, the [fn]God who shows me favor.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 60:2 -

You have made the [fn]land quake, You have split it open;

Heal its cracks, for it sways.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 61:3 -

For You have been a refuge for me,

A tower of strength against the enemy.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 61:5 -

For You have heard my vows, God;

You have given me the inheritance of those who fear Your name.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 62:5 -

My soul, wait in silence for God alone,

For my hope is from Him.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 62:6 -

He alone is my rock and my salvation,

My refuge; I will not be shaken.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 62:12 -

And faithfulness is Yours, Lord,

For You reward a person according to his work.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 63:3 -

Because Your [fn]favor is better than life,

My lips will praise You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 63:7 -

For You have been my help,

And in the shadow of Your wings I sing for joy.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 63:11 -

But the king will rejoice in God;

Everyone who swears by Him will boast,

For the mouths of those who speak lies will be stopped.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 65:9 -

You visit the earth and cause it to overflow;

You greatly enrich it;

The [fn]stream of God is full of water;

You prepare their grain, for so You prepare [fn]the earth.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 66:10 -

For You have put us to the test, God;

You have refined us as silver is refined.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 67:4 -

May the nations be glad and sing for joy;

For You will judge the peoples with fairness

And guide the nations on the earth. Selah

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 69:1 -

For the music director; according to [fn]Shoshannim. A Psalm of David.

Save me, God,

For the waters have [fn]threatened my life.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 69:7 -

Because for Your sake I have endured disgrace;

Dishonor has covered my face.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 69:9 -

For zeal for Your house has consumed me,

And the taunts of those who taunt You have fallen on me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 69:16 -

Answer me, LORD, for Your mercy is good;

According to the greatness of Your compassion, turn to me,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 69:17 -

And do not hide Your face from Your servant,

For I am in distress; answer me quickly.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 69:26 -

For they have persecuted him whom You Yourself struck,

And they tell of the pain of those whom You have [fn]wounded.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 69:33 -

For the LORD hears the needy,

And does not despise those of His who are prisoners.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 69:35 -

For God will save Zion and build the cities of Judah,

So that they may live there and possess it.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 71:3 -

Be to me a rock of dwelling to which I may continually come;

You have given the commandment to save me,

For You are my rock and my fortress.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 71:5 -

For You are my hope;

Lord [fn]GOD, You are my confidence from my youth.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 71:10 -

For my enemies have spoken [fn]against me;

And those who watch for my [fn]life have consulted together,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 71:11 -

Saying, “God has abandoned him;

Pursue and seize him, for there is no one to save him.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 71:15 -

My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness

And of Your salvation all day long;

For I do not know the art of writing.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 72:12 -

For he will save the needy when he cries for help,

The [fn]afflicted also, and him who has no helper.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 73:3 -

For I was envious of the [fn]arrogant

As I saw the prosperity of the wicked.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 73:4 -

For there are no pains in their death,

And their belly is fat.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 73:21 -

When my heart was embittered

And I was pierced [fn]within,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 73:27 -

For, behold, those who are far from You will perish;

You have destroyed all those who [fn]are unfaithful to You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 74:20 -

Consider the covenant;

For the dark places of the land are full of the places of violence.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 75:6 -

For not from the east, nor from the west,

Nor from the [fn]desert comes exaltation;

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 75:7 -

But God is the Judge;

He puts down one and exalts another.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 75:8 -

For a cup is in the hand of the LORD, and the wine foams;

It is [fn]well mixed, and He pours out of this;

Certainly all the wicked of the earth must drain and drink its dregs.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 76:10 -

For the [fn]wrath of mankind shall praise You;

You will encircle Yourself with a remnant of wrath.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 77:11 -

I shall remember the deeds of [fn]the LORD;

I will certainly remember Your wonders of old.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 78:22 -

Because they did not believe in God

And did not trust in His salvation.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 78:35 -

And they remembered that God was their rock,

And the Most High God their Redeemer.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 78:39 -

So He remembered that they were only flesh,

A [fn]wind that passes and does not return.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 79:7 -

For they have devoured Jacob

And laid waste his [fn]settlement.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 79:8 -

Do not [fn]hold us responsible for [fn]the guilty deeds of our forefathers;

Let Your compassion come quickly to meet us,

For we have become very low.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 81:4 -

For it is a statute for Israel,

An ordinance of the God of Jacob.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 82:8 -

Arise, God, judge the earth!

For You possess all the nations.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 83:2 -

For behold, Your enemies make an uproar,

And those who hate You have [fn]exalted themselves.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 83:5 -

For they have [fn]conspired together with one mind;

They make a covenant against You:

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 83:18 -

So that they will know that You alone, whose name is the LORD,

Are the Most High over all the earth.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 84:10 -

For a day in Your courtyards is better than a thousand elsewhere.

I would rather stand at the threshold of the house of my God

Than live in the tents of wickedness.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 84:11 -

For the LORD God is a sun and shield;

The LORD gives grace and glory;

He withholds no good thing [fn]from those who walk with integrity.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 85:8 -

[fn]I will hear what God the LORD will say;

For He will speak peace to His people, to His godly ones;

And may they not turn back to [fn]foolishness.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 86:1 -

A Prayer of David.

Incline Your ear, LORD, and answer me;

For I am afflicted and needy.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 86:2 -

Protect my [fn]soul, for I am godly;

You my God, save Your servant who trusts in You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 86:3 -

Be gracious to me, Lord,

For I call upon You all day long.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 86:4 -

Make the soul of Your servant joyful,

For to You, Lord, I lift up my soul.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 86:5 -

For You, Lord, are good, and ready to forgive,

And abundant in mercy to all who call upon You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 86:7 -

On the day of my trouble I will call upon You,

For You will answer me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 86:10 -

For You are great, and You do [fn]wondrous deeds;

You alone are God.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 86:13 -

For Your graciousness toward me is great,

And You have saved my soul from the [fn]depths of [fn]Sheol.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 86:17 -

Show me a sign of good,

That those who hate me may see it and be ashamed,

Because You, LORD, have helped me and comforted me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 88:3 -

For my soul has [fn]had enough troubles,

And my life has approached [fn]Sheol.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 89:2 -

For I have said, “Graciousness will be built up forever;

In the heavens You will establish Your faithfulness.”

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 89:6 -

For who in the skies is comparable to the LORD?

Who among the [fn]sons of the mighty is like the LORD,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 89:17 -

For You are the glory of their strength,

And by Your favor [fn]our horn is exalted.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 89:18 -

For our shield belongs to the LORD,

[fn]And our king to the Holy One of Israel.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 90:4 -

For a thousand years in Your sight

Are like yesterday when it passes by,

[fn]Or like a watch in the night.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 90:7 -

For we have been consumed by Your anger,

And we have been terrified by Your wrath.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 90:9 -

For all our days have dwindled away in Your fury;

We have finished our years like a [fn]sigh.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 90:10 -

As for the days of our [fn]life, [fn]they contain seventy years,

Or if due to strength, eighty years,

Yet their pride is only trouble and tragedy;

For it quickly passes, and we disappear.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 91:3 -

For it is He who rescues you from the net of the trapper

And from the deadly plague.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 91:9 -

[fn]For you have made the LORD, my refuge,

The Most High, your dwelling place.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 91:11 -

For He will give His angels orders concerning you,

To protect you in all your ways.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 91:14 -

“Because he has loved Me, I will save him;

I will set him securely on high, because he has known My name.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 92:4 -

For You, LORD, have made me joyful by [fn]what You have done,

I will sing for joy over the works of Your hands.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 92:9 -

For, behold, Your enemies, LORD,

For, behold, Your enemies will perish;

All who do injustice will be scattered.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 92:15 -

To [fn]declare that the LORD is just;

He is my rock, and there is no malice in Him.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 94:11 -

The LORD knows human thoughts,

[fn]That they are mere breath.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 94:14 -

For the LORD will not abandon His people,

Nor will He abandon His inheritance.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 94:17 -

If the LORD had not been my help,

My soul would soon have dwelt in the land of silence.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 95:3 -

For the LORD is a great God

And a great King above all gods,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 95:4 -

In whose hand are the depths of the earth,

The peaks of the mountains are also His.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 95:5 -

[fn]The sea is His, for it was He who made it,

And His hands formed the dry land.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 95:7 -

For He is our God,

And we are the people of His [fn]pasture and the sheep of His hand.

Today, [fn]if you will hear His voice,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 96:4 -

For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised;

He is to be feared above all gods.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 96:5 -

For all the gods of the peoples are [fn]idols,

But the LORD made the heavens.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 96:13 -

Before the LORD, for He is coming,

For He is coming to judge the earth.

He will judge the world in righteousness,

And the peoples in His faithfulness.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 97:9 -

For You are the LORD Most High over all the earth;

You are exalted far above all [fn]gods.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 98:1 -

A Psalm.

Sing a new song to the LORD,

For He has done wonderful things,

His right hand and His holy arm have [fn]gained the victory for Him.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 98:9 -

Before the LORD, for He is coming to judge the earth;

He will judge the world with righteousness

And the peoples with fairness.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 99:3 -

May they praise Your great and awesome name;

Holy is [fn]He.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 99:5 -

[fn]Exalt the LORD our God

And worship at His footstool;

Holy is He.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 99:9 -

Exalt the LORD our God

And worship at His holy hill,

For the LORD our God is holy.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 100:3 -

Know that the LORD [fn]Himself is God;

It is He who has made us, and [fn]not we ourselves;

We are His people and the sheep of His pasture.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 100:5 -

For the LORD is good;

His mercy is everlasting

And His faithfulness is to all generations.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 102:3 -

For my days have ended in smoke,

And my bones have been scorched like a hearth.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 102:4 -

My heart has been struck like [fn]grass and has withered,

Indeed, I forget to eat my bread.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 102:9 -

For I have eaten ashes like bread,

And mixed my drink with weeping

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 102:10 -

Because of Your indignation and Your wrath;

For You have lifted me up and thrown me away.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 102:13 -

You will arise and have compassion on Zion;

For it is time to be gracious to her,

For the appointed time has come.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 102:14 -

Surely Your servants [fn]take pleasure in her stones,

And feel pity for her dust.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 102:16 -

For the LORD has built up Zion;

He has appeared in His glory.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 102:19 -

For He looked down from His holy height;

From heaven the LORD looked [fn]upon the earth,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 103:11 -

For as high as the heavens are above the earth,

So great is His mercy toward those who [fn]fear Him.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 103:14 -

For He Himself knows [fn]our form;

He is mindful that we are nothing but dust.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 103:16 -

When the wind has passed over it, it is no more,

And its place no longer knows about it.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 105:38 -

Egypt was glad when they departed,

For the dread of them had fallen upon [fn]the Egyptians.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 105:42 -

For He remembered His holy word

With His servant Abraham;

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 106:1 -

[fn]Praise [fn]the LORD!

Oh give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;

For His mercy is everlasting.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 106:33 -

Because they were rebellious against [fn]His Spirit,

He spoke rashly with his lips.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 107:1 -

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good,

For His mercy is everlasting.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 107:9 -

For He has satisfied the [fn]thirsty soul,

And He has filled the hungry soul with what is good.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 107:11 -

Because they had rebelled against the words of God

And rejected the plan of the Most High.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 107:16 -

For He has shattered gates of bronze

And cut off bars of iron.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 107:30 -

Then they were glad because they were quiet,

So He guided them to their desired harbor.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 108:4 -

For Your mercy is great above the heavens,

And Your truth reaches to the skies.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 109:2 -

For they have opened a [fn]wicked and deceitful mouth against me;

They have spoken [fn]against me with a lying tongue.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 109:21 -

But You, [fn]GOD, the Lord, deal kindly with me for the sake of Your name;

Because Your mercy is good, rescue me;

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 109:22 -

For I am afflicted and needy,

And [fn]my heart is wounded within me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 109:27 -

[fn]And may they know that this is Your hand;

You, LORD, have done it.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 109:31 -

For He stands at the right hand of the needy,

To save him from those who judge his soul.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 112:6 -

For he will never be shaken;

The righteous will be [fn]remembered forever.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 114:5 -

What ails you, sea, that you flee?

Jordan, that you turn back?

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 114:6 -

Mountains, that you skip like rams?

Hills, like lambs?

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 116:1 -

I love the LORD, because He hears

My voice and my pleas.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 116:2 -

Because He has inclined His ear to me,

Therefore I will call upon Him as long as I live.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 116:7 -

Return to your rest, my soul,

For the LORD has dealt generously with you.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 116:8 -

For You have rescued my soul from death,

My eyes from tears,

And my feet from stumbling.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 117:2 -

For His mercy toward us is [fn]great,

And the [fn]truth of the LORD is everlasting.

[fn]Praise [fn]the LORD!

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 118:1 -

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;

For His mercy is everlasting.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 118:2 -

Let Israel say,

“His mercy is everlasting.”

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 118:3 -

Oh let the house of Aaron say,

“His mercy is everlasting.”

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 118:4 -

Let those who [fn]fear the LORD say,

“His mercy is everlasting.”

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 118:21 -

I will give thanks to You, for You have answered me,

And You have become my salvation.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 118:28 -

You are my God, and I give thanks to You;

You are my God, I exalt You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 118:29 -

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good;

For His mercy is everlasting.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:22 -

Take disgrace and contempt away from me,

For I comply with Your testimonies.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:35 -

Make me walk in the path of Your commandments,

For I delight in it.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:42 -

So that I will have an answer for one who taunts me,

For I trust in Your word.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:43 -

And do not take the word of truth utterly out of my mouth,

For I [fn]wait for Your judgments.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:45 -

And I will walk [fn]at liberty,

For I seek Your precepts.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:50 -

This is my comfort in my misery,

That Your word has [fn]revived me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:56 -

This has become mine,

[fn]That I comply with Your precepts.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:66 -

Teach me good [fn]discernment and knowledge,

For I believe in Your commandments.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:71 -

It is good for me that I was afflicted,

So that I may learn Your statutes.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:74 -

May those who [fn]fear You see me and be glad,

Because I [fn]wait for Your word.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:75 -

I know, LORD, that Your judgments are righteous,

And that You have afflicted me in faithfulness.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:77 -

May Your compassion come to me so that I may live,

For Your Law is my delight.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:78 -

May the arrogant be put to shame, because they lead me astray with a lie;

But I shall meditate on Your precepts.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:83 -

Though I have become like a wineskin in the smoke,

I do not forget Your statutes.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:91 -

They stand this day by Your ordinances,

For all things are Your servants.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:92 -

If Your Law had not been my delight,

Then I would have perished in my misery.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:93 -

I will never forget Your precepts,

For by them You have [fn]revived me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:94 -

I am Yours, save me;

For I have sought Your precepts.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:98 -

Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies,

For they are ever [fn]mine.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:99 -

I have more insight than all my teachers,

For Your testimonies are my meditation.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:100 -

I understand more than those who are old,

Because I have complied with Your precepts.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:102 -

I have not turned aside from Your judgments,

For You Yourself have taught me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:104 -

From Your precepts I get understanding;

Therefore I hate every false way.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:111 -

I have inherited Your testimonies forever,

For they are the joy of my heart.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:118 -

You have [fn]rejected all those who stray from Your statutes,

For their deceitfulness is [fn]useless.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:131 -

I opened my mouth wide and panted,

For I longed for Your commandments.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:139 -

My zeal has [fn]consumed me,

Because my enemies have forgotten Your words.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:152 -

From long ago I have known from Your testimonies

That You have founded them forever.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:153 -


Look at my affliction and rescue me,

For I have not forgotten Your Law.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:155 -

Salvation is far from the wicked,

For they do not seek Your statutes.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:158 -

I see the treacherous and loathe them,

Because they do not keep Your word.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:159 -

Consider how I love Your precepts;

Revive me, LORD, according to Your faithfulness.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:168 -

I keep Your precepts and Your testimonies,

For all my ways are before You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:172 -

Let my tongue sing about Your [fn]word,

For all Your commandments are righteousness.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:173 -

Let Your hand be [fn]ready to help me,

For I have chosen Your precepts.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 119:176 -

I have wandered about like a lost sheep; search for Your servant,

For I do not forget Your commandments.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 120:5 -

Woe to me, for I reside in Meshech,

For I have settled among the tents of Kedar!

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 122:5 -

For thrones were set there for judgment,

The thrones of the house of David.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 123:3 -

Be gracious to us, LORD, be gracious to us,

For we have had much more than enough of contempt.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 124:1 -

A Song of Ascents, of David.

“Had it not been the LORD who was on our side,”

Let Israel say,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 124:2 -

“Had it not been the LORD who was on our side

When people rose up against us,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 125:3 -

For the scepter of wickedness will not rest upon the [fn]land of the righteous,

So that the righteous will not extend their hands to do wrong.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 130:4 -

But there is forgiveness with You,

So that You may be [fn]revered.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 130:7 -

Israel, wait for the LORD;

For with the LORD there is mercy,

And with Him is abundant redemption.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 132:13 -

For the LORD has chosen Zion;

He has desired it as His dwelling place.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 132:14 -

“This is My resting place forever;

Here I will dwell, for I have desired it.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 133:3 -

It is like the dew of Hermon

Coming down upon the mountains of Zion;

For the LORD commanded the blessing there—life forever.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 135:3 -

[fn]Praise [fn]the LORD, for the LORD is good;

Sing praises to His name, for it is lovely.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 135:4 -

For [fn]the LORD has chosen Jacob for Himself,

Israel as His own possession.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 135:5 -

For I know that the LORD is great

And that our Lord is above all gods.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 135:14 -

For the LORD will judge His people

And will have compassion on His servants.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:1 -

Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good,

For His [fn]faithfulness is everlasting.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:2 -

Give thanks to the God of gods,

For His faithfulness is everlasting.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:3 -

Give thanks to the Lord of lords,

For His faithfulness is everlasting.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:4 -

To Him who alone does great [fn]wonders,

For His faithfulness is everlasting;

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:5 -

To Him who made the heavens [fn]with skill,

For His faithfulness is everlasting;

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:6 -

To Him who spread out the earth above the waters,

For His faithfulness is everlasting;

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:7 -

To Him who made the great lights,

For His faithfulness is everlasting:

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:8 -

The sun to rule [fn]by day,

For His faithfulness is everlasting,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:9 -

The moon and stars to rule [fn]by night,

For His faithfulness is everlasting.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:10 -

To Him who struck [fn]the Egyptians, that is, their firstborn,

For His faithfulness is everlasting,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:11 -

And brought Israel out from their midst,

For His faithfulness is everlasting,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:12 -

With a strong hand and an outstretched arm,

For His faithfulness is everlasting.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:13 -

To Him who divided the [fn]Red Sea in parts,

For His faithfulness is everlasting,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:14 -

And allowed Israel to pass through the midst of it,

For His faithfulness is everlasting;

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:15 -

But He [fn]overthrew Pharaoh and his army in the [fn]Red Sea,

For His faithfulness is everlasting.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:16 -

To Him who led His people through the wilderness,

For His faithfulness is everlasting;

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:17 -

To Him who struck great kings,

For His faithfulness is everlasting,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:18 -

And brought death to [fn]mighty kings,

For His faithfulness is everlasting:

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:19 -

Sihon, king of the Amorites,

For His faithfulness is everlasting,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:20 -

And Og, king of Bashan,

For His faithfulness is everlasting,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:21 -

And gave their land as an inheritance,

For His faithfulness is everlasting,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:22 -

An inheritance to His servant Israel,

For His faithfulness is everlasting.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:23 -

Who remembered us in our lowliness,

For His faithfulness is everlasting,

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:24 -

And has rescued us from our enemies,

For His faithfulness is everlasting;

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:25 -

Who gives food to all flesh,

For His faithfulness is everlasting.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 136:26 -

Give thanks to the God of heaven,

For His faithfulness is everlasting.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 137:3 -

For there our captors [fn]demanded of us [fn]songs,

And our tormentors, jubilation, saying,

“Sing for us one of the songs of Zion!”

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 138:1 -

A Psalm of David.

I will give You thanks with all my heart;

I will sing Your praises before the gods.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 138:2 -

I will bow down toward Your holy temple

And give thanks to Your name for Your mercy and Your [fn]truth;

For You have made Your [fn]word great [fn]according to all Your name.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 138:4 -

All the kings of the earth will give thanks to You, LORD,

When they have heard the words of Your mouth.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 138:5 -

And they will sing of the ways of the LORD,

For great is the glory of the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 138:6 -

For the LORD is exalted,

Yet He looks after the lowly,

But He knows the haughty from afar.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 139:4 -

[fn]Even before there is a word on my tongue,

Behold, LORD, You know it all.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 139:12 -

Even darkness is not dark [fn]to You,

And the night is as bright as the day.

Darkness and light are alike to You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 139:13 -

For You created my innermost parts;

You wove me in my mother's womb.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 139:14 -

I will give thanks to You, because [fn]I am awesomely and wonderfully made;

Wonderful are Your works,

And my soul knows it very well.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 139:20 -

For they speak [fn]against You wickedly,

And Your enemies [fn]take Your name in vain.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 140:12 -

I know that the LORD will maintain the cause of the afflicted,

And justice for the poor.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 141:5 -

May the righteous strike me with mercy and discipline me;

It is oil for the head;

My head shall not refuse it,

For my prayer is still against their evil deeds.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 141:6 -

Their judges are thrown down by the sides of the rock,

And they hear my words, for they are pleasant.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 141:8 -

For my eyes are toward You, [fn]GOD, the Lord;

In You I take refuge; do not [fn]leave me defenseless.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 142:4 -

Look to the right and see;

For there is no one who regards me favorably;

[fn]There is no escape for me;

No one cares for my soul.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 142:6 -

“Give Your attention to my cry,

For I have been brought very low;

Rescue me from my persecutors,

For they are too strong for me.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 143:2 -

And do not enter into judgment with Your servant,

For no person living is righteous in Your sight.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 143:3 -

For the enemy has persecuted my soul;

He has crushed my life to the ground;

He has made me dwell in dark places, like those who have long been dead.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 143:8 -

Let me hear Your faithfulness in the morning,

For I trust in You;

Teach me the way in which I should walk;

For to You I lift up my soul.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 143:9 -

Save me, LORD, from my enemies;

[fn]I take refuge in You.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 143:10 -

Teach me to do Your will,

For You are my God;

Let Your good Spirit lead me on level [fn]ground.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 143:12 -

And in Your faithfulness, [fn]destroy my enemies,

And eliminate all those who attack my soul,

For I am Your servant.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 144:3 -

LORD, what is man, that You look after him?

Or a son of man, that You think of him?

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 147:1 -

[fn]Praise [fn]the LORD!

For it is good to sing praises to our God;

For [fn]it is pleasant and praise is [fn]beautiful.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 147:13 -

For He has strengthened the bars of your gates;

He has blessed your sons among you.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 148:5 -

They are to praise the name of the LORD,

For He commanded and they were created.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 148:13 -

They are to praise the name of the LORD,

For His name alone is exalted;

His majesty is above earth and heaven.

Unchecked Copy BoxPsa 149:4 -

For the LORD takes pleasure in His people;

He will glorify the lowly with salvation.

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 2:6 -

For the LORD gives wisdom;

From His mouth come knowledge and understanding.

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 2:21 -

For the upright will live in the land,

And the blameless will remain in it;

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 6:16 -

There are six things that the LORD hates,

Seven that are an abomination [fn]to Him:

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 6:23 -

For the commandment is a lamp and the [fn]teaching is light;

And rebukes for discipline are the way of life

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 7:23 -

Until an arrow pierces through his liver;

As a bird hurries to the snare,

So he does not know that it will cost him his life.

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 8:7 -

“For my mouth will proclaim truth;

And wickedness is an abomination to my lips.

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 9:18 -

But he does not know that the [fn]dead are there,

That her guests are in the depths of Sheol.

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 22:17 -

Extend your ear and hear the words of the wise,

And apply your mind to my knowledge;

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 23:2 -

And put a knife to your throat

If you are a person of great appetite.

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 23:13 -

Do not withhold discipline from a child;

Though you strike him with the rod, he will not die.

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 23:22 -

Listen to your father, who fathered you,

And do not despise your mother when she is old.

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 24:12 -

If you say, “See, we did not know this,”

Does He who weighs the hearts not consider it?

And does He who watches over your soul not know it?

And will He not [fn]repay a person according to his work?

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 24:18 -

Otherwise, the LORD will see and [fn]be displeased,

And turn His anger away from him.

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 26:19 -

So is a person who deceives his neighbor,

And says, “Was I not joking?”

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 27:24 -

For riches are not forever,

Nor does a crown endure to all generations.

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 28:22 -

A person with an evil eye hurries after wealth

And does not know that poverty will come upon him.

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 29:20 -

Do you see a person who is hasty with his words?

There is more hope for a fool than for him.

Unchecked Copy BoxPro 31:18 -

She senses that her profit is good;

Her lamp does not go out at night.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 1:13 - And I set my [fn]mind to seek and explore by wisdom about everything that has been done under heaven. It is a [fn]sorry task with which God has given the sons of mankind to be troubled.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 1:17 - And I applied my [fn]mind to know wisdom and to know insanity and foolishness; I realized that this also is striving after wind.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 1:18 - Because in much wisdom there is much grief; and increasing knowledge results in increasing pain.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 2:10 - All that my eyes desired, I did not refuse them. I did not restrain my heart from any pleasure, for my heart was pleased because of all my labor; and this was my reward for all my labor.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 2:12 -

So I turned to consider wisdom, insanity, and foolishness; for what will the man do who will come after the king, except what has already been done?

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 2:13 - Then I saw that wisdom surpasses foolishness as light surpasses darkness.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 2:14 - The wise person's eyes are in his head, but the fool walks in darkness. And yet I know that one and the same fate happens to [fn]both of them.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 2:15 - Then I said [fn]to myself, “As is the fate of the fool, it will also happen to me. Why then have I been extremely wise?” So [fn]I said to myself, “This too is futility.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 2:16 - For there is no [fn]lasting remembrance of the wise, along with the fool, since in the coming days everything will [fn]soon be forgotten. And how the wise and the fool alike die!
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 2:17 - So I hated life, for the work which had been done under the sun was [fn]unhappy to me; because everything is futility and striving after wind.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 2:18 -

So I hated all the fruit of my labor for which I had labored under the sun, because I must leave it to the man who will come after me.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 2:21 - When there is a person who has labored with wisdom, knowledge, and skill, and then gives his [fn]legacy to one who has not labored for it; this too is futility and a great evil.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 2:22 - For what does a person get in all his labor and in [fn]his striving with which he labors under the sun?
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 2:23 - Because all his days his activity is painful and irritating; even at night his [fn]mind does not rest. This too is futility.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 2:24 -

There is nothing better for a person than to eat and drink, and show [fn]himself some good in his trouble. This too I have seen, that it is from the hand of God.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 2:25 - For who can eat and who can have enjoyment without [fn]Him?
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 2:26 - For to a person who is good in His sight, He has given wisdom and knowledge and joy, while to the sinner He has given the task of gathering and collecting so that he may give to one who is good in God's sight. This too is futility and striving after wind.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 3:12 -

I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good in one's lifetime;

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 3:14 - I know that everything God does will remain forever; there is nothing to add to it and there is nothing to take from it. And God has so worked, that people will [fn]fear Him.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 3:17 - I said [fn]to myself, “God will judge the righteous and the wicked,” for a time for every matter and for every deed [fn]is there.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 3:18 - I said [fn]to myself regarding the sons of mankind, “God is testing them in order for them to see that they are as animals, they to themselves.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 3:19 - For the fate of the sons of mankind and the fate of animals [fn]is the same. As one dies, so dies the other; indeed, they all have the same breath, and there is no advantage for mankind over animals, for all is futility.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 3:22 - I have seen that nothing is better than when a person is happy in his activities, for that is his [fn]lot. For who will bring him to see what will occur after him?
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 4:4 -

I have seen that every labor and every skill which is done is the result of rivalry between a person and his neighbor. This too is futility and striving after wind.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 4:10 - for if [fn]either of them falls, the one will lift up his companion. But woe to the one who falls when there is not [fn]another to lift him up!
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 4:14 - for he has come out of prison to become king, even though he was born poor in his kingdom.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 4:16 - There is no end to all the people, to all who were before them. Even the ones who will come later will not be happy with him; for this too is futility and striving after wind.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 5:1 -

[fn]Guard your steps as you go to the house of God, and approach to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools; for they do not know that they are doing evil.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 5:2 - [fn]Do not be quick with your mouth or [fn]impulsive in thought to bring up a matter in the presence of God. For God is in heaven and you are on the earth; therefore let your words be few.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 5:3 - For the dream comes through much [fn]effort, and the voice of a fool through many words.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 5:4 -

When you make a vow to God, do not be late in paying it; for He takes no delight in fools. Pay what you vow!

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 5:6 - Do not let your [fn]speech cause [fn]you to sin, and do not say in the presence of the messenger of God that it was a mistake. Why should God be angry on account of your voice, and destroy the work of your hands?
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 5:7 - For in many dreams and in many words there is futility. Rather, [fn]fear God.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 5:8 -

If you see oppression of the poor and denial of justice and righteousness in the province, do not be shocked at the [fn]sight; for one [fn]official watches over another [fn]official, and there are higher [fn]officials over them.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 5:11 - When good things increase, those who consume them increase. So what is the advantage to their owners except to [fn]look at them?
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 5:18 -

Here is what I have seen to be good and [fn]fitting: to eat, to drink, and [fn]enjoy oneself in all one's labor in which he labors under the sun during the few [fn]years of his life which God has given him; for this is his [fn]reward.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 5:20 - For he will not often call to mind the [fn]years of his life, because God keeps [fn]him busy with the joy of his heart.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 6:2 - a person to whom God has given riches, wealth, and honor, so that his soul lacks nothing of all that he desires, yet God has not given him the opportunity to [fn]enjoy these things, but a foreigner [fn]enjoys them. This is futility and a severe affliction.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 6:4 - for a miscarriage comes in futility and goes into darkness; and its name is covered in darkness.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 6:8 - For what advantage does the wise person have over the fool? What does the poor person have, knowing how to walk before the living?
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 6:11 - For there are many words which increase futility. What then is the advantage to a person?
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 6:12 - For who knows what is good for a person during his lifetime, during the few [fn]years of his futile life? He will [fn]spend them like a shadow. For who can tell a person what will happen after him under the sun?
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 7:2 -

It is better to go to a house of mourning

Than to go to a house of feasting,

Because [fn]that is the end of every person,

And the living [fn]takes it to [fn]heart.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 7:3 -

Sorrow is better than laughter,

For when a face is sad a heart may be happy.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 7:6 -

For as the [fn]crackling of thorn bushes under a pot,

So is the laughter of the fool;

And this too is futility.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 7:7 -

For oppression makes a wise person look foolish,

And a bribe [fn]corrupts the heart.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 7:9 -

Do not be [fn]eager in your spirit to be angry,

For anger resides in the [fn]heart of fools.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 7:10 -

Do not say, “Why is it that the former days were better than these?”

For it is not from wisdom that you ask about this.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 7:12 -

For wisdom is [fn]protection just as money is [fn]protection,

But the advantage of knowledge is that wisdom keeps its possessors alive.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 7:13 -

Consider the work of God,

For who is able to straighten what He has bent?

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 7:18 - It is good that you grasp one thing while not [fn]letting go of the other; for one who fears God comes out with [fn]both of them.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 7:20 - Indeed, there is not a righteous person on earth who always does good and does not ever sin.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 7:22 - for [fn]you know that even you have cursed others many times as well.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 8:3 - “Do not be in a hurry [fn]to leave him. Do not join in an evil matter, for he will do whatever he pleases.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 8:6 - For there is a proper time and procedure for every delight, though a person's trouble is heavy upon him.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 8:7 - If no one knows what will happen, who can tell him when it will happen?
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 8:10 -

So then, I have seen the wicked buried, those who used to go in and out of the holy place, and they are soon forgotten in the city where they did such things. This too is futility.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 8:11 - Because the sentence against an evil deed is not executed quickly, therefore the hearts of the sons of mankind among them are [fn]fully given to do evil.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 8:12 - Although a sinner does evil a hundred times and may lengthen his life, still I know that it will go well for those who fear God, who fear [fn]Him openly.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 8:14 -

There is futility which is done on the earth, that is, there are righteous people to whom it [fn]happens according to the deeds of the wicked. On the other hand, there are evil people to whom it [fn]happens according to the deeds of the righteous. I say that this too is futility.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 8:15 - So I commended pleasure, for there is nothing good for a person under the sun except to eat, drink, and be joyful, and this will stand by him in his labor throughout the days of his life which God has given him under the sun.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 8:16 -

When I devoted my [fn]mind to know wisdom and to see the business which has been done on the earth (even though one should [fn]never sleep day or night),

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 8:17 - and I saw every work of God, I concluded that one cannot discover the work which has been done under the sun. Even though a person laboriously seeks, he will not discover; and even if the wise person claims to know, he cannot discover.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 9:1 -

For I have taken all this to my heart, even to [fn]examine [fn]it all, that righteous people, wise people, and their deeds are in the hand of God. People do not know whether it will be love or hatred; anything [fn]awaits them.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 9:3 - This is an evil in everything that is done under the sun, that there is one fate for everyone. Furthermore, the hearts of the sons of mankind are full of evil, and insanity is in their hearts throughout their lives. Afterward they go to the dead.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 9:4 - For whoever is joined to all the living, there is hope; for better a live dog, than a dead lion.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 9:5 - For the living know that they will die; but the dead do not know anything, nor do they have a reward any longer, for their memory is forgotten.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 9:7 -

Go then, eat your bread in happiness, and drink your wine with a cheerful heart; for God has already approved your works.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 9:9 - [fn]Enjoy life with the wife whom you love all the days of your futile life which He has given you under the sun, [fn]all the days of your futility; for this is your reward in life and in your work which you have labored under the sun.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 9:10 -

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might; for there is no activity, planning, knowledge, or wisdom in Sheol where you are going.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 9:11 -

I again saw under the sun that the race is not to the swift and the battle is not to the warriors, and neither is bread to the wise nor wealth to the discerning, nor favor to the skillful; for time and chance overtake them all.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 9:12 - For indeed, a person does not know his time: like fish that are caught in a treacherous net and birds caught in a snare, so the sons of mankind are ensnared at an evil time when it suddenly falls on them.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 10:4 - If the ruler's [fn]temper rises against you, do not abandon your place, because composure puts great offenses to rest.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 10:20 - Furthermore, in your bedroom do not curse a king, and in your sleeping rooms do not curse a rich person; for a bird of the sky will bring the sound, and the winged one will make your word known.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 11:1 -

Cast your bread on the surface of the waters, for you will find it [fn]after many days.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 11:2 - Divide your portion to seven, or even to eight, for you do not know what misfortune may occur on the earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 11:6 -

Sow your seed in the morning and do not [fn]be idle in the evening, for you do not know whether [fn]one or the other will succeed, or whether both of them alike will be good.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 11:8 - Indeed, if a person lives many years, let him rejoice in them all; but let him remember the days of darkness, for they will be many. Everything that is to come will be futility.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 11:9 -

Rejoice, young man, during your childhood, and let your heart be pleasant during the days of young manhood. And follow the [fn]impulses of your heart and the [fn]desires of your eyes. Yet know that God will bring you to judgment for all these things.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 11:10 - So remove [fn]sorrow from your heart and keep [fn]pain away from your body, because childhood and the prime of life are [fn]fleeting.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 12:3 - on the day that the watchmen of the house tremble, and strong men are bent over, the grinders stop working because they are few, and those who look through [fn]windows grow [fn]dim;
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 12:5 - Furthermore, people are afraid of a high place and of terrors on the road; the almond tree blossoms, the grasshopper drags itself along, and the caper berry is ineffective. For man goes to his eternal home while the mourners move around in the street.
Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 12:9 -

In addition to being wise, the Preacher also taught the people knowledge; and he pondered, searched out, and arranged many proverbs.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 12:13 -

The conclusion, when everything has been heard, is: fear God and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person.

Unchecked Copy BoxEcc 12:14 - For God will bring every act to judgment, everything which is hidden, whether it is good or evil.
Unchecked Copy BoxSng 1:2 -

[fn]The Bride

“May he kiss me with the kisses of his mouth!

For your love is [fn]sweeter than wine.

Unchecked Copy BoxSng 1:6 -

“Do not stare at me because I am [fn]dark,

For the sun has tanned me.

My mother's sons were angry with me;

They made me caretaker of the vineyards,

But I have not taken care of my own vineyard.

Unchecked Copy BoxSng 2:5 -

“Refresh me with raisin cakes,

Sustain me with apples,

Because I am lovesick.

Unchecked Copy BoxSng 2:11 -

‘For behold, the winter is past,

The rain is over and gone.

Unchecked Copy BoxSng 2:14 -

The Groom

“My dove, in the clefts of the [fn]rock,

In the hiding place of the mountain pathway,

Let me see [fn]how you look,

Let me hear your voice;

For your voice is pleasant,

And [fn]you look delightful.”

Unchecked Copy BoxSng 5:2 -

The Bride

“I was asleep but my heart was awake.

A voice! My beloved was knocking:

‘Open to me, my sister, my darling,

My dove, my perfect one!

For my head is [fn]drenched with dew,

My locks with the dew drops of the night.'

Unchecked Copy BoxSng 5:8 -

“Swear to me, you daughters of Jerusalem,

If you find my beloved,

As to what you will tell him:

For I am lovesick.”

Unchecked Copy BoxSng 5:9 -

The Chorus

[fn]What kind of beloved is your beloved,

O most beautiful among women?

[fn]What kind of beloved is your beloved,

That you make us swear in this way?”

Unchecked Copy BoxSng 6:5 -

“Turn your eyes away from me,

For they have confused me;

Your hair is like a flock of goats

That have descended from Gilead.

Unchecked Copy BoxSng 8:6 -

“Put me like a seal over your heart,

Like a seal on your arm.

For love is as strong as death,

[fn]Jealousy is as severe as Sheol;

Its flames are flames of fire,

[fn]The flame of the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 1:2 -

Listen, heavens, and hear, earth;

For the LORD has spoken:

“Sons I have raised and brought up,

But they have revolted against Me.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 2:2 -

Now it will come about that

In the last days

The mountain of the house of the LORD

Will be established [fn]as the chief of the mountains,

And will be raised above the hills;

And all the nations will stream to it.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 2:6 -

For You have abandoned Your people, the house of Jacob,

Because they are filled with influences from the east,

And they are soothsayers like the Philistines.

They also [fn]strike bargains with the children of foreigners.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 3:6 -

When a man lays hold of his brother in his father's house, saying,

“You have a cloak, you shall be our ruler!

And these ruins will be under your [fn]authority,”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 3:8 -

For Jerusalem has stumbled and Judah has fallen,

Because their [fn]speech and their actions are against the LORD,

To rebel against [fn]His glorious presence.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 3:10 -

Say to the righteous that it will go well for them,

For they will eat the fruit of their actions.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 4:4 - When the Lord has washed away the filth of the daughters of Zion and [fn]purged the bloodshed of Jerusalem from her midst, by the spirit of judgment and the spirit of [fn]burning,
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 6:5 - Then I said,

“Woe to me, for I am ruined!

Because I am a man of unclean lips,

And I live among a people of unclean lips;

For my eyes have seen the King, the LORD of armies.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 7:5 - ‘Because Aram, with Ephraim and the son of Remaliah, has planned evil against you, saying,
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 7:24 - People will come there with bows and arrows, because all the land will be briars and thorns.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 8:10 -

“Devise a plan, but it will fail;

State a [fn]proposal, but it will not stand,

For [fn]God is with us.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 9:5 -

For every boot of the marching warrior in the roar of battle,

And cloak rolled in blood, will be for burning, fuel for the fire.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 9:6 -

For a Child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us;

And the government will [fn]rest on His shoulders;

And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,

Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 9:17 -

Therefore the Lord does not rejoice over their young men,

Nor does He have compassion on their [fn]orphans or their widows;

For every one of them is godless and an evildoer,

And every mouth is speaking foolishness.

In spite of all this, His anger does not turn away,

And His hand is still stretched out.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 9:20 -

[fn]They devour what is on the right hand but are still hungry,

And [fn]they eat what is on the left hand, but they are not satisfied;

Each of them eats the flesh of his own arm.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 9:21 -

Manasseh devours Ephraim, and Ephraim Manasseh,

And together they are against Judah.

In spite of all this, His anger does not turn away

And His hand is still stretched out.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 10:23 -

For a complete destruction, one that is determined, the Lord [fn]GOD of armies will execute in the midst of the whole land.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 10:24 -

Therefore this is what the Lord [fn]GOD of armies says: “My people, you who dwell in Zion, do not fear the Assyrian [fn]who strikes you with the rod, and lifts up his staff against you the way Egypt did.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 11:9 -

They will not hurt or destroy in all My holy mountain,

For the earth will be full of the knowledge of the LORD

As the waters cover the sea.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 12:4 -

And on that day you will say,

“Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name.

Make known His deeds among the peoples;

[fn]Make them remember that His name is exalted.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 12:5 -

Praise the LORD in song, for He has done [fn]glorious things;

Let this be known throughout the earth.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 12:6 -

Rejoice and shout for joy, you inhabitant of Zion,

For great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 14:31 -

“Wail, you gate; cry, you city;

[fn]Melt away, Philistia, all of you!

For smoke comes from the north,

And there is no straggler in his ranks.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 14:32 -

“What answer will one give the messengers of the nation?

That the LORD has founded Zion,

And the poor of His people will take refuge in it.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 15:4 -

Heshbon and Elealeh also cry out,

Their voice is heard all the way to Jahaz;

Therefore the [fn]armed men of Moab cry aloud;

His soul trembles within him.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 16:4 -

“Let the [fn]outcasts of Moab stay with you;

Be a hiding place to them from the destroyer.”

For the oppressor has come to an end, destruction has ceased,

Oppressors have been removed from the land.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 16:9 -

Therefore I will weep bitterly for Jazer, for the vine of Sibmah;

I will drench you with my tears, Heshbon and Elealeh;

For the shouting over your summer fruits and your harvest has fallen away.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 16:12 -

So it will come about when Moab presents himself,

When he tires himself upon his high place

And comes to his sanctuary to pray,

That he will not prevail.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 18:4 -

For this is what the LORD has told me:

“I will quietly look [fn]from My dwelling place

Like dazzling heat in the [fn]sunshine,

Like a cloud of dew in the heat of harvest.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 19:20 - And it will become a sign and a witness to the LORD of armies in the land of Egypt; for they will cry out to the LORD because of oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Champion, and He will save them.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 20:4 - so the king of Assyria will lead away the captives of Egypt and the exiles of Cush, young and old, naked and barefoot with buttocks uncovered, to the [fn]shame of Egypt.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 21:6 -

For this is what the Lord says to me:

“Go, station the lookout, have him report what he sees.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 21:16 -

For this is what the Lord said to me: “In a year, as [fn]a hired worker would count it, all the splendor of Kedar will come to an end;

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 22:1 -

The pronouncement concerning the valley of vision:

What is the matter with you now, that you have all gone up to the housetops?

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 22:5 -

For the Lord [fn]GOD of armies has a day of panic, subjugation, and confusion

In the valley of vision,

A breaking down of walls

And a crying [fn]to the mountain.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 22:9 -

And you saw that the breaches

In the wall of the city of David were many;

And you collected the waters of the lower pool.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 22:10 -

Then you counted the houses of Jerusalem

And tore down houses to fortify the wall.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 22:14 -

But the LORD of armies revealed Himself [fn]to me:

“Certainly this wrongdoing will not be [fn]forgiven you

Until you die,” says the Lord [fn]GOD of armies.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 22:16 -

‘What right do you have here,

And whom do you have here,

That you have cut out a tomb for yourself here,

You who cut out a tomb on the height,

You who carve a resting place for [fn]yourself in the rock?

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 22:25 - “On that day,” declares the LORD of armies, “the peg driven into a firm place will give way; it will even break off and fall, and the load that is hanging on it will be cut off, for the LORD has spoken.”
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 23:1 -

The pronouncement concerning Tyre:

Wail, you ships of Tarshish,

For Tyre is destroyed, without house or [fn]harbor;

It is reported to them from the land of [fn]Cyprus.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 23:13 -

Behold, the land of the Chaldeans—this is the people that did not exist; Assyria allocated it for desert creatures—they erected their siege towers, they stripped its palaces, they made it a ruin.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 23:14 -

Wail, you ships of Tarshish,

For your stronghold is destroyed.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 24:6 - Therefore, a curse devours the earth, and those who live on it suffer for their guilt. Therefore, the inhabitants of the earth decrease in number, and few people are left.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 24:18 -

Then it will be that the one who flees the sound of terror will fall into the pit,

And the one who [fn]climbs out of the pit will be caught in the snare;

For the windows [fn]above are opened, and the foundations of the earth shake.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 24:23 -

Then the moon will be ashamed and the sun be put to shame,

For the LORD of armies will reign on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem,

And His glory will be before His elders.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 25:1 -

LORD, You are my God;

I will exalt You, I will give thanks to Your name;

For You have worked wonders,

Plans formed long ago, with perfect faithfulness.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 25:2 -

For You have turned a city into a heap,

A fortified city into a ruin;

A palace of strangers is no longer a city,

It will never be rebuilt.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 25:10 -

For the hand of the LORD will rest on this mountain,

And Moab will be trampled down in his place

As straw is trampled down in the water of a manure pile.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 26:3 -

“The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace,

Because he trusts in You.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 28:11 -

Indeed, He will speak to this people

Through stammering lips and a foreign tongue,

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 28:15 -

Because you have said, “We have made a covenant with death,

And with [fn]Sheol we have made a [fn]pact.

The [fn]gushing flood will not reach us when it passes by,

Because we have made falsehood our refuge and we have concealed ourselves with deception.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 28:17 -

“I will make justice the measuring line

And righteousness the level;

Then hail will sweep away the refuge of lies,

And the waters will overflow the secret place.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 29:10 -

For the LORD has poured over you a spirit of deep sleep,

He has shut your eyes—the prophets;

And He has covered your heads—the seers.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 30:4 -

“For their officials are at Zoan

And their ambassadors arrive at Hanes.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 30:7 -

Even Egypt, whose help is vain and empty.

Therefore, I have called [fn]her

[fn]Rahab who has been exterminated.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 30:8 -

Now go, write it on a tablet in their presence

And inscribe it on a scroll,

That it may [fn]serve in the time to come

[fn]As a witness forever.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 30:9 -

For this is a rebellious people, false sons,

Sons who [fn]refuse to listen

To the [fn]instruction of the LORD;

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 30:12 -

Therefore this is what the Holy One of Israel says:

“Since you have rejected this word

And have put your trust in oppression and crookedness, and have relied on them,

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 30:20 - Although the Lord has given you bread of deprivation and water of oppression, He, your Teacher, will no longer hide Himself, but your eyes will see your Teacher.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 31:4 -

For this is what the LORD says to me:

“As the lion or the young lion growls over his prey,

Against which a band of shepherds is called out,

And he will not be terrified at their voice nor disturbed at their noise,

So will the LORD of armies come down to wage war on Mount Zion and on its hill.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 31:7 - For on that day every person will reject his silver idols and his gold idols, which your hands have made for you as a sin.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 33:14 -

Sinners in Zion are terrified;

Trembling has seized the godless.

“Who among us can live with the consuming fire?

Who among us can live with everlasting burning?”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 33:21 -

But there the majestic One, the LORD, will be for us

A place of rivers and wide canals

On which no boat with oars will go,

And on which no mighty ship will pass

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 33:23 -

Your ship's tackle hangs slack;

It cannot hold the base of its mast firmly,

Nor spread out the sail.

Then the prey of an abundant spoil will be divided;

Those who limp will take the plunder.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 34:6 -

The sword of the LORD is filled with blood,

It drips with fat, with the blood of lambs and goats,

With the fat of the kidneys of rams.

For the LORD has a sacrifice in Bozrah,

And a great slaughter in the land of Edom.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 34:16 -

Seek from the book of the LORD, and read:

Not one of these will be missing;

None will lack its mate.

For [fn]His mouth has commanded,

And His Spirit has gathered them.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 35:6 -

Then those who limp will leap like a deer,

And the tongue of those who cannot speak will shout for joy.

For waters will burst forth in the wilderness,

And streams in the [fn]desert.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 36:5 - “I say, ‘Your plan and strength for the war are only [fn]empty words.' Now on whom have you relied, that you have revolted against me?
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 36:15 - and do not let Hezekiah lead you to rely on the LORD, saying, “The LORD will certainly save us. This city will not be handed over to the king of Assyria!”
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 36:20 - ‘Who among all the gods of these lands have saved their land from my hand, that the LORD would save Jerusalem from my hand?'”
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 37:3 - And they said to him, “This is what Hezekiah says: ‘This day is a day of distress, rebuke, and humiliation; for children have come to the point of birth, and there is no strength to [fn]deliver them.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 37:8 -

Then Rabshakeh returned and found the king of Assyria fighting against Libnah, for he had heard that [fn]the king had left Lachish.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 37:20 - “But now LORD, our God, save us from his hand, so that all the kingdoms of the earth may know that You alone, [fn]LORD, are God.”
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 37:24 -

“Through your servants you have taunted the Lord,

And you have said, ‘With my many chariots I came up to the heights of the mountains,

To the remotest parts of Lebanon;

And I cut down its tall cedars and its choice junipers.

And I will come to its [fn]highest peak, its thickest forest.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 37:32 - “For out of Jerusalem a remnant will go, and out of Mount Zion survivors. The zeal of the LORD of armies will perform this.”'
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 38:7 -

“And this shall be the sign to you from the LORD, that the LORD will perform this word that He has spoken:

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 38:22 - Then Hezekiah had said, “What is the sign that I will go up to the house of the LORD?”
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 39:1 -

At that time Merodach-baladan son of Baladan, king of Babylon, sent letters and a gift to Hezekiah, for he heard that he had been sick and had recovered.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 39:7 - ‘And some of your sons who will come from you, whom you will father, will be taken away, and they will become eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 40:2 -

“Speak [fn]kindly to Jerusalem;

And call out to her, that her [fn]warfare has ended,

That her [fn]guilt has been removed,

That she has received of the LORD'S hand

Double for all her sins.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 40:5 -

[fn]Then the glory of the LORD will be revealed,

And all flesh will see it together;

For the mouth of the LORD has spoken.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 41:13 -

“For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand,

Who says to you, ‘Do not fear, I will help you.'

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 41:20 -

So that they may see and recognize,

And consider and gain insight as well,

That the hand of the LORD has done this,

And the Holy One of Israel has created it.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 41:23 -

Declare the things that are going to come afterward,

So that we may know that you are gods;

Indeed, do good or evil, that we may be afraid and fear together.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 41:24 -

Behold, you are less than nothing,

And your work is less than nothing!

He who chooses you is an abomination.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 41:26 -

Who has declared this from the beginning, that we might know?

Or from former times, that we may say, “He is right!”?

There was no one at all who declared,

There was no one at all who proclaimed,

There was no one at all who heard your words.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 43:1 -

But now, this is what the LORD says, He who is your Creator, Jacob,

And He who formed you, Israel:

“Do not fear, for I have redeemed you;

I have called you by name; you are Mine!

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 43:3 -

“For I am the LORD your God,

The Holy One of Israel, your Savior;

I have given Egypt as your ransom,

[fn]Cush and Seba in exchange for you.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 43:5 -

“Do not fear, for I am with you;

I will bring your offspring from the east,

And gather you from the west.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 43:10 -

“You are My witnesses,” declares the LORD,

“And My servant whom I have chosen,

So that you may know and believe Me

And understand that I am He.

Before Me there was no God formed,

And there will be none after Me.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 43:20 -

“The animals of the field will glorify Me,

The jackals and the ostriches,

Because I have given waters in the wilderness

And rivers in the desert,

To give drink to My chosen people.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 44:3 -

‘For I will pour water on [fn]the thirsty land

And streams on the dry ground;

I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring,

And My blessing on your descendants;

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 44:12 -

The craftsman of iron shapes a cutting tool and does his work over the coals, [fn]fashioning it with hammers and working it with his strong arm. He also gets hungry and [fn]his strength fails; he drinks no water and becomes weary.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 44:16 - Half of it he burns in the fire; over this half he eats meat, he roasts a roast, and is satisfied. He also warms himself and says, “Aha! I am warm, I have seen the fire.”
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 44:17 - Yet the rest of it he makes into a god, his carved image. He bows down before it and worships; he also prays to it and says, “Save me, for you are my god.”
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 44:18 -

They do not know, nor do they understand, for He has smeared over their eyes so that they cannot see, and their hearts so that they cannot comprehend.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 44:19 - No one [fn]remembers, nor is there knowledge or understanding to say, “I have burned half of it in the fire and also have baked bread over its coals. I roast meat and eat it. Then [fn]I make the rest of it into an abomination, [fn]I bow down before a block of wood!”
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 44:20 - He [fn]feeds on ashes; a deceived heart has misled him. And he cannot save [fn]himself, nor say, “Is there not a lie in my right hand?”
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 44:21 -

“Remember these things, Jacob,

And Israel, for you are My servant;

I have formed you, you are My servant,

Israel, you will not be forgotten by Me.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 44:23 -

Shout for joy, you heavens, for the LORD has done it!

Shout joyfully, you lower parts of the earth;

Break into a shout of jubilation, you mountains,

Forest, and every tree in it;

For the LORD has redeemed Jacob,

And in Israel He shows His glory.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 45:3 -

“I will give you the [fn]treasures of darkness

And hidden wealth of secret places,

So that you may know that it is I,

The LORD, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 45:5 -

“I am the LORD, and there is no one else;

There is no God except Me.

I will [fn]arm you, though you have not known Me,

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 45:6 -

So that people may know from the rising to the setting of the sun

That there is no one besides Me.

I am the LORD, and there is no one else,

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 45:9 -

“Woe to the one who quarrels with [fn]his Maker

A piece of pottery [fn]among the other earthenware pottery pieces!

Will the clay say to the [fn]potter, ‘What are you doing?'

Or the thing you are making say, ‘He has no hands'?

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 45:11 -

This is what the LORD says, the Holy One of Israel and [fn]his Maker:

[fn]Ask Me about the things to come [fn]concerning My sons,

And you shall commit to Me the work of My hands.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 45:14 -

This is what the LORD says:

“The [fn]products of Egypt and the merchandise of [fn]Cush

And the Sabeans, men of stature,

Will come over to you and will be yours;

They will walk behind you, they will come over in chains

And will bow down to you;

They will plead with you:

[fn]God certainly is [fn]with you, and there is no one else,

No other God.'”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 45:23 -

“I have sworn by Myself;

The word has gone out from My mouth in righteousness

And will not turn back,

That to Me every knee will bow, every tongue will swear allegiance.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 46:9 -

“Remember the former things long past,

For I am God, and there is no other;

I am God, and there is no one like Me,

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 47:1 -

“Come down and sit in the dust,

Virgin daughter of Babylon;

Sit on the ground without a throne,

Daughter of the Chaldeans!

For you will no longer be called tender and delicate.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 47:10 -

“You felt secure in your wickedness and said,

‘No one sees me,'

Your wisdom and your knowledge, [fn]they have led you astray;

For you have said in your heart,

‘I am, and there is no one besides me.'

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 47:14 -

“Behold, they have become like stubble,

Fire burns them;

They cannot save themselves from the power of the flame;

There will be no coal to warm by

Nor a fire to sit before!

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 48:4 -

“Because I know that you are [fn]obstinate,

And your neck is an iron tendon

And your forehead bronze,

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 48:5 -

Therefore I declared them to you long ago,

Before [fn]they took place I proclaimed them to you,

So that you would not say, ‘My idol has done them,

And my carved image and my cast metal image have commanded them.'

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 48:7 -

“They are created now and not long ago;

And before today you have not heard them,

So that you will not say, ‘Behold, I knew them.'

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 48:8 -

“You have not heard, you have not known.

Even from long ago your ear has not been open,

Because I knew that you would deal very treacherously;

And you have been called a [fn]rebel from [fn]birth.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 48:11 -

“For My own sake, for My own sake, I will act;

For how can My name be profaned?

And I will not give My glory to another.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 49:7 -

This is what the LORD, the Redeemer of Israel and its Holy One,

Says to the [fn]despised One,

To the One abhorred by the nation,

To the Servant of rulers:

“Kings will see and arise,

Princes will also bow down,

Because of the LORD who is faithful, the Holy One of Israel who has chosen You.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 49:13 -

Shout for joy, you heavens! And rejoice, you earth!

Break forth into joyful shouting, mountains!

For the LORD has comforted His people

And will have compassion on His afflicted.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 49:18 -

“Raise your eyes and look around;

All of them gather together, they come to you.

As I live,” declares the LORD,

“You will certainly put them all on as [fn]jewelry and bind them on as a bride.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 49:19 -

“For your ruins and deserted places and your destroyed land

Now you will certainly be too cramped for the inhabitants,

And those who swallowed you will be far away.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 49:23 -

“Kings will be your guardians,

And their princesses your nurses.

They will bow down to you with their faces to the ground

And lick the dust from your feet;

And you will know that I am the LORD;

Those who hopefully wait for Me will not be put to shame.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 49:26 -

“I will feed your oppressors with their own flesh,

And they will become drunk with their own blood as with sweet wine;

And [fn]humanity will know that I, the LORD, am your Savior

And your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 50:2 -

“Why was there no one when I came?

When I called, why was there no one to answer?

Is My hand so short that it cannot redeem?

Or do I have no power to rescue?

Behold, I dry up the sea with My rebuke,

I turn rivers into a wilderness;

Their fish stink for lack of water,

And die of thirst.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 50:7 -

For the Lord GOD helps Me,

Therefore, I am not disgraced;

Therefore, I have made My face like flint,

And I know that I will not be ashamed.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 50:8 -

He who vindicates Me is near;

Who will contend with Me?

Let us stand up to each other.

Who has a case against Me?

Let him approach Me.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 51:2 -

“Look to Abraham your father

And to Sarah who gave birth to you in pain;

When he was only one I called him,

Then I blessed him and multiplied him.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 51:4 -

“Pay attention to Me, My people,

And listen to Me, My [fn]nation;

For a law will go out from Me,

And I will bring My justice as a light of the peoples.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 51:6 -

“Raise your eyes to the sky,

Then look to the earth beneath;

For the sky will vanish like smoke,

And the earth will wear out like a garment

And its inhabitants will die [fn]in the same way.

But My salvation will be forever,

And My righteousness will not fail.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 51:15 - “For I am the LORD your God, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar (the LORD of armies is His name).
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 52:3 -

For this is what the LORD says: “You were sold for nothing, and you will be redeemed without money.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 52:5 - “And now, what do I have here,” declares the LORD, “seeing that My people have been taken away without reason?” Again the LORD declares, “Those who rule over them howl, and My name is continually reviled all day long.
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 52:6 - “Therefore, My people shall know My name; therefore on that day I am the one who is speaking, ‘Here I am.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 52:7 -

How delightful on the mountains

Are the feet of one who brings good news,

Who announces [fn]peace

And brings good news of [fn]happiness,

Who announces salvation,

And says to Zion, “Your God [fn]reigns!”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 52:8 -

Listen! Your watchmen raise their voices,

They shout joyfully together;

For they will see [fn]with their own eyes

When the LORD restores Zion.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 52:9 -

Be cheerful, shout joyfully together,

You ruins of Jerusalem;

For the LORD has comforted His people,

He has redeemed Jerusalem.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 52:12 -

But you will not go out in a hurry,

Nor will you go [fn]as fugitives;

For the LORD will go before you,

And the God of Israel will be your rear guard.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 52:15 -

So [fn]He will sprinkle many nations,

Kings will shut their mouths on account of Him;

For what they had not been told, they will see,

And what they had not heard, they will understand.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 53:3 -

He was despised and abandoned by men,

A man of [fn]great pain and familiar with sickness;

And like one from whom people hide their faces,

He was despised, and we had no regard for Him.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 53:8 -

By oppression and judgment He was taken away;

And as for His generation, who considered

That He was cut off from the land of the [fn]living

For the wrongdoing of my people, to whom the blow was due?

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 53:9 -

And His grave was assigned with wicked men,

Yet He was with a rich man in His death,

Because He had done no violence,

Nor was there any deceit in His mouth.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 54:1 -

“Shout for joy, infertile one, you who have not given birth to any child;

Break forth into joyful shouting and cry aloud, you who have not been in labor;

For the sons of the desolate one will be more numerous

Than the sons of the married woman,” says the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 54:4 -

“Fear not, for you will not be put to shame;

And do not feel humiliated, for you will not be disgraced;

But you will forget the shame of your youth,

And no longer remember the disgrace of your widowhood.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 54:5 -

“For your husband is your Maker,

Whose name is the LORD of armies;

And your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel,

Who is called the God of all the earth.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 55:5 -

“Behold, you will call a nation you do not know,

And a nation which does not know you will run to you,

Because of the LORD your God, the Holy One of Israel;

For He has glorified you.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 55:7 -

Let the wicked abandon his way,

And the unrighteous person his thoughts;

And let him return to the LORD,

And He will have compassion on him,

And to our God,

For He will abundantly pardon.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 56:3 -

Let not the foreigner who has joined himself to the LORD say,

“The LORD will certainly separate me from His people.”

Nor let the eunuch say, “Behold, I am a dry tree.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 56:8 -

The Lord [fn]GOD, who gathers the dispersed of Israel, declares,

“I will yet gather others to [fn]them, to those already gathered.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 56:10 -

His watchmen are blind,

All of them know nothing.

All of them are mute dogs unable to bark,

Dreamers lying down, who love to slumber;

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 57:8 -

“Behind the door and the doorpost

You have set up your sign;

Indeed, far removed from Me, you have uncovered yourself,

And have gone up and made your bed wide.

And you have made an agreement for yourself with them,

You have loved their bed,

You have looked at their [fn]manhood.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 57:10 -

“You were tired out by the length of your road,

Yet you did not say, ‘It is hopeless!'

You found [fn]renewed strength,

Therefore you did not [fn]faint.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 58:3 -

‘Why have we fasted and You do not see?

Why have we humbled ourselves and You do not [fn]notice?'

Behold, on the day of your fast you find your desire,

And oppress all your workers.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 59:4 -

No one sues righteously and no one pleads [fn]honestly.

They trust in confusion and speak lies;

They conceive trouble and give birth to disaster.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 59:14 -

Justice is turned back,

And righteousness stands far away;

For truth has stumbled in the street,

And uprightness cannot enter.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 59:15 -

Truth is lacking,

And one who turns aside from evil makes himself a prey.

Now the LORD saw,

And it was [fn]displeasing in His sight that there was no justice.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 60:5 -

“Then you will see and be radiant,

And your heart will [fn]thrill and rejoice;

Because the [fn]abundance of the sea will be turned to you,

The wealth of the nations will come to you.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 60:16 -

“You will also suck the milk of nations,

And suck the breast of kings;

Then you will know that I, the LORD, am your Savior

And your Redeemer, the Mighty One of Jacob.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 61:9 -

Then their offspring will be known among the nations,

And their descendants in the midst of the peoples.

All who see them will recognize them

Because they are the offspring whom the LORD has blessed.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 63:15 -

Look down from heaven and see from Your holy and glorious lofty habitation;

Where are Your zeal and Your mighty deeds?

The stirrings of Your heart and Your compassion are restrained toward me.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 63:16 -

For You are our Father, though Abraham does not know us

And Israel does not recognize us.

You, LORD, are our Father,

Our Redeemer from ancient times is Your name.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 64:7 -

There is no one who calls on Your name,

Who stirs himself to take hold of You;

For You have hidden Your face from us

And have [fn]surrendered us to the power of our wrongdoings.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 64:9 -

Do not be angry beyond measure, LORD,

Nor remember wrongdoing forever.

Behold, please look, all of us are Your people.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 65:5 -

“Who say, ‘Keep to yourself, do not come near me,

For I am holier than you!'

These are smoke in My [fn]nostrils,

A fire that burns all the day.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 65:8 -

This is what the LORD says:

“Just as the new wine is found in the cluster,

And one says, ‘Do not destroy it, for there is [fn]benefit in it,'

So I will act in behalf of My servants

In order not to destroy [fn]all of them.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 65:12 -

I will destine you for the sword,

And all of you will bow down to the slaughter.

Because I called, but you did not answer;

I spoke, but you did not listen.

Instead, you did evil in My sight

And chose that in which I did not delight.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 65:18 -

“But be glad and rejoice forever in what I create;

For behold, I create Jerusalem for rejoicing

And her people for gladness.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 65:23 -

“They will not labor in vain,

Or give birth to children for disaster;

For they are the [fn]descendants of those blessed by the LORD,

And their descendants with them.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 66:4 -

So I will choose their [fn]punishments

And bring on them what they dread.

Because I called, but no one answered;

I spoke, but they did not listen.

Instead, they did evil in My sight

And chose that in which I did not delight.”

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 66:8 -

“Who has heard such a thing? Who has seen such things?

Can a land be [fn]born in one day?

Can a nation be given birth all at once?

As soon as Zion was in labor, she also delivered her sons.

Unchecked Copy BoxIsa 66:12 -

For this is what the LORD says: “Behold, I extend peace to her like a river,

And the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream;

And you will [fn]be nursed, you will be carried on the [fn]hip and rocked back and forth on the knees.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 1:6 -

Then I said, “Oh, Lord [fn]GOD!

Behold, I do not know how to speak,

Because I am a youth.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 1:7 -

But the LORD said to me,

“Do not say, ‘I am a youth,'

Because everywhere I send you, you shall go,

And all that I command you, you shall speak.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 1:8 -

“Do not be afraid of them,

For I am with you to save you,” declares the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 1:17 - “Now, belt your garment around your waist and arise, and speak to them all that I command you. Do not be dismayed before them, or I will make you dismayed before them.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 2:5 - This is what the LORD says:

“What injustice did your fathers find in Me,

That they went far from Me,

And walked after emptiness and became empty?

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 2:13 -

“For My people have committed two evils:

They have abandoned Me,

The fountain of living waters,

To carve out for themselves cisterns,

Broken cisterns

That do not hold water.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 2:19 -

“Your own wickedness will correct you,

And your apostasies will punish you;

Know therefore and see that it is evil and bitter

For you to abandon the LORD your God,

And the fear of Me is not in you,” declares the Lord [fn]GOD of armies.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 2:20 -

“For long ago [fn]I broke your yoke

And tore off your restraints;

But you said, ‘I will not serve!'

For on every high hill

And under every leafy tree

You have lain down as a prostitute.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 2:25 -

“Keep your feet from being bare,

And your throat from thirst;

But you said, ‘It is [fn]hopeless!

No! For I have loved strangers,

And I will walk after them.'

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 2:27 -

Who say to a tree, ‘You are my father,'

And to a stone, ‘You gave me birth.'

For they have turned their backs to Me,

And not their faces;

But in the time of their [fn]trouble they will say,

‘Arise and save us!'

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 2:28 -

“But where are your gods

Which you made for yourself?

Let them arise, if they can save you

In the time of your [fn]trouble!

For as many as the number of your cities

Are your gods, Judah.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 2:37 -

“From this place as well you will go out

With your hands on your head;

For the LORD has rejected those in whom you trust,

And you will not prosper with them.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 3:12 - “Go and proclaim these words toward the north and say,

‘Return, faithless Israel,' declares the LORD;

‘I will not [fn]look at you in anger.

For I am gracious,' declares the LORD;

‘I will not be angry forever.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 3:13 -

‘Only [fn]acknowledge your wrongdoing,

That you have revolted against the LORD your God,

And have scattered your [fn]favors to the strangers under every leafy tree,

And you have not obeyed My voice,' declares the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 3:19 -

“Then I said,

‘How I would set you among [fn]My sons

And give you a pleasant land,

The most beautiful inheritance of the nations!'

And I said, ‘You shall call Me, My Father,

And not turn away from following Me.'

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 3:21 -

A voice is heard on the bare heights,

The weeping, the pleading of the sons of Israel.

Because they have perverted their way,

They have forgotten the LORD their God.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 3:22 -

“Return, you faithless sons,

I will heal your faithlessness.”

“Behold, we come to You;

For You are the LORD our God.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 4:3 -

For this is what the LORD says to the men of Judah and to Jerusalem:

[fn]Break up your uncultivated ground,

And do not sow among thorns.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 4:6 -

“Raise a flag toward Zion!

Take refuge, do not stand still,

For I am bringing evil from the north,

And great destruction.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 4:13 -

“Behold, he goes up like clouds,

And his chariots like the whirlwind;

His horses are swifter than eagles.

Woe to us, for we are ruined!”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 4:17 -

‘Like watchmen of a field they are against her all around,

Because she has rebelled against Me,' declares the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 4:18 -

“Your ways and your deeds

Have [fn]brought these things upon you.

This is your evil. How bitter!

How it has touched your heart!”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 4:19 -

My [fn]soul, my [fn]soul! I am in anguish! [fn]Oh, my heart!

My heart is pounding in me;

I cannot keep silent,

Because, [fn]my soul, you have heard

The sound of the trumpet,

The alarm of war.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 4:20 -

Disaster upon disaster is proclaimed,

For the whole land is devastated;

Suddenly my tents are devastated,

And my curtains in an instant.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 4:31 -

For I heard a voice cry as of a woman in labor,

The anguish as of one giving birth to her first child.

The voice of the daughter of Zion gasping for breath,

Stretching out her [fn]hands, saying,

“Ah, woe to me, for [fn]I faint before murderers.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 5:4 -

Then I said, “They are only the poor,

They are foolish;

For they do not know the way of the LORD

Or the judgment of their God.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 5:5 -

“I will go to the great

And speak to them,

For they know the way of the LORD

And the judgment of their God.”

But together they too have broken the yoke

And burst the restraints.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 5:6 -

Therefore a lion from the forest will kill them,

A wolf of the deserts will destroy them,

A leopard is watching their cities.

Everyone who goes out of them will be torn in pieces,

Because their wrongdoings are many,

Their apostasies are numerous.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 5:10 -

“Go up through her vine rows and destroy,

But do not execute a complete destruction;

Strip away her branches,

For they are not the LORD'S.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 5:11 -

“For the house of Israel and the house of Judah

Have dealt very treacherously with Me,” declares the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 5:26 -

‘For wicked people are found among My people,

They watch like fowlers [fn]lying in wait;

They set a trap,

They catch people.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 6:1 -

“Flee to safety, you sons of Benjamin,

From the midst of Jerusalem!

Blow a trumpet in Tekoa

And raise a warning signal over [fn]Beth-haccerem;

For evil looks down from the north,

Along with a great destruction.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 6:4 -

[fn]Prepare for war against her;

Arise, and let's [fn]attack at noon.

Woe to us, for the day declines,

For the shadows of the evening lengthen!

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 6:6 -

For this is what the LORD of armies says:

“Cut down her trees

And pile up an assault ramp against Jerusalem.

This is the city to be punished,

In whose midst there is only oppression.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 6:9 -

This is what the LORD of armies says:

“They will thoroughly glean the remnant of Israel like the vine;

Pass your hand over the branches again

Like a grape gatherer.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 6:11 -

But I am full of the wrath of the LORD;

I am weary of holding it in.

“Pour it out on the children in the street

And on the [fn]gathering of young men together;

For both husband and wife shall be taken,

The old [fn]and the very old.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 6:12 -

“Their houses shall be turned over to others,

Their fields and their wives together;

For I will stretch out My hand

Against the inhabitants of the land,” declares the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 6:13 -

“For from the least of them to the greatest of them,

Everyone is greedy for gain,

And from the prophet to the priest

Everyone deals falsely.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 6:15 -

“Were they ashamed because of the abomination they had done?

They were not ashamed at all,

Nor did they know even how to be ashamed.

Therefore they will fall among those who fall;

At the time that I punish them,

They will collapse,” says the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 6:19 -

“Hear, earth: behold, I am bringing disaster on this people,

The fruit of their [fn]plans,

Because they have not listened to My words,

And as for My Law, they have rejected it also.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 6:25 -

Do not go out into the field,

And do not walk on the road;

For the enemy has a sword,

Terror is on every side.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 6:26 -

Daughter of my people, put on sackcloth

And roll in ashes;

[fn]Mourn as for an only son,

A most bitter mourning.

For suddenly the destroyer

Will come against us.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 6:30 -

They call them rejected silver,

Because the LORD has rejected them.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 7:4 - “Do not trust in deceptive words, saying, ‘[fn]This is the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD, the temple of the LORD.'
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 7:5 - “For if you truly amend your ways and your deeds, if you truly practice justice between a person and his neighbor,
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 7:12 -

“But go now to My place which was in Shiloh, where I made My name dwell at the beginning, and see what I did to it because of the wickedness of My people Israel.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 7:16 -

“As for you, do not pray for this people, and do not lift up a cry or prayer for them, and do not plead with Me; for I am not listening to you.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 7:22 - “For I did not speak to your fathers, or command them on the day that I brought them out of the land of Egypt, concerning burnt offerings and sacrifices.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 7:29 -

‘Cut off [fn]your hair and throw it away,

And take up a song of mourning on the bare heights;

For the LORD has rejected and forsaken

The generation of His wrath.'

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 7:30 -

“For the sons of Judah have done that which is evil in My sight,” declares the LORD. “They have put their detestable things in the house which is called by My name, to defile it.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 7:34 - “Then I will eliminate from the cities of Judah and from the streets of Jerusalem the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the groom and the voice of the bride; for the land will become a site of ruins.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 8:3 - “And death will be chosen rather than life by all the remnant that remains of this evil family, that remains in all the places to which I have driven them,” declares the LORD of armies.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 8:4 -

“You shall say to them, ‘This is what the LORD says:

“Do people fall and not get up?

Does one turn away and not [fn]repent?

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 8:8 -

“How can you say, ‘We are wise,

And the Law of the LORD is with us'?

But behold, the lying pen of the scribes

Has made it into a lie.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 8:9 -

“The wise men are put to shame,

They are dismayed and caught;

Behold, they have rejected the word of the LORD,

So what kind of wisdom do they have?

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 8:14 -

Why are we sitting still?

Assemble yourselves, and let's go into the fortified cities

And perish there,

For the LORD our God has doomed us

And given us poisoned water to drink,

Because we have sinned against the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 9:2 -

[fn]Oh that I had in the desert

A travelers' lodging place;

So that I might leave my people

And go away from them!

For all of them are adulterers,

An assembly of treacherous people.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 9:3 -

“They bend their tongues like their bows;

Lies and not truth prevail in the land;

For they proceed from evil to evil,

And they do not know Me,” declares the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 9:4 -

“Let everyone be on guard against his neighbor,

And do not trust any brother;

Because every brother utterly [fn]betrays,

And every neighbor goes about as a slanderer.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 9:7 -

Therefore this is what the LORD of armies says:

“Behold, I will refine them and put them to the test;

For what else can I do, because of the daughter of My people?

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 9:10 -

“I will take up a weeping and wailing for the mountains,

And for the pastures of the wilderness a song of mourning,

Because they are laid waste so that no one passes through,

And the sound of the livestock is not heard;

Both the birds of the sky and the animals have fled; they are gone.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 9:19 -

“For a voice of wailing is heard from Zion:

‘How devastated we are!

We are put to great shame,

For we have abandoned the land

Because they have torn down our homes.'”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 9:21 -

For death has come up through our windows;

It has entered our palaces

To eliminate the children from the streets,

The young men from the public squares.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 9:24 - but let the one who boasts boast of this, that he understands and knows Me, that I am the LORD who exercises [fn]mercy, justice, and righteousness on the earth; for I delight in these things,” declares the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 9:26 - Egypt, Judah, Edom, the sons of Ammon, Moab, and all those inhabiting the desert who trim the hair on their temples; for all the nations are uncircumcised, and all the house of Israel are uncircumcised of heart.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 10:2 - This is what the LORD says:

“Do not learn the way of the nations,

And do not be terrified by the signs of the heavens,

Although the nations are terrified by them;

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 10:3 -

For the customs of the peoples are futile;

For it is wood cut from the forest,

The work of the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 10:5 -

“They are like a scarecrow in a cucumber field,

And they cannot speak;

They must be carried,

Because they cannot walk!

Do not fear them,

For they can do no harm,

Nor can they do any good.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 10:14 -

Every person is stupid, devoid of knowledge;

Every goldsmith is put to shame by his idols,

For his cast metal images are deceitful,

And there is no breath in them.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 10:16 -

The Portion of Jacob is not like these;

For He is the [fn]Maker of everything,

And Israel is the tribe of His inheritance;

The LORD of armies is His name.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 10:18 -

For this is what the LORD says:

“Behold, I am slinging out the inhabitants of the land

At this time,

And I will cause them distress,

So that they may [fn]be found.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 10:21 -

For the shepherds have become stupid

And have not sought the LORD.

Therefore they have not prospered,

And all their flock is scattered.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 10:23 -

I know, LORD, that a person's way is not in himself,

Nor is it in a person who walks to direct his steps.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 10:25 -

Pour out Your wrath on the nations that do not know You,

And on the families who do not call upon Your name;

For they have devoured Jacob;

They have devoured him and consumed him,

And have laid waste his [fn]settlement.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 11:13 - “For your gods are [fn]as many as your cities, Judah; and [fn]as many as the streets of Jerusalem are the altars you have set up to the shameful thing, altars for [fn]burning incense to Baal.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 11:14 -

“So as for you, do not pray for this people, nor lift up a cry or prayer for them; for I will not listen when they call to Me because of their disaster.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 11:17 -

The LORD of armies, who planted you, has pronounced evil against you because of the evil of the house of Israel and the house of Judah, which they have [fn]done to provoke Me by [fn]offering sacrifices to Baal.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 11:20 -

But, LORD of armies, who judges righteously,

Who puts the [fn]feelings and the heart to the test,

Let me see Your vengeance on them,

For to You I have [fn]committed my cause.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 11:23 - and a remnant will not be left to them, because I will bring disaster on the people of Anathoth—the year of their punishment.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 12:1 -

Righteous are You, LORD, when I plead my case with You;

Nevertheless I would discuss matters of justice with You:

Why has the way of the wicked prospered?

Why are all those who deal in treachery at ease?

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 12:4 -

How long is the land to mourn,

And the vegetation of the [fn]countryside to dry up?

Due to the wickedness of those who live in it,

Animals and birds have been snatched away,

Because people have said, “He will not see our final end.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 12:6 -

“For even your brothers and the household of your father,

Even they have dealt treacherously with you,

Even they have called aloud after you.

Do not believe them, though they say nice things to you.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 12:11 -

[fn]It has been made a desolation;

Desolate, it mourns [fn]before Me;

The whole land has been made desolate,

Because no one takes it to heart.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 12:12 -

“On all the [fn]bare heights in the wilderness

Destroyers have come,

For the sword of the LORD is devouring

From one end of the land even to the [fn]other;

There is no peace for [fn]anyone.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 12:14 -

This is what the LORD says concerning all My wicked neighbors who do harm to the inheritance with which I have endowed My people Israel: “Behold, I am going to drive them out of their land, and I will drive the house of Judah out from among them.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 13:11 - ‘For as the undergarment clings to the waist of a man, so I made the entire household of Israel and the entire household of Judah cling to Me,' declares the LORD, ‘so that they might be My people, for [fn]renown, for praise, and for glory; but they did not listen.'
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 13:12 -

“Therefore you are to speak this word to them. ‘This is what the LORD, the God of Israel says: “Every jug is to be filled with wine.”' And when they say to you, ‘Do we not very well know that every jug is to be filled with wine?'

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 13:15 -

Listen and pay attention, do not be haughty;

For the LORD has spoken.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 13:17 -

But if you do not listen to it,

My soul will weep in secret for such pride;

And my eyes will shed

And stream down tears,

Because the flock of the LORD has been taken captive.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 13:18 -

Say to the king and the queen mother,

“Take a lowly seat,

For your beautiful crown

Has come down from your head.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 13:27 -

“As for your adulteries and your lustful neighings,

The outrageous sin of your prostitution

On the hills in the field,

I have seen your abominations.

Woe to you, Jerusalem!

How long will you remain unclean?”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 14:4 -

Because the ground is [fn]cracked,

For there has been no rain on the land.

The farmers have been put to shame,

They have covered their heads.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 14:5 -

“For even the doe in the field has given birth only to abandon her young,

Because there is no grass.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 14:6 -

“The wild donkeys stand on the bare heights;

They pant for air like jackals,

Their eyes fail

Because there is no vegetation.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 14:7 -

“Though our wrongdoings testify against us,

LORD, act for the sake of Your name!

Our apostasies have indeed been many,

We have sinned against You.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 14:12 - “When they fast, I am not going to listen to their cry; and when they offer burnt offering and grain offering, I am not going to accept them. Rather, I am going to put an end to them by the sword, famine, and plague.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 14:13 -

But I said, “Oh, Lord [fn]GOD! Behold, the prophets are telling them, ‘You will not see a sword, nor will you have famine; on the contrary, I will give you lasting peace in this place.'”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 14:14 - Then the LORD said to me, “The prophets are prophesying falsehood in My name. I have neither sent them nor commanded them, nor spoken to them; they are prophesying to you a false vision, divination, futility, and the deception of their own [fn]minds.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 14:17 -

“You will say this word to them,

‘Let my eyes stream down tears night and day,

And let them not cease;

For the virgin daughter of my people has been crushed with a mighty blow,

With a sorely infected wound.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 14:18 -

‘If I go out to the country,

There are those killed by the sword!

Or if I enter the city,

There are diseases from famine!

For both prophet and priest

Have wandered around in the land that they do not know.'”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 14:20 -

We know our wickedness, LORD,

The wrongdoing of our fathers, for we have sinned against You.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 14:22 -

Are there any among the [fn]idols of the nations who give rain?

Or can the heavens grant showers?

Is it not You, LORD our God?

Therefore we wait for You,

For You are the one who has done all these things.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 15:14 -

“Then I will make your enemies bring your possessions

Into a land that you do not know;

For a fire has been kindled in My anger,

And it will burn upon you.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 15:16 -

Your words were found and I ate them,

And Your words became a joy to me and the delight of my heart;

For I have been called by Your name,

LORD God of armies.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 15:17 -

I did not sit in a circle of revelers and celebrate.

Because of Your hand upon me I sat alone,

For You filled me with indignation.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 16:3 - For this is what the LORD says concerning the sons and daughters born in this place, and concerning their mothers who give birth to them, and their fathers who father them in this land:
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 16:5 -

For this is what the LORD says: “Do not enter a house of mourning, or go to mourn or to console them; for I have withdrawn My peace from this people,” declares the LORD, “and My favor and compassion.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 16:17 - “For My eyes are on all their ways; they are not hidden from My face, nor is their wrongdoing concealed from My eyes.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 16:21 -

“Therefore behold, I am going to make them know

This time I will make them know

My [fn]power and My might;

And they will know that My name is the LORD.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 17:13 -

LORD, the hope of Israel,

All who abandon You will be put to shame.

Those who turn [fn]away on earth will be written down,

Because they have forsaken the fountain of living water, that is the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 17:14 -

Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed;

Save me and I will be saved,

For You are my praise.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 18:12 - “But they will say, ‘It's hopeless! For we are going to follow our own plans, and each of us will [fn]persist in the stubbornness of his evil heart.'
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 18:15 -

‘For My people have forgotten Me,

They burn incense [fn]to worthless gods.

And they [fn]have stumbled in their ways,

In the ancient roads,

To walk on paths,

Not on a highway,

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 18:18 -

Then they said, “Come and let's devise plans against Jeremiah. Certainly the Law is not going to be lost by the priest, nor advice by the wise, nor the divine word by the prophet! Come, and let's strike at him with our tongue, and let's pay no attention to any of his words.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 18:20 -

Should good be repaid with evil?

For they have dug a pit for [fn]me.

Remember how I stood before You

To speak good in their behalf,

So as to turn Your wrath away from them.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 18:22 -

May a cry be heard from their houses

When You suddenly bring raiders upon them;

For they have dug a pit to capture me

And hidden snares for my feet.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 19:15 - “This is what the LORD of armies, the God of Israel says: ‘Behold, I am going to bring on this city and all its towns the entire disaster that I have declared against it, because they have stiffened their necks so as not to listen to My words.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 20:8 -

For each time I speak, I cry aloud;

I proclaim violence and destruction,

Because for me the word of the LORD has [fn]resulted

In taunting and derision all day long.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 20:10 -

For I have heard the whispering of many,

“Terror on every side!

Denounce him; let's denounce him!”

[fn]All my trusted friends,

Watching for my fall, say:

“Perhaps he will be persuaded, so that we may prevail against him

And take our revenge on him.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 20:11 -

But the LORD is with me like a powerful champion;

Therefore my persecutors will stumble and not prevail.

They will be put to great shame because they have [fn]failed,

An everlasting disgrace that will not be forgotten.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 20:12 -

Yet, LORD of armies, who tests the righteous,

Who sees the [fn]mind and the heart;

Let me see Your vengeance on them,

For to You I have disclosed my cause.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 20:13 -

Sing to the LORD, praise the LORD!

For He has saved the soul of the needy one

From the hand of evildoers.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 20:17 -

Because he did not kill me [fn]before birth,

So that my mother would have been my grave,

And her womb forever pregnant.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 21:2 - “Please inquire of the LORD in our behalf, because Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon is making war against us; perhaps the LORD will deal with us in accordance with all His [fn]wonderful acts, so that the enemy will withdraw from us.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 22:5 - “But if you will not obey these words, I swear by Myself,” declares the LORD, “that this house will become a place of ruins.”'”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 22:6 - For this is what the LORD says concerning the house of the king of Judah:

“You are like Gilead to Me,

Like the summit of Lebanon;

Yet most assuredly I will make you a wilderness,

Cities that are not inhabited.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 22:10 -

Do not weep for the dead or mourn for him,

But weep deeply for the one who goes away;

For he will never return

Or see his native land.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 22:15 -

“Do you become a king because you are competing in cedar?

Did your father not eat and drink

And do justice and righteousness?

Then it was well for him.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 22:20 -

“Go up to Lebanon and cry out,

And raise your voice in Bashan;

Cry out also from Abarim,

For all your lovers have been crushed.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 22:22 -

“The wind will sweep away all your shepherds,

And your lovers will go into captivity;

Then you will certainly be ashamed and humiliated

Because of all your wickedness.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 22:28 -

“Is this man Coniah a despised, shattered jar?

Or is he an undesirable vessel?

Why have he and his descendants been hurled out

And cast into a land that they had not known?

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 22:30 -

“This is what the LORD says:

‘Write this man down as childless,

A man who will not prosper in his days;

For no man among his descendants will prosper

Sitting on the throne of David

Or ruling again in Judah.'”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 23:10 -

For the land is full of adulterers;

For the land mourns because of the curse.

The pastures of the wilderness have dried up.

Their course is evil

And their might is not right.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 23:11 -

“For both prophet and priest are defiled;

Even in My house I have found their wickedness,” declares the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 23:15 -

“Therefore this is what the LORD of armies says concerning the prophets:

‘Behold, I am going to feed them wormwood

And make them drink poisonous water,

For from the prophets of Jerusalem

Ungodliness has spread into all the land.'”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 23:16 -

This is what the LORD of armies says:

“Do not listen to the words of the prophets who are prophesying to you.

They are leading you into futility;

They tell a vision of their own [fn]imagination,

Not from the mouth of the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 23:18 -

“But who has stood in the council of the LORD,

That he should see and hear His word?

Who has paid attention to [fn]His word and listened?

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 23:35 - “This is what each one of you will say to his neighbor and to his brother: ‘What has the LORD answered?' or, ‘What has the LORD spoken?'
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 23:36 - “For you will no longer remember the pronouncement of the LORD, because every person's own word will become the pronouncement, and you have perverted the words of the living God, the LORD of armies, our God.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 24:7 - ‘I will also give them a heart to know Me, for I am the LORD; and they will be My people, and I will be their God, for they will return to Me wholeheartedly.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 25:29 - “For behold, I am beginning to inflict disaster on this city which is called by My name, so should you be completely free from punishment? You will not be free from punishment, for I am summoning a sword against all the inhabitants of the earth,” declares the LORD of armies.'
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 25:31 -

‘A clamor has come to the end of the earth,

Because the LORD has a controversy with the nations.

He is entering into judgment with [fn]humanity;

As for the wicked, He has turned them over to the sword,' declares the LORD.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 25:34 -

“Wail, you shepherds, and cry out;

Wallow in the dust, you masters of the flock;

For the days of your slaughter and your dispersions [fn]have come,

And you will fall like a precious vessel.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 25:36 -

Hear the sound of the cry of the shepherds,

And the wailing of the masters of the flock!

For the LORD is destroying their pasture,

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 25:38 -

“He has left His hiding place like the lion;

For their land has become a horror

Because of the fierceness of the [fn]oppressing sword

And because of His fierce anger.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 26:9 - “Why have you prophesied in the name of the LORD, saying, ‘This house will be like Shiloh and this city will be in ruins, without inhabitant'?” And all the people gathered to Jeremiah at the house of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 26:11 - Then the priests and the prophets spoke to the officials and to all the people, saying, “A death sentence for this man! For he has prophesied against this city, just as you have heard with your own ears!”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 26:15 - “Only know for certain that if you put me to death, you will bring innocent blood on yourselves, and on this city and its inhabitants; for truly the LORD has sent me to you to speak all these words [fn]so that you hear them.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 26:16 -

Then the officials and all the people said to the priests and the prophets, “No death sentence for this man! For he has spoken to us in the name of the LORD our God.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 26:19 -

“Did Hezekiah king of Judah and all Judah actually put him to death? Did he not fear the LORD and plead for the favor of the LORD, and the LORD relented of the disaster which He had pronounced against them? But we are committing a great evil against our own lives!”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 27:5 - ‘I have made the earth, mankind, and the animals which are on the face of the earth by My great power and by My outstretched arm, and I will give it to the one who is [fn]pleasing in My sight.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 27:10 - ‘For they are prophesying a lie to you in order to remove you far from your land; and I will drive you away and you will perish.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 27:14 - “So do not listen to the words of the prophets who talk to you, saying, ‘You will not serve the king of Babylon,' for they are prophesying a lie to you;
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 27:15 - for I have not sent them,” declares the LORD, “but they are prophesying falsely in My name, so that I will drive you away and that you will perish, you and the prophets who prophesy to you.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 27:16 -

Then I spoke to the priests and to all this people, saying: “This is what the LORD says: ‘Do not listen to the words of your prophets who prophesy to you, saying, “Behold, the vessels of the LORD'S house will now shortly be brought back from Babylon”; for they are prophesying a lie to you.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 27:19 - ‘For this is what the LORD of armies says concerning the pillars, concerning the [fn]sea, concerning the kettle stands, and concerning the rest of the vessels that are left in this city,
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 28:4 - ‘I am also going to bring back to this place Jeconiah the son of Jehoiakim, king of Judah, and all the exiles of Judah who went to Babylon,' declares the LORD, ‘for I will break the yoke of the king of Babylon.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 28:14 - ‘For this is what the LORD of armies, the God of Israel says: “I have put a yoke of iron on the neck of all these nations, to serve Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon; and they shall serve him. And I have also given him the animals of the field.”'”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 29:7 - ‘Seek the [fn]prosperity of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD in its behalf; for [fn]in its [fn]prosperity will be your [fn]prosperity.'
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 29:8 - “For this is what the LORD of armies, the God of Israel says: ‘Do not let your prophets who are in your midst or your diviners deceive you, and do not listen to their interpretations of your dreams which you dream.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 29:9 - ‘For they prophesy falsely to you in My name; I have not sent them,' declares the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 29:10 -

“For this is what the LORD says: ‘When seventy years have been completed for Babylon, I will visit you and fulfill My good word to you, to bring you back to this place.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 29:13 - ‘And you will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 29:15 -

“Because you have said, ‘The LORD has raised up prophets for us in Babylon'—

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 30:3 - ‘For behold, days are coming,' declares the LORD, ‘when I will restore the fortunes of My people Israel and Judah.' The LORD says, ‘I will also bring them back to the land that I gave to their forefathers, and they shall take possession of it.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 30:7 -

‘Woe, for that day is great,

There is none like it;

And it is the time of Jacob's distress,

Yet he will be saved from it.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 30:14 -

‘All your lovers have forgotten you,

They do not seek you;

For I have wounded you with the wound of an enemy,

With the punishment of a cruel one,

Because your wrongdoing is great,

And your sins are numerous.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 30:17 -

‘For I will [fn]restore you to [fn]health

And I will heal you of your wounds,' declares the LORD,

‘Because they have called you an outcast, saying:

“It is Zion; no one [fn]cares for her.”'

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 30:21 -

[fn]Their leader shall be one of them,

And [fn]their ruler will come out from [fn]their midst;

And I will bring him near and he shall approach Me;

For [fn]who would dare to risk his life to approach Me?' declares the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 30:23 -

Behold, the tempest of the LORD!

Wrath has gone forth,

A [fn]sweeping tempest;

It will whirl upon the head of the wicked.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 31:6 -

“For there will be a day when watchmen

On the hills of Ephraim call out,

‘Arise, and let's go up to Zion,

To the LORD our God.'”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 31:7 -

For this is what the LORD says:

“Sing aloud with joy for Jacob,

And be joyful with the [fn]chief of the nations;

Proclaim, give praise, and say,

‘LORD, save Your people,

The remnant of Israel!'

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 31:9 -

“They will come with weeping,

And by pleading I will bring them;

I will lead them by streams of waters,

On a straight path on which they will not stumble;

For I am a father to Israel,

And Ephraim is My firstborn.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 31:11 -

For the LORD has ransomed Jacob

And redeemed him from the hand of him who was stronger than he.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 31:15 -

This is what the LORD says:

“A voice is heard in Ramah,

Lamenting and bitter weeping.

Rachel is weeping for her children;

She refuses to be comforted for her children,

Because they are no more.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 31:16 -

This is what the LORD says:

“Restrain your voice from weeping

And your eyes from tears;

For your work will be rewarded,” declares the LORD,

“And they will return from the land of the enemy.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 31:18 -

“I have certainly heard Ephraim grieving,

‘You have disciplined me, and I was corrected,

Like an untrained calf;

Bring me back that I may be restored,

For You are the LORD my God.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 31:19 -

‘For after I turned back, I repented;

And after I was instructed, I [fn]slapped my thigh;

I was ashamed and also humiliated

Because I bore the shame of my youth.'

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 31:20 -

“Is Ephraim My dear son?

Is he a delightful child?

Indeed, as often as I have spoken against him,

I certainly still remember him;

Therefore My [fn]heart yearns for him;

I will certainly have mercy on him,” declares the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 31:22 -

“How long will you waver,

You rebellious daughter?

For the LORD has created a new thing on the earth:

A woman will shelter a man.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 31:25 - “For I give plenty of water to the weary ones, and [fn]refresh everyone who languishes.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 31:32 - not like the covenant which I made with their fathers on the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them,” declares the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 31:33 - “For this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares the LORD: “I will put My law within them and write it on their heart; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 31:34 - “They will not teach again, each one his neighbor and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,' for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” declares the LORD, “for I will forgive their wrongdoing, and their sin I will no longer remember.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 32:4 - and Zedekiah king of Judah will not escape from the hand of the Chaldeans, but he will certainly be handed over to the king of Babylon, and he will speak with him [fn]face to face and see him eye to eye.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 32:7 - ‘Behold, Hanamel the son of Shallum your uncle is coming to you, saying, “Buy for yourself my field which is at Anathoth, for you have the right of redemption to buy it.”'
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 32:8 - “Then my uncle's son Hanamel came to me in the courtyard of the guard in accordance with the word of the LORD and said to me, ‘Buy my field, please, that is at Anathoth, which is in the land of Benjamin; for you have the right of possession and the redemption is yours; buy it for yourself.' Then I knew that this was the word of the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 32:15 - ‘For this is what the LORD of armies, the God of Israel says: “Houses and fields and vineyards will again be purchased in this land.”'
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 32:30 - “For the sons of Israel and the sons of Judah have been doing only evil in My sight since their youth; for the sons of Israel have been only provoking Me to anger by the work of their hands,” declares the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 32:31 - “Indeed this city has been to Me a provocation of My anger and My wrath since the day that they built it, even to this day, so that it should be removed from My sight,
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 32:42 - “For this is what the LORD says: ‘Just as I brought all this great disaster on this people, so I am going to bring on them all the good that I am promising them.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 32:44 - People will buy fields for money, [fn]sign and seal [fn]deeds, and call in witnesses in the land of Benjamin, in the areas surrounding Jerusalem, in the cities of Judah, in the cities of the hill country, in the cities of the lowland, and in the cities of the [fn]Negev; for I will restore their fortunes,' declares the LORD.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 33:4 - “For this is what the LORD, the God of Israel says concerning the houses of this city, and concerning the houses of the kings of Judah which have been torn down to make a defense against the assault ramps and the sword:
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 33:11 - the voice of joy and the voice of gladness, the voice of the groom and the voice of the bride, the voice of those who say,

“Give thanks to the LORD of armies,

For the LORD is good,

For His mercy is everlasting,”

as they bring a thanksgiving offering into the house of the LORD. For I will restore the fortunes of the land as they were at first,' says the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 34:5 - ‘You will die in peace; and as spices were burned for your fathers, the former kings who were before you, so they will burn spices for you; and they will mourn for you, crying, “Oh, my lord!”' For I have spoken the word,” declares the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 34:7 - when the army of the king of Babylon was fighting against Jerusalem and all the remaining cities of Judah, that is, Lachish and Azekah, for they alone remained as fortified cities among the cities of Judah.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 35:6 - But they said, “We will not drink wine, for Jonadab the son of Rechab, our father, commanded us, saying, ‘You shall not drink wine, you or your sons, forever.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 35:7 - ‘You shall not build a house, and you shall not sow seed nor plant a vineyard, nor [fn]own one; but you shall live in tents all your days, so that you may live many days [fn]in the land where you live as strangers.'
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 36:7 - “Perhaps their pleading will [fn]come before the LORD, and everyone will turn from his evil way; for great is the anger and the wrath that the LORD has pronounced against this people.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 37:9 - “This is what the LORD says: ‘Do not deceive yourselves, saying, “The Chaldeans will certainly go away from us,” for they will not go.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 37:15 - Then the officials were angry at Jeremiah and they beat him, and put him in prison in the house of Jonathan the scribe, for they had made it into the prison.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 37:18 - Moreover, Jeremiah said to King Zedekiah, “In what way have I sinned against you, or your servants, or this people, that you have put me in prison?
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 37:19 - “And where are your prophets who prophesied to you, saying, ‘The king of Babylon will not come against you or against this land'?
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 38:3 - “This is what the LORD says: ‘This city will certainly be handed over to the army of the king of Babylon and he will capture it.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 38:4 - Then the officials said to the king, “Please have this man put to death, since he is [fn]discouraging the men of war who are left in this city and [fn]all the people, by speaking words like these to them; for this man is not seeking the well-being of this people, but rather their harm.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 38:5 - And King Zedekiah said, “Behold, he is in your [fn]hands; for the king can do nothing against you.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 38:7 - But Ebed-melech the Ethiopian, a [fn]eunuch, while he was in the king's palace, heard that they had put Jeremiah in the cistern. Now the king was sitting at the Gate of Benjamin;
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 38:9 - “My lord the king, these men have acted wickedly in all that they have done to Jeremiah the prophet whom they have thrown into the cistern; and he will die right where he is because of the famine, for there is no more bread in the city.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 38:23 -

‘They are also going to bring out all your wives and your sons to the Chaldeans, and you yourself will not escape from their hand, but will be seized by the hand of the king of Babylon, and this city will be burned with fire.'”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 38:25 - “But if the officials hear that I have talked with you and come to you and say to you, ‘Tell us now what you said to the king and what the king said to you; do not hide it from us and we will not put you to death,'
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 38:27 - Then all the officials came to Jeremiah and questioned him. So he reported to them in accordance with all these words which the king had commanded; and they stopped speaking with him, since the [fn]conversation had not been overheard.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 39:18 - “For I will assuredly rescue you, and you will not fall by the sword; but you will have your own life as plunder, because you have trusted in Me,” declares the LORD.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 40:3 - and the LORD has brought it and done just as He promised. Because you people sinned against the LORD and did not listen to His voice, this thing has happened to you.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 40:7 -

Now all the commanders of the forces that were in the field, they and their men, heard that the king of Babylon had appointed Gedaliah the son of Ahikam over the land, and that he had put him in charge of the men, women, and [fn]children, those of the poorest of the land who had not been exiled to Babylon.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 40:11 - Likewise, also all the Jews who were in Moab and among the sons of Ammon and in Edom, and who were in all the other countries, heard that the king of Babylon had [fn]left a remnant for Judah, and that he had appointed over them Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, the son of Shaphan.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 40:14 - and said to him, “Are you well aware that Baalis the king of the sons of Ammon has sent Ishmael the son of Nethaniah to take your life?” But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam did not believe them.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 40:16 - But Gedaliah the son of Ahikam said to Johanan the son of Kareah, “Do not do this thing, for you are telling a lie about Ishmael.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 41:8 - But ten men who were found among them said to Ishmael, “Do not put us to death, for we have supplies of wheat, barley, oil, and honey hidden in the field.” So he refrained and did not put them to death along with their companions.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 41:18 - because of the Chaldeans; for they were afraid of them, since Ishmael the son of Nethaniah had struck and killed Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, whom the king of Babylon had appointed over the land.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 42:2 - and said to Jeremiah the prophet, “Please let our pleading [fn]come before you, and pray for us to the LORD your God for all this remnant—since we have been left only a few out of many, just as your own eyes now see us—
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 42:6 - “Whether it is [fn]pleasant or [fn]unpleasant, we will listen to the voice of the LORD our God to whom we are sending you, so that it may go well for us when we listen to the voice of the LORD our God.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 42:10 - ‘If you will indeed stay in this land, then I will build you up and not tear you down, and I will plant you and not uproot you; for I [fn]will relent of the disaster that I have inflicted on you.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 42:11 - ‘Do not be afraid of the king of Babylon, whom you are now fearing; do not be afraid of him,' declares the LORD, ‘for I am with you to save you and rescue you from his hand.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 42:14 - saying, “No, but we will go to the land of Egypt, where we will not see war, or hear the sound of a trumpet, or hunger for bread, and we will stay there”;
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 42:18 -

For this is what the LORD of armies, the God of Israel says: “As My anger and wrath have gushed out on the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so My wrath will gush out on you when you enter Egypt. And you will become a curse, an object of horror, [fn]an imprecation, and a disgrace; and you will not see this place again.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 42:20 - For you have only [fn]deceived yourselves; for it is you who sent me to the LORD your God, saying, “Pray for us to the LORD our God; and whatever the LORD our God says, tell us so, and we will do it.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 43:7 - and they entered the land of Egypt (for they did not obey the voice of the LORD) and went in as far as Tahpanhes.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 44:15 -

Then all the men who were aware that their wives were burning [fn]sacrifices to other gods, along with all the women who were standing by, as a large assembly, [fn]including all the people who were living in Pathros in the land of Egypt, responded to Jeremiah, saying,

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 44:17 - “But we will certainly carry out every word that has proceeded from our mouths, [fn]by burning [fn]sacrifices to the queen of heaven and pouring out drink offerings to her, just as we ourselves, our forefathers, our kings, and our leaders did in the cities of Judah and in the streets of Jerusalem; for then we had plenty of [fn]food and were well off and saw no [fn]misfortune.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 44:19 - “And,” said the women, “when we were burning [fn]sacrifices to the queen of heaven and [fn]pouring out drink offerings to her, was it without our husbands that we made for her sacrificial cakes [fn]in her image, and poured out drink offerings to her?”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 44:27 - ‘Behold, I am watching over them for harm and not for good, and all the people of Judah who are in the land of Egypt will [fn]meet their end by the sword or by famine until they [fn]are completely gone.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 44:29 - ‘And this will be the sign to you,' declares the LORD, ‘that I am going to punish you in this place, so that you may know that My words will assuredly stand against you for harm.'
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 45:3 - ‘You said, “Oh, woe to me! For the LORD has added grief to my pain; I am weary with my groaning and have found no rest.”'
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 45:5 - ‘But as for you, are you seeking great things for yourself? Do not seek them; for behold, I am going to bring disaster on all flesh,' declares the LORD, ‘but I will give your life to you as plunder in all the places where you may go.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 46:5 -

“Why have I seen it?

They are terrified,

They are retreating,

And their warriors are defeated

And have taken refuge in flight,

Without facing back.

[fn]Terror is on every side!”

Declares the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 46:10 -

For that day belongs to the Lord [fn]GOD of armies,

A day of vengeance, so as to avenge Himself on His foes;

And the sword will devour and be satisfied,

And [fn]drink its fill of their blood;

For there will be a slaughter for the Lord [fn]GOD of armies,

In the land of the north at the river Euphrates.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 46:12 -

The nations have heard of your shame,

And the earth is full of your cry of distress;

For one warrior has stumbled over [fn]another,

And both of them have fallen down together.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 46:14 -

“Declare in Egypt and proclaim in Migdol,

Proclaim also in Memphis and Tahpanhes;

Say, ‘Take your stand and get yourself ready,

For the sword has devoured those around you.'

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 46:15 -

“Why have your powerful ones been cut down?

They do not stand because the LORD has thrust them away.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 46:18 -

“As I live,” declares the King,

Whose name is the LORD of armies,

“One certainly shall come who is like Tabor among the mountains,

Or like Carmel by the sea.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 46:19 -

“Make your baggage ready for exile,

Daughter living in Egypt,

For Memphis will become a desolation;

It will be destroyed and [fn]deprived of inhabitants.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 46:21 -

“Also her mercenaries in her midst

Are like fattened calves,

For they too have turned away and have fled together;

They did not stand their ground.

For the day of their disaster has come upon them,

The time of their punishment.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 46:22 -

“Its sound moves along like a serpent;

For they move on [fn]like an army

And come to her as woodcutters with axes.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 46:23 -

“They have cut down her forest,” declares the LORD;

“Certainly it will no longer be found,

Even though [fn]they are more numerous than locusts

And are without number.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 46:28 -

“Jacob My servant, do not fear,” declares the LORD,

“For I am with you.

For I will make a complete destruction of all the nations

Where I have driven you,

Yet I will not make a complete destruction of you;

But I will correct you properly

And by no means leave you unpunished.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 47:4 -

Because of the day that is coming

To destroy all the Philistines,

To eliminate from Tyre and Sidon

Every surviving ally;

For the LORD is going to destroy the Philistines,

The remnant of the coastland of Caphtor.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 48:1 -

Concerning Moab. This is what the LORD of armies, the God of Israel says:

“Woe to Nebo, for it has been destroyed;

Kiriathaim has been put to shame, it has been captured;

The high stronghold has been put to shame and [fn]shattered.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 48:3 -

“The sound of an outcry from Horonaim,

‘Devastation and great destruction!'

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 48:5 -

“For they will go up by the ascent of Luhith

With continual weeping;

For at the descent of Horonaim

They have heard the [fn]anguished cry of destruction.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 48:9 -

“Give [fn]wings to Moab,

For she will [fn]flee away;

And her cities will become a desolation,

Without inhabitants in them.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 48:18 -

“Come down from your glory

And sit on the parched ground,

O daughter living in Dibon,

For the destroyer of Moab has come up against you,

He has ruined your strongholds.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 48:20 -

“Moab has been put to shame, for it has been [fn]shattered.

Wail and cry out;

Declare by the Arnon

That Moab has been destroyed.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 48:26 - “Make him drunk, for he has [fn]become arrogant toward the LORD; so Moab will [fn]vomit, and he also will become a laughingstock.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 48:27 - “Now was Israel not a laughingstock to you? Or was he [fn]caught among thieves? For whenever you speak about him you shake your head in scorn.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 48:34 -

“From the outcry at Heshbon to Elealeh, to Jahaz they have [fn]raised their voice, from Zoar to Horonaim, and to Eglath-shelishiyah; for even the waters of Nimrim will become desolate.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 48:38 - “On all the housetops of Moab and in its public squares [fn]there is mourning everywhere; for I have broken Moab like an undesirable vessel,” declares the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 48:40 -

For this is what the LORD says:

“Behold, one will fly swiftly like an eagle

And spread out his wings against Moab.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 48:42 -

“Moab will be destroyed from being a people

Because he has [fn]become arrogant toward the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 48:44 -

“The one who flees from the terror

Will fall into the pit,

And the one who climbs up out of the pit

Will be caught in the snare;

For I will bring upon her, upon Moab,

The year of their punishment,” declares the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 49:3 -

“Wail, Heshbon, for Ai has been destroyed!

Cry out, daughters of Rabbah,

Put on sackcloth and mourn,

And move about inside the walls;

For [fn]Malcam will go into exile

Together with his priests and his leaders.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 49:8 -

“Flee away, turn back, dwell in the depths,

You inhabitants of Dedan,

For I [fn]will bring the disaster of Esau upon him

At the time I [fn]punish him.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 49:9 -

“If grape pickers came to you,

Would they not leave gleanings?

If thieves came by night,

They would destroy only what was sufficient for them.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 49:10 -

“But I have stripped Esau bare,

I have uncovered his hiding places

So that he will not be able to conceal himself;

His [fn]offspring have been destroyed along with his [fn]brothers

And his neighbors, and he no longer exists.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 49:12 -

For this is what the LORD says: “Behold, those [fn]who were not sentenced to drink the cup will certainly drink it, so are you the one who will be held completely blameless? You will not be held blameless, but you will certainly drink it.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 49:13 - “For I have sworn by Myself,” declares the LORD, “that Bozrah will become an object of horror, a disgrace, a wasteland, and a curse; and all its cities will become permanent ruins.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 49:16 -

“As for the terror you cause,

The arrogance of your heart has deceived you,

You who live in the clefts of [fn]the rock,

Who occupy the height of the hill.

Though you make your nest as high as an eagle's,

I will bring you down from there,” declares the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 49:19 - “Behold, one will come up like a lion from the thicket of the Jordan to a perennially watered pasture; for in an instant I will chase him away from it, and I will appoint over it whoever is chosen. For who is like Me, and who will summon Me into court? And who then is the shepherd who can stand against Me?”
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 49:21 - The earth has quaked at the noise of their downfall. There is an outcry! The noise of it has been heard at the [fn]Red Sea.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 49:23 -

Concerning Damascus:

“Hamath and Arpad are put to shame,

For they have heard bad news;

They despair.

There is anxiety at the sea,

It cannot be calmed.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 49:30 -

“Run away, flee! Dwell in the depths,

You inhabitants of Hazor,” declares the LORD;

“For Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon has formed a plan against you

And devised a scheme against you.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:3 -

“For a nation has come up against her from the north; it will make her land an object of horror, and there will be no inhabitant in it. Whether people or animals, they have wandered off, they have gone!

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:9 -

“For behold, I am going to rouse and bring up against Babylon

A contingent of great nations from the land of the north,

And they will draw up their battle lines against her;

From there she will be taken captive.

Their arrows will be like [fn]an expert warrior

Who does not return empty-handed.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:11 -

“Because you are glad, because you are jubilant,

You who pillage My heritage,

Because you skip about [fn]like a threshing heifer

And neigh like [fn]stallions,

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:15 -

“Raise your battle cry against her on every side!

She has given [fn]herself up, her towers have fallen,

Her walls have been torn down.

For this is the vengeance of the LORD:

Take vengeance on her;

As she has done to others, so do to her.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:20 - ‘In those days and at that time,' declares the LORD, ‘search will be made for the wrongdoing of Israel, but there will be none; and for the sins of Judah, but they will not be found; for I will forgive those whom I leave as a remnant.'
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:24 -

“I set a trap for you and you were also caught, Babylon,

While you yourself were not aware;

You have been found and also seized

Because you have engaged in conflict with the LORD.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:25 -

The LORD has opened His armory

And has brought out the weapons of His indignation,

For it is a work of the Lord [fn]GOD of armies

In the land of the Chaldeans.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:26 -

Come to her from the [fn]farthest border;

Open up her barns,

Pile her up like heaps of grain

And [fn]completely destroy her,

Let nothing be left to her.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:27 -

Put all her bulls to the sword;

Let them go down to the slaughter!

Woe be upon them, for their day has come,

The time of their punishment.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:29 -

“Summon [fn]many against Babylon,

All those who [fn]bend the bow:

Encamp against her on every side,

Let there be no escape[fn].

Repay her according to her work;

According to all that she has done, so do to her;

For she has become arrogant against the LORD,

Against the Holy One of Israel.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:31 -

“Behold, I am against you, [fn]arrogant one,”

Declares the Lord [fn]GOD of armies,

“For your day has come,

The time [fn]when I will punish you.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:33 -

This is what the LORD of armies says:

“The sons of Israel are oppressed,

And the sons of Judah as well;

And all who took them captive have held them firmly,

They have refused to let them go.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:38 -

“A [fn]drought on her waters, and they will be dried up!

For it is a land of idols,

And they go insane at frightful images.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:44 -

“Behold, one will come up like a lion from the thicket of the Jordan to a perennially watered pasture; for in an instant I will chase them away from it, and I will appoint over it whoever is chosen. For who is like Me, and who will summon Me into court? And who then is the shepherd who can stand against Me?”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 50:46 - At the [fn]shout, “Babylon has been conquered!” the earth quakes, and an outcry is heard among the nations.
Unchecked Copy BoxJer 51:5 -

For neither Israel nor Judah has been [fn]forsaken

By his God, the LORD of armies,

Although their land is full of guilt

[fn]Before the Holy One of Israel.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 51:6 -

Flee from the midst of Babylon,

And each of you save his life!

Do not perish in her [fn]punishment,

For this is the LORD'S time of vengeance;

He is going to repay to her what she deserves.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 51:9 -

We applied healing to Babylon, but she was not healed;

Abandon her and let's each go to his own country,

For her judgment has reached to heaven

And it rises to the clouds.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 51:11 -

Sharpen the arrows, fill the quivers!

The LORD has stirred up the spirit of the kings of the Medes,

Because His plan is against Babylon to destroy it;

For it is the vengeance of the LORD, vengeance for His temple.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 51:12 -

Lift up a signal flag against the walls of Babylon;

Post a strong guard,

Station [fn]sentries,

Set up an ambush!

For the LORD has both planned and performed

What He spoke concerning the inhabitants of Babylon.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 51:14 -

The LORD of armies has sworn by Himself:

“I will certainly fill you with a [fn]population like locusts,

And they will cry out with shouts of victory over you.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 51:17 -

Every person is stupid, devoid of knowledge;

Every goldsmith is put to shame by his [fn]idols,

For his cast metal images are deceitful,

And there is no breath in them.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 51:19 -

The portion of Jacob is not like these;

For He is the [fn]Maker of everything,

And of the [fn]tribe of His inheritance;

The LORD of armies is His name.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 51:26 -

“They will not take from you even a stone for a corner

Nor a stone for foundations,

But you will be desolate forever,” declares the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 51:31 -

One [fn]courier runs to meet [fn]another,

And one [fn]messenger to meet [fn]another,

To tell the king of Babylon

That his city has been captured from end to end;

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 51:51 -

We are ashamed because we have heard rebuke;

Disgrace has covered our faces,

Because strangers have entered

The holy places of the LORD'S house.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 51:53 -

“Though Babylon ascends to the heavens,

And though she fortifies [fn]her lofty stronghold,

Destroyers will come from Me to her,” declares the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 51:55 -

For the LORD is going to destroy Babylon,

And He will make her loud [fn]noise vanish from her.

And their waves will roar like many waters;

The clamor of their voices [fn]sounds forth.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 51:56 -

For the destroyer is coming against her, against Babylon,

And her warriors will be captured,

Their bows shattered;

For the LORD is a God of retribution,

He will fully repay.

Unchecked Copy BoxJer 51:62 - and say, ‘You, LORD, have [fn]promised concerning this place to cut it off, so that there will be nothing living in it, [fn]whether man or animal; but it will be a permanent desolation.'
Unchecked Copy BoxLam 1:5 -

Her adversaries have become [fn]her masters,

Her enemies are [fn]secure;

For the LORD has [fn]caused her grief

Because of the multitude of her wrongdoings;

Her little ones have gone away

As captives [fn]led by the enemy.

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 1:9 -

Her uncleanness was in her garment's seams;

She [fn]did not think of her future.

So she has [fn]fallen in an astonishing way;

She has no comforter.

“See, LORD, my affliction,

For the enemy has [fn]honored himself!”

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 1:11 -

All her people groan, seeking bread;

They have given their treasures for food

To restore their [fn]lives.

“See, LORD, and look,

For I am despised.”

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 1:14 -

“The yoke of my wrongdoings is bound;

By His hand they are woven together.

They have come upon my neck;

He has made my strength [fn]fail.

The Lord has handed me over

To those against whom I am not able to stand.

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 1:16 -

“For these things I weep;

[fn]My eyes run down with water;

Because far from me is a comforter,

One to restore my soul.

My children are desolate

Because the enemy has prevailed.”

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 1:18 -

“The LORD is righteous,

For I have rebelled against His [fn]command;

Hear now, all peoples,

And see my pain;

My virgins and my young men

Have gone into captivity.

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 1:19 -

“I called to my lovers, but they deserted me;

My priests and my elders perished in the city

While they sought food to restore their [fn]strength themselves.

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 1:20 -

“See, LORD, for I am in distress;

My [fn]spirit is greatly troubled;

My heart is overturned within me,

For I have been very rebellious.

In the street the sword has made women childless;

In the house it is like death.

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 1:21 -

“They have heard that I groan;

There is no one to comfort me,

All my enemies have heard of my disaster;

They are joyful that You have done it.

Oh, that You would bring the day which You have proclaimed,

So that they will become like me.

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 1:22 -

“May all their wickedness come before You;

And deal with them just as You have dealt with me

For all my wrongdoings.

For my groans are many and my heart is faint.”

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 2:13 -

How shall I admonish you?

What shall I compare to you,

Daughter of Jerusalem?

What shall I liken to you as I comfort you,

Virgin daughter of Zion?

For your collapse is as vast as the sea;

Who can heal you?

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 3:28 -

Let him sit alone and keep quiet,

Since He has laid it on him.

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 3:31 -

For the Lord will not reject forever,

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 3:32 -

For if He causes grief,

Then He will have compassion

In proportion to His abundant mercy.

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 3:33 -

For He does not [fn]afflict [fn]willingly

Or [fn]grieve the sons of mankind.

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 4:12 -

The kings of the earth did not believe,

Nor did any of the inhabitants of the world,

That the adversary and the enemy

Would enter the gates of Jerusalem.

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 4:15 -

“Keep away! Unclean!” [fn]they cried out of themselves.

“Keep away, keep away, do not touch!”

For they distanced themselves as well as wandered;

People among the nations said,

“They shall not continue to reside with us.

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 5:16 -

The crown has fallen from our head;

Woe to us, for we have sinned!

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 5:18 -

Because of Mount Zion which lies desolate,

Jackals prowl in it.

Unchecked Copy BoxLam 5:22 -

Unless You have utterly rejected us

And are exceedingly angry with us.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 1:21 - Whenever those went, they went; and whenever those stopped, they stopped. And whenever those rose from the earth, the wheels rose just as they did; for the spirit of the living [fn]beings was in the wheels.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 2:5 - “As for them, whether they listen or [fn]not—for they are a rebellious house—they will know that a prophet has been among them.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 3:7 - yet the house of Israel will not be willing to listen to you, since they are not willing to listen to Me. The entire house of Israel certainly is [fn]stubborn and obstinate.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 3:20 - “Again, when a righteous person turns away from his righteousness and commits sin, and I place an obstacle before him, he will die; since you have not warned him, he shall die in his sin, and his righteous deeds which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require from your hand.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 3:21 - “However, if you have warned [fn]the righteous person that the righteous is not to sin, and he does not sin, he shall certainly live because he took warning; and you have saved yourself.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 6:7 - “The slain will fall among you, and you will know that I am the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 6:14 - “So through all their dwelling places I will stretch out My hand against them and make the land more desolate and waste than the wilderness toward Diblah; so they will know that I am the LORD.”'”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 7:27 - ‘The king will mourn, the prince will be clothed in horror, and the hands of the people of the land will [fn]tremble. I will deal with them because of their conduct, and by their judgments I will judge them. And they will know that I am the LORD.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 9:9 -

Then He said to me, “The guilt of the house of Israel and Judah is very, very great, and the land is filled with blood, and the city is full of perversion; for they say, ‘The LORD has abandoned the land, and the LORD does not see!'

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 10:11 - When they moved, they went in any of their four [fn]directions without turning as they went; but they followed in the direction which [fn]they faced, without turning as they went.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 10:20 -

These are the living beings that I saw beneath the God of Israel by the river Chebar; so I knew that they were cherubim.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 11:10 - “You will fall by the sword. I will judge you to the border of Israel; so you shall know that I am the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 11:16 - “Therefore say, ‘This is what the Lord GOD says: “Though I had removed them far away among the nations, and though I had scattered them among the countries, yet I was a sanctuary for them for a little while in the countries where they had gone.”'
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 12:11 - “Say, ‘I am [fn]a sign to you. Just as I have done, so it will be done to them; they will go into exile, into captivity.'
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 12:16 - “But I will [fn]spare a few of them from the sword, the famine, and plague so that they may tell of all their abominations among the nations where they go, and [fn]may know that I am the LORD.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 12:23 - “Therefore say to them, ‘This is what the Lord GOD says: “I will put an end to this proverb so that they will no longer use it as a proverb in Israel.” But tell them, “The days are approaching as well as the [fn]fulfillment of every vision.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 12:24 - “For there will no longer be any [fn]false vision or deceptive divination within the house of Israel.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 12:25 - “For I the LORD will speak whatever word I speak, and it will be performed. It will no longer be delayed, for in your days, you rebellious house, I will speak the word and perform it,” declares the Lord GOD.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 13:23 - therefore you women will no longer see deceitful visions or practice divination, and I will save My people from your hands. So you will know that I am the LORD.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 14:8 - “I will set My face against that person and make him a sign and [fn]a proverb, and I will eliminate him from among My people. So you will know that I am the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 15:5 - “Behold, while it is intact, it is not made into [fn]anything. How much less, when the fire has consumed it and it is charred, can it still be made into [fn]anything!
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 15:7 - and I set My face against them. Though they have come out of the fire, yet the fire will consume them. Then you will know that I am the LORD, when I set My face against them.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 16:62 - “So I will establish My covenant with you, and you shall know that I am the LORD,
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 18:4 - “Behold, all [fn]souls are Mine; the [fn]soul of the father as well as the [fn]soul of the son is Mine. The [fn]soul who sins will die.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 18:19 -

“Yet you say, ‘Why should the son not suffer the punishment for the father's guilt?' When the son has practiced justice and righteousness and has kept all My statutes and done them, he shall certainly live.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 19:5 -

‘When she saw, as she waited,

That her hope was lost,

She took [fn]another of her cubs

And made him a young lion.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 20:29 - “Then I said to them, ‘What is the high place to which you go?' So its name is called [fn]Bamah to this day.”'
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 20:48 - “And all [fn]mankind will see that I, the LORD, have kindled it; it will not go out.”'”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 21:12 - “Cry out and wail, son of man; for it is against My people, it is against all the officials of Israel. They are turned over to the sword with My people, therefore [fn]slap your thigh.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 21:13 - “For there is a testing; and what if even the [fn]rod which despises will cease to be?” declares the Lord GOD.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 23:8 - “She did not abandon her obscene practices from the time in Egypt; for in her youth [fn]men had slept with her, and they handled her virgin breasts and poured out their obscene practice on her.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 23:13 - “And I saw that she had defiled herself; they both took [fn]the same way.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 23:37 - “For they have committed adultery, and blood is on their hands. So they have committed adultery with their idols, and even made their sons, whom they bore to Me, pass through the fire to [fn]them as food.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 23:39 - “For when they slaughtered their children for their idols, they entered My sanctuary on the same day to profane it; and behold, this is what they did within My house.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 23:40 -

“Furthermore, [fn]they have even sent for men who come from a great distance, to whom a messenger was sent; and behold, they came—for whom you bathed, put makeup on your eyes, and adorned yourselves with jewelry;

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 23:45 - “But they, righteous people, will judge them with the judgment of adulteresses and with the judgment of women who shed blood, because they are adulteresses and blood is on their hands.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 24:7 -

“For her blood is in her midst;

She placed it on the bare rock;

She did not pour it on the ground

To cover it with dust.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 25:3 - and say to the sons of Ammon, ‘Hear the word of the Lord [fn]GOD! This is what the Lord GOD says: “Because you said, ‘Aha!' against My sanctuary when it was profaned, and against the land of Israel when it was made desolate, and against the house of Judah when they went into exile,
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 26:5 - ‘She will become a dry place for the spreading of nets in the midst of the sea, for I have spoken,' declares the Lord GOD; ‘and she will become plunder for the nations.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 26:6 - ‘Also her daughters who are [fn]on the mainland will be killed by the sword, and they will know that I am the LORD.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 26:7 -

For the Lord GOD says this: “Behold, I am going to bring upon Tyre from the north Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, king of kings, with horses, chariots, cavalry, and [fn]a great army.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 26:14 - “I will turn you into a bare rock; you will become a dry place for the spreading of nets. You will not be rebuilt, for I the LORD have spoken,” declares the Lord GOD.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 26:19 -

For this is what the Lord GOD says: “When I make you a desolate city, like the cities which are not inhabited, when I bring up the deep over you and the great waters cover you,

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 28:10 -

‘You will die the death of the uncircumcised

By the hand of strangers,

For I have spoken!' declares the Lord GOD!”'”

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 28:22 - and say, ‘This is what the Lord GOD says:

“Behold, I am against you, Sidon,

And I will appear in My glory in your midst.

Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I execute judgments against her,

And I will reveal Myself as holy in her.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 28:24 -

“And there will no longer be for the house of Israel a painful thorn or a hurtful thorn bush from any surrounding them who despised them; then they will know that I am the Lord GOD.”

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 28:26 - “They will live on it securely; and they will build houses, plant vineyards, and live securely when I execute judgments upon all around them who despise them. Then they will know that I am the LORD their God.”'”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 29:6 -

“Then all the inhabitants of Egypt will know that I am the LORD,

Because they have been only a staff made of reed to the house of Israel.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 29:9 - “The land of Egypt will become a desolation and place of ruins. Then they will know that I am the LORD.

“Because [fn]you said, ‘The Nile is mine, and I have made it,'

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 29:16 - “And it will no longer be a kingdom on which the house of Israel relies, [fn]bringing to mind the guilt of their having turned [fn]to Egypt. Then they will know that I am the Lord GOD.”'”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 29:21 -

“On that day I will make a horn sprout for the house of Israel, and I will [fn]open your mouth among them. Then they will know that I am the LORD.”

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 30:3 -

“For the day is near,

Indeed, the day of the LORD is near;

It will be a day of clouds,

A time of doom for the nations.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 30:8 -

“And they will know that I am the LORD,

When I set a fire in Egypt

And all her helpers are broken.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 30:9 -

“On that day messengers will go out from Me in ships to frighten carefree [fn]Cush; and trembling will come on them as on the day of Egypt; for behold, it is coming!”

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 30:13 -

‘This is what the Lord GOD says:

“I will also destroy the idols

And make the [fn]images cease from [fn]Memphis.

And there will no longer be a prince in the land of Egypt;

And I will put fear in the land of Egypt.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 30:19 -

“So I will execute judgments on Egypt,

And they will know that I am the LORD.”'”

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 30:25 - ‘So I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon, but the arms of Pharaoh will fail. Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I put My sword into the hand of the king of Babylon and he reaches out with it against the land of Egypt.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 30:26 - ‘When I scatter the Egyptians among the nations and disperse them among the lands, then they will know that I am the LORD.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 31:7 -

‘So it was beautiful in its greatness, in the length of its branches;

For its [fn]roots extended to many waters.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 32:11 -

For the Lord GOD says this: “The sword of the king of Babylon will [fn]attack you.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 32:15 -

“When I make the land of Egypt a desolation,

And the land is destitute of that which filled it,

When I strike all those who live in it,

Then they shall know that I am the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 32:27 - “Nor do they lie beside the fallen [fn]heroes of the uncircumcised, who went down to Sheol with their weapons of war and whose swords were placed under their heads; but the punishment for their wrongdoing rested on their bones, though the terror of these [fn]heroes was once in the land of the living.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 32:32 - “Though I inflicted the terror of him on the land of the living, yet he will be laid to rest among the uncircumcised along with those killed by the sword, Pharaoh and all his hordes,” declares the Lord GOD.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 33:5 - ‘He heard the sound of the horn but did not take warning; his blood will be on himself. But had he taken warning, he would have saved his life.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 33:16 - “None of his sins that he has committed will be remembered against him. He has practiced justice and righteousness; he shall certainly live.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 33:29 - “Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I make the land a desolation and a waste because of all their abominations which they have committed.”'
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 33:31 - “And they come to you as people come, and sit before you as My people and hear your words, but they do not do them; for they do the lustful desires expressed by their mouth, and their heart follows their unlawful gain.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 33:33 - “So when it comes[fn]as it certainly will—then they will know that a prophet has been among them.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 34:15 - “I Myself will feed My flock and I Myself will [fn]lead them to rest,” declares the Lord GOD.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 34:18 - ‘Is it too little a thing for you to feed in the good pasture, that you must trample with your feet the rest of your pastures? Or too little for you to drink the clear waters, that you must muddy the rest with your feet?
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 34:27 - “Also the tree of the field will yield its fruit and the earth will yield its produce, and they will be secure on their land. Then they will know that I am the LORD, when I have broken the bars of their yoke and have saved them from the hand of those who enslaved them.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 34:30 - “Then they will know that I, the LORD their God, am with them, and that they, the house of Israel, are My people,” declares the Lord GOD.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 35:4 -

“I will turn your cities to ruins,

And you will become a desolation.

Then you will know that I am the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 35:9 - “I will make you a permanent desolation, and your cities will not be inhabited. Then you will know that I am the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 35:12 - “Then you will know [fn]that I, the LORD, have heard all your insults which you have spoken against the mountains of Israel saying, ‘They are desolate; they have been given to us as food.'
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 35:15 - “As you rejoiced over the inheritance of the house of Israel because it was desolate, so I will do to you. You will be a desolation, Mount Seir, and all Edom, all of it. Then they will know that I am the LORD.”'
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 36:5 - therefore the Lord GOD says this: “Certainly in the fire of My jealousy I have spoken against the rest of the nations, and against all Edom, who [fn]appropriated My land for themselves as a possession with wholehearted joy and with contempt of soul, in order to make its pastureland plunder.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 36:8 - ‘But as for you, mountains of Israel, you will [fn]grow your branches and bear fruit for My people Israel; for they are about to come.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 36:9 - ‘For, behold, I am for you, and I will turn to you, and you will be cultivated and sown.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 36:11 - ‘I will multiply on you people and animals, and they will increase and be fruitful; and I will populate you as you were previously, and treat you better than at the beginning. Then you will know that I am the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 36:23 - “And I will vindicate the holiness of My great name which has been profaned among the nations, which you have profaned among them. Then the nations will know that I am the LORD,” declares the Lord GOD, “when I show Myself holy among you in their sight.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 36:34 - “The desolated land will be cultivated instead of being a desolation in the sight of everyone who passes by.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 36:36 - “Then the nations around you that are left will know that I, the LORD, have rebuilt the ruined places and planted that which was desolated; I, the LORD, have spoken, and I will do it.”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 36:38 - “Like the flock [fn]for sacrifices, like the flock at Jerusalem during her appointed feasts, so will the waste cities be filled with flocks of people. Then they will know that I am the LORD.”'”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 37:6 - ‘And I will [fn]attach tendons to you, make flesh grow back on you, cover you with skin, and put breath in you so that you may come to life; and you will know that I am the LORD.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 37:13 - “Then you will know that I am the LORD, when I have opened your graves and caused you to come up out of your graves, My people.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 37:14 - “And I will put My [fn]Spirit within you and you will come to life, and I will place you on your own land. Then you will know that I, the LORD, have spoken and done it,” declares the LORD.'”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 37:24 -

“And My servant David will be king over them, and they will all have one shepherd; and they will walk in My ordinances, and keep My statutes and [fn]follow them.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 37:28 - “And the nations will know that I am the LORD who sanctifies Israel, when My sanctuary is in their midst forever.”'”
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 38:23 - “So I will prove Myself great, show Myself holy, and make Myself known in the sight of many nations; and they will know that I am the LORD.”'
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 39:5 - “You will fall on the [fn]open field; for it is I who have spoken,” declares the Lord GOD.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 39:6 - “And I will send fire upon Magog and those who inhabit the coastlands in safety; and they will know that I am the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 39:7 -

“And I will make My holy name known in the midst of My people Israel; and I will not allow My holy name to be profaned anymore. But the nations will know that I am the LORD, the Holy One in Israel.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 39:8 - “Behold, it is coming and it shall be done,” declares the Lord GOD. “That is the day of which I have spoken.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 39:22 - “And the house of Israel will know that I am the LORD their God, from that day onward.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 39:23 - “The nations will know that the house of Israel went into exile for their wrongdoing, because they were disloyal to Me, and I hid My face from them; so I handed them over to their adversaries, and all of them fell by the sword.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 39:28 - “Then they will know that I am the LORD their God because I made them go into exile among the nations, and then I gathered them again to their own land; and I will leave none of them there any longer.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 42:5 - Now the upper chambers were [fn]smaller because the [fn]galleries took more space away from them than from the lower and middle ones in the building.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 42:8 - For the length of the chambers which were in the outer courtyard was fifty cubits; and behold, the length of those facing the main room was a hundred cubits.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 44:2 - And the LORD said to me, “This gate shall be shut; it shall not be opened, and no one shall enter by it, for the LORD God of Israel has entered by it; therefore it shall be shut.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 44:28 -

“And it shall be regarding an inheritance for them, that I am their inheritance; and you shall give them no property in Israel—I am their property.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 45:14 - and the prescribed portion of oil (namely, the bath of oil), a tenth of a bath from each kor (which is ten baths or a homer, for ten baths are a homer);
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 47:1 -

Then he brought me back to the door of the house; and behold, water was flowing from under the threshold of the house toward the east, for the house faced east. And the water was flowing down from under, from the right side of the house, from south of the altar.

Unchecked Copy BoxEze 47:5 - Again he measured a thousand; and it was a river that I could not [fn]wade across, because the water had risen, enough water to swim in, a river that could not be crossed by wading.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 47:9 - “And it will come about that every living creature which swarms in every place where the [fn]river goes, will live. And there will be very many fish, for these waters go there and the others [fn]become fresh; so everything will live where the river goes.
Unchecked Copy BoxEze 48:14 - “Moreover, they shall not sell or exchange any of it, or allow this [fn]choice portion of land to pass to others; for it is holy to the LORD.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 2:8 - The king replied, “I know for certain that you are trying to buy time, because you have perceived that the command [fn]from me is firm,
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 2:9 - that if you do not make the dream known to me, there is only one [fn]decree for you. For you have agreed together to speak lying and corrupt [fn]words before me until the [fn]situation is changed; therefore tell me the dream, so that I may know that you can declare to me its interpretation.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 2:11 - “Moreover, the thing which the king demands is difficult, and there is no one else who could declare it [fn]to the king except gods, whose dwelling place is not with mortal flesh.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 2:20 - Daniel said,

“May the name of God be blessed forever and ever,

For wisdom and power belong to Him.

Unchecked Copy BoxDan 2:23 -

“To You, God of my fathers, I give thanks and praise,

For You have given me wisdom and power;

Even now You have made known to me what we requested of You,

For You have made known to us the king's matter.”

Unchecked Copy BoxDan 2:41 - “And in that you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter's clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom; but it will have within it some of the toughness of iron, since you saw the iron mixed with [fn]common clay.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 2:43 - “In that you saw the iron mixed with [fn]common clay, they will combine with one another [fn]in [fn]their descendants; but they will not adhere to one another, just as iron does not combine with pottery.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 2:45 - “Just as you saw that a stone was broken off from the mountain without hands, and that it crushed the iron, the bronze, the clay, the silver, and the gold, the great God has made known to the king what will take place [fn]in the future; so the dream is certain and its interpretation is trustworthy.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 2:47 - The king responded to Daniel and said, “Your God truly is a God of gods and a Lord of kings and a revealer of secrets, since you have been able to reveal this secret.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 3:18 - “But even if He does not, let it be known to you, O king, that we are not going to serve your gods nor worship the golden statue that you have set up.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 3:27 - The satraps, the prefects, the governors, and the king's counselors gathered together and saw that the fire had no [fn]effect on [fn]the bodies of these men, nor was the hair of their heads singed, nor were their [fn]trousers [fn]damaged, nor had even the smell of fire touched them.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 3:28 -

Nebuchadnezzar responded and said, “Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, who has sent His angel and rescued His servants who put their trust in Him, [fn]violating the king's command, and surrendered their bodies rather than serve or worship any god except their own God.

Unchecked Copy BoxDan 4:9 - ‘Belteshazzar, chief of the soothsayer priests, since I know that a spirit of the holy gods is in you and no secret baffles you, tell me the visions of my dream which I have seen, along with its interpretation.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 4:17 -

“This sentence is by the decree of the angelic watchers,

And the decision is a command of the holy ones,

In order that the living may know

That the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind,

And He grants it to whomever He wishes

And sets over it the lowliest of people.”

Unchecked Copy BoxDan 4:18 -

‘This is the dream that I, King Nebuchadnezzar, have seen. Now you, Belteshazzar, tell me its interpretation, since none of the wise men of my kingdom is able to make known to me the interpretation; but you are able, because a spirit of the holy gods is in you.'

Unchecked Copy BoxDan 4:22 - it is you, O king; for you have become great and grown strong, and your [fn]majesty has become great and reached to the sky, and your dominion to the end of the earth.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 4:23 - ‘And in that the king saw an angelic watcher, a holy one, descending from heaven and saying, “Chop down the tree and destroy it; yet leave the stump [fn]with its roots in the ground, but with a band of iron and bronze around it in the new grass of the field, let him be drenched with the dew of heaven, and let [fn]him share with the animals of the field until seven [fn]periods of time pass over him,”
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 4:25 - that you be driven away from mankind and your dwelling place be with the animals of the field, and you be given grass to eat like cattle and be drenched with the dew of heaven; and seven [fn]periods of time will pass over you, until you recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whomever He wishes.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 4:26 - ‘And in that it was commanded to leave the stump [fn]with the roots of the tree, your kingdom will [fn]remain as yours after you recognize that it is Heaven that rules.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 4:32 - and you will be driven away from mankind, and your dwelling place will be with the animals of the field. You will be given grass to eat like cattle, and seven [fn]periods of time will pass over you until you recognize that the Most High is ruler over the realm of mankind and bestows it on whomever He wishes.'
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 4:34 -

“But at the end of [fn]that period, I, Nebuchadnezzar, raised my eyes toward heaven and my [fn]reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever;

For His dominion is an everlasting dominion,

And His kingdom endures from generation to generation.

Unchecked Copy BoxDan 4:37 - “Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise, exalt, and honor the King of heaven, for all His works are [fn]true and His ways [fn]just; and He is able to humble those who walk in pride.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 5:12 - This was because an extraordinary spirit, knowledge and insight, interpretation of dreams, explanation of riddles, and solving of difficult problems were found in this Daniel, whom the king named Belteshazzar. Let Daniel now be summoned and he will declare the interpretation.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 5:14 - “Now I have heard about you that [fn]a spirit of the gods is in you, and that illumination, insight, and extraordinary wisdom have been found in you.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 5:16 - “But I personally have heard about you, that you are able to give interpretations and solve difficult problems. Now if you are able to read the inscription and make its interpretation known to me, you will be clothed with purple and wear a necklace of gold around your neck, and you will have authority as the third ruler in the kingdom.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 5:21 - “He was also driven away from [fn]mankind, and his heart was made like that of animals, and his dwelling place was with the wild donkeys. He was given grass to eat like cattle, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven, until he recognized that the Most High God is ruler over the realm of mankind, and that He sets over it whomever He wishes.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 6:3 - Then this Daniel began distinguishing himself [fn]among the commissioners and satraps because [fn]he possessed an extraordinary spirit, and the king intended to appoint him over the entire kingdom.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 6:4 - Then the commissioners and satraps began trying to find a ground of accusation against Daniel regarding [fn]government affairs; but they could find no ground of accusation or evidence of corruption, because he was trustworthy, and no negligence or corruption was to be found in him.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 6:10 -

Now when Daniel learned that the document was signed, he entered his house (and in his roof chamber he had windows open toward Jerusalem); and he continued kneeling on his knees three times a day, praying and offering praise before his God, just as he had been doing previously.

Unchecked Copy BoxDan 6:15 - Then these men came [fn]by agreement to the king and said to the king, “Recognize, O king, that it is a law of the Medes and Persians that no injunction or statute which the king establishes may be changed.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 6:22 - “My God sent His angel and shut the lions' mouths, and they have not harmed me, since [fn]I was found innocent before Him; and also [fn]toward you, O king, I have committed no crime.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 6:23 - Then the king was very glad and gave orders for Daniel to be lifted up out of the den. So Daniel was lifted up out of the den, and no injury whatever was found on him, because he had trusted in his God.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 6:26 - [fn]I issue a decree that in all the realm of my kingdom people are to tremble and fear before the God of Daniel;

For He is the living God and enduring forever,

And His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed,

And His dominion will be [fn]forever.

Unchecked Copy BoxDan 7:19 -

“Then I desired to know the [fn]exact meaning of the fourth beast, which was different from all [fn]the others, exceedingly dreadful, with its teeth of iron and its claws of bronze, and which devoured, crushed, and trampled down the remainder with its feet,

Unchecked Copy BoxDan 8:26 -

“And the vision of the evenings and mornings

Which has been told is true;

But as for you, keep the vision secret,

Because it pertains to many days in the future.

Unchecked Copy BoxDan 9:9 - “To the Lord our God belong compassion and forgiveness, [fn]because we have rebelled against Him;
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 9:11 - “Indeed, all Israel has violated Your Law and turned aside, not obeying Your voice; so the curse has gushed forth on us, along with the oath which is written in the Law of Moses the servant of God, because we have sinned against Him.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 9:14 - “So the LORD has [fn]kept the disaster in store and brought it on us; for the LORD our God is righteous with respect to all His deeds which He has done, but we have not obeyed His voice.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 9:16 - “Lord, in accordance with all Your [fn]righteous acts, let now Your anger and Your wrath turn away from Your city Jerusalem, Your holy mountain; for because of our sins and the wrongdoings of our fathers, Jerusalem and Your people have become an object of taunting to all those around us.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 9:18 - “My God, incline Your ear and hear! Open Your eyes and see our desolations and the city which is called by Your name; for we are not [fn]presenting our pleas before You based on [fn]any merits of our own, but based on Your great compassion.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 9:19 - “Lord, hear! Lord, forgive! Lord, listen and take action! For Your own sake, my God, do not delay, because Your city and Your people are called by Your name.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 9:23 - “At the beginning of your pleas the [fn]command was issued, and I have come to tell you, because you are [fn]highly esteemed; so pay attention to the message and gain understanding of the vision.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 10:11 - And he said to me, “Daniel, [fn]you who are treasured, understand the words that I am about to tell you and stand at your place, for I have now been sent to you.” And when he had spoken this word to me, I stood up trembling.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 10:12 - Then he said to me, “Do not be afraid, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart on understanding this and on humbling yourself before your God, your words were heard, and I have come in response to your words.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 10:14 - “Now I have come to explain to you what will happen to your people in the [fn]latter days, because the vision pertains to the days still future.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 10:19 - And he said, “[fn]You who are treasured, do not be afraid. Peace be to you; take courage and be courageous!” Now as soon as he spoke to me, I felt strengthened and said, “May my lord speak, for you have strengthened me.”
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 11:4 - “But as soon as he has arisen, his kingdom will be broken up and parceled out toward the four [fn]points of the compass, though not to his own descendants, nor according to his authority which he wielded, because his sovereignty will be removed and given to others besides [fn]them.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 11:25 - “And he will stir up his strength and [fn]courage against the king of the South with a large army; so the king of the South will mobilize an extremely large and mighty army for war; but he will not stand, because schemes will be devised against him.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 11:27 - “As for both kings, their hearts will be intent on evil, and they will speak lies to each other at the same table; but it will not succeed, because the end is still to come at the appointed time.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 11:35 - “And some of [fn]those who have insight will fall, to refine, purge, and [fn]cleanse them until the end time; because it is still to come at the appointed time.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 11:37 - “And he will show no regard for the [fn]gods of his fathers or for the [fn]desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will boast against them all.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 12:7 - And I heard the man dressed in linen, who was above the waters of the stream, [fn]as he raised his right hand and his left toward heaven, and swore by Him who lives forever that it would be for a [fn]time, [fn]times, and half a [fn]time; and as soon as [fn]they finish smashing the [fn]power of the holy people, all these events will be completed.
Unchecked Copy BoxDan 12:9 - And he said, “Go your way, Daniel, for these words will be kept secret and sealed up until the end time.
Unchecked Copy BoxHos 1:11 -

And the sons of Judah and the sons of Israel will be gathered together,

And they will appoint for themselves one leader,

And they will go up from the land,

For the day of Jezreel will be great.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 2:2 -

“Dispute with your mother, dispute,

Because she is not my wife, and I am not her husband;

But she must remove her infidelity from her face

And her adultery from between her breasts,

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 2:4 -

“Also, I will take no pity on her children,

Because they are children of infidelity.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 2:5 -

“For their mother has committed prostitution;

She who conceived them has acted shamefully.

For she said, ‘I will go after my lovers,

Who give me my bread and my water,

My wool and my flax, my oil and my drink.'

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 2:7 -

“And she will pursue her lovers, but she will not reach them;

And she will seek them, but will not find them.

Then she will say, ‘I will go back to my first husband,

Because it was better for me then than now!'

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 2:8 -

“Yet she does not know that it was I myself who gave her the grain, the new wine, and the oil,

And lavished on her silver and gold,

Which they [fn]used for Baal.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 4:6 -

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

Since you have rejected knowledge,

I also will reject you from being My priest.

Since you have forgotten the Law of your God,

I also will forget your children.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 4:13 -

They offer sacrifices on the tops of the mountains

And [fn]burn incense on the hills,

Under oak, poplar, and terebinth,

Because their shade is pleasant.

Therefore your daughters play the prostitute,

And your [fn]brides commit adultery.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 4:16 -

Since Israel is stubborn

Like a stubborn cow,

[fn]Will the LORD now pasture them

Like a lamb in a large field?

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 5:1 -

Hear this, you priests!

Pay attention, house of Israel!

Listen, you of the house of the king!

For the judgment applies to you,

Because you have been a trap at Mizpah,

And a net spread out on Tabor.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 5:4 -

Their deeds will not allow them

To return to their God.

For a spirit of [fn]infidelity is within them,

And they do not know the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 5:6 -

They will go with their flocks and herds

To seek the LORD, but they will not find Him;

He has withdrawn from them.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 5:7 -

They have dealt treacherously with the LORD,

For they have given birth to [fn]illegitimate children.

Now the new moon will devour them with their [fn]land.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 5:11 -

Ephraim is oppressed, broken by judgment,

Because he was determined to follow [fn]man's command.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 6:1 -

“Come, let's return to the LORD.

For He has torn us, but He will heal us;

He has [fn]wounded us, but He will bandage us.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 6:9 -

And as a band of robbers lie in wait for a person,

So a band of priests murder on the way to Shechem;

Certainly they have committed an act of infamy.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 7:1 -

When I would heal Israel,

The wrongdoing of Ephraim is uncovered,

And the evil deeds of Samaria,

For they practice deception;

The thief enters,

A band of robbers attack outside,

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 7:13 -

Woe to them, for they have strayed from Me!

Destruction is theirs, for they have rebelled against Me!

I would redeem them, but they have spoken lies against Me.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 8:3 -

Israel has rejected the good;

The enemy will pursue him.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 8:7 -

For they sow wind

And they harvest a storm.

The standing grain has no [fn]kernels;

It yields no [fn]grain.

If it were to yield, strangers would swallow it.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 8:9 -

For they have gone up to Assyria,

Like a wild donkey all alone;

Ephraim has paid fees for [fn]lovers.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 8:11 -

Since Ephraim has multiplied altars for sin,

They have become altars of sinning for him.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 9:15 -

All their evil is at Gilgal;

Indeed, I came to hate them there!

Because of the wickedness of their deeds

I will drive them out of My house!

I will no longer love them;

All their leaders are rebels.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 9:17 -

My God will reject them

Because they have not listened to Him;

And they will be wanderers among the nations.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 10:3 -

Certainly now they will say, “We have no king,

For we do not revere the LORD.

As for the king, what can he do for us?”

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 10:5 -

The inhabitants of Samaria will fear

For the [fn]calf of Beth-aven.

Indeed, its people will mourn for it,

And its idolatrous priests [fn]will cry out over it,

Over its glory, since it has left it.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 10:13 -

You have plowed wickedness, you have harvested injustice,

You have eaten the fruit of lies.

Because you have trusted in your way, in your many warriors,

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 11:3 -

Yet it is I who taught Ephraim to walk,

[fn]I took them in My arms;

But they did not know that I healed them.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 11:5 -

[fn]They will not return to the land of Egypt;

But Assyria—he will be [fn]their king

Because they refused to return to Me.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 11:10 -

They will walk after the LORD,

He will roar like a lion;

Indeed He will roar,

And His sons will come trembling from the west.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 13:16 -

[fn]Samaria will pay the penalty for her guilt,

Because she has rebelled against her God.

They will fall by the sword,

Their children will be [fn]slaughtered,

And their pregnant women will be ripped open.

Unchecked Copy BoxHos 14:4 -

I will heal their apostasy,

I will love them freely,

Because My anger has turned away from them.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 1:5 -

Awake, you heavy drinkers, and weep;

And wail, all you wine drinkers,

Because of the sweet wine,

For it has been eliminated from your mouth.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 1:6 -

For a nation has [fn]invaded my land,

Mighty and without number;

Its teeth are the teeth of a lion,

And it has the jaws of a lioness.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 1:10 -

The field is ruined,

The land mourns;

For the grain is ruined,

The new wine has dried up,

Fresh oil has [fn]failed.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 1:11 -

Be ashamed, you farm workers,

Wail, you vinedressers,

For the wheat and the barley;

Because the harvest of the field is destroyed.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 1:12 -

The vine has dried up

And the fig tree has withered;

The pomegranate, the palm also, and the apple tree,

All the trees of the field have dried up.

Indeed, joy has dried up

From the sons of mankind.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 1:13 -

Put on sackcloth

And mourn, you priests;

Wail, you ministers of the altar!

Come, spend the night in sackcloth,

You ministers of my God,

For the grain offering and the drink offering

Have been withheld from the house of your God.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 1:15 -

Woe for the day!

For the day of the LORD is near,

And it will come as destruction from the [fn]Almighty.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 1:17 -

The [fn]seeds have dried up under their shovels;

The storehouses have become desolate,

The grain silos are ruined,

Because the grain has dried up.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 1:18 -

How the animals have groaned!

The herds of cattle have wandered aimlessly

Because there is no pasture for them;

Even the flocks of sheep have [fn]suffered.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 1:19 -

To You, LORD, I cry out;

For fire has devoured the pastures of the wilderness,

And the flame has burned up all the trees of the field.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 1:20 -

Even the animals of the field [fn]pant for You;

For the stream beds of water are dried up,

And fire has devoured the pastures of the wilderness.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 2:1 -

Blow a trumpet in Zion,

And sound an alarm on My holy mountain!

Let all the inhabitants of the land tremble,

For the day of the LORD is coming;

Indeed, it is near,

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 2:11 -

The LORD utters His voice before His army;

His camp is indeed very great,

For mighty is one who carries out His word.

The day of the LORD is indeed great and very awesome,

And who can endure it?

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 2:13 -

And tear your heart and not merely your garments.”

Now return to the LORD your God,

For He is gracious and compassionate,

Slow to anger, abounding in mercy

And relenting of catastrophe.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 2:20 -

“But I will remove the northern army far from you,

And I will drive it into a dry and desolate land,

Its advance guard into the eastern sea,

And its rear guard into the western sea.

And its stench will ascend and its odor of decay will come up,

Because it has done great things.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 2:21 -

Do not fear, land; shout for joy and rejoice,

For the LORD has done great things.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 2:22 -

Do not fear, animals of the field,

For the pastures of the wilderness have turned green,

For the tree has produced its fruit,

The fig tree and the vine have yielded [fn]in full.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 2:27 -

“So you will know that I am in the midst of Israel,

And that I am the LORD your God

And there is no other;

And My people will never be put to shame.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 2:32 -

“And it will come about that everyone who calls on the name of the LORD

Will [fn]be saved;

For on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem

There will be those who escape,

Just as the LORD has said,

Even among the survivors whom the LORD calls.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 3:8 - “I will also sell your sons and your daughters into the hand of the sons of Judah, and they will sell them to the Sabeans, to a distant nation,” for the LORD has spoken.
Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 3:10 -

Beat your plowshares into swords,

And your pruning hooks into spears;

Let the weak man say, “I am a warrior.”

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 3:13 -

Put in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe.

Come, tread the grapes, for the wine press is full;

The vats overflow, for their wickedness is great.

Unchecked Copy BoxJoe 3:14 -

Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of [fn]decision!

For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of [fn]decision.

Unchecked Copy BoxAmo 4:5 -

[fn]Offer a thanksgiving offering also from that which is leavened,

And proclaim [fn]voluntary offerings, make them known.

For so you love to do, you sons of Israel,”

Declares the Lord GOD.

Unchecked Copy BoxAmo 4:12 -

“Therefore so I will do to you, Israel;

Because I will do this to you,

Prepare to meet your God, Israel.”

Unchecked Copy BoxAmo 5:5 -

“But do not [fn]resort to Bethel

And do not come to Gilgal,

Nor cross over to Beersheba;

For Gilgal will certainly go into captivity

And Bethel will [fn]come to nothing.

Unchecked Copy BoxAmo 5:12 -

For I know your offenses are many and your sins are great,

You who are hostile to the righteous and accept bribes,

And [fn]turn away the poor from justice at the [fn]gate.

Unchecked Copy BoxAmo 5:13 -

Therefore at [fn]such a time the prudent person keeps quiet, because it is an evil time.

Unchecked Copy BoxAmo 6:8 -

The Lord [fn]GOD has sworn by Himself, the LORD God of armies has declared:

“I loathe the arrogance of Jacob,

And [fn]detest his citadels;

Therefore I will give up the city and [fn]all it contains.”

Unchecked Copy BoxAmo 6:12 -

Do horses run on rocks?

Or does one [fn]plow them with oxen?

Yet you have turned justice into poison,

And the fruit of righteousness into [fn]wormwood,

Unchecked Copy BoxAmo 7:2 - And it came about, [fn]when it had finished eating the vegetation of the land, that I said,

“Lord GOD, please pardon!

How can Jacob stand?

For he is small.”

Unchecked Copy BoxAmo 7:5 - Then I said,

“Lord GOD, please stop!

How can Jacob stand?

For he is small.”

Unchecked Copy BoxAmo 7:13 - “But do not prophesy at Bethel any longer, for it is a sanctuary of the king and a royal [fn]residence.”
Unchecked Copy BoxAmo 9:8 -

“Behold, the eyes of the Lord GOD are on the sinful kingdom,

And I will eliminate it from the face of the earth;

Nevertheless, I will not totally eliminate the house of Jacob,”

Declares the LORD.

Unchecked Copy BoxJon 1:2 - “Arise, go to Nineveh, the great city, and cry out against it, because their wickedness has come up before Me.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJon 1:10 -

Then the men became extremely afraid, and they said to him, “[fn]How could you do this?” For the men knew that he was fleeing from the presence of the LORD, because he had told them.

Unchecked Copy BoxJon 1:11 - So they said to him, “What should we do to you so that the sea will become calm [fn]for us?”—for the sea was becoming increasingly stormy.
Unchecked Copy BoxJon 1:12 - And he said to them, “Pick me up and hurl me into the sea. Then the sea will become calm [fn]for you, because I know that on account of me this great storm has come upon you.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJon 1:13 - However, the men [fn]rowed desperately to return to land, but they could not, because the sea was becoming even stormier against them.
Unchecked Copy BoxJon 1:14 - Then they cried out to the LORD and said, “We earnestly pray, O LORD, do not let us perish on account of this man's life, and do not put innocent blood on us; for You, LORD, have done as You pleased.”
Unchecked Copy BoxJon 3:10 -

When God saw their deeds, that they turned from their evil way, then God relented of the disaster which He had declared He would [fn]bring on them. So He did not do it.

Unchecked Copy BoxJon 4:2 - Then he prayed to the LORD and said, “Please LORD, was this not [fn]what I said when I was still in my own country? Therefore in anticipation of this I fled to Tarshish, since I knew that You are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abundant in mercy, and One who relents of disaster.
Unchecked Copy BoxJon 4:3 - “So now, LORD, please take my [fn]life from me, for death is better to me than life.”
Unchecked Copy BoxMic 1:9 -

For her wound is incurable,

For it has come to Judah;

It has reached the gate of my people,

Even to Jerusalem.

Unchecked Copy BoxMic 1:12 -

For the inhabitant of [fn]Maroth

[fn]Waits for something good,

Because a disaster has come down from the LORD

To the gate of Jerusalem.

Unchecked Copy BoxMic 1:13 -

Harness the chariot to the team of horses,

You inhabitant of Lachish

She was the beginning of sin

To the daughter of Zion

Because in you were found

The rebellious acts of Israel.

Unchecked Copy BoxMic 1:16 -

Shave yourself bald, yes, cut off your hair,

Because of the children of your delight;

Extend your baldness like the eagle,

For they will go from you into exile.

Unchecked Copy BoxMic 2:3 -

Therefore this is what the LORD says:

“Behold, I am planning against this family a catastrophe

From which you cannot remove your necks;

And you will not walk haughtily,

For it will be an evil time.

Unchecked Copy BoxMic 2:10 -

“Arise and go,

For this is no place of rest

Because of the uncleanness that brings on destruction,

A painful destruction.

Unchecked Copy BoxMic 4:2 -

Many nations will come and say,

“Come and let's go up to the mountain of the LORD

And to the house of the God of Jacob,

So that He may teach us about His ways,

And that we may walk in His paths.”

For from Zion will go forth the law,

And the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.

Unchecked Copy BoxMic 4:5 -

Though all the peoples walk,

Each in the name of his god,

As for us, we will walk

In the name of the LORD our God forever and ever.

Unchecked Copy BoxMic 4:9 -

“Now, why do you cry out loudly?

Is there no king among you,

Or has your counselor perished,

That agony has gripped you like a woman in childbirth?

Unchecked Copy BoxMic 4:12 -

“But they do not know the thoughts of the LORD,

And they do not understand His plan;

For He has gathered them like sheaves to the threshing floor.

Unchecked Copy BoxMic 4:13 -

“Arise and thresh, daughter of Zion,

For I will make your horn iron,

And I will make your hoofs bronze,

So that you may pulverize many peoples,

And dedicate to the LORD their unjust profit,

And their wealth to the Lord of all the earth.

Unchecked Copy BoxMic 6:2 -

“Listen, you mountains, to the indictment by the LORD,

And you enduring foundations of the earth,

Because the LORD has a case against His people;

And He will dispute with Israel.

Unchecked Copy BoxMic 7:1 -

Woe to me! For I am

Like harvests of summer fruit, like gleanings of grapes.

There is not a cluster of grapes left to eat,

Nor an early fig, which [fn]I crave.

Unchecked Copy BoxMic 7:2 -

The [fn]godly person has perished from the land,

And there is no upright person among mankind.

All of them lie in wait for bloodshed;

Each of them hunts the other with a net.

Unchecked Copy BoxMic 7:8 -

Do not rejoice over me, enemy of mine.

Though I fall I will rise;

Though I live in darkness, the LORD is a light for me.

Unchecked Copy BoxMic 7:9 -

I will endure the rage of the LORD

Because I have sinned against Him,

Until He pleads my case and executes justice for me.

He will bring me out to the light,

And I will look at His [fn]righteousness.

Unchecked Copy BoxMic 7:18 -

Who is a God like You, who pardons wrongdoing

And passes over a rebellious act of the remnant of His [fn]possession?

He does not retain His anger forever,

Because He delights in mercy.

Unchecked Copy BoxNah 1:10 -

Like tangled thorns,

And like those who are drunken with their drink,

They are consumed

Like stubble completely dried up.

Unchecked Copy BoxNah 1:14 -

The LORD has issued a command concerning [fn]you:

[fn]Your name will no longer be perpetuated.

I will eliminate the carved image and the cast metal image

From the house of your gods.

I will prepare your grave,

For you are contemptible.”

Unchecked Copy BoxHab 1:4 -

Therefore the Law [fn]is ignored,

And justice [fn]is never upheld.

For the wicked surround the righteous;

Therefore justice comes out confused.

Unchecked Copy BoxHab 1:16 -

Therefore they offer a sacrifice to their net

And [fn]burn incense to their fishing net,

Because through these things their [fn]catch is [fn]large,

And their food is [fn]plentiful.

Unchecked Copy BoxHab 2:3 -

“For the vision is yet for the appointed time;

It [fn]hurries toward the goal and it will not [fn]fail.

Though it delays, wait for it;

For it will certainly come, it will not delay long.

Unchecked Copy BoxHab 2:7 -

“Will [fn]your creditors not rise up suddenly,

And those who [fn]collect from you awaken?

Indeed, you will become plunder for them.

Unchecked Copy BoxHab 2:14 -

“For the earth will be filled

With the knowledge of the glory of the LORD,

As the waters cover the sea.

Unchecked Copy BoxHab 2:18 -

“What benefit is a carved image when its maker has carved it,

Or a cast metal image, a teacher of falsehood?

For its maker trusts in his own handiwork

When he fashions speechless idols.

Unchecked Copy BoxHab 3:8 -

Did the LORD rage against the rivers,

Or was Your anger against the rivers,

Or was Your rage against the sea,

That You rode on Your horses,

On Your chariots of salvation?

Unchecked Copy BoxZep 1:7 -

[fn]Be silent before the Lord [fn]GOD!

For the day of the LORD is near,

Because the LORD has prepared a sacrifice,

He has consecrated His guests.

Unchecked Copy BoxZep 1:11 -

“Wail, you inhabitants of the [fn]Mortar,

Because all the [fn]people of Canaan will be destroyed;

All who weigh out silver will be eliminated.

Unchecked Copy BoxZep 1:14 -

The great day of the LORD is near,

Near and coming very quickly;

Listen, the day of the LORD!

[fn]In it the warrior cries out bitterly.

Unchecked Copy BoxZep 1:17 -

I will bring distress on mankind

So that they will walk like those who are blind,

Because they have sinned against the LORD;

And their blood will be poured out like dust,

And their flesh like dung.

Unchecked Copy BoxZep 2:7 -

And the coast will be

For the remnant of the house of Judah,

They will drive sheep to pasture on it.

In the houses of Ashkelon they will lie down at evening;

For the LORD their God will care for them

And restore their fortunes.

Unchecked Copy BoxZep 3:9 -

“For then I will [fn]restore to the peoples pure lips,

So that all of them may call on the name of the LORD,

To serve Him [fn]shoulder to shoulder.

Unchecked Copy BoxZep 3:11 -

“On that day you will feel no shame

Because of all your deeds

By which you have rebelled against Me;

For then I will remove from your midst

Your proud, arrogant ones,

And you will never again be haughty

On My holy mountain.

Unchecked Copy BoxZec 2:11 - “And many nations will join themselves to the LORD on that day and will become My people. Then I will dwell in your midst, and you will know that the LORD of armies has sent Me to you.
Unchecked Copy BoxZec 8:23 - “The LORD of armies says this: ‘In those days ten people from all the [fn]nations will [fn]grasp the [fn]garment of a Jew, saying, “Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you.”'”
Unchecked Copy BoxZec 9:5 -

Ashkelon will see it and be afraid.

Gaza too will writhe in great pain;

Also Ekron, because her hope has been ruined.

Moreover, the king will perish from Gaza,

And Ashkelon will not be inhabited.

Unchecked Copy BoxZec 9:17 -

For how great will [fn]their loveliness and beauty be!

Grain will make the young men flourish, and new wine, the virgins.

Unchecked Copy BoxZec 10:6 -

“And I will strengthen the house of Judah,

And I will save the house of Joseph,

And I will [fn]bring them back,

Because I have had compassion on them;

And they will be as though I had not rejected them,

For I am the LORD their God and I will answer them.

Unchecked Copy BoxZec 11:2 -

Wail, juniper, because the cedar has fallen,

For the magnificent trees have been destroyed;

Wail, oaks of Bashan,

Because the [fn]impenetrable forest has come down.

Unchecked Copy BoxZec 11:3 -

There is a sound of the shepherds' wail,

For their splendor is ruined;

There is a sound of the young lions' roar,

For the [fn]pride of the Jordan is ruined.

Unchecked Copy BoxZec 13:3 - “And if anyone still prophesies, then his father and mother who gave birth to him will say to him, ‘You shall not live, because you have spoken falsely in the name of the LORD'; and his father and mother who gave birth to him shall pierce him through when he prophesies.
Unchecked Copy BoxZec 13:5 - but he will say, ‘I am not a prophet; I am a cultivator of the ground, because a man [fn]sold me as a slave in my youth.'
Unchecked Copy BoxMal 2:2 - “If you do not listen, and if you do not take it to heart to give honor to My name,” says the LORD of armies, “then I will send the curse upon you and I will curse your blessings; and indeed, I have cursed them already, because you are not taking it to heart.
Unchecked Copy BoxMal 2:7 - “For the lips of a priest should maintain knowledge, and people should seek [fn]instruction from his mouth; for he is the messenger of the LORD of armies.
Unchecked Copy BoxMal 2:10 -

Do we not all have one Father? Is it not one God who has created us? Why do we deal treacherously, each against his brother so as to profane the covenant of our fathers?

Unchecked Copy BoxMal 2:14 - Yet you say, “For what reason?” Because the LORD has been a witness between you and the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously, though she is your marriage companion and your wife by covenant.
Unchecked Copy BoxMal 3:8 -

“Would anyone rob God? Yet you are robbing Me! But you say, ‘How have we robbed You?' In tithes and [fn]offerings.

Unchecked Copy BoxMal 3:14 - “You have said, ‘It is pointless to serve God; and what benefit is it for us that we have done what He required, and that we have walked in mourning before the LORD of armies?
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